blob: 63dbfd416dfa4a2958c74d91642bacfc0f965eda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/containers/id_map.h"
#include "base/containers/unique_ptr_adapters.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/supports_user_data.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_manager.h"
#include "content/browser/bad_message.h"
#include "content/browser/browser_interface_broker_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/can_commit_status.h"
#include "content/browser/feature_observer.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/back_forward_cache_metrics.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/should_swap_browsing_instance.h"
#include "content/browser/net/cross_origin_opener_policy_reporter.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/media/render_frame_audio_input_stream_factory.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/media/render_frame_audio_output_stream_factory.h"
#include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/webui/web_ui_impl.h"
#include "content/common/ax_content_node_data.h"
#include "content/common/ax_content_tree_update.h"
#include "content/common/buildflags.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/dom_automation_controller.mojom.h"
#include "content/common/frame.mojom.h"
#include "content/common/frame_delete_intention.h"
#include "content/common/frame_replication_state.h"
#include "content/common/input/input_injector.mojom-forward.h"
#include "content/common/navigation_params.mojom.h"
#include "content/common/render_accessibility.mojom.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_routing_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/javascript_dialog_manager.h"
#include "content/public/browser/peak_gpu_memory_tracker.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host_observer.h"
#include "content/public/common/javascript_dialog_type.h"
#include "content/public/common/previews_state.h"
#include "content/public/common/transferrable_url_loader.mojom.h"
#include "media/mojo/mojom/interface_factory.mojom-forward.h"
#include "media/mojo/mojom/media_metrics_provider.mojom-forward.h"
#include "media/mojo/services/media_metrics_provider.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_associated_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/data_pipe.h"
#include "net/base/isolation_info.h"
#include "net/base/network_isolation_key.h"
#include "net/cookies/canonical_cookie.h"
#include "net/cookies/cookie_inclusion_status.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
#include "services/device/public/mojom/sensor_provider.mojom.h"
#include "services/device/public/mojom/wake_lock_context.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/content_security_policy/csp_context.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/cross_origin_embedder_policy.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/cross_origin_opener_policy.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/fetch_api.mojom-forward.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/network_context.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/trust_tokens.mojom.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/mojom/interface_provider.mojom.h"
#include "services/viz/public/mojom/hit_test/input_target_client.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/feature_policy/document_policy.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/feature_policy/feature_policy.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/bluetooth/web_bluetooth.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/choosers/file_chooser.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/choosers/popup_menu.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/commit_result/commit_result.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/contacts/contacts_manager.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/devtools_agent.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/inspector_issue.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/favicon/favicon_url.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/blocked_navigation_types.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/find_in_page.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame_owner_element_type.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame_owner_properties.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/navigation_initiator.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/reporting_observer.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/tree_scope_type.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/user_activation_update_types.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/idle/idle_manager.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/image_downloader/image_downloader.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/focus_type.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/input_handler.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/installedapp/installed_app_provider.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/loader/resource_load_info.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/native_file_system/native_file_system_manager.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/notifications/notification_service.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/payments/payment_app.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/permissions/permission.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/portal/portal.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/presentation/presentation.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/screen_enumeration/screen_enumeration.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/scroll/scroll_into_view_params.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/security_context/insecure_request_policy.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/service_worker/service_worker_provider.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/sms/sms_receiver.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/speech/speech_synthesis.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/usb/web_usb_service.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/webaudio/audio_context_manager.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/webauthn/authenticator.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/webauthn/virtual_authenticator.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/websockets/websocket_connector.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/webtransport/quic_transport_connector.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/worker/dedicated_worker_host_factory.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_action_handler.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_event.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_mode.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "services/device/public/mojom/nfc.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/hid/hid.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/serial/serial.mojom.h"
#include "media/mojo/mojom/remoting.mojom-forward.h"
class GURL;
namespace blink {
class AssociatedInterfaceProvider;
class AssociatedInterfaceRegistry;
struct FramePolicy;
struct TransferableMessage;
namespace mojom {
class CacheStorage;
class GeolocationService;
class WebUsbService;
} // namespace mojom
} // namespace blink
namespace gfx {
class Range;
namespace network {
class ResourceRequestBody;
} // namespace network
namespace ui {
class ClipboardFormatType;
namespace content {
class AppCacheNavigationHandle;
class AuthenticatorImpl;
class BackForwardCacheMetrics;
class CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyReporter;
class FrameTree;
class FrameTreeNode;
class GeolocationServiceImpl;
class KeepAliveHandleFactory;
class MediaInterfaceProxy;
class NavigationEntryImpl;
class NavigationRequest;
class PermissionServiceContext;
class Portal;
class PrefetchedSignedExchangeCache;
class PresentationServiceImpl;
class PushMessagingManager;
class RenderFrameHostDelegate;
class RenderFrameHostImpl;
class RenderFrameProxyHost;
class RenderProcessHost;
class RenderViewHostImpl;
class RenderWidgetHostImpl;
class RenderWidgetHostView;
class RenderWidgetHostViewBase;
class ScreenEnumerationImpl;
class SensorProviderProxyImpl;
class SerialService;
class SpeechSynthesisImpl;
class TimeoutMonitor;
class WebAuthRequestSecurityChecker;
class WebBluetoothServiceImpl;
class WebBundleHandle;
class WebBundleHandleTracker;
struct UntrustworthyContextMenuParams;
struct PendingNavigation;
struct RenderFrameHostOrProxy;
struct ResourceTimingInfo;
struct SubresourceLoaderParams;
// True if feature-flags indicate that we should replace crashed RFHs with new
// instances rather than reusing them. See
CONTENT_EXPORT bool ShouldCreateNewHostForCrashedFrame();
// To be called when a RenderFrameHostImpl receives an event.
// Provides the host, the event fired, and which node id the event was for.
typedef base::RepeatingCallback<
void(RenderFrameHostImpl*, ax::mojom::Event, int)>
class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderFrameHostImpl
: public RenderFrameHost,
public base::SupportsUserData,
public mojom::FrameHost,
public mojom::RenderAccessibilityHost,
public mojom::DomAutomationControllerHost,
public BrowserAccessibilityDelegate,
public RenderProcessHostObserver,
public SiteInstanceImpl::Observer,
public service_manager::mojom::InterfaceProvider,
public blink::mojom::LocalFrameHost,
public network::CSPContext,
public blink::mojom::LocalMainFrameHost,
public ui::AXActionHandler,
public network::mojom::CookieAccessObserver {
using AXTreeSnapshotCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const ui::AXTreeUpdate&)>;
using JavaScriptDialogCallback =
// Callback used with IsClipboardPasteAllowed() method.
using ClipboardPasteAllowed = ContentBrowserClient::ClipboardPasteAllowed;
using IsClipboardPasteAllowedCallback =
// An accessibility reset is only allowed to prevent very rare corner cases
// or race conditions where the browser and renderer get out of sync. If
// this happens more than this many times, kill the renderer.
static const int kMaxAccessibilityResets = 5;
static RenderFrameHostImpl* FromID(GlobalFrameRoutingId id);
static RenderFrameHostImpl* FromID(int process_id, int routing_id);
static RenderFrameHostImpl* FromFrameToken(
int process_id,
const base::UnguessableToken& frame_token);
static RenderFrameHostImpl* FromAXTreeID(ui::AXTreeID ax_tree_id);
static RenderFrameHostImpl* FromOverlayRoutingToken(
const base::UnguessableToken& token);
// Clears the all prefetched cached signed exchanges.
static void ClearAllPrefetchedSignedExchangeCache();
~RenderFrameHostImpl() override;
// RenderFrameHost
int GetRoutingID() override;
const base::UnguessableToken& GetFrameToken() override;
ui::AXTreeID GetAXTreeID() override;
SiteInstanceImpl* GetSiteInstance() override;
RenderProcessHost* GetProcess() override;
RenderWidgetHostView* GetView() override;
RenderFrameHostImpl* GetParent() override;
RenderFrameHostImpl* GetMainFrame() override;
std::vector<RenderFrameHost*> GetFramesInSubtree() override;
bool IsDescendantOf(RenderFrameHost*) override;
int GetFrameTreeNodeId() override;
base::UnguessableToken GetDevToolsFrameToken() override;
base::Optional<base::UnguessableToken> GetEmbeddingToken() override;
const std::string& GetFrameName() override;
bool IsFrameDisplayNone() override;
const base::Optional<gfx::Size>& GetFrameSize() override;
size_t GetFrameDepth() override;
bool IsCrossProcessSubframe() override;
const GURL& GetLastCommittedURL() override;
const url::Origin& GetLastCommittedOrigin() override;
const net::NetworkIsolationKey& GetNetworkIsolationKey() override;
const net::IsolationInfo& GetIsolationInfoForSubresources() override;
gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() override;
void AddMessageToConsole(blink::mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel level,
const std::string& message) override;
void AddInspectorIssue(blink::mojom::InspectorIssueInfoPtr info);
void ExecuteJavaScript(const base::string16& javascript,
JavaScriptResultCallback callback) override;
void ExecuteJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld(const base::string16& javascript,
JavaScriptResultCallback callback,
int32_t world_id) override;
void ExecuteJavaScriptForTests(
const base::string16& javascript,
JavaScriptResultCallback callback,
int32_t world_id = ISOLATED_WORLD_ID_GLOBAL) override;
void ExecuteJavaScriptWithUserGestureForTests(
const base::string16& javascript,
int32_t world_id = ISOLATED_WORLD_ID_GLOBAL) override;
void ActivateFindInPageResultForAccessibility(int request_id) override;
void InsertVisualStateCallback(VisualStateCallback callback) override;
void CopyImageAt(int x, int y) override;
void SaveImageAt(int x, int y) override;
RenderViewHost* GetRenderViewHost() override;
service_manager::InterfaceProvider* GetRemoteInterfaces() override;
blink::AssociatedInterfaceProvider* GetRemoteAssociatedInterfaces() override;
content::PageVisibilityState GetVisibilityState() override;
bool IsRenderFrameCreated() override;
bool IsRenderFrameLive() override;
bool IsCurrent() override;
size_t GetProxyCount() override;
bool HasSelection() override;
void RequestTextSurroundingSelection(
blink::mojom::LocalFrame::GetTextSurroundingSelectionCallback callback,
int max_length) override;
void SendInterventionReport(const std::string& id,
const std::string& message) override;
WebUI* GetWebUI() override;
void AllowBindings(int binding_flags) override;
int GetEnabledBindings() override;
void SetWebUIProperty(const std::string& name,
const std::string& value) override;
void DisableBeforeUnloadHangMonitorForTesting() override;
bool IsBeforeUnloadHangMonitorDisabledForTesting() override;
bool GetSuddenTerminationDisablerState(
blink::mojom::SuddenTerminationDisablerType disabler_type) override;
bool IsFeatureEnabled(blink::mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature) override;
bool IsFeatureEnabled(blink::mojom::DocumentPolicyFeature feature) override;
bool IsFeatureEnabled(blink::mojom::DocumentPolicyFeature feature,
blink::PolicyValue threshold_value) override;
void ViewSource() override;
void ExecuteMediaPlayerActionAtLocation(
const gfx::Point&,
const blink::mojom::MediaPlayerAction& action) override;
bool CreateNetworkServiceDefaultFactory(
default_factory_receiver) override;
void MarkIsolatedWorldsAsRequiringSeparateURLLoaderFactory(
base::flat_set<url::Origin> isolated_world_origins,
bool push_to_renderer_now) override;
bool IsSandboxed(network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags flags) override;
void FlushNetworkAndNavigationInterfacesForTesting() override;
void PrepareForInnerWebContentsAttach(
PrepareForInnerWebContentsAttachCallback callback) override;
void UpdateSubresourceLoaderFactories() override;
blink::mojom::FrameOwnerElementType GetFrameOwnerElementType() override;
bool HasTransientUserActivation() override;
void UpdateBrowserControlsState(BrowserControlsState constraints,
BrowserControlsState current,
bool animate) override;
bool Reload() override;
bool IsDOMContentLoaded() override;
void UpdateAdFrameType(blink::mojom::AdFrameType ad_frame_type) override;
blink::mojom::AuthenticatorStatus PerformGetAssertionWebAuthSecurityChecks(
const std::string& relying_party_id,
const url::Origin& effective_origin) override;
blink::mojom::AuthenticatorStatus PerformMakeCredentialWebAuthSecurityChecks(
const std::string& relying_party_id,
const url::Origin& effective_origin) override;
void SetIsXrOverlaySetup() override;
bool IsInBackForwardCache() override;
ukm::SourceId GetPageUkmSourceId() override;
StoragePartition* GetStoragePartition() override;
BrowserContext* GetBrowserContext() override;
void ReportHeavyAdIssue(blink::mojom::HeavyAdResolutionStatus resolution,
blink::mojom::HeavyAdReason reason) override;
// Determines if a clipboard paste using |data| of type |data_type| is allowed
// in this renderer frame. The implementation delegates to
// RenderFrameHostDelegate::IsClipboardPasteAllowed(). See the description of
// the latter method for complete details.
void IsClipboardPasteAllowed(const ui::ClipboardFormatType& data_type,
const std::string& data,
IsClipboardPasteAllowedCallback callback);
void SendAccessibilityEventsToManager(
const AXEventNotificationDetails& details);
// Returns true iff the RenderFrameHost is inactive i.e., when the
// |lifecycle_state_| of this RenderFrameHost is in either kInBackForwardCache
// or kRunningUnloadHandlers or kReadyToBeDeleted states. This function should
// be used when we are unsure if inactive RenderFrameHost can be properly
// handled and their processing shouldn't be deferred until the
// RenderFrameHost becomes active again.
// This method additionally has a side effect for back-forward cache: it
// disallows reactivating by evicting the document from the cache and
// triggering deletion. This avoids reactivating the frame as restoring would
// be unsafe after dropping an event, which means that the frame will never be
// shown to the user again and the event can be safely ignored.
// Note that if |IsInactiveAndDisallowReactivation()| returns false, then
// IsCurrent() returns false as well.
// We shouldn't be calling this for a speculative RenderFrameHost as we don't
// want to support disallowing activation before the document became active
// for the first time. In that case |IsInactiveAndDisallowReactivation()|
// returns false along with terminating the renderer process.
bool IsInactiveAndDisallowReactivation();
void EvictFromBackForwardCacheWithReason(
BackForwardCacheMetrics::NotRestoredReason reason);
void EvictFromBackForwardCacheWithReasons(
const BackForwardCacheCanStoreDocumentResult& can_store);
// IPC::Sender
bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) override;
// IPC::Listener
bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) override;
void OnAssociatedInterfaceRequest(
const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedInterfaceEndpointHandle handle) override;
// BrowserAccessibilityDelegate
void AccessibilityPerformAction(const ui::AXActionData& data) override;
bool AccessibilityViewHasFocus() override;
void AccessibilityViewSetFocus() override;
gfx::Rect AccessibilityGetViewBounds() override;
float AccessibilityGetDeviceScaleFactor() override;
void AccessibilityFatalError() override;
gfx::AcceleratedWidget AccessibilityGetAcceleratedWidget() override;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible AccessibilityGetNativeViewAccessible() override;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible AccessibilityGetNativeViewAccessibleForWindow()
WebContents* AccessibilityWebContents() override;
void AccessibilityHitTest(
const gfx::Point& point_in_frame_pixels,
ax::mojom::Event opt_event_to_fire,
int opt_request_id,
base::OnceCallback<void(BrowserAccessibilityManager* hit_manager,
int hit_node_id)> opt_callback) override;
bool AccessibilityIsMainFrame() override;
// RenderProcessHostObserver implementation.
void RenderProcessExited(RenderProcessHost* host,
const ChildProcessTerminationInfo& info) override;
// SiteInstanceImpl::Observer
void RenderProcessGone(SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance,
const ChildProcessTerminationInfo& info) override;
// network::CSPContext
void ReportContentSecurityPolicyViolation(
network::mojom::CSPViolationPtr violation_params) override;
bool SchemeShouldBypassCSP(const base::StringPiece& scheme) override;
void SanitizeDataForUseInCspViolation(
bool is_redirect,
network::mojom::CSPDirectiveName directive,
GURL* blocked_url,
network::mojom::SourceLocation* source_location) const override;
// ui::AXActionHandlerBase:
void PerformAction(const ui::AXActionData& data) override;
bool RequiresPerformActionPointInPixels() const override;
viz::mojom::InputTargetClient* GetInputTargetClient() {
return input_target_client_;
// Creates a RenderFrame in the renderer process.
bool CreateRenderFrame(
int previous_routing_id,
const base::Optional<base::UnguessableToken>& opener_frame_token,
int parent_routing_id,
int previous_sibling_routing_id);
// Deletes the RenderFrame in the renderer process.
// Postcondition: |IsPendingDeletion()| is true.
void DeleteRenderFrame(FrameDeleteIntention intent);
// Tracks whether the RenderFrame for this RenderFrameHost has been created in
// the renderer process.
void SetRenderFrameCreated(bool created);
// Called for renderer-created windows to resume requests from this frame,
// after they are blocked in RenderWidgetHelper::CreateNewWindow.
void Init();
// Returns true if the frame recently plays an audio.
bool is_audible() const { return is_audible_; }
// Toggles the audible state of this render frame. This should only be called
// from AudioStreamMonitor, and should not be invoked with the same value
// successively.
void OnAudibleStateChanged(bool is_audible);
int routing_id() const { return routing_id_; }
// Called when this frame has added a child. This is a continuation of an IPC
// that was partially handled on the IO thread (to allocate |new_routing_id|,
// |frame_token| and |devtools_frame_token|), and is forwarded here. The
// renderer has already been told to create a RenderFrame with the specified
// ID values. |interface_provider_receiver| is the receiver end of the
// InterfaceProvider interface that the RenderFrameHost corresponding to the
// child frame should bind to expose services to the renderer process. The
// caller takes care of sending down the client end of the pipe to the child
// RenderFrame to use. |browser_interface_broker_receiver| is the receiver end
// of BrowserInterfaceBroker interface in the child frame. RenderFrameHost
// should bind this receiver to expose services to the renderer process. The
// caller takes care of sending down the client end of the pipe to the child
// RenderFrame to use.
void OnCreateChildFrame(
int new_routing_id,
blink::mojom::TreeScopeType scope,
const std::string& frame_name,
const std::string& frame_unique_name,
bool is_created_by_script,
const base::UnguessableToken& frame_token,
const base::UnguessableToken& devtools_frame_token,
const blink::FramePolicy& frame_policy,
const blink::mojom::FrameOwnerProperties& frame_owner_properties,
blink::mojom::FrameOwnerElementType owner_type);
// Update this frame's state at the appropriate time when a navigation
// commits. This is called by Navigator::DidNavigate as a helper, in the
// midst of a DidCommitProvisionalLoad call. If |did_create_new_document| is
// true the navigation was not same-document and was not served from the
// back-forward cache.
void DidNavigate(const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params,
bool did_create_new_document);
RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host() { return render_view_host_.get(); }
RenderFrameHostDelegate* delegate() { return delegate_; }
FrameTree* frame_tree() const { return frame_tree_; }
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node() const { return frame_tree_node_; }
// Methods to add/remove/reset/query child FrameTreeNodes of this frame.
// See class-level comment for FrameTreeNode for how the frame tree is
// represented.
size_t child_count() { return children_.size(); }
FrameTreeNode* child_at(size_t index) const { return children_[index].get(); }
FrameTreeNode* AddChild(std::unique_ptr<FrameTreeNode> child,
int process_id,
int frame_routing_id,
const base::UnguessableToken& frame_token);
void RemoveChild(FrameTreeNode* child);
void ResetChildren();
// Allows FrameTreeNode::SetCurrentURL to update this frame's last committed
// URL. Do not call this directly, since we rely on SetCurrentURL to track
// whether a real load has committed or not.
void SetLastCommittedUrl(const GURL& url);
// The most recent non-net-error URL to commit in this frame. In almost all
// cases, use GetLastCommittedURL instead.
const GURL& last_successful_url() { return last_successful_url_; }
// Return the http method of the last committed navigation.
const std::string& last_http_method() { return last_http_method_; }
// Return the http status code of the last committed navigation.
int last_http_status_code() { return last_http_status_code_; }
// Returns |frame_origin| if this frame is the top (i.e. root) frame in the
// frame tree. Otherwise, it returns the top frame's origin.
const url::Origin& ComputeTopFrameOrigin(
const url::Origin& frame_origin) const;
// Computes the IsolationInfo this frame to |destination|.
net::IsolationInfo ComputeIsolationInfoForNavigation(
const GURL& destination) const;
// Computes site_for_cookies for this frame. A non-empty result denotes which
// domains are considered first-party to the top-level site when resources are
// loaded inside this frame. An empty result means that nothing will be
// first-party, as the frame hierarchy makes this context third-party already.
// The result can be used to check if cookies (including storage APIs and
// shared/service workers) are accessible.
net::SiteForCookies ComputeSiteForCookies();
// Allows overriding the last committed origin in tests.
void SetLastCommittedOriginForTesting(const url::Origin& origin);
// Fetch the link-rel canonical URL to be used for sharing to external
// applications.
void GetCanonicalUrlForSharing(
mojom::Frame::GetCanonicalUrlForSharingCallback callback);
// Get HTML data for this RenderFrame by serializing contents on the renderer
// side and replacing all links to both same-site and cross-site resources
// with paths to local copies as specified by |url_map| and |frame_token_map|.
void GetSerializedHtmlWithLocalLinks(
const base::flat_map<GURL, base::FilePath>& url_map,
const base::flat_map<base::UnguessableToken, base::FilePath>&
bool save_with_empty_url,
// Returns the associated WebUI or null if none applies.
WebUIImpl* web_ui() const { return web_ui_.get(); }
WebUI::TypeID web_ui_type() const { return web_ui_type_; }
// Enable Mojo JavaScript bindings in the renderer process. It will be
// effective on the first creation of script context after the call is made.
// If called at frame creation time (RenderFrameCreated) or just before a
// document is committed (ReadyToCommitNavigation), the resulting document
// will have the JS bindings enabled.
void EnableMojoJsBindings();
// Returns true if this is a main RenderFrameHost. True if and only if this
// RenderFrameHost doesn't have a parent.
bool is_main_frame() const { return !parent_; }
// Returns this RenderFrameHost's loading state. This method is only used by
// FrameTreeNode. The proper way to check whether a frame is loading is to
// call FrameTreeNode::IsLoading.
bool is_loading() const { return is_loading_; }
// Returns true if this is a top-level frame, or if this frame's RenderFrame
// is in a different process from its parent frame. Local roots are
// distinguished by owning a RenderWidgetHost, which manages input events
// and painting for this frame and its contiguous local subtree in the
// renderer process.
bool is_local_root() const { return !!GetLocalRenderWidgetHost(); }
// Returns the RenderWidgetHostImpl attached to this frame or the nearest
// ancestor frame, which could potentially be the root. For most input
// and rendering related purposes, GetView() should be preferred and
// RenderWidgetHostViewBase methods used. GetRenderWidgetHost() will not
// return a nullptr, whereas GetView() potentially will (for instance,
// after a renderer crash).
// This method crashes if this RenderFrameHostImpl does not own a
// a RenderWidgetHost and nor does any of its ancestors. That would
// typically mean that the frame has been detached from the frame tree.
virtual RenderWidgetHostImpl* GetRenderWidgetHost();
GlobalFrameRoutingId GetGlobalFrameRoutingId();
// The unique ID of the latest NavigationEntry that this RenderFrameHost is
// showing. This may change even when this frame hasn't committed a page,
// such as for a new subframe navigation in a different frame.
int nav_entry_id() const { return nav_entry_id_; }
void set_nav_entry_id(int nav_entry_id) { nav_entry_id_ = nav_entry_id; }
// Return true if this contains at least one NavigationRequest waiting to
// commit in this RenderFrameHost.
bool HasPendingCommitNavigation() const;
// Return true if Unload() was called on the frame or one of its ancestors.
// If true, this corresponds either to unload handlers running for this
// RenderFrameHost (LifecycleState::kRunningUnloadHandlers) or when this
// RenderFrameHost is ready to be deleted (LifecycleState::kReadyToBeDeleted).
bool IsPendingDeletion();
// A NavigationRequest for a pending cross-document navigation in this frame,
// if any. This is cleared when the navigation commits.
NavigationRequest* navigation_request() { return navigation_request_.get(); }
// A NavigationRequest for a pending same-document navigation in this frame,
// if any. This is cleared when the navigation commits.
NavigationRequest* same_document_navigation_request() {
return same_document_navigation_request_.get();
// Resets the NavigationRequests stored in this RenderFrameHost.
void ResetNavigationRequests();
// Called when a navigation is ready to commit in this
// RenderFrameHost. Transfers ownership of the NavigationRequest associated
// with the navigation to this RenderFrameHost.
void SetNavigationRequest(
std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> navigation_request);
// Tells the renderer that this RenderFrame is being replaced with one in a
// different renderer process. It should run its unload handler and move to
// a blank document. If |proxy| is not null, it should also create a
// RenderFrameProxy to replace the RenderFrame and set it to |is_loading|
// state. The renderer process keeps the RenderFrameProxy object around as a
// placeholder while the frame is rendered in a different process.
// There should always be a |proxy| to replace the old RenderFrameHost. If
// there are no remaining active views in the process, the proxy will be
// short-lived and will be deleted when the unload ACK is received.
// RenderDocument: After a local<->local swap, this function is called with a
// null |proxy|. It executes common cleanup and marks this RenderFrameHost to
// have completed its unload handler. The RenderFrameHost may be immediately
// deleted or deferred depending on its children's unload status.
void Unload(RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy, bool is_loading);
// Remove this frame and its children. This happens asynchronously, an IPC
// round trip with the renderer process is needed to ensure children's unload
// handlers are run.
// Postcondition: |IsPendingDeletion()| is true.
void DetachFromProxy();
// Whether an ongoing navigation in this frame is waiting for a BeforeUnload
// completion callback either from this RenderFrame or from one of its
// subframes.
bool is_waiting_for_beforeunload_completion() const {
return is_waiting_for_beforeunload_completion_;
// True if more than |beforeunload_timeout_delay_| has elapsed since starting
// beforeunload. This may be true before |beforeunload_timeout_| actually
// fires, as the task can be delayed by task scheduling. See
bool BeforeUnloadTimedOut() const;
// Whether the RFH is waiting for an unload ACK from the renderer.
bool IsWaitingForUnloadACK() const;
// Called when either the Unload() request has been acknowledged or has timed
// out.
void OnUnloaded();
// Stop the load in progress.
void Stop();
// Defines different states the RenderFrameHost can be in during its lifetime
// i.e., from point of creation to deletion. See |SetLifecycleState|.
enum class LifecycleState {
// This state corresponds to when a speculative RenderFrameHost is created
// for an ongoing navigation (to new URL) but hasn't been swapped in the
// frame tree yet, mainly created for performance optimization. The frame
// can only be created in this state and no transitions happen to this
// state.
// Transitions from this state happen to either kActive (when navigation
// commits) or kReadyToBeDeleted (when the navigation redirects
// or gets cancelled). Note that the term speculative is used, because the
// navigation might be canceled or redirected and the RenderFrameHost might
// get deleted before being used.
// This state corresponds to when a RenderFrameHost is the current one in
// its RenderFrameHostManager and FrameTreeNode. In this state,
// RenderFrameHost is visible to the user. Transition to kActive state may
// happen from either kSpeculative (when navigation commits) or
// kInBackForwardCache (when restoring from BackForwardCache) states.
// RenderFrameHost can also be created in this state for an empty document
// in a FrameTreeNode (e.g initializing root and child in an empty
// FrameTree).
// This state corresponds to when RenderFrameHost is stored in
// BackForwardCache. This happens when the user navigates away from a
// document, so that the RenderFrameHost can be re-used after a history
// navigation. Transition to this state happens only from kActive state.
// This state corresponds to when RenderFrameHost has started running unload
// handlers. An event such as navigation commit or detaching the frame
// causes the RenderFrameHost to transition to this state. Then, the
// RenderFrameHost sends IPCs to the renderer process to execute unload
// handlers and deletes the RenderFrame. The RenderFrameHost waits for an
// ACK from the renderer process, either FrameHostMsg_Unload_ACK for a
// navigating frame or FrameHostMsg_Detach for its subframes, after which
// the RenderFrameHost transitions to kReadyToBeDeleted state.
// Transition to this state happens only from kActive state. Note that
// eviction from BackForwardCache does not run unload handlers, and
// kInBackForwardCache moves to kReadyToBeDeleted.
// This state corresponds to when RenderFrameHost has completed running the
// unload handlers. Once all the descendant frames in other processes are
// gone, this RenderFrameHost will delete itself. Transition to this state
// may happen from one of kSpeculative, kActive, kInBackForwardCache or
// kRunningUnloadHandlers states.
LifecycleState lifecycle_state() const { return lifecycle_state_; }
void SetLifecycleStateToActive();
enum class BeforeUnloadType {
// This reason is used before a tab is discarded in order to free up
// resources. When this is used and the handler returns a non-empty string,
// the confirmation dialog will not be displayed and the discard will
// automatically be canceled.
// This reason is used when preparing a FrameTreeNode for attaching an inner
// delegate. In this case beforeunload is dispatched in the frame and all
// the nested child frames.
// Runs the beforeunload handler for this frame and its subframes. |type|
// indicates whether this call is for a navigation or tab close. |is_reload|
// indicates whether the navigation is a reload of the page. If |type|
// corresponds to tab close and not a navigation, |is_reload| should be
// false.
void DispatchBeforeUnload(BeforeUnloadType type, bool is_reload);
// Simulate beforeunload completion callback on behalf of renderer if it's
// unrenresponsive.
void SimulateBeforeUnloadCompleted(bool proceed);
// Returns true if a call to DispatchBeforeUnload will actually send the
// BeforeUnload IPC. This can be called on a main frame or subframe. If
// |check_subframes_only| is false, it covers handlers for the frame
// itself and all its descendants. If |check_subframes_only| is true, it
// only checks the frame's descendants but not the frame itself.
bool ShouldDispatchBeforeUnload(bool check_subframes_only);
// Allow tests to override how long to wait for beforeunload completion
// callbacks to be invoked before timing out.
void SetBeforeUnloadTimeoutDelayForTesting(const base::TimeDelta& timeout);
// Update the frame's opener in the renderer process in response to the
// opener being modified (e.g., with or being set to null) in
// another renderer process.
void UpdateOpener();
// Set this frame as focused in the renderer process. This supports
// cross-process window.focus() calls.
void SetFocusedFrame();
// Continues sequential focus navigation in this frame. |source_proxy|
// represents the frame that requested a focus change. It must be in the same
// process as this or |nullptr|.
void AdvanceFocus(blink::mojom::FocusType type,
RenderFrameProxyHost* source_proxy);
// Get the accessibility mode from the delegate and Send a message to the
// renderer process to change the accessibility mode.
void UpdateAccessibilityMode();
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Samsung Galaxy Note-specific "smart clip" stylus text getter.
using ExtractSmartClipDataCallback = base::OnceCallback<
void(const base::string16&, const base::string16&, const gfx::Rect&)>;
void RequestSmartClipExtract(ExtractSmartClipDataCallback callback,
gfx::Rect rect);
void OnSmartClipDataExtracted(int32_t callback_id,
const base::string16& text,
const base::string16& html,
const gfx::Rect& clip_rect);
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Request a one-time snapshot of the accessibility tree without changing
// the accessibility mode.
void RequestAXTreeSnapshot(AXTreeSnapshotCallback callback,
ui::AXMode ax_mode);
// Resets the accessibility serializer in the renderer.
void AccessibilityReset();
// Turn on accessibility testing. The given callback will be run
// every time an accessibility notification is received from the
// renderer process.
void SetAccessibilityCallbackForTesting(
const AccessibilityCallbackForTesting& callback);
// Called when the metadata about the accessibility tree for this frame
// changes due to a browser-side change, as opposed to due to an IPC from
// a renderer.
void UpdateAXTreeData();
// Set the AX tree ID of the embedder RFHI, if this is a browser plugin guest.
void set_browser_plugin_embedder_ax_tree_id(ui::AXTreeID ax_tree_id) {
browser_plugin_embedder_ax_tree_id_ = ax_tree_id;
// Access the BrowserAccessibilityManager if it already exists.
BrowserAccessibilityManager* browser_accessibility_manager() const {
return browser_accessibility_manager_.get();
// If accessibility is enabled, get the BrowserAccessibilityManager for
// this frame, or create one if it doesn't exist yet, otherwise return
// NULL.
BrowserAccessibilityManager* GetOrCreateBrowserAccessibilityManager();
void set_no_create_browser_accessibility_manager_for_testing(bool flag) {
no_create_browser_accessibility_manager_for_testing_ = flag;
// Indicates that a navigation is ready to commit and can be
// handled by this RenderFrame.
// |subresource_loader_params| is used in network service land to pass
// the parameters to create a custom subresource loader in the renderer
// process, e.g. by AppCache etc.
void CommitNavigation(
NavigationRequest* navigation_request,
mojom::CommonNavigationParamsPtr common_params,
mojom::CommitNavigationParamsPtr commit_params,
network::mojom::URLResponseHeadPtr response_head,
mojo::ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle response_body,
network::mojom::URLLoaderClientEndpointsPtr url_loader_client_endpoints,
bool is_view_source,
base::Optional<SubresourceLoaderParams> subresource_loader_params,
blink::mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerInfoForClientPtr container_info,
const base::UnguessableToken& devtools_navigation_token,
std::unique_ptr<WebBundleHandle> web_bundle_handle);
// Indicates that a navigation failed and that this RenderFrame should display
// an error page.
void FailedNavigation(NavigationRequest* navigation_request,
const mojom::CommonNavigationParams& common_params,
const mojom::CommitNavigationParams& commit_params,
bool has_stale_copy_in_cache,
int error_code,
const base::Optional<std::string>& error_page_content);
// Seneds a renderer-debug URL to the renderer process for handling.
void HandleRendererDebugURL(const GURL& url);
// Sets up the Mojo connection between this instance and its associated render
// frame if it has not yet been set up.
void SetUpMojoIfNeeded();
// Tears down the browser-side state relating to the Mojo connection between
// this instance and its associated render frame.
void InvalidateMojoConnection();
// Returns whether the frame is focused. A frame is considered focused when it
// is the parent chain of the focused frame within the frame tree. In
// addition, its associated RenderWidgetHost has to be focused.
bool IsFocused();
// Creates a WebUI for this RenderFrameHost based on the provided |dest_url|
// if required. Returns true if a new WebUI was created.
// If this is a history navigation its NavigationEntry bindings should be
// provided through |entry_bindings| to allow verifying that they are not
// being set differently this time around. Otherwise |entry_bindings| should
// be set to NavigationEntryImpl::kInvalidBindings so that no checks are done.
bool CreateWebUI(const GURL& dest_url, int entry_bindings);
// Destroys WebUI instance and resets related data.
void ClearWebUI();
// Returns the Mojo ImageDownloader service.
const mojo::Remote<blink::mojom::ImageDownloader>& GetMojoImageDownloader();
// Returns remote to renderer side FindInPage associated with this frame.
const mojo::AssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::FindInPage>& GetFindInPage();
// Returns associated remote for the blink::mojom::LocalFrame Mojo interface.
const mojo::AssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::LocalFrame>&
// Returns associated remote for the blink::mojom::LocalMainFrame Mojo
// interface.
const mojo::AssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::LocalMainFrame>&
// Returns remote to blink::mojom::HighPriorityLocalFrame Mojo interface. Note
// this interface is highly experimental and is being tested to address
// It is not an associated interface and may be actively
// reordered. GetAssociatedLocalFrame() should be used in most cases and any
// additional use cases of this interface should probably consider discussing
// with first.
const mojo::Remote<blink::mojom::HighPriorityLocalFrame>&
// Returns associated remote for the blink::mojom::FrameBindingsControl Mojo
// interface.
const mojo::AssociatedRemote<mojom::FrameBindingsControl>&
// Resets the loading state. Following this call, the RenderFrameHost will be
// in a non-loading state.
void ResetLoadingState();
// Returns the feature policy which should be enforced on this RenderFrame.
const blink::FeaturePolicy* feature_policy() const {
return feature_policy_.get();
void ClearFocusedElement();
// Returns the PreviewsState of the last successful navigation
// that made a network request. The PreviewsState is a bitmask of potentially
// several Previews optimizations.
PreviewsState last_navigation_previews_state() const {
return last_navigation_previews_state_;
bool has_focused_editable_element() const {
return has_focused_editable_element_;
// Note: The methods for blocking / resuming / cancelling requests per
// RenderFrameHost are deprecated and will not work in the network service,
// please avoid using them.
// Causes all new requests for the root RenderFrameHost and its children to
// be blocked (not being started) until ResumeBlockedRequestsForFrame is
// called.
void BlockRequestsForFrame();
// Resumes any blocked request for the specified root RenderFrameHost and
// child frame hosts.
void ResumeBlockedRequestsForFrame();
// Cancels any blocked request for the frame and its subframes.
void CancelBlockedRequestsForFrame();
// Binds a DevToolsAgent interface for debugging.
void BindDevToolsAgent(
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::DevToolsAgentHost> host,
mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<blink::mojom::DevToolsAgent> receiver);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> GetJavaRenderFrameHost() override;
service_manager::InterfaceProvider* GetJavaInterfaces() override;
// Propagates the visibility state along the immediate local roots by calling
// RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame::Show()/Hide(). Calling this on a pending
// or speculative RenderFrameHost (that has not committed) should be avoided.
void SetVisibilityForChildViews(bool visible);
const base::UnguessableToken& GetTopFrameToken();
// Returns an unguessable token for this RFHI. This provides a temporary way
// to identify a RenderFrameHost that's compatible with IPC. Else, one needs
// to send pid + RoutingID, but one cannot send pid. One can get it from the
// channel, but this makes it much harder to get wrong.
// Once media switches to mojo, we should be able to remove this in favor of
// sending a mojo overlay factory.
const base::UnguessableToken& GetOverlayRoutingToken() const {
return frame_token_;
// Binds the receiver end of the InterfaceProvider interface through which
// services provided by this RenderFrameHost are exposed to the corresponding
// RenderFrame. The caller is responsible for plumbing the client end to the
// renderer process.
void BindInterfaceProviderReceiver(
// Binds the receiver end of the BrowserInterfaceBroker interface through
// which services provided by this RenderFrameHost are exposed to the
// corresponding RenderFrame. The caller is responsible for plumbing the
// client end to the renderer process.
void BindBrowserInterfaceBrokerReceiver(
// Binds the receiver end of the DomOperationControllerHost interface through
// which services provided by this RenderFrameHost are exposed to the
// corresponding RenderFrame. The caller is responsible for plumbing the
// client end to the renderer process.
void BindDomOperationControllerHostReceiver(
// Exposed so that tests can swap the implementation and intercept calls.
frame_host_receiver_for_testing() {
return frame_host_associated_receiver_;
// Exposed so that tests can swap the implementation and intercept calls.
local_frame_host_receiver_for_testing() {
return local_frame_host_receiver_;
// Exposed so that tests can swap the implementation and intercept calls.
local_main_frame_host_receiver_for_testing() {
return local_main_frame_host_receiver_;
// Exposed so that tests can swap the implementation and intercept calls.
browser_interface_broker_receiver_for_testing() {
return broker_receiver_;
void SetKeepAliveTimeoutForTesting(base::TimeDelta timeout);
network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags active_sandbox_flags() {
return active_sandbox_flags_;
bool is_mhtml_document() { return is_mhtml_document_; }
// Notifies the render frame that |frame_tree_node_| has had the sticky
// user activation bit set for the first time.
void DidReceiveFirstUserActivation();
// Returns the current size for this frame.
const base::Optional<gfx::Size>& frame_size() const { return frame_size_; }
// Allow tests to override the timeout used to keep subframe processes alive
// for unload handler processing.
void SetSubframeUnloadTimeoutForTesting(const base::TimeDelta& timeout);
// Called when the WebAudio AudioContext given by |audio_context_id| has
// started (or stopped) playing audible audio.
void AudioContextPlaybackStarted(int audio_context_id);
void AudioContextPlaybackStopped(int audio_context_id);
// Called when this RenderFrameHostImpl enters the BackForwardCache, the
// document enters in a "Frozen" state where no Javascript can run.
void DidEnterBackForwardCache();
// Called when this RenderFrameHostImpl leaves the BackForwardCache. This
// occurs immediately before a restored document is committed.
void WillLeaveBackForwardCache();
// Take ownership over the DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params that
// were last used to commit this navigation.
// This is used by the BackForwardCache to re-commit when navigating to a
// restored page.
// Start a timer that will evict this RenderFrameHost from the
// BackForwardCache after time to live.
void StartBackForwardCacheEvictionTimer();
bool IsBackForwardCacheDisabled() const;
// Prevents this frame (along with its parents/children) from being added to
// the BackForwardCache. If the frame is already in the cache an eviction is
// triggered.
void DisableBackForwardCache(base::StringPiece reason);
bool is_evicted_from_back_forward_cache() {
return is_evicted_from_back_forward_cache_;
const std::set<std::string>& back_forward_cache_disabled_reasons() const {
return back_forward_cache_disabled_reasons_;
void AddServiceWorkerContainerHost(
const std::string& uuid,
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContainerHost> host);
void RemoveServiceWorkerContainerHost(const std::string& uuid);
// Called to taint |this| so the pages which have requested MediaStream
// (audio/video/etc capture stream) access would not enter BackForwardCache.
void OnGrantedMediaStreamAccess();
bool was_granted_media_access() { return was_granted_media_access_; }
// Request a new NavigationClient interface from the renderer and returns the
// ownership of the mojo::AssociatedRemote. This is intended for use by the
// NavigationRequest. Only used with PerNavigationMojoInterface enabled.
// Called to signify the RenderFrameHostImpl that one of its ongoing
// NavigationRequest's has been cancelled.
void NavigationRequestCancelled(NavigationRequest* navigation_request);
// Called on the main frame of a page embedded in a Portal when it is
// activated. The frame has the option to adopt the previous page,
// |predecessor|, as a portal. The activation can optionally include a message
// |data| dispatched with the PortalActivateEvent.
void OnPortalActivated(
std::unique_ptr<Portal> predecessor,
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::Portal> pending_portal,
blink::TransferableMessage data,
base::OnceCallback<void(blink::mojom::PortalActivateResult)> callback);
// Called in tests that synthetically create portals but need them to be
// properly associated with the owning RenderFrameHost.
void OnPortalCreatedForTesting(std::unique_ptr<Portal> portal);
// Look up a portal by its token (as received from the renderer process).
Portal* FindPortalByToken(const base::UnguessableToken& portal_token);
// Called when a Portal needs to be destroyed.
void DestroyPortal(Portal* portal);
// Called on the main frame of a page embedded in a Portal to forward a
// message from the host of a portal.
void ForwardMessageFromHost(blink::TransferableMessage message,
const url::Origin& source_origin,
const base::Optional<url::Origin>& target_origin);
// Returns true if the frame is embedded in a Portal.
bool InsidePortal();
bool ShouldVirtualKeyboardOverlayContent() const;
void NotifyVirtualKeyboardOverlayRect(const gfx::Rect& keyboard_rect);
blink::mojom::FrameVisibility visibility() const { return visibility_; }
// A CommitCallbackInterceptor is used to modify parameters for or cancel a
// DidCommitNavigation call in tests.
// WillProcessDidCommitNavigation will be run right after entering a
// navigation callback and if returning false, will return straight away.
class CommitCallbackInterceptor {
CommitCallbackInterceptor() {}
virtual ~CommitCallbackInterceptor() {}
virtual bool WillProcessDidCommitNavigation(
NavigationRequest* navigation_request,
::FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params* params,
interface_params) = 0;
// Sets the specified |interceptor|.
void SetCommitCallbackInterceptorForTesting(
CommitCallbackInterceptor* interceptor);
// Posts a message from a frame in another process to the current renderer.
void PostMessageEvent(
const base::Optional<base::UnguessableToken>& source_token,
const base::string16& source_origin,
const base::string16& target_origin,
blink::TransferableMessage message);
// Requests to swap the current frame into the frame tree, replacing the
// RenderFrameProxy it is associated with.
void SwapIn();
// Manual RTTI to ensure safe downcasts in tests.
virtual bool IsTestRenderFrameHost() const;
// Scheduler-relevant features this frame is using, for use in metrics.
// See comments at |scheduler_tracked_features_|.
uint64_t scheduler_tracked_features() const {
return renderer_reported_scheduler_tracked_features_ |
// Returns a PrefetchedSignedExchangeCache which is attached to |this| iff
// SignedExchangeSubresourcePrefetch feature or
// SignedExchangePrefetchCacheForNavigations feature is enabled.
// Clears the entries in the PrefetchedSignedExchangeCache if exists.
void ClearPrefetchedSignedExchangeCache();
// Creates a WebBundleHandleTracker from WebBundleHandles which are attached
// |this| or the parent frame or the opener frame.
std::unique_ptr<WebBundleHandleTracker> MaybeCreateWebBundleHandleTracker();
// Adds |message| to the DevTools console only if it is unique (i.e. has not
// been added to the console previously from this frame).
virtual void AddUniqueMessageToConsole(
blink::mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel level,
const std::string& message);
// Notify the scheduler that this frame used a feature which impacts the
// scheduling policy (e.g. whether the frame can be frozen or put into the
// back-forward cache).
void OnSchedulerTrackedFeatureUsed(
blink::scheduler::WebSchedulerTrackedFeature feature);
// Returns true if the frame is frozen.
bool IsFrozen();
void CreateAppCacheBackend(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::AppCacheBackend> receiver);
void GetAudioContextManager(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::AudioContextManager> receiver);
void GetContactsManager(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::ContactsManager> receiver);
void GetFileSystemManager(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::FileSystemManager> receiver);
void GetGeolocationService(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::GeolocationService> receiver);
void GetNativeFileSystemManager(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::NativeFileSystemManager> receiver);
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
void GetHidService(mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::HidService> receiver);
void BindSerialService(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::SerialService> receiver);
void GetIdleManager(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::IdleManager> receiver);
void GetPresentationService(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::PresentationService> receiver);
PresentationServiceImpl& GetPresentationServiceForTesting();
void GetSpeechSynthesis(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::SpeechSynthesis> receiver);
void CreateLockManager(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::LockManager> receiver);
void CreateIDBFactory(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::IDBFactory> receiver);
void GetSensorProvider(
mojo::PendingReceiver<device::mojom::SensorProvider> receiver);
void CreatePermissionService(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::PermissionService> receiver);
void CreatePaymentManager(
mojo::PendingReceiver<payments::mojom::PaymentManager> receiver);
void CreateWebBluetoothService(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::WebBluetoothService> receiver);
void GetAuthenticator(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::Authenticator> receiver);
void GetVirtualAuthenticatorManager(
void GetPushMessaging(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::PushMessaging> receiver);
void CreateDedicatedWorkerHostFactory(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::DedicatedWorkerHostFactory> receiver);
void CreateQuicTransportConnector(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::QuicTransportConnector> receiver);
void CreateNotificationService(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::NotificationService> receiver);
void CreateInstalledAppProvider(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::InstalledAppProvider> receiver);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
void BindNFCReceiver(mojo::PendingReceiver<device::mojom::NFC> receiver);
void BindCacheStorage(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::CacheStorage> receiver);
void BindInputInjectorReceiver(
mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::InputInjector> receiver);
void BindSmsReceiverReceiver(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::SmsReceiver> receiver);
void BindRestrictedCookieManager(
mojo::PendingReceiver<network::mojom::RestrictedCookieManager> receiver);
// Requires the following preconditions, reporting a bad message otherwise.
// 1. This frame's top-frame origin must be potentially trustworthy and
// have scheme HTTP or HTTPS. (See network::SuitableTrustTokenOrigin's class
// comment for the rationale.)
// 2. Trust Tokens must be enabled (network::features::kTrustTokens).
// 3. This frame's origin must be potentially trustworthy.
void BindHasTrustTokensAnswerer(
mojo::PendingReceiver<network::mojom::HasTrustTokensAnswerer> receiver);
// Creates connections to WebUSB interfaces bound to this frame.
void CreateWebUsbService(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::WebUsbService> receiver);
void CreateWebSocketConnector(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::WebSocketConnector> receiver);
void BindMediaInterfaceFactoryReceiver(
mojo::PendingReceiver<media::mojom::InterfaceFactory> receiver);
void BindMediaMetricsProviderReceiver(
mojo::PendingReceiver<media::mojom::MediaMetricsProvider> receiver);
void BindMediaRemoterFactoryReceiver(
mojo::PendingReceiver<media::mojom::RemoterFactory> receiver);
void CreateAudioInputStreamFactory(
mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::RendererAudioInputStreamFactory> receiver);
void CreateAudioOutputStreamFactory(
mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::RendererAudioOutputStreamFactory> receiver);
void GetFeatureObserver(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::FeatureObserver> receiver);
void BindScreenEnumerationReceiver(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::ScreenEnumeration> receiver);
const network::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy& cross_origin_embedder_policy()
const {
return cross_origin_embedder_policy_;
void set_cross_origin_embedder_policy(
network::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy policy) {
cross_origin_embedder_policy_ = policy;
CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyReporter* coep_reporter() {
return coep_reporter_.get();
void set_coop_reporter(
std::unique_ptr<CrossOriginOpenerPolicyReporter>&& reporter) {
coop_reporter_ = std::move(reporter);
// Semi-formal definition of COOP:
network::CrossOriginOpenerPolicy cross_origin_opener_policy() const {
return cross_origin_opener_policy_;
void set_cross_origin_opener_policy(network::CrossOriginOpenerPolicy policy) {
cross_origin_opener_policy_ = policy;
CrossOriginOpenerPolicyReporter* coop_reporter() {
return coop_reporter_.get();
int virtual_browsing_context_group() const {
return virtual_browsing_context_group_;
const network::mojom::ClientSecurityStatePtr&
last_committed_client_security_state() const {
return last_committed_client_security_state_;
// This function mimics DidCommitProvisionalLoad for navigations served from
// the back-forward cache.
void DidCommitBackForwardCacheNavigation(
NavigationRequest* committing_navigation_request,
std::unique_ptr<FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params> params);
bool has_committed_any_navigation() const {
return has_committed_any_navigation_;
// Return true if the process this RenderFrameHost is using has crashed and we
// are replacing RenderFrameHosts for crashed frames rather than reusing them.
// This is not exactly the opposite of IsRenderFrameLive().
// IsRenderFrameLive() is false when the RenderProcess died, but it is also
// false when it hasn't been initialized.
bool must_be_replaced() const { return must_be_replaced_; }
// Resets the must_be_replaced after the RFH has been reinitialized. Do not
// add any more usages of this.
// TODO( Remove this.
void reset_must_be_replaced() { must_be_replaced_ = false; }
const AppCacheNavigationHandle* GetAppCacheNavigationHandle() const {
return appcache_handle_.get();
// Returns the BackForwardCacheMetrics associated with the last
// NavigationEntry this RenderFrameHostImpl committed.
BackForwardCacheMetrics* GetBackForwardCacheMetrics();
const std::string& GetEncoding() const { return canonical_encoding_; }
// Returns a base salt used to generate frame-specific IDs for media-device
// enumerations.
const std::string& GetMediaDeviceIDSaltBase() const {
return media_device_id_salt_base_;
// Returns the reason why the BrowsingInstance wasn't swapped for the last
// navigation inside this frame.
// TODO( Remove after the investigation.
browsing_instance_not_swapped_reason() const {
return browsing_instance_not_swapped_reason_;
void set_browsing_instance_not_swapped_reason(
ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance reason) {
browsing_instance_not_swapped_reason_ = reason;
// Returns the parent RenderFrameHost, potentially going through nested
// WebContents. Returns nullptr for top-level RenderFrameHosts in topmost
// WebContents.
RenderFrameHostImpl* ParentOrOuterDelegateFrame();
void SetIsOuterDelegateFrame(bool is_outer_frame) {
is_outer_delegate_frame_ = is_outer_frame;
bool IsOuterDelegateFrame() { return is_outer_delegate_frame_; }
base::WeakPtr<RenderFrameHostImpl> GetWeakPtr();
// blink::mojom::LocalFrameHost
void EnterFullscreen(blink::mojom::FullscreenOptionsPtr options,
EnterFullscreenCallback callback) override;
void ExitFullscreen() override;
void FullscreenStateChanged(bool is_fullscreen) override;
void RegisterProtocolHandler(const std::string& scheme,
const GURL& url,
const base::string16& title,
bool user_gesture) override;
void UnregisterProtocolHandler(const std::string& scheme,
const GURL& url,
bool user_gesture) override;
void DidDisplayInsecureContent() override;
void DidContainInsecureFormAction() override;
void DocumentAvailableInMainFrame(bool uses_temporary_zoom_level) override;
void SetNeedsOcclusionTracking(bool needs_tracking) override;
void SetVirtualKeyboardOverlayPolicy(bool vk_overlays_content) override;
void EvictFromBackForwardCache() override;
void VisibilityChanged(blink::mojom::FrameVisibility) override;
void DidChangeThemeColor(const base::Optional<SkColor>& theme_color) override;
void DidFailLoadWithError(const GURL& url, int32_t error_code) override;
void DidFocusFrame() override;
void DidCallFocus() override;
void DidAddContentSecurityPolicies(
std::vector<network::mojom::ContentSecurityPolicyPtr> policies) override;
void EnforceInsecureRequestPolicy(
blink::mojom::InsecureRequestPolicy policy) override;
void EnforceInsecureNavigationsSet(const std::vector<uint32_t>& set) override;
void DidChangeActiveSchedulerTrackedFeatures(uint64_t features_mask) override;
void SuddenTerminationDisablerChanged(
bool present,
blink::mojom::SuddenTerminationDisablerType disabler_type) override;
void HadStickyUserActivationBeforeNavigationChanged(bool value) override;
void ScrollRectToVisibleInParentFrame(
const gfx::Rect& rect_to_scroll,
blink::mojom::ScrollIntoViewParamsPtr params) override;
void BubbleLogicalScrollInParentFrame(
blink::mojom::ScrollDirection direction,
ui::ScrollGranularity granularity) override;
void DidAccessInitialDocument() override;
void DidBlockNavigation(
const GURL& blocked_url,
const GURL& initiator_url,
blink::mojom::NavigationBlockedReason reason) override;
void DidChangeLoadProgress(double load_progress) override;
void DidFinishLoad(const GURL& validated_url) override;
void DispatchLoad() override;
void GoToEntryAtOffset(int32_t offset, bool has_user_gesture) override;
void RenderFallbackContentInParentProcess() override;
void UpdateTitle(const base::Optional<::base::string16>& title,
base::i18n::TextDirection title_direction) override;
void UpdateUserActivationState(
blink::mojom::UserActivationUpdateType update_type) override;
void HandleAccessibilityFindInPageResult(
blink::mojom::FindInPageResultAXParamsPtr params) override;
void HandleAccessibilityFindInPageTermination() override;
void DocumentOnLoadCompleted() override;
void ForwardResourceTimingToParent(
blink::mojom::ResourceTimingInfoPtr timing) override;
void DidFinishDocumentLoad() override;
void RunModalAlertDialog(const base::string16& alert_message,
RunModalAlertDialogCallback callback) override;
void RunModalConfirmDialog(const base::string16& alert_message,
RunModalConfirmDialogCallback callback) override;
void RunModalPromptDialog(const base::string16& alert_message,
const base::string16& default_value,
RunModalPromptDialogCallback callback) override;
void RunBeforeUnloadConfirm(bool is_reload,
RunBeforeUnloadConfirmCallback callback) override;
void Are3DAPIsBlocked(Are3DAPIsBlockedCallback callback) override;
void UpdateFaviconURL(
std::vector<blink::mojom::FaviconURLPtr> favicon_urls) override;
void DownloadURL(blink::mojom::DownloadURLParamsPtr params) override;
void FocusedElementChanged(bool is_editable_element,
const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_frame_widget) override;
void ShowPopupMenu(
mojo::PendingRemote<blink::mojom::PopupMenuClient> popup_client,
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
int32_t item_height,
double font_size,
int32_t selected_item,
std::vector<blink::mojom::MenuItemPtr> menu_items,
bool right_aligned,
bool allow_multiple_selection) override;
void DidLoadResourceFromMemoryCache(
const GURL& url,
const std::string& http_method,
const std::string& mime_type,
network::mojom::RequestDestination request_destination) override;
void DidChangeFrameOwnerProperties(
const base::UnguessableToken& child_frame_token,
blink::mojom::FrameOwnerPropertiesPtr frame_owner_properties) override;
void DidChangeOpener(
const base::Optional<base::UnguessableToken>& opener_frame) override;
void DidChangeFramePolicy(const base::UnguessableToken& child_frame_token,
const blink::FramePolicy& frame_policy) override;
void CapturePaintPreviewOfSubframe(
const gfx::Rect& clip_rect,
const base::UnguessableToken& guid) override;
// blink::LocalMainFrameHost overrides:
void ScaleFactorChanged(float scale) override;
void ContentsPreferredSizeChanged(const gfx::Size& pref_size) override;
void TextAutosizerPageInfoChanged(
blink::mojom::TextAutosizerPageInfoPtr page_info) override;
void FocusPage() override;
void ReportNoBinderForInterface(const std::string& error);
// Returns true if this object has any NavigationRequests matching |origin|.
// Since this function is used to find existing committed/committing origins
// that have not opted-in to isolation, and since any calls to this function
// will be initiated by a NavigationRequest that is itself requesting opt-in
// isolation, |navigation_request_to_exclude| allows that request to exclude
// itself from consideration.
bool HasCommittingNavigationRequestForOrigin(
const url::Origin& origin,
NavigationRequest* navigation_request_to_exclude);
// Force the RenderFrameHost to be left in pending deletion state instead of
// being actually deleted after navigating away:
// - Force waiting for unload handler result regardless of whether an
// unload handler is present or not.
// - Disable unload timeout monitor.
// - Ignore any OnUnloadACK sent by the renderer process.
void DoNotDeleteForTesting();
// This method will unset the flag |do_not_delete_for_testing_| to resume
// deletion on the RenderFrameHost. Deletion will only be triggered if
// RenderFrameHostImpl::OnDetach() is called for the RenderFrameHost. This is
// a counterpart for DoNotDeleteForTesting() which sets the flag
// |do_not_delete_for_testing_|.
void ResumeDeletionForTesting();
// Document-associated data. This is cleared whenever a new document is hosted
// by this RenderFrameHost. Please refer to the description at
// content/public/browser/render_document_host_user_data.h for more details.
base::SupportsUserData::Data* GetRenderDocumentHostUserData(
const void* key) const {
return document_associated_data_.GetUserData(key);
void SetRenderDocumentHostUserData(
const void* key,
std::unique_ptr<base::SupportsUserData::Data> data) {
document_associated_data_.SetUserData(key, std::move(data));
void RemoveRenderDocumentHostUserData(const void* key) {
// Called when we commit speculative RFH early due to not having an alive
// current frame. This happens when the renderer crashes before navigating to
// a new URL using speculative RenderFrameHost.
// TODO( Undo this plumbing after removing the
// early post-crash CommitPending() call.
void OnCommittedSpeculativeBeforeNavigationCommit() {
committed_speculative_rfh_before_navigation_commit_ = true;
// Returns the child RenderFrameHostImpl if |child_frame_routing_id| is an
// immediate child of this FrameTreeNode. |child_frame_routing_id| is
// considered untrusted, so the renderer process is killed if it refers to a
// RenderFrameHostImpl that is not a child of this node.
RenderFrameHostImpl* FindAndVerifyChild(int32_t child_frame_routing_id,
bad_message::BadMessageReason reason);
// Returns the child RenderFrameHostImpl if |child_frame_token| is an
// immediate child of this FrameTreeNode. |child_frame_token| is considered
// untrusted, so the renderer process is killed if it refers to a
// RenderFrameHostImpl that is not a child of this node.
RenderFrameHostImpl* FindAndVerifyChild(
const base::UnguessableToken& child_frame_token,
bad_message::BadMessageReason reason);
// network::mojom::CookieAccessObserver:
void OnCookiesAccessed(
network::mojom::CookieAccessDetailsPtr details) override;
// mojom::FrameHost:
void OpenURL(mojom::OpenURLParamsPtr params) override;
void GetSavableResourceLinksFromRenderer();
// Helper for checking if a navigation to an error page should be excluded
// from CanAccessDataForOrigin and/or CanCommitOriginAndUrl security checks.
// It is allowed for |navigation_request| to be null - for example when
// committing a same-document navigation.
// The optional |should_commit_unreachable_url| will be set to |true| if the
// caller should verify that FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params'
// url_is_unreachable is |true|.
bool ShouldBypassSecurityChecksForErrorPage(
NavigationRequest* navigation_request,
bool* should_commit_unreachable_url = nullptr);
friend class RenderFrameHostFactory;
// |flags| is a combination of CreateRenderFrameFlags.
// TODO(nasko): Remove dependency on RenderViewHost here. RenderProcessHost
// should be the abstraction needed here, but we need RenderViewHost to pass
// into WebContentsObserver::FrameDetached for now.
// |lifecycle_state_| can either be kActive or kSpeculative during
// RenderFrameHostImpl creation.
RenderFrameHostImpl(SiteInstance* site_instance,
scoped_refptr<RenderViewHostImpl> render_view_host,
RenderFrameHostDelegate* delegate,
FrameTree* frame_tree,
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
int32_t routing_id,
const base::UnguessableToken& frame_token,
bool renderer_initiated_creation,
LifecycleState lifecycle_state);
// The SendCommit* functions below are wrappers for commit calls
// made to mojom::NavigationClient.
// These exist to be overridden in tests to retain mojo callbacks.
// Note: |navigation_id| is used in test overrides, but is unused otherwise.
virtual void SendCommitNavigation(
mojom::NavigationClient* navigation_client,
NavigationRequest* navigation_request,
mojom::CommonNavigationParamsPtr common_params,
mojom::CommitNavigationParamsPtr commit_params,
network::mojom::URLResponseHeadPtr response_head,
mojo::ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle response_body,
network::mojom::URLLoaderClientEndpointsPtr url_loader_client_endpoints,
blink::mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerInfoForClientPtr container_info,
const base::UnguessableToken& devtools_navigation_token);
virtual void SendCommitFailedNavigation(
mojom::NavigationClient* navigation_client,
NavigationRequest* navigation_request,
mojom::CommonNavigationParamsPtr common_params,
mojom::CommitNavigationParamsPtr commit_params,
bool has_stale_copy_in_cache,
int32_t error_code,
const base::Optional<std::string>& error_page_content,
// The Build*Callback functions below are responsible for building the
// callbacks for either successful or failed commits.
// Protected because they need to be called from test overrides.
BuildCommitNavigationCallback(NavigationRequest* navigation_request);
BuildCommitFailedNavigationCallback(NavigationRequest* navigation_request);
// Protected / virtual so it can be overriden by tests.
virtual void SendBeforeUnload(bool is_reload,
base::WeakPtr<RenderFrameHostImpl> impl);
friend class RenderFrameHostFeaturePolicyTest;
friend class TestRenderFrameHost;
friend class TestRenderViewHost;
friend class TextInputTestLocalFrame;
friend class WebContentsSplitCacheBrowserTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NavigatorTest, TwoNavigationsRacingCommit);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderFrameHostManagerTest, DontSelectInvalidFiles);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderFrameHostManagerTest, LastCommittedOrigin);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, CrashSubframe);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, FindImmediateLocalRoots);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, UnloadHandlerSubframes);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, Unload_ABAB);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SitePerProcessBrowserTest, PartialUnloadHandler);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderFrameHostImplTest, ExpectedMainWorldOrigin);
class DroppedInterfaceRequestLogger;
RenderFrameHostImpl* FindAndVerifyChildInternal(
RenderFrameHostOrProxy child_frame_or_proxy,
bad_message::BadMessageReason reason);
// Update the RenderProcessHost priority when a navigation occurs.
void UpdateRenderProcessHostFramePriorities();
// IPC Message handlers.
void OnDetach();
void OnUnloadACK();
void OnContextMenu(const UntrustworthyContextMenuParams& params);
void OnVisualStateResponse(uint64_t id);
void OnForwardResourceTimingToParent(
const ResourceTimingInfo& resource_timing);
void OnDidStopLoading();
void OnSelectionChanged(const base::string16& text,
uint32_t offset,
const gfx::Range& range);
void OnSetNeedsOcclusionTracking(bool needs_tracking);
void OnSaveImageFromDataURL(const std::string& url_str);
// Computes the IsolationInfo for both navigations and subresources.
// For navigations, |frame_origin| is the origin being navigated to. For
// subresources, |frame_origin| is the value of |last_committed_origin_|.
net::IsolationInfo ComputeIsolationInfoInternal(
const url::Origin& frame_origin,
net::IsolationInfo::RedirectMode redirect_mode) const;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
void ForwardGetInterfaceToRenderFrame(const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle pipe);
// mojom::FrameHost:
void CreateNewWindow(mojom::CreateNewWindowParamsPtr params,
CreateNewWindowCallback callback) override;
void CreatePortal(
mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<blink::mojom::Portal> pending_receiver,
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::PortalClient> client,
CreatePortalCallback callback) override;
void AdoptPortal(const base::UnguessableToken& portal_token,
AdoptPortalCallback callback) override;
void CreateNewWidget(
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::Widget> blink_widget,
CreateNewWidgetCallback callback) override;
void CreateNewFullscreenWidget(
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::Widget> blink_widget,
CreateNewFullscreenWidgetCallback callback) override;
void IssueKeepAliveHandle(
mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::KeepAliveHandle> receiver) override;
void DidCommitProvisionalLoad(
std::unique_ptr<FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params> params,
mojom::DidCommitProvisionalLoadInterfaceParamsPtr interface_params)
// This function mimics DidCommitProvisionalLoad but is a direct mojo
// callback from NavigationClient::CommitNavigation.
// This only used when PerNavigationMojoInterface is enabled, and will
// replace DidCommitProvisionalLoad in the long run.
void DidCommitPerNavigationMojoInterfaceNavigation(
NavigationRequest* committing_navigation_request,
std::unique_ptr<FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params> params,
mojom::DidCommitProvisionalLoadInterfaceParamsPtr interface_params);
void DidCommitSameDocumentNavigation(
std::unique_ptr<FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params> params)
void BeginNavigation(
mojom::CommonNavigationParamsPtr common_params,
mojom::BeginNavigationParamsPtr begin_params,
mojo::PendingRemote<blink::mojom::BlobURLToken> blob_url_token,
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<mojom::NavigationClient> navigation_client,
navigation_initiator) override;
void SubresourceResponseStarted(const GURL& url,
net::CertStatus cert_status) override;
void ResourceLoadComplete(
blink::mojom::ResourceLoadInfoPtr resource_load_info) override;
void DidChangeName(const std::string& name,
const std::string& unique_name) override;
void DidSetFramePolicyHeaders(
network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags sandbox_flags,
const blink::ParsedFeaturePolicy& feature_policy_header,
const blink::DocumentPolicy::FeatureState& document_policy_header)
void CancelInitialHistoryLoad() override;
void UpdateEncoding(const std::string& encoding) override;
void FrameSizeChanged(const gfx::Size& frame_size) override;
void DidAddMessageToConsole(blink::mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel log_level,
const base::string16& message,
int32_t line_no,
const base::string16& source_id) override;
void TransferUserActivationFrom(int32_t source_routing_id) override;
void ShowCreatedWindow(int32_t pending_widget_routing_id,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
const gfx::Rect& initial_rect,
bool user_gesture) override;
void UpdateState(const PageState& state) override;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
void UpdateUserGestureCarryoverInfo() override;
// mojom::RenderAccessibilityHost:
void HandleAXEvents(const std::vector<AXContentTreeUpdate>& updates,
const std::vector<ui::AXEvent>& events,
int32_t reset_token,
HandleAXEventsCallback callback) override;
void HandleAXLocationChanges(
std::vector<mojom::LocationChangesPtr> changes) override;
// mojom::DomAutomationControllerHost:
void DomOperationResponse(const std::string& json_string) override;
// network::mojom::CookieAccessObserver
void Clone(mojo::PendingReceiver<network::mojom::CookieAccessObserver>
observer) override;
// Resets any waiting state of this RenderFrameHost that is no longer
// relevant.
void ResetWaitingState();
// Returns whether the given origin and URL is allowed to commit in the
// current RenderFrameHost. The |url| is used to ensure it matches the origin
// in cases where it is applicable. This is a more conservative check than
// RenderProcessHost::FilterURL, since it will be used to kill processes that
// commit unauthorized origins.
CanCommitStatus CanCommitOriginAndUrl(const url::Origin& origin,
const GURL& url);
// Asserts that the given RenderFrameHostImpl is part of the same browser
// context (and crashes if not), then returns whether the given frame is
// part of the same site instance.
bool IsSameSiteInstance(RenderFrameHostImpl* other_render_frame_host);
// Returns whether the current RenderProcessHost has read access to all the
// files reported in |state|.
bool CanAccessFilesOfPageState(const PageState& state);
// Grants the current RenderProcessHost read access to any file listed in
// |validated_state|. It is important that the PageState has been validated
// upon receipt from the renderer process to prevent it from forging access to
// files without the user's consent.
void GrantFileAccessFromPageState(const PageState& validated_state);
// Grants the current RenderProcessHost read access to any file listed in
// |body|. It is important that the ResourceRequestBody has been validated
// upon receipt from the renderer process to prevent it from forging access to
// files without the user's consent.
void GrantFileAccessFromResourceRequestBody(
const network::ResourceRequestBody& body);
void UpdatePermissionsForNavigation(
const mojom::CommonNavigationParams& common_params,
const mojom::CommitNavigationParams& commit_params);
// Calculates main world origin that will use the URLLoaderFactory if the
// factory is sent at this point to the renderer process. This may be
// different from |last_committed_origin_| between ReadyToCommit and DidCommit
// states of a navigation.
// TODO(lukasza): This method should not be needed
// once we swap RenderFrameHost on every document or origin change. See also
// TODO(lukasza): Rename and make it more general purpose if we find more
// cases where this origin needs to be used instead of GetLastCommittedOrigin
// - currently URLLoaderFactory/request_initiator_site_lock computations are
// the only known case. See also
url::Origin GetExpectedMainWorldOriginForUrlLoaderFactory();
const url::Origin& main_world_origin,
network::mojom::ClientSecurityStatePtr client_security_state,
network::mojom::TrustTokenRedemptionPolicy trust_token_redemption_policy);
// Creates a Network Service-backed factory from appropriate |NetworkContext|
// and sets a connection error handler to trigger
// |OnNetworkServiceConnectionError()| if the factory is out-of-process. If
// this returns true, any redirect safety checks should be bypassed in
// downstream loaders.
bool CreateNetworkServiceDefaultFactoryAndObserve(
network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryParamsPtr params,
bool CreateNetworkServiceDefaultFactoryInternal(
network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryParamsPtr params,
// Returns true if the ExecuteJavaScript() API can be used on this host.
bool CanExecuteJavaScript();
// Map a routing ID from a frame in the same frame tree to a globally
// unique AXTreeID.
ui::AXTreeID RoutingIDToAXTreeID(int routing_id);
// Convert the content-layer-specific AXContentNodeData to a general-purpose
// AXNodeData structure.
void AXContentNodeDataToAXNodeData(const AXContentNodeData& src,
ui::AXNodeData* dst);
// Returns the AXTreeID of the parent when the current frame is a child frame
// (i.e. not a main frame) or when it's an embedded browser plugin guest, or
// ui::AXTreeIDUnknown() otherwise.
ui::AXTreeID GetParentAXTreeID();
// Returns the AXTreeID of the currently focused frame in the frame tree if
// the current frame is the root frame, or ui::AXTreeIDUnknown otherwise.
ui::AXTreeID GetFocusedAXTreeID();
// Returns the AXTreeData associated to the current frame, ensuring that the
// AXTreeIDs values for the current, parent and focused frames are up to date.
ui::AXTreeData GetAXTreeData();
// Callback in response to an accessibility hit test triggered by
// AccessibilityHitTest.
void AccessibilityHitTestCallback(
int action_request_id,
ax::mojom::Event event_to_fire,
base::OnceCallback<void(BrowserAccessibilityManager* hit_manager,
int hit_node_id)> opt_callback,
mojom::HitTestResponsePtr hit_test_response);
// Callback that will be called as a response to the call to the method
// content::mojom::RenderAccessibility::SnapshotAccessibilityTree(). The
// |callback| passed will be invoked after the renderer has responded with a
// standalone snapshot of the accessibility tree as |snapshot|.
void RequestAXTreeSnapshotCallback(AXTreeSnapshotCallback callback,
const AXContentTreeUpdate& snapshot);
// Callback that will be called as a response to the call to the method
// blink::mojom::LocalFrame::GetSavableResourceLinks(). The |reply| passed
// will be a nullptr when the url is not the savable URLs or valid.
void GetSavableResourceLinksCallback(
blink::mojom::GetSavableResourceLinksReplyPtr reply);
// Returns the RenderWidgetHostView used for accessibility. For subframes,
// this function will return the platform view on the main frame; for main
// frames, it will return the current frame's view.
RenderWidgetHostViewBase* GetViewForAccessibility();
// Returns a raw pointer to the Web Bluetooth Service owned by the frame. Used
// for testing purposes only (see |TestRenderFrameHost|).
WebBluetoothServiceImpl* GetWebBluetoothServiceForTesting();
// Deletes the Web Bluetooth Service owned by the frame.
void DeleteWebBluetoothService(
WebBluetoothServiceImpl* web_bluetooth_service);
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
void BindAuthenticatorReceiver(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::Authenticator> receiver);
// service_manager::mojom::InterfaceProvider:
void GetInterface(const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle interface_pipe) override;
// Allows tests to disable the unload event timer to simulate bugs that
// happen before it fires (to avoid flakiness).
void DisableUnloadTimerForTesting();
// Creates a NavigationRequest to use for commit. This should only be used
// when no appropriate NavigationRequest has been found.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> CreateNavigationRequestForCommit(
const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params,
bool is_same_document);
// Whether the |request| corresponds to a navigation to the pending
// NavigationEntry. This is used at commit time, when the NavigationRequest
// does not match the data sent by the renderer to re-create a
// NavigationRequest and associate it with the pending NavigationEntry if
// needed.
// TODO(clamy): We should handle the mismatches gracefully without deleting
// the NavigationRequest and having to re-create one.
bool NavigationRequestWasIntendedForPendingEntry(
NavigationRequest* request,
const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params,
bool same_document);
// Helper to process the beforeunload completion callback. |proceed| indicates
// whether the navigation or tab close should be allowed to proceed. If
// |treat_as_final_completion_callback| is true, the frame should stop waiting
// for any further completion callbacks from subframes. Completion callbacks
// invoked from the renderer set |treat_as_final_completion_callback| to
// false, whereas a beforeunload timeout sets it to true.
void ProcessBeforeUnloadCompleted(
bool proceed,
bool treat_as_final_completion_callback,
const base::TimeTicks& renderer_before_unload_start_time,
const base::TimeTicks& renderer_before_unload_end_time);
// Find the frame that triggered the beforeunload handler to run in this
// frame, which might be the frame itself or its ancestor. This will
// return the frame that is navigating, or the main frame if beforeunload was
// triggered by closing the current tab. It will return null if no
// beforeunload is currently in progress.
RenderFrameHostImpl* GetBeforeUnloadInitiator();
// Called when a particular frame finishes running a beforeunload handler,
// possibly as part of processing beforeunload for an ancestor frame. In
// that case, this is called on the ancestor frame that is navigating or
// closing, and |frame| indicates which beforeunload completion callback has
// been invoked on. If a beforeunload timeout occurred,
// |treat_as_final_completion_callback| is set to true.
// |is_frame_being_destroyed| is set to true if this was called as part of
// destroying |frame|.
void ProcessBeforeUnloadCompletedFromFrame(
bool proceed,
bool treat_as_final_completion_callback,
RenderFrameHostImpl* frame,
bool is_frame_being_destroyed,
const base::TimeTicks& renderer_before_unload_start_time,
const base::TimeTicks& renderer_before_unload_end_time);
// Helper function to check whether the current frame and its subframes need
// to run beforeunload and, if |send_ipc| is true, send all the necessary
// IPCs for this frame's subtree. If |send_ipc| is false, this only checks
// whether beforeunload is needed and returns the answer. |subframes_only|
// indicates whether to only check subframes of the current frame, and skip
// the current frame itself.
bool CheckOrDispatchBeforeUnloadForSubtree(bool subframes_only,
bool send_ipc,
bool is_reload);
// Called by |beforeunload_timeout_| when the beforeunload timeout fires.
void BeforeUnloadTimeout();
// Update this frame's last committed origin.
void SetLastCommittedOrigin(const url::Origin& origin);
// Set the |last_committed_origin_| and |isolation_info_| of |this| frame,
// inheriting the origin from |new_frame_creator| as appropriate (e.g.
// depending on whether |this| frame should be sandboxed / should have an
// opaque origin instead).
void SetOriginAndIsolationInfoOfNewFrame(
const url::Origin& new_frame_creator);
// Called when a navigation commits successfully to |url|. This will update
// |last_committed_site_info_| with the SiteInfo corresponding to |url|.
// Note that this will recompute the SiteInfo from |url| rather than using
// GetSiteInstance()->GetSiteInfo(), so that |last_committed_site_info_| is
// always meaningful: e.g., without site isolation, could commit in a
// SiteInstance for, but this function will still compute the last
// committed SiteInfo as For example, this can be used to track which
// sites have committed in which process.
void SetLastCommittedSiteInfo(const GURL& url);
// Clears any existing policy and constructs a new policy for this frame,
// based on its parent frame.
void ResetFeaturePolicy();
// TODO(ekaramad): One major purpose behind the API is to traverse the frame
// tree top-down to visit the RenderWidgetHostViews of interest in the most
// efficient way. We might want to revisit this API, remove it from RFHImpl,
// and perhaps consolidate it with some of the existing ones such as
// WebContentsImpl::GetRenderWidgetHostViewsInTree() into a new more
// appropriate API for dealing with (virtual) RenderWidgetHost(View) tree.
// (see
// Runs |callback| for all the local roots immediately under this frame, i.e.
// local roots which are under this frame and their first ancestor which is a
// local root is either this frame or this frame's local root. For instance,
// in a frame tree such as:
// A0 //
// / | \ //
// B A1 E //
// / / \ \ //
// D A2 C F //
// RFHs at nodes B, E, D, C, and F are all local roots in the given frame tree
// under the root at A0, but only B, C, and E are considered immediate local
// roots of A0. Note that this will exclude any speculative or pending RFHs.
void ForEachImmediateLocalRoot(
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(RenderFrameHostImpl*)>& callback);
// Lazily initializes and returns the mojom::FrameNavigationControl interface
// for this frame. May be overridden by friend subclasses for e.g. tests which
// wish to intercept outgoing navigation control messages.
virtual mojom::FrameNavigationControl* GetNavigationControl();
// Utility function used to validate potentially harmful parameters sent by
// the renderer during the commit notification.
// A return value of true means that the commit should proceed.
bool ValidateDidCommitParams(
NavigationRequest* navigation_request,
FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params* params,
bool is_same_document_navigation);
// Updates the site url if the navigation was successful and the page is not
// an interstitial.
void UpdateSiteURL(const GURL& url, bool url_is_unreachable);
// The actual implementation of DidCommitProvisionalLoad and
// DidCommitPerNavigationMojoInterfaceNavigation.
void DidCommitNavigation(
std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> committing_navigation_request,
std::unique_ptr<FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params> params,
mojom::DidCommitProvisionalLoadInterfaceParamsPtr interface_params);
// Called when we receive the confirmation that a navigation committed in the
// renderer. Used by both DidCommitSameDocumentNavigation and
// DidCommitNavigation.
// Returns true if the navigation did commit properly, false if the commit
// state should be restored to its pre-commit value.
bool DidCommitNavigationInternal(
std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> navigation_request,
std::unique_ptr<FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params> params,
bool is_same_document_navigation);
// Called by the renderer process when it is done processing a same-document
// commit request.
void OnSameDocumentCommitProcessed(int64_t navigation_id,
bool should_replace_current_entry,
blink::mojom::CommitResult result);
// Called by the renderer process when it is done processing a cross-document
// commit request.
// TODO( this is only called with
// blink::mojom::CommitResult::Aborted.
void OnCrossDocumentCommitProcessed(NavigationRequest* navigation_request,
blink::mojom::CommitResult result);
// Creates a TracedValue object containing the details of a committed
// navigation, so it can be logged with the tracing system.
std::unique_ptr<base::trace_event::TracedValue> CommitAsTracedValue(
FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params* params) const;
// Creates URLLoaderFactory objects for |isolated_world_origins|.
const url::Origin& main_world_origin,
const base::flat_set<url::Origin>& isolated_world_origins,
network::mojom::ClientSecurityStatePtr client_security_state,
network::mojom::TrustTokenRedemptionPolicy trust_token_redemption_policy);
// Based on the termination |status| and |exit_code|, may generate a crash
// report to be routed to the Reporting API.
void MaybeGenerateCrashReport(base::TerminationStatus status, int exit_code);
// Move every child frame into the pending deletion state.
// For each process, send the command to delete the local subtree and execute
// the unload handlers.
void StartPendingDeletionOnSubtree();
// This function checks whether a pending deletion frame and all of its
// subframes have completed running unload handlers. If so, this function
// destroys this frame. This will happen as soon as...
// 1) The children in other processes have been deleted.
// 2) The ack (FrameHostMsg_Unload_ACK or FrameHostMsg_Detach) has been
// received. It means this frame in the renderer process is gone.
void PendingDeletionCheckCompleted();
// Call |PendingDeletionCheckCompleted| recursively on this frame and its
// children. This is useful for pruning frames with no unload handlers from
// this frame's subtree.
void PendingDeletionCheckCompletedOnSubtree();
// In this frame and its children, removes every:
// - NavigationRequest.
// - Speculative RenderFrameHost.
void ResetNavigationsForPendingDeletion();
// Called on an unloading frame when its unload timeout is reached. This
// immediately deletes the RenderFrameHost.
void OnUnloadTimeout();
// Runs interception set up in testing code, if any.
// Returns true if we should proceed to the Commit callback, false otherwise.
bool MaybeInterceptCommitCallback(
NavigationRequest* navigation_request,
FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params* params,
mojom::DidCommitProvisionalLoadInterfaceParamsPtr* interface_params);
// If this RenderFrameHost is a local root (i.e., either the main frame or a
// subframe in a different process than its parent), this returns the
// RenderWidgetHost corresponding to this frame. Otherwise this returns null.
// See also GetRenderWidgetHost(), which walks up the tree to find the nearest
// local root.
// Main frame: RenderWidgetHost is owned by the RenderViewHost.
// Subframe: RenderWidgetHost is owned by this RenderFrameHost.
RenderWidgetHostImpl* GetLocalRenderWidgetHost() const;
// Called after a new document commit. Every children of the previous document
// are expected to be deleted or at least to be pending deletion waiting for
// unload completion. A compromised renderer process or bugs can cause the
// renderer to "forget" to start deletion. In this case the browser deletes
// them immediately, without waiting for unload completion.
void EnsureDescendantsAreUnloading();
// Implements AddMessageToConsole() and AddUniqueMessageToConsole().
void AddMessageToConsoleImpl(blink::mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel level,
const std::string& message,
bool discard_duplicates);
// Helper functions for logging crash keys when ValidateDidCommitParams()
// determines it cannot commit a URL or origin.
void LogCannotCommitUrlCrashKeys(const GURL& url,
bool is_same_document_navigation,
NavigationRequest* navigation_request);
void LogCannotCommitOriginCrashKeys(bool is_same_document_navigation,
NavigationRequest* navigation_request);
// Evicts the document from the BackForwardCache if it is in the cache,
// and ineligible for caching.
void MaybeEvictFromBackForwardCache();
// Common handler for displaying a javascript dialog from the Run*Dialog
// mojo handlers. This method sets up some initial state before asking the
// delegate to create a dialog.
void RunJavaScriptDialog(const base::string16& message,
const base::string16& default_prompt,
JavaScriptDialogType dialog_type,
JavaScriptDialogCallback callback);
// Callback function used to handle the dialog being closed. It will reset
// the state in the associated RenderFrameHostImpl and call the associated
// callback when done.
void JavaScriptDialogClosed(JavaScriptDialogCallback response_callback,
bool success,
const base::string16& user_input);
// See |SetIsXrOverlaySetup()|
bool HasSeenRecentXrOverlaySetup();
bool has_unload_handler() {
return has_unload_handler_ || do_not_delete_for_testing_;
// Updates the |lifecycle_state_|. Called when there is a change in the
// RenderFrameHost LifecycleState.
void SetLifecycleState(LifecycleState state);
void BindReportingObserver(
// Check the renderer provided sandbox flags matches with what the browser
// process computed on its own. This triggers DCHECK and DumpWithoutCrashing()
// TODO( Remove this when we are confident the value
// computed from the browser is always matching.
void CheckSandboxFlags();
// Sets the embedding token corresponding to the document in this
// RenderFrameHost.
void SetEmbeddingToken(const base::UnguessableToken& embedding_token);
// The RenderViewHost that this RenderFrameHost is associated with.
// It is kept alive as long as any RenderFrameHosts or RenderFrameProxyHosts
// are using it.
// The refcount allows each RenderFrameHostManager to just care about
// RenderFrameHosts, while ensuring we have a RenderViewHost for each
// RenderFrameHost.
// TODO(creis): RenderViewHost will eventually go away and be replaced with
// some form of page context.
scoped_refptr<RenderViewHostImpl> render_view_host_;
RenderFrameHostDelegate* const delegate_;
// The SiteInstance associated with this RenderFrameHost. All content drawn
// in this RenderFrameHost is part of this SiteInstance. Cannot change over
// time.
const scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> site_instance_;
// The renderer process this RenderFrameHost is associated with. It is
// initialized through a call to site_instance_->GetProcess() at creation
// time. RenderFrameHost::GetProcess() uses this cached pointer to avoid
// recreating the renderer process if it has crashed, since using
// SiteInstance::GetProcess() has the side effect of creating the process
// again if it is gone.
RenderProcessHost* const process_;
// Reference to the whole frame tree that this RenderFrameHost belongs to.
// Allows this RenderFrameHost to add and remove nodes in response to
// messages from the renderer requesting DOM manipulation.
FrameTree* const frame_tree_;
// The FrameTreeNode which this RenderFrameHostImpl is hosted in.
FrameTreeNode* const frame_tree_node_;
// The immediate children of this specific frame.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameTreeNode>> children_;
// The active parent RenderFrameHost for this frame, if it is a subframe.
// Null for the main frame. This is cached because the parent FrameTreeNode
// may change its current RenderFrameHost while this child is pending
// deletion, and GetParent() should never return a different value, even if
// this RenderFrameHost is on the pending deletion list and the parent
// FrameTreeNode has changed its current RenderFrameHost.
RenderFrameHostImpl* const parent_;
// Track this frame's last committed URL.
GURL last_committed_url_;
// Track the frame priority of the last committed document, which is nullopt
// prior to the first commit.
// Track this frame's last committed origin.
url::Origin last_committed_origin_;
network::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy cross_origin_embedder_policy_;
network::CrossOriginOpenerPolicy cross_origin_opener_policy_;
// Track the SiteInfo of the last site we committed successfully, as obtained
// from SiteInstanceImpl::GetSiteInfoForURL().
SiteInfo last_committed_site_info_;
// The most recent non-error URL to commit in this frame.
// TODO(clamy): Remove this in favor of GetLastCommittedURL().
// See
GURL last_successful_url_;
// The http method of the last committed navigation.
std::string last_http_method_;
// The http status code of the last committed navigation.
int last_http_status_code_ = 0;
std::map<uint64_t, VisualStateCallback> visual_state_callbacks_;
// Local root subframes directly own their RenderWidgetHost.
// Please see comments about the GetLocalRenderWidgetHost() function.
// TODO(kenrb): Later this will also be used on the top-level frame, when
// RenderFrameHost owns its RenderViewHost.
std::unique_ptr<RenderWidgetHostImpl> owned_render_widget_host_;
const int routing_id_;
// Boolean indicating whether this RenderFrameHost is being actively used or
// is waiting for FrameHostMsg_Unload_ACK and thus pending deletion.
bool is_waiting_for_unload_ack_;
// Tracks whether the RenderFrame for this RenderFrameHost has been created in
// the renderer process.
bool render_frame_created_;
// When the last BeforeUnload message was sent.
base::TimeTicks send_before_unload_start_time_;
// Set to true when there is a pending FrameMsg_BeforeUnload message. This
// ensures we don't spam the renderer with multiple beforeunload requests.
// When either this value or IsWaitingForUnloadACK is true, the value of
// unload_ack_is_for_cross_site_transition_ indicates whether this is for a
// cross-site transition or a tab close attempt.
// TODO(clamy): Remove this boolean and add one more state to the state
// machine.
bool is_waiting_for_beforeunload_completion_;
// Valid only when |is_waiting_for_beforeunload_completion_| is true. This
// indicates whether a subsequent request to launch a modal dialog should be
// honored or whether it should implicitly cause the unload to be canceled.
bool beforeunload_dialog_request_cancels_unload_;
// Valid only when is_waiting_for_beforeunload_completion_ or
// IsWaitingForUnloadACK is true. This tells us if the unload request
// is for closing the entire tab ( = false), or only this RenderFrameHost in
// the case of a navigation ( = true).
bool unload_ack_is_for_navigation_;
// The timeout monitor that runs from when the beforeunload is started in
// DispatchBeforeUnload() until either the render process invokes the
// respective completion callback (ProcessBeforeUnloadCompleted()), or until
// the timeout triggers.
std::unique_ptr<TimeoutMonitor> beforeunload_timeout_;
// The delay to use for the beforeunload timeout monitor above.
base::TimeDelta beforeunload_timeout_delay_;
// When this frame is asked to execute beforeunload, this maintains a list of
// frames that need beforeunload completion callbacks to be invoked on. This
// may include this frame and/or its descendant frames. This excludes frames
// that don't have beforeunload handlers defined.
// TODO(alexmos): For now, this always includes the navigating frame. Make
// this include the navigating frame only if it has a beforeunload handler
// defined.
std::set<RenderFrameHostImpl*> beforeunload_pending_replies_;
// During beforeunload, keeps track whether a dialog has already been shown.
// Used to enforce at most one dialog per navigation. This is tracked on the
// frame that is being navigated, and not on any of its subframes that might
// have triggered a dialog.
bool has_shown_beforeunload_dialog_ = false;
// Returns whether the tab was previously discarded.
// This is passed to CommitNavigationParams in NavigationRequest.
bool was_discarded_;
// Indicates whether this RenderFrameHost is in the process of loading a
// document or not.
bool is_loading_;
// Indicates whether this RenderFrameHost has completed firing
// DOMContentLoaded or not.
bool dom_content_loaded_ = false;
// The unique ID of the latest NavigationEntry that this RenderFrameHost is
// showing. This may change even when this frame hasn't committed a page,
// such as for a new subframe navigation in a different frame. Tracking this
// allows us to send things like title and state updates to the latest
// relevant NavigationEntry.
int nav_entry_id_;
// Used to clean up this RFH when the unload event is taking too long to
// execute. May be null in tests.
std::unique_ptr<TimeoutMonitor> unload_event_monitor_timeout_;
// GeolocationService which provides Geolocation.
std::unique_ptr<GeolocationServiceImpl> geolocation_service_;
// SensorProvider proxy which acts as a gatekeeper to the real SensorProvider.
std::unique_ptr<SensorProviderProxyImpl> sensor_provider_proxy_;
std::unique_ptr<blink::AssociatedInterfaceRegistry> associated_registry_;
std::unique_ptr<service_manager::InterfaceProvider> remote_interfaces_;
std::list<std::unique_ptr<WebBluetoothServiceImpl>> web_bluetooth_services_;
std::unique_ptr<ScreenEnumerationImpl> screen_enumeration_impl_;
// The object managing the accessibility tree for this frame.
std::unique_ptr<BrowserAccessibilityManager> browser_accessibility_manager_;
// This is nonzero if we sent an accessibility reset to the renderer and
// we're waiting for an IPC containing this reset token (sequentially
// assigned) and a complete replacement accessibility tree.
int accessibility_reset_token_;
// A count of the number of times we needed to reset accessibility, so
// we don't keep trying to reset forever.
int accessibility_reset_count_;
// The last AXTreeData for this frame received from the RenderFrame.
ui::AXTreeData ax_tree_data_;
// The AX tree ID of the embedder, if this is a browser plugin guest.
ui::AXTreeID browser_plugin_embedder_ax_tree_id_;
// Samsung Galaxy Note-specific "smart clip" stylus text getter.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Callback when an event is received, for testing.
AccessibilityCallbackForTesting accessibility_testing_callback_;
// Flag to not create a BrowserAccessibilityManager, for testing. If one
// already exists it will still be used.
bool no_create_browser_accessibility_manager_for_testing_;
// Context shared for each mojom::PermissionService instance created for this
// RFH.
std::unique_ptr<PermissionServiceContext> permission_service_context_;
// Holder of Mojo connection with ImageDownloader service in Blink.
mojo::Remote<blink::mojom::ImageDownloader> mojo_image_downloader_;
// Holder of Mojo connection with FindInPage service in Blink.
mojo::AssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::FindInPage> find_in_page_;
// Holder of Mojo connection with the LocalFrame in Blink.
mojo::AssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::LocalFrame> local_frame_;
// Holder of Mojo connection with the LocalMainFrame in Blink. This
// remote will be valid when the frame is the active main frame.
mojo::AssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::LocalMainFrame> local_main_frame_;
// Holder of Mojo connection with the HighPriorityLocalFrame in blink.
mojo::Remote<blink::mojom::HighPriorityLocalFrame> high_priority_local_frame_;
// Holds a NavigationRequest when it's about to commit, ie. after
// OnCrossDocumentCommitProcessed has returned a positive answer for this
// NavigationRequest but before receiving DidCommitProvisionalLoad. This
// NavigationRequest is for a cross-document navigation.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> navigation_request_;
// Holds AppCacheNavigationHandle after navigation request has been committed,
// which keeps corresponding AppCacheHost alive while renderer asks for it.
// See AppCacheNavigationHandle comment for more details.
std::unique_ptr<AppCacheNavigationHandle> appcache_handle_;
// Holds the cross-document NavigationRequests that are waiting to commit,
// indexed by IDs. These are navigations that have passed ReadyToCommit stage
// and are waiting for the renderer to send back a matching
// OnCrossDocumentCommitProcessed.
// TODO(ahemery): We have this storage as a map because we actually want to
// find navigations by id with PerNavigationMojoInterface disabled.
// When the flag is always on, rework the structure to simply store an
// unindexed bunch of ongoing navigations and modify
// DidCommitNavigationInternal.
std::map<NavigationRequest*, std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest>>
// Holds a same-document NavigationRequest while waiting for the navigation it
// is tracking to commit.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> same_document_navigation_request_;
// The associated WebUIImpl and its type. They will be set if the current
// document is from WebUI source. Otherwise they will be null and
// WebUI::kNoWebUI, respectively.
std::unique_ptr<WebUIImpl> web_ui_;
WebUI::TypeID web_ui_type_;
// If true, then the RenderFrame has selected text.
bool has_selection_;
// If true, then this RenderFrame has one or more audio streams with audible
// signal. If false, all audio streams are currently silent (or there are no
// audio streams).
bool is_audible_;
// If true, then the Virtual keyboard rectangle that occludes the content is
// sent to the VirtualKeyboard API where it fires overlaygeometrychange JS
// event notifying the web authors that Virtual keyboard has occluded the
// content.
bool should_virtual_keyboard_overlay_content_;
// Used for tracking the latest size of the RenderFrame.
base::Optional<gfx::Size> frame_size_;
// The Previews state of the last navigation. This is used during history
// navigation of subframes to ensure that subframes navigate with the same
// Previews status as the top-level frame.
PreviewsState last_navigation_previews_state_;
// This boolean indicates whether the RenderFrame has committed *any*
// navigation or not. Starts off false and is set to true for the lifetime of
// the RenderFrame when the first CommitNavigation message is sent to the
// RenderFrame. It is reset after a renderer process crash.
bool has_committed_any_navigation_ = false;
bool must_be_replaced_ = false;
mojo::AssociatedReceiver<mojom::FrameHost> frame_host_associated_receiver_{
mojo::Remote<mojom::Frame> frame_;
mojo::AssociatedRemote<mojom::FrameBindingsControl> frame_bindings_control_;
mojo::AssociatedRemote<mojom::FrameNavigationControl> navigation_control_;
// This receiver should only be valid when the frame is a swapped in main
// frame.
// If this is true then this object was created in response to a renderer
// initiated request. Init() will be called, and until then navigation
// requests should be queued.
bool waiting_for_init_;
// If true then this frame's document has a focused element which is editable.
bool has_focused_editable_element_;
std::unique_ptr<PendingNavigation> pending_navigate_;
// A collection of non-network URLLoaderFactory implementations which are used
// to service any supported non-network subresource requests for the currently
// committed navigation.
// Renderer-side states that blocks fast shutdown of the frame.
bool has_before_unload_handler_ = false;
bool has_unload_handler_ = false;
// Hosts media::mojom::InterfaceFactory for the RenderFrame and forwards
// media::mojom::InterfaceFactory calls to the remote "media" service.
std::unique_ptr<MediaInterfaceProxy> media_interface_proxy_;
// Hosts blink::mojom::PresentationService for the RenderFrame.
std::unique_ptr<PresentationServiceImpl> presentation_service_;
// Hosts blink::mojom::FileSystemManager for the RenderFrame.
std::unique_ptr<FileSystemManagerImpl, BrowserThread::DeleteOnIOThread>
// Hosts blink::mojom::PushMessaging for the RenderFrame.
std::unique_ptr<PushMessagingManager, base::OnTaskRunnerDeleter>
// Hosts blink::mojom::SpeechSynthesis for the RenderFrame.
std::unique_ptr<SpeechSynthesisImpl> speech_synthesis_impl_;
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
std::unique_ptr<AuthenticatorImpl> authenticator_impl_;
// A bitwise OR of bindings types that have been enabled for this RenderFrame.
// See BindingsPolicy for details.
int enabled_bindings_ = 0;
// Tracks the feature policy which has been set on this frame.
std::unique_ptr<blink::FeaturePolicy> feature_policy_;
// Tracks the sandbox flags which are in effect on this frame. This includes
// any flags which have been set by a Content-Security-Policy header, in
// addition to those which are set by the embedding frame. This is initially a
// copy of the active sandbox flags which are stored in the FrameTreeNode for
// this RenderFrameHost, but may diverge if this RenderFrameHost is pending
// deletion.
network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags active_sandbox_flags_;
// Same as |active_sandbox_flags_|, except this is computed:
// - outside of the renderer process.
// - before loading the document.
// For now, this is simply used to double check this matches the renderer
// computation. Later this will be used as the source of truth.
// [OutOfBlinkSandbox](
base::Optional<network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags> active_sandbox_flags_control_;
// Tracks the document policy which has been set on this frame.
std::unique_ptr<blink::DocumentPolicy> document_policy_;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// An InterfaceProvider for Java-implemented interfaces that are scoped to
// this RenderFrameHost. This provides access to interfaces implemented in
// Java in the browser process to C++ code in the browser process.
std::unique_ptr<service_manager::InterfaceProvider> java_interfaces_;
// An InterfaceRegistry that forwards interface requests from Java to the
// RenderFrame. This provides access to interfaces implemented in the renderer
// to Java code in the browser process.
class JavaInterfaceProvider;
std::unique_ptr<JavaInterfaceProvider> java_interface_registry_;
// Binding for the InterfaceProvider through which this RenderFrameHostImpl
// exposes frame-scoped Mojo services to the currently active document in the
// corresponding RenderFrame.
// GetInterface messages dispatched through this binding are guaranteed to
// originate from the document corresponding to the last committed navigation;
// or the inital empty document if no real navigation has ever been committed.
// The InterfaceProvider interface connection is established as follows:
// 1) For the initial empty document, the call site that creates this
// RenderFrameHost is responsible for creating a message pipe, binding its
// receiver end to this instance by calling
// BindInterfaceProviderReceiver(), and plumbing the client end to the
// renderer process, and ultimately supplying it to the RenderFrame
// synchronously at construction time.
// The only exception to this rule are out-of-process child frames, whose
// RenderFrameHosts take care of this internally in CreateRenderFrame().
// 2) For subsequent documents, the RenderFrame creates a new message pipe
// every time a cross-document navigation is committed, and pushes its
// request end to the browser process as part of DidCommitProvisionalLoad.
// The client end will be used by the new document corresponding to the
// committed naviagation to access services exposed by the RenderFrameHost.
// This is required to prevent GetInterface messages racing with navigation
// commit from being serviced in the security context corresponding to the
// wrong document in the RenderFrame. The benefit of the approach taken is
// that it does not necessitate using channel-associated InterfaceProvider
// interfaces.
// BrowserInterfaceBroker implementation through which this
// RenderFrameHostImpl exposes document-scoped Mojo services to the currently
// active document in the corresponding RenderFrame.
BrowserInterfaceBrokerImpl<RenderFrameHostImpl, RenderFrameHost*> broker_{
mojo::Receiver<blink::mojom::BrowserInterfaceBroker> broker_receiver_{
// Logs interface requests that arrive after the frame has already committed a
// non-same-document navigation, and has already unbound
// |broker_receiver_| from the interface connection that had been used to
// service RenderFrame::GetBrowserInterfaceBroker for the previously active
// document in the frame.
// IPC-friendly token that represents this host.
const base::UnguessableToken frame_token_;
viz::mojom::InputTargetClient* input_target_client_ = nullptr;
// Binding to remote implementation of mojom::RenderAccessibility. Note that
// this binding is done on-demand (in UpdateAccessibilityMode()) and will only
// be connected (i.e. bound) to the other endpoint in the renderer while there
// is an accessibility mode that includes |kWebContents|.
mojo::AssociatedRemote<mojom::RenderAccessibility> render_accessibility_;
std::unique_ptr<KeepAliveHandleFactory> keep_alive_handle_factory_;
base::TimeDelta keep_alive_timeout_;
// For observing Network Service connection errors only. Will trigger
// |OnNetworkServiceConnectionError()| and push updated factories to
// |RenderFrame|.
// Whether UpdateSubresourceLoaderFactories should recreate the default
// URLLoaderFactory when handling a NetworkService crash. In case the frame
// is covered by AppCache, only isolated-world-specific factories need to be
// refreshed, but the main, AppCache-specific factory shouldn't be refreshed.
bool recreate_default_url_loader_factory_after_network_service_crash_ = false;
// Set of isolated world origins that require a separate URLLoaderFactory
// (e.g. for handling requests initiated by extension content scripts that
// require relaxed CORS/CORB rules).
// Holds the renderer generated ID and global request ID for the main frame
// request.
std::pair<int, GlobalRequestID> main_frame_request_ids_;
// If |ResourceLoadComplete()| is called for the main resource before
// |DidCommitProvisionalLoad()|, the load info is saved here to call
// |ResourceLoadComplete()| when |DidCommitProvisionalLoad()| is called. This
// is necessary so the renderer ID can be mapped to the global ID in
// |DidCommitProvisionalLoad()|. This situation should only happen when an
// empty document is loaded.
blink::mojom::ResourceLoadInfoPtr deferred_main_frame_load_info_;
// If a subframe failed to finish running its unload handler after
// |subframe_unload_timeout_| the RenderFrameHost is deleted.
base::TimeDelta subframe_unload_timeout_;
// Call OnUnloadTimeout() when the unload timer expires.
base::OneShotTimer subframe_unload_timer_;
// BackForwardCache:
bool is_evicted_from_back_forward_cache_ = false;
base::OneShotTimer back_forward_cache_eviction_timer_;
// The reasons given in BackForwardCache::DisableForRenderFrameHost. This is a
// breakdown of NotRestoredReason::kDisableForRenderFrameHostCalled.
std::set<std::string> back_forward_cache_disabled_reasons_;
// This used to re-commit when restoring from the BackForwardCache, with the
// same params as the original navigation.
// Note: If BackForwardCache is not enabled, this field is not set.
blink::mojom::FrameVisibility visibility_ =
// Whether the currently committed document is MHTML or not. It is set at
// commit time based on the MIME type of the NavigationRequest that resulted
// in the navigation commit. Setting the value should be based only on
// browser side state as this value is used in security checks.
bool is_mhtml_document_ = false;
// The last reported character encoding, not canonicalized.
std::string last_reported_encoding_;
// The canonicalized character encoding.
std::string canonical_encoding_;
// Used to intercept DidCommit* calls in tests.
CommitCallbackInterceptor* commit_callback_interceptor_;
// Mask of the active features tracked by the scheduler used by this frame.
// This is used only for metrics.
// See blink::SchedulingPolicy::Feature for the meaning.
// These values should be cleared on document commit.
// Both are needed as some features are tracked in the renderer process and
// some in the browser process, depending on the design of each individual
// feature. They are tracked separately, because when the renderer updates the
// set of features, the browser ones should persist.
uint64_t renderer_reported_scheduler_tracked_features_ = 0;
uint64_t browser_reported_scheduler_tracked_features_ = 0;
// Holds prefetched signed exchanges for SignedExchangeSubresourcePrefetch.
// They will be passed to the next navigation.
// Isolation information to be used for subresources from the currently
// committed navigation. Stores both the SiteForCookies and the
// NetworkIsolationKey. This is specific to a document and should be reset on
// every cross-document commit. When a new frame is created, the new frame
// inherits the IsolationInfo from the creator frame, similarly to the last
// committed origin.
net::IsolationInfo isolation_info_;
// The factory to load resources from the WebBundle source bound to
// this file.
std::unique_ptr<WebBundleHandle> web_bundle_handle_;
// Tainted once MediaStream access was granted.
bool was_granted_media_access_ = false;
// Salt for generating frame-specific media device IDs.
std::string media_device_id_salt_base_;
// Keeps track of various security properties of the last committed document
// that are needed by the network service.
network::mojom::ClientSecurityStatePtr last_committed_client_security_state_;
// Keep the list of ServiceWorkerContainerHosts so that they can observe when
// the frame goes in/out of BackForwardCache.
// These pointers must be dereferenced on the
// |ServiceWorkerContext::GetCoreThreadId()| thread only.
// TODO(yuzus): Make this a single pointer. A frame should only have a single
// container host, but probably during a navigation the old container host is
// still alive when the new container host is created and added to this
// vector, and the old container host is destroyed shortly after navigation.
std::map<std::string, base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContainerHost>>
// The reason why the last attempted navigation in the frame didn't use a new
// BrowsingInstance.
// TODO( Remove after the investigation.
// The portals owned by this frame. |Portal::owner_render_frame_host_| points
// back to |this|.
base::flat_set<std::unique_ptr<Portal>, base::UniquePtrComparator> portals_;
// Tracking active features in this frame, for use in figuring out whether
// or not it can be frozen.
std::unique_ptr<FeatureObserver> feature_observer_;
// Optional PeakGpuMemoryTracker, when this frame is the main frame. Created
// by NavigationRequest, ownership is maintained until the frame has stopped
// loading. Or newer navigations occur.
std::unique_ptr<PeakGpuMemoryTracker> loading_mem_tracker_ = nullptr;
// Container for arbitrary document-associated feature-specific data. Should
// be reset when committing a cross-document navigation in this
// RenderFrameHost. Please refer to the description at
// content/public/browser/render_document_host_user_data.h for more details.
class DocumentAssociatedData : public base::SupportsUserData {
friend class RenderFrameHostImpl;
DocumentAssociatedData document_associated_data_;
// Keeps track of the scenario when RenderFrameHostManager::CommitPending is
// called before the navigation commits. This becomes true if the previous
// RenderFrameHost is not alive and the speculative RenderFrameHost is
// committed early (see RenderFrameHostManager::GetFrameHostForNavigation for
// more details). While |committed_speculative_rfh_before_navigation_commit_|
// is true the RenderFrameHost which we commit early will be live.
bool committed_speculative_rfh_before_navigation_commit_ = false;
// This time is used to record the last WebXR DOM Overlay setup request.
base::TimeTicks last_xr_overlay_setup_time_;
std::unique_ptr<CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyReporter> coep_reporter_;
std::unique_ptr<CrossOriginOpenerPolicyReporter> coop_reporter_;
// Whenever we detect that the enforcement of a report-only COOP policy would
// have resulted in a BrowsingInstance switch, we assign a new virtual
// browsing context group ID to the RenderFrameHostImpl that has navigated.
// TODO( Implement this.
int virtual_browsing_context_group_ = -1;
// Navigation ID for the last committed cross-document non-bfcached navigation
// in this RenderFrameHost.
// TODO( Make this const after we have RenderDocument.
int64_t last_committed_cross_document_navigation_id_ = -1;
// Tracks the state of |this| RenderFrameHost from the point it is created to
// when it gets deleted.
LifecycleState lifecycle_state_;
// If true, RenderFrameHost should not be actually deleted and should be left
// stuck in pending deletion.
bool do_not_delete_for_testing_ = false;
// Embedding token for the document in this RenderFrameHost. This differs from
// |frame_token_| in that |frame_token_| has a lifetime matching that of the
// corresponding RenderFrameHostImpl, and is intended to be used for IPCs for
// identifying frames just like routing IDs. |embedding_token_| has a document
// scoped lifetime and changes on cross-document navigations.
base::Optional<base::UnguessableToken> embedding_token_;
// Observers listening to cookie access notifications for the current document
// in this RenderFrameHost.
// Note: at the moment this set is not cleared when a new document is created
// in this RenderFrameHost. This is done because the first observer is created
// before the navigation actually commits and because the old routing id-based
// behaved in the same way as well.
// This problem should go away with RenderDocumentHost in any case.
// TODO( Remove this warning after the RDH ships.
mojo::ReceiverSet<network::mojom::CookieAccessObserver> cookie_observers_;
// Indicates whether this frame is an outer delegate frame for some other
// RenderFrameHost.
bool is_outer_delegate_frame_ = false;
// NOTE: This must be the last member.
base::WeakPtrFactory<RenderFrameHostImpl> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
// Used when DCHECK_STATE_TRANSITION triggers.
CONTENT_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& o,
const RenderFrameHostImpl::LifecycleState& s);
} // namespace content