blob: a5d26344dbba59144163e7fef389e4ff0848d93f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/read_only_shared_memory_region.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/process/kill.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/frame_sink_id.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/event_with_latency_info.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/frame_token_message_queue.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/input_disposition_handler.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/input_router_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/render_widget_host_latency_tracker.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/synthetic_gesture.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/synthetic_gesture_controller.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/touch_emulator_client.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_metadata_provider_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_delegate.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_base.h"
#include "content/common/drag_event_source_info.h"
#include "content/common/render_frame_metadata.mojom.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host.h"
#include "content/public/common/page_zoom.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_listener.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/compositor_frame_sink.mojom.h"
#include "services/viz/public/mojom/hit_test/input_target_client.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/input_event_result.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/input_handler.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/pointer_lock_context.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/manifest/display_mode.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/page/widget.mojom.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/text_input_mode.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/text_input_type.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/latency/latency_info.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "content/public/browser/android/child_process_importance.h"
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
#include "services/device/public/mojom/wake_lock.mojom.h"
class SkBitmap;
namespace blink {
class WebInputEvent;
class WebMouseEvent;
namespace gfx {
class Image;
class Range;
class Vector2dF;
namespace ui {
enum class DomCode;
namespace content {
class BrowserAccessibilityManager;
class FlingSchedulerBase;
class InputRouter;
class MockRenderWidgetHost;
class PeakGpuMemoryTracker;
class RenderWidgetHostOwnerDelegate;
class SyntheticGestureController;
class TimeoutMonitor;
class TouchEmulator;
class WebCursor;
struct VisualProperties;
struct ScreenInfo;
// This implements the RenderWidgetHost interface that is exposed to
// embedders of content, and adds things only visible to content.
// Several core rendering primitives are mirrored between the browser and
// renderer. These are RenderWidget, RenderFrame and RenderView. Their browser
// counterparts are RenderWidgetHost, RenderFrameHost and RenderViewHost.
// For simplicity and clarity, we want the object ownership graph in the
// renderer to mirror the object ownership graph in the browser. The IPC message
// that tears down the renderer object graph should be targeted at the root
// object, and should be sent by the destructor/finalizer of the root object in
// the browser.
// Note: We must tear down the renderer object graph with a single IPC to avoid
// inconsistencies in renderer state.
// RenderWidget represents a surface that can paint and receive input. It is
// used in four contexts:
// * Main frame for webpage
// * Child frame for webpage
// * Popups
// * Pepper Fullscreen
// In the first two cases, the RenderFrame is not the root of the renderer
// object graph. For the main frame, the root is the RenderView. For child
// frames, the root is RenderFrame. As such, for the first two cases,
// destruction of the RenderWidgetHost will not trigger destruction of the
// RenderWidget.
// Note: We want to converge on RenderFrame always being the root.
class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderWidgetHostImpl
: public RenderWidgetHost,
public FrameTokenMessageQueue::Client,
public InputRouterImplClient,
public InputDispositionHandler,
public RenderProcessHostImpl::PriorityClient,
public RenderProcessHostObserver,
public SyntheticGestureController::Delegate,
public IPC::Listener,
public RenderFrameMetadataProvider::Observer,
public blink::mojom::FrameWidgetHost,
public blink::mojom::WidgetHost,
public blink::mojom::PointerLockContext {
// |routing_id| must not be MSG_ROUTING_NONE.
// If this object outlives |delegate|, DetachDelegate() must be called when
// |delegate| goes away.
RenderWidgetHostDelegate* delegate,
RenderProcessHost* process,
int32_t routing_id,
bool hidden,
std::unique_ptr<FrameTokenMessageQueue> frame_token_message_queue);
~RenderWidgetHostImpl() override;
// Similar to RenderWidgetHost::FromID, but returning the Impl object.
static RenderWidgetHostImpl* FromID(int32_t process_id, int32_t routing_id);
// Returns all RenderWidgetHosts including swapped out ones for
// internal use. The public interface
// RenderWidgetHost::GetRenderWidgetHosts only returns active ones.
static std::unique_ptr<RenderWidgetHostIterator> GetAllRenderWidgetHosts();
// Use RenderWidgetHostImpl::From(rwh) to downcast a RenderWidgetHost to a
// RenderWidgetHostImpl.
static RenderWidgetHostImpl* From(RenderWidgetHost* rwh);
void set_new_content_rendering_delay_for_testing(
const base::TimeDelta& delay) {
new_content_rendering_delay_ = delay;
base::TimeDelta new_content_rendering_delay() {
return new_content_rendering_delay_;
void set_owner_delegate(RenderWidgetHostOwnerDelegate* owner_delegate) {
owner_delegate_ = owner_delegate;
RenderWidgetHostOwnerDelegate* owner_delegate() { return owner_delegate_; }
void set_clock_for_testing(const base::TickClock* clock) { clock_ = clock; }
// RenderWidgetHost implementation.
const viz::FrameSinkId& GetFrameSinkId() override;
void UpdateTextDirection(base::i18n::TextDirection direction) override;
void NotifyTextDirection() override;
void Focus() override;
void Blur() override;
void FlushForTesting() override;
void SetActive(bool active) override;
void ForwardMouseEvent(const blink::WebMouseEvent& mouse_event) override;
void ForwardWheelEvent(const blink::WebMouseWheelEvent& wheel_event) override;
void ForwardKeyboardEvent(const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& key_event) override;
void ForwardGestureEvent(
const blink::WebGestureEvent& gesture_event) override;
RenderProcessHost* GetProcess() override;
int GetRoutingID() override;
RenderWidgetHostViewBase* GetView() override;
bool IsCurrentlyUnresponsive() override;
bool SynchronizeVisualProperties() override;
void AddKeyPressEventCallback(const KeyPressEventCallback& callback) override;
void RemoveKeyPressEventCallback(
const KeyPressEventCallback& callback) override;
void AddMouseEventCallback(const MouseEventCallback& callback) override;
void RemoveMouseEventCallback(const MouseEventCallback& callback) override;
void AddInputEventObserver(
RenderWidgetHost::InputEventObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveInputEventObserver(
RenderWidgetHost::InputEventObserver* observer) override;
void AddObserver(RenderWidgetHostObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(RenderWidgetHostObserver* observer) override;
void GetScreenInfo(content::ScreenInfo* result) override;
base::Optional<cc::TouchAction> GetAllowedTouchAction() override;
// |drop_data| must have been filtered. The embedder should call
// FilterDropData before passing the drop data to RWHI.
void DragTargetDragEnter(const DropData& drop_data,
const gfx::PointF& client_pt,
const gfx::PointF& screen_pt,
blink::WebDragOperationsMask operations_allowed,
int key_modifiers) override;
void DragTargetDragEnterWithMetaData(
const std::vector<DropData::Metadata>& metadata,
const gfx::PointF& client_pt,
const gfx::PointF& screen_pt,
blink::WebDragOperationsMask operations_allowed,
int key_modifiers) override;
void DragTargetDragOver(const gfx::PointF& client_point,
const gfx::PointF& screen_point,
blink::WebDragOperationsMask operations_allowed,
int key_modifiers) override;
void DragTargetDragLeave(const gfx::PointF& client_point,
const gfx::PointF& screen_point) override;
// |drop_data| must have been filtered. The embedder should call
// FilterDropData before passing the drop data to RWHI.
void DragTargetDrop(const DropData& drop_data,
const gfx::PointF& client_point,
const gfx::PointF& screen_point,
int key_modifiers) override;
void DragSourceEndedAt(const gfx::PointF& client_pt,
const gfx::PointF& screen_pt,
blink::WebDragOperation operation) override;
void DragSourceSystemDragEnded() override;
void FilterDropData(DropData* drop_data) override;
void SetCursor(const ui::Cursor& cursor) override;
void ShowContextMenuAtPoint(const gfx::Point& point,
const ui::MenuSourceType source_type) override;
// RenderProcessHostImpl::PriorityClient implementation.
RenderProcessHost::Priority GetPriority() override;
// RenderProcessHostObserver implementation.
void RenderProcessExited(RenderProcessHost* host,
const ChildProcessTerminationInfo& info) override;
// blink::mojom::WidgetHost implementation.
void SetToolTipText(const base::string16& tooltip_text,
base::i18n::TextDirection text_direction_hint) override;
void TextInputStateChanged(ui::mojom::TextInputStatePtr state) override;
void SelectionBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& anchor_rect,
base::i18n::TextDirection anchor_dir,
const gfx::Rect& focus_rect,
base::i18n::TextDirection focus_dir,
bool is_anchor_first) override;
// Notification that the screen info has changed.
void NotifyScreenInfoChanged();
// Forces redraw in the renderer and when the update reaches the browser.
// grabs snapshot from the compositor.
// If |from_surface| is false, it will obtain the snapshot directly from the
// view (On MacOS, the snapshot is taken from the Cocoa view for end-to-end
// testing purposes).
// Otherwise, the snapshot is obtained from the view's surface, with no bounds
// defined.
// Returns a gfx::Image that is backed by an NSImage on MacOS or by an
// SkBitmap otherwise. The gfx::Image may be empty if the snapshot failed.
using GetSnapshotFromBrowserCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const gfx::Image&)>;
void GetSnapshotFromBrowser(GetSnapshotFromBrowserCallback callback,
bool from_surface);
// Sets the View of this RenderWidgetHost.
void SetView(RenderWidgetHostViewBase* view);
RenderWidgetHostDelegate* delegate() const { return delegate_; }
// Called when a renderer object already been created for this host, and we
// just need to be attached to it. Used for, <select> dropdown
// menus, and other times when the renderer initiates creating an object.
void Init();
// Allocate and bind new widget interfaces.
// Bind the provided widget interfaces.
void BindWidgetInterfaces(
mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<blink::mojom::WidgetHost> widget_host,
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::Widget> widget);
// Allocate and bind new frame widget interfaces.
// Bind the provided frame widget interfaces.
void BindFrameWidgetInterfaces(
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::FrameWidget> frame_widget);
// Initializes a RenderWidgetHost that is attached to a RenderFrameHost.
void InitForFrame();
// Returns true if the frame content needs be stored before being evicted.
bool ShouldShowStaleContentOnEviction();
// Signal whether this RenderWidgetHost is owned by a RenderFrameHost, in
// which case it does not do self-deletion.
void set_owned_by_render_frame_host(bool owned_by_rfh) {
owned_by_render_frame_host_ = owned_by_rfh;
bool owned_by_render_frame_host() const {
return owned_by_render_frame_host_;
void SetFrameDepth(unsigned int depth);
void SetIntersectsViewport(bool intersects);
void UpdatePriority();
// Tells the renderer to die and optionally delete |this|.
void ShutdownAndDestroyWidget(bool also_delete);
// IPC::Listener
bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) override;
// Sends a message to the corresponding object in the renderer.
bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) override;
// Indicates if the page has finished loading.
void SetIsLoading(bool is_loading);
// Called to notify the RenderWidget that it has been hidden or restored from
// having been hidden.
void WasHidden();
void WasShown(const base::Optional<RecordContentToVisibleTimeRequest>&
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Set the importance of widget. The importance is passed onto
// RenderProcessHost which aggregates importance of all of its widgets.
void SetImportance(ChildProcessImportance importance);
ChildProcessImportance importance() const { return importance_; }
void AddImeInputEventObserver(
RenderWidgetHost::InputEventObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveImeInputEventObserver(
RenderWidgetHost::InputEventObserver* observer) override;
// Returns true if the RenderWidget is hidden.
bool is_hidden() const { return is_hidden_; }
// Called to notify the RenderWidget that its associated native window
// got/lost focused.
void GotFocus();
void LostFocus();
void LostCapture();
// Indicates whether the RenderWidgetHost thinks it is focused.
// This is different from RenderWidgetHostView::HasFocus() in the sense that
// it reflects what the renderer process knows: it saves the state that is
// sent/received.
// RenderWidgetHostView::HasFocus() is checking whether the view is focused so
// it is possible in some edge cases that a view was requested to be focused
// but it failed, thus HasFocus() returns false.
bool is_focused() const { return is_focused_; }
// Support for focus tracking on multi-WebContents cases. This will notify all
// renderers involved in a page about a page-level focus update. Users other
// than WebContents and RenderWidgetHost should use Focus()/Blur().
void SetPageFocus(bool focused);
// Called to notify the RenderWidget that it has lost the mouse lock.
void LostMouseLock();
// Notifies the RenderWidget that it lost the mouse lock.
void SendMouseLockLost();
bool is_last_unlocked_by_target() const {
return is_last_unlocked_by_target_;
// Notifies the RenderWidget of the current mouse cursor visibility state.
void OnCursorVisibilityStateChanged(bool is_visible);
// Notifies the RenderWidgetHost that the View was destroyed.
void ViewDestroyed();
// Signals if this host has forwarded a GestureScrollBegin without yet having
// forwarded a matching GestureScrollEnd/GestureFlingStart.
bool is_in_touchscreen_gesture_scroll() const {
return is_in_gesture_scroll_[static_cast<int>(
bool visual_properties_ack_pending_for_testing() {
return visual_properties_ack_pending_;
// Requests the generation of a new CompositorFrame from the renderer.
// It will return false if the renderer is not ready (e.g. there's an
// in flight change).
bool RequestRepaintForTesting();
// Called after every cross-document navigation. The displayed graphics of
// the renderer is cleared after a certain timeout if it does not produce a
// new CompositorFrame after navigation.
void DidNavigate();
// Forwards the keyboard event with optional commands to the renderer. If
// |key_event| is not forwarded for any reason, then |commands| are ignored.
// |update_event| (if non-null) is set to indicate whether the underlying
// event in |key_event| should be updated. |update_event| is only used on
// aura.
void ForwardKeyboardEventWithCommands(
const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& key_event,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency,
std::vector<blink::mojom::EditCommandPtr> commands,
bool* update_event = nullptr);
// Forwards the given message to the renderer. These are called by the view
// when it has received a message.
void ForwardKeyboardEventWithLatencyInfo(
const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& key_event,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency) override;
void ForwardGestureEventWithLatencyInfo(
const blink::WebGestureEvent& gesture_event,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency) override;
virtual void ForwardTouchEventWithLatencyInfo(
const blink::WebTouchEvent& touch_event,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency); // Virtual for testing.
void ForwardMouseEventWithLatencyInfo(const blink::WebMouseEvent& mouse_event,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency);
void ForwardWheelEventWithLatencyInfo(
const blink::WebMouseWheelEvent& wheel_event,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency) override;
// Resolves the given callback once all effects of prior input have been
// fully realized.
void WaitForInputProcessed(SyntheticGestureParams::GestureType type,
SyntheticGestureParams::GestureSourceType source,
base::OnceClosure callback);
// Resolves the given callback once all effects of previously forwarded input
// have been fully realized (i.e. resulting compositor frame has been drawn,
// swapped, and presented).
void WaitForInputProcessed(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Retrieve an iterator over any RenderWidgetHosts that are immediately
// embedded within this one. This does not return hosts that are embedded
// indirectly (i.e. nested within embedded hosts).
std::unique_ptr<RenderWidgetHostIterator> GetEmbeddedRenderWidgetHosts();
// Returns an emulator for this widget. See TouchEmulator for more details.
TouchEmulator* GetTouchEmulator();
void SetCursor(const WebCursor& cursor);
// Queues a synthetic gesture for testing purposes. Invokes the on_complete
// callback when the gesture is finished running.
void QueueSyntheticGesture(
std::unique_ptr<SyntheticGesture> synthetic_gesture,
base::OnceCallback<void(SyntheticGesture::Result)> on_complete);
void QueueSyntheticGestureCompleteImmediately(
std::unique_ptr<SyntheticGesture> synthetic_gesture);
// Ensures the renderer is in a state ready to receive synthetic input. The
// SyntheticGestureController will normally ensure this before sending the
// first gesture; however, in some tests that may be a bad time (e.g. the
// gesture is sent while the main thread is blocked) so this allows the
// caller to do so manually.
void EnsureReadyForSyntheticGestures(base::OnceClosure on_ready);
void TakeSyntheticGestureController(RenderWidgetHostImpl* host);
// Update the composition node of the renderer (or WebKit).
// WebKit has a special node (a composition node) for input method to change
// its text without affecting any other DOM nodes. When the input method
// (attached to the browser) updates its text, the browser sends IPC messages
// to update the composition node of the renderer.
// (Read the comments of each function for its detail.)
// Sets the text of the composition node.
// This function can also update the cursor position and mark the specified
// range in the composition node.
// A browser should call this function:
// * when it receives a WM_IME_COMPOSITION message with a GCS_COMPSTR flag
// (on Windows);
// * when it receives a "preedit_changed" signal of GtkIMContext (on Linux);
// * when markedText of NSTextInput is called (on Mac).
void ImeSetComposition(const base::string16& text,
const std::vector<ui::ImeTextSpan>& ime_text_spans,
const gfx::Range& replacement_range,
int selection_start,
int selection_end);
// Deletes the ongoing composition if any, inserts the specified text, and
// moves the cursor.
// A browser should call this function or ImeFinishComposingText:
// * when it receives a WM_IME_COMPOSITION message with a GCS_RESULTSTR flag
// (on Windows);
// * when it receives a "commit" signal of GtkIMContext (on Linux);
// * when insertText of NSTextInput is called (on Mac).
void ImeCommitText(const base::string16& text,
const std::vector<ui::ImeTextSpan>& ime_text_spans,
const gfx::Range& replacement_range,
int relative_cursor_pos);
// Finishes an ongoing composition.
// A browser should call this function or ImeCommitText:
// * when it receives a WM_IME_COMPOSITION message with a GCS_RESULTSTR flag
// (on Windows);
// * when it receives a "commit" signal of GtkIMContext (on Linux);
// * when insertText of NSTextInput is called (on Mac).
void ImeFinishComposingText(bool keep_selection);
// Cancels an ongoing composition.
void ImeCancelComposition();
// Whether forwarded WebInputEvents are being ignored.
bool IsIgnoringInputEvents() const;
bool has_touch_handler() const { return has_touch_handler_; }
// Called when the response to a pending mouse lock request has arrived.
// Returns true if |allowed| is true and the mouse has been successfully
// locked.
bool GotResponseToLockMouseRequest(blink::mojom::PointerLockResult result);
void set_allow_privileged_mouse_lock(bool allow) {
allow_privileged_mouse_lock_ = allow;
// Called when the response to a pending keyboard lock request has arrived.
// |allowed| should be true if the current tab is in tab initiated fullscreen
// mode.
void GotResponseToKeyboardLockRequest(bool allowed);
// Called when the response to an earlier WidgetMsg_ForceRedraw message has
// arrived. The reply includes the snapshot-id from the request.
void GotResponseToForceRedraw(int snapshot_id);
// When the WebContents (which acts as the Delegate) is destroyed, this object
// may still outlive it while the renderer is shutting down. In that case the
// delegate pointer is removed (since it would be a UAF).
void DetachDelegate();
// Update the renderer's cache of the screen rect of the view and window.
void SendScreenRects();
// Indicates whether the renderer drives the RenderWidgetHosts's size or the
// other way around.
bool auto_resize_enabled() { return auto_resize_enabled_; }
// The minimum size of this renderer when auto-resize is enabled.
const gfx::Size& min_size_for_auto_resize() const {
return min_size_for_auto_resize_;
// The maximum size of this renderer when auto-resize is enabled.
const gfx::Size& max_size_for_auto_resize() const {
return max_size_for_auto_resize_;
// Don't check whether we expected a resize ack during web tests.
static void DisableResizeAckCheckForTesting();
InputRouter* input_router() { return input_router_.get(); }
void SetForceEnableZoom(bool);
// Get the BrowserAccessibilityManager for the root of the frame tree,
BrowserAccessibilityManager* GetRootBrowserAccessibilityManager();
// Get the BrowserAccessibilityManager for the root of the frame tree,
// or create it if it doesn't already exist.
BrowserAccessibilityManager* GetOrCreateRootBrowserAccessibilityManager();
void RejectMouseLockOrUnlockIfNecessary(
blink::mojom::PointerLockResult reason);
void set_renderer_initialized(bool renderer_initialized) {
renderer_initialized_ = renderer_initialized;
// Store values received in a child frame RenderWidgetHost from a parent
// RenderWidget, in order to pass them to the renderer and continue their
// propagation down the RenderWidget tree.
void SetVisualPropertiesFromParentFrame(
float page_scale_factor,
bool is_pinch_gesture_active,
const gfx::Size& visible_viewport_size,
const gfx::Rect& compositor_viewport,
std::vector<gfx::Rect> root_widget_window_segments);
// Indicates if the render widget host should track the render widget's size
// as opposed to visa versa.
// In main frame RenderWidgetHosts this controls the value for the frame tree.
// In child frame RenderWidgetHosts this value comes from the parent
// RenderWidget and should be propagated down the RenderWidgetTree.
void SetAutoResize(bool enable,
const gfx::Size& min_size,
const gfx::Size& max_size);
// Returns the result of GetVisualProperties(), resetting and storing that
// value as what has been sent to the renderer. This should be called when
// getting VisualProperties that will be sent in order to create a
// RenderWidget, since the creation acts as the initial
// SynchronizeVisualProperties().
// This has the side effect of resetting state that should match a newly
// created RenderWidget in the renderer.
VisualProperties GetInitialVisualProperties();
// Pushes updated visual properties to the renderer as well as whether the
// focused node should be scrolled into view.
bool SynchronizeVisualProperties(bool scroll_focused_node_into_view);
// Similar to SynchronizeVisualProperties(), but performed even if
// |visual_properties_ack_pending_| is set. Used to guarantee that the
// latest visual properties are sent to the renderer before another IPC.
void SynchronizeVisualPropertiesIgnoringPendingAck();
// Called when we receive a notification indicating that the renderer process
// is gone. This will reset our state so that our state will be consistent if
// a new renderer is created.
void RendererExited();
// Called from a RenderFrameHost when the text selection has changed.
void SelectionChanged(const base::string16& text,
uint32_t offset,
const gfx::Range& range);
size_t in_flight_event_count() const { return in_flight_event_count_; }
bool renderer_initialized() const { return renderer_initialized_; }
base::WeakPtr<RenderWidgetHostImpl> GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
// Request composition updates from RenderWidget. If |immediate_request| is
// true, RenderWidget will respond immediately. If |monitor_updates| is true,
// then RenderWidget sends updates for each compositor frame when there are
// changes, or when the text selection changes inside a frame. If both fields
// are false, RenderWidget will not send any updates. To avoid sending
// unnecessary IPCs to RenderWidget (e.g., asking for monitor updates while
// we are already receiving updates), when
// |monitoring_composition_info_| == |monitor_updates| no IPC is sent to the
// renderer unless it is for an immediate request.
void RequestCompositionUpdates(bool immediate_request, bool monitor_updates);
void RequestCompositorFrameSink(
void RegisterRenderFrameMetadataObserver(
RenderFrameMetadataProviderImpl* render_frame_metadata_provider() {
return &render_frame_metadata_provider_;
bool HasGestureStopped() override;
// Signals that a frame with token |frame_token| was finished processing. If
// there are any queued messages belonging to it, they will be processed.
void DidProcessFrame(uint32_t frame_token);
mojo::Remote<viz::mojom::InputTargetClient>& input_target_client() {
return input_target_client_;
void SetInputTargetClient(
mojo::Remote<viz::mojom::InputTargetClient> input_target_client);
// InputRouterImplClient overrides.
blink::mojom::WidgetInputHandler* GetWidgetInputHandler() override;
void OnImeCompositionRangeChanged(
const gfx::Range& range,
const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& character_bounds) override;
void OnImeCancelComposition() override;
bool IsWheelScrollInProgress() override;
bool IsAutoscrollInProgress() override;
void SetMouseCapture(bool capture) override;
void RequestMouseLock(
bool from_user_gesture,
bool privileged,
bool unadjusted_movement,
InputRouterImpl::RequestMouseLockCallback response) override;
gfx::Size GetRootWidgetViewportSize() override;
// PointerLockContext overrides
void RequestMouseLockChange(
bool unadjusted_movement,
PointerLockContext::RequestMouseLockChangeCallback response) override;
// FrameTokenMessageQueue::Client:
void OnInvalidFrameToken(uint32_t frame_token) override;
void OnMessageDispatchError(const IPC::Message& message) override;
void OnProcessSwapMessage(const IPC::Message& message) override;
void ProgressFlingIfNeeded(base::TimeTicks current_time);
void StopFling();
// The RenderWidgetHostImpl will keep showing the old page (for a while) after
// navigation until the first frame of the new page arrives. This reduces
// flicker. However, if for some reason it is known that the frames won't be
// arriving, this call can be used for force a timeout, to avoid showing the
// content of the old page under UI from the new page.
void ForceFirstFrameAfterNavigationTimeout();
void SetScreenOrientationForTesting(uint16_t angle,
blink::mojom::ScreenOrientation type);
// Requests Keyboard lock. Note: the lock may not take effect until later.
// If |codes| has no value then all keys will be locked, otherwise only the
// keys specified will be intercepted and routed to the web page.
// Returns true if the lock request was successfully registered.
bool RequestKeyboardLock(base::Optional<base::flat_set<ui::DomCode>> codes);
// Cancels a previous keyboard lock request.
void CancelKeyboardLock();
// Indicates whether keyboard lock is active.
bool IsKeyboardLocked() const;
// Returns the keyboard layout mapping.
base::flat_map<std::string, std::string> GetKeyboardLayoutMap();
void RequestForceRedraw(int snapshot_id);
void DidStopFlinging();
void GetContentRenderingTimeoutFrom(RenderWidgetHostImpl* other);
// Called on delayed response from the renderer by either
// 1) |hang_monitor_timeout_| (slow to ack input events) or
// 2) NavigationHandle::OnCommitTimeout (slow to commit).
void RendererIsUnresponsive(
base::RepeatingClosure restart_hang_monitor_timeout);
// Called if we know the renderer is responsive. When we currently think the
// renderer is unresponsive, this will clear that state and call
// NotifyRendererResponsive.
void RendererIsResponsive();
// Called during frame eviction to return all SurfaceIds in the frame tree.
// Marks all views in the frame tree as evicted.
std::vector<viz::SurfaceId> CollectSurfaceIdsForEviction();
// This function validates a renderer's attempt to activate frames. It
// removes one pending user activation if available and returns true;
// otherwise, it returns false. See comments on
// Add/ClearPendingUserActivation() for details.
bool RemovePendingUserActivationIfAvailable();
const mojo::AssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::FrameWidget>&
blink::mojom::FrameWidgetInputHandler* GetFrameWidgetInputHandler();
// Exposed so that tests can swap the implementation and intercept calls.
frame_widget_host_receiver_for_testing() {
return blink_frame_widget_host_receiver_;
// Exposed so that tests can swap the implementation and intercept calls.
widget_host_receiver_for_testing() {
return blink_widget_host_receiver_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following method is overridden by RenderViewHost to send upwards to
// its delegate.
// Callback for notification that we failed to receive any rendered graphics
// from a newly loaded page. Used for testing.
virtual void NotifyNewContentRenderingTimeoutForTesting() {}
// InputDispositionHandler
void OnWheelEventAck(const MouseWheelEventWithLatencyInfo& event,
blink::mojom::InputEventResultSource ack_source,
blink::mojom::InputEventResultState ack_result) override;
void OnTouchEventAck(const TouchEventWithLatencyInfo& event,
blink::mojom::InputEventResultSource ack_source,
blink::mojom::InputEventResultState ack_result) override;
void OnGestureEventAck(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& event,
blink::mojom::InputEventResultSource ack_source,
blink::mojom::InputEventResultState ack_result) override;
// virtual for testing.
virtual void OnMouseEventAck(const MouseEventWithLatencyInfo& event,
blink::mojom::InputEventResultSource ack_source,
blink::mojom::InputEventResultState ack_result);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool IsMouseLocked() const;
// The View associated with the RenderWidgetHost. The lifetime of this object
// is associated with the lifetime of the Render process. If the Renderer
// crashes, its View is destroyed and this pointer becomes NULL, even though
// render_view_host_ lives on to load another URL (creating a new View while
// doing so).
base::WeakPtr<RenderWidgetHostViewBase> view_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostTest, PendingUserActivationTimeout);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostTest, RendererExitedNoDrag);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostTest, EventDispatchPostDetach);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostTest, InputEventRWHLatencyComponent);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostViewAuraTest, TouchEventState);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostViewAuraTest, TouchEventSyncAsync);
friend class MockRenderWidgetHost;
friend class OverscrollNavigationOverlayTest;
friend class RenderViewHostTester;
friend class TestRenderViewHost;
friend bool TestGuestAutoresize(RenderProcessHost*, RenderWidgetHost*);
// Tell this object to destroy itself. If |also_delete| is specified, the
// destructor is called as well.
void Destroy(bool also_delete);
// Called by |new_content_rendering_timeout_| if a renderer has loaded new
// content but failed to produce a compositor frame in a defined time.
void ClearDisplayedGraphics();
// InputRouter::SendKeyboardEvent() callbacks to this. This may be called
// synchronously.
void OnKeyboardEventAck(const NativeWebKeyboardEventWithLatencyInfo& event,
blink::mojom::InputEventResultSource ack_source,
blink::mojom::InputEventResultState ack_result);
// Release the mouse lock
void UnlockMouse();
// IPC message handlers
void OnClose();
void OnUpdateScreenRectsAck();
void OnRequestSetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
void OnStartDragging(const DropData& drop_data,
blink::WebDragOperationsMask operations_allowed,
const SkBitmap& bitmap,
const gfx::Vector2d& bitmap_offset_in_dip,
const DragEventSourceInfo& event_info);
void OnUpdateDragCursor(blink::WebDragOperation current_op);
void OnFrameSwapMessagesReceived(uint32_t frame_token,
std::vector<IPC::Message> messages);
// blink::mojom::FrameWidgetHost overrides.
void AnimateDoubleTapZoomInMainFrame(const gfx::Point& tap_point,
const gfx::Rect& rect_to_zoom) override;
void ZoomToFindInPageRectInMainFrame(const gfx::Rect& rect_to_zoom) override;
void SetHasTouchEventHandlers(bool has_handlers) override;
void IntrinsicSizingInfoChanged(
blink::mojom::IntrinsicSizingInfoPtr sizing_info) override;
void AutoscrollStart(const gfx::PointF& position) override;
void AutoscrollFling(const gfx::Vector2dF& velocity) override;
void AutoscrollEnd() override;
void DidFirstVisuallyNonEmptyPaint() override;
// When the RenderWidget is destroyed and recreated, this resets states in the
// browser to match the clean start for the renderer side.
void ResetStateForCreatedRenderWidget(const VisualProperties& initial_props);
// Generates a filled in VisualProperties struct representing the current
// properties of this widget.
VisualProperties GetVisualProperties();
// Returns true if the |new_visual_properties| differs from
// |old_page_visual_properties| in a way that indicates a size changed.
static bool DidVisualPropertiesSizeChange(
const VisualProperties& old_visual_properties,
const VisualProperties& new_visual_properties);
// Returns true if the new visual properties requires an ack from a
// synchronization message.
static bool DoesVisualPropertiesNeedAck(
const std::unique_ptr<VisualProperties>& old_visual_properties,
const VisualProperties& new_visual_properties);
// Returns true if |old_visual_properties| is out of sync with
// |new_visual_properties|.
static bool StoredVisualPropertiesNeedsUpdate(
const std::unique_ptr<VisualProperties>& old_visual_properties,
const VisualProperties& new_visual_properties);
// Give key press listeners a chance to handle this key press. This allow
// widgets that don't have focus to still handle key presses.
bool KeyPressListenersHandleEvent(const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event);
// InputRouterClient
blink::mojom::InputEventResultState FilterInputEvent(
const blink::WebInputEvent& event,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency_info) override;
void IncrementInFlightEventCount() override;
void DecrementInFlightEventCount(
blink::mojom::InputEventResultSource ack_source) override;
void DidOverscroll(const ui::DidOverscrollParams& params) override;
void DidStartScrollingViewport() override;
void OnSetCompositorAllowedTouchAction(cc::TouchAction) override {}
void OnInvalidInputEventSource() override;
// Dispatch input events with latency information
void DispatchInputEventWithLatencyInfo(const blink::WebInputEvent& event,
ui::LatencyInfo* latency);
void WindowSnapshotReachedScreen(int snapshot_id);
void OnSnapshotFromSurfaceReceived(int snapshot_id,
int retry_count,
const SkBitmap& bitmap);
void OnSnapshotReceived(int snapshot_id, gfx::Image image);
// Called by the RenderProcessHost to handle the case when the process
// changed its state of being blocked.
void RenderProcessBlockedStateChanged(bool blocked);
// 1. Grants permissions to URL (if any)
// 2. Grants permissions to filenames
// 3. Grants permissions to file system files.
// 4. Register the files with the IsolatedContext.
void GrantFileAccessFromDropData(DropData* drop_data);
// Starts a hang monitor timeout. If there's already a hang monitor timeout
// the new one will only fire if it has a shorter delay than the time
// left on the existing timeouts.
void StartInputEventAckTimeout();
// Stops all existing hang monitor timeouts and assumes the renderer is
// responsive.
void StopInputEventAckTimeout();
// Implementation of |hang_monitor_restarter| callback passed to
// RenderWidgetHostDelegate::RendererUnresponsive if the unresponsiveness
// was noticed because of input event ack timeout.
void RestartInputEventAckTimeoutIfNecessary();
// Called by |input_event_ack_timeout_| when an input event timed out without
// getting an ack from the renderer.
void OnInputEventAckTimeout();
void SetupInputRouter();
// Start intercepting system keyboard events.
bool LockKeyboard();
// Stop intercepting system keyboard events.
void UnlockKeyboard();
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
device::mojom::WakeLock* GetWakeLock();
// RenderFrameMetadataProvider::Observer implementation.
void OnRenderFrameMetadataChangedBeforeActivation(
const cc::RenderFrameMetadata& metadata) override;
void OnRenderFrameMetadataChangedAfterActivation() override;
void OnRenderFrameSubmission() override {}
void OnLocalSurfaceIdChanged(
const cc::RenderFrameMetadata& metadata) override;
// Returns a pointer to the touch emulator serving this host, but only if it
// already exists; calling this function will not force creation of a
// TouchEmulator.
TouchEmulator* GetExistingTouchEmulator();
void CreateSyntheticGestureControllerIfNecessary();
// Converts the |window_point| from the coordinates in native window in DIP
// to Blink's Viewport coordinates. They're identical in tradional world,
// but will differ when use-zoom-for-dsf feature is enabled.
// TODO(oshima): Update the comment when the migration is completed.
gfx::PointF ConvertWindowPointToViewport(const gfx::PointF& window_point);
// The following functions are used to keep track of pending user activation
// events, which are input events (e.g., mousedown or keydown) that allow a
// renderer to gain user activation. AddPendingUserActivation() increments
// |pending_user_activation_counter_| and sets a timer, which allows the
// renderer to claim user activation within
// |kActivationNotificationExpireTime| ms. ClearPendingUserActivation()
// clears the counter and is called after navigations or timeouts.
void AddPendingUserActivation(const blink::WebInputEvent& event);
void ClearPendingUserActivation();
// An expiry time for resetting the pending_user_activation_timer_.
static const base::TimeDelta kActivationNotificationExpireTime;
// true if a renderer has once been valid. We use this flag to display a sad
// tab only when we lose our renderer and not if a paint occurs during
// initialization.
bool renderer_initialized_ = false;
// True if |Destroy()| has been called.
bool destroyed_ = false;
// Our delegate, which wants to know mainly about keyboard events.
// It will remain non-NULL until DetachDelegate() is called.
RenderWidgetHostDelegate* delegate_;
// The delegate of the owner of this object.
// This member is non-null if and only if this RenderWidgetHost is associated
// with a main frame RenderWidget.
RenderWidgetHostOwnerDelegate* owner_delegate_ = nullptr;
// Created during construction and guaranteed never to be NULL, but its
// channel may be NULL if the renderer crashed, so one must always check that.
RenderProcessHost* const process_;
// The ID of the corresponding object in the Renderer Instance.
const int routing_id_;
// The clock used; overridable for tests.
const base::TickClock* clock_;
// Indicates whether a page is loading or not.
bool is_loading_ = false;
// Indicates whether a page is hidden or not. Need to call
// process_->UpdateClientPriority when this value changes.
bool is_hidden_;
// For a widget that does not have an associated RenderFrame/View, assume it
// is depth 1, ie just below the root widget.
unsigned int frame_depth_ = 1u;
// Indicates that widget has a frame that intersects with the viewport. Note
// this is independent of |is_hidden_|. For widgets not associated with
// RenderFrame/View, assume false.
bool intersects_viewport_ = false;
// One side of a pipe that is held open while the pointer is locked.
// The other side is held be the renderer.
mojo::Receiver<blink::mojom::PointerLockContext> mouse_lock_context_{this};
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Tracks the current importance of widget.
ChildProcessImportance importance_ = ChildProcessImportance::NORMAL;
// True when waiting for visual_properties_ack.
bool visual_properties_ack_pending_ = false;
// Visual properties that were most recently sent to the renderer.
std::unique_ptr<VisualProperties> old_visual_properties_;
// True if the render widget host should track the render widget's size as
// opposed to visa versa.
bool auto_resize_enabled_ = false;
// The minimum size for the render widget if auto-resize is enabled.
gfx::Size min_size_for_auto_resize_;
// The maximum size for the render widget if auto-resize is enabled.
gfx::Size max_size_for_auto_resize_;
// These properties are propagated down the RenderWidget tree from the main
// frame to a child frame RenderWidgetHost. They are not used on a top-level
// RenderWidgetHost. The child frame RenderWidgetHost stores these values to
// pass them to the renderer, instead of computing them for itself. It
// collects them and passes them though WidgetMsg_UpdateVisualProperties so
// that the renderer receives updates in an atomic fashion along with a
// synchronization token for the compositor in a LocalSurfaceIdAllocation.
struct MainFramePropagationProperties {
// The page-scale factor of the main-frame.
float page_scale_factor = 1.f;
// True when the renderer is currently undergoing a pinch-zoom gesture.
bool is_pinch_gesture_active = false;
// The size of the main frame's widget in DIP.
gfx::Size visible_viewport_size;
gfx::Rect compositor_viewport;
// The logical segments of the root widget, in DIPs relative to the root
// RenderWidgetHost.
std::vector<gfx::Rect> root_widget_window_segments;
} properties_from_parent_local_root_;
bool waiting_for_screen_rects_ack_ = false;
gfx::Rect last_view_screen_rect_;
gfx::Rect last_window_screen_rect_;
// Keyboard event listeners.
std::vector<KeyPressEventCallback> key_press_event_callbacks_;
// Mouse event callbacks.
std::vector<MouseEventCallback> mouse_event_callbacks_;
// Input event callbacks.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Ime input event callbacks. This is separated from input_event_observers_,
// because not all text events are triggered by input events on Android.
// The observers watching us.
base::ObserverList<RenderWidgetHostObserver> observers_;
// This is true if the renderer is currently unresponsive.
bool is_unresponsive_ = false;
// This value denotes the number of input events yet to be acknowledged
// by the renderer.
int in_flight_event_count_ = 0;
// Flag to detect recursive calls to GetBackingStore().
bool in_get_backing_store_ = false;
// Used for UMA histogram logging to measure the time for a repaint view
// operation to finish.
base::TimeTicks repaint_start_time_;
// Set when we update the text direction of the selected input element.
bool text_direction_updated_ = false;
base::i18n::TextDirection text_direction_ = base::i18n::LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
// Indicates if Char and KeyUp events should be suppressed or not. Usually all
// events are sent to the renderer directly in sequence. However, if a
// RawKeyDown event was handled by PreHandleKeyboardEvent() or
// KeyPressListenersHandleEvent(), e.g. as an accelerator key, then the
// RawKeyDown event is not sent to the renderer, and the following sequence of
// Char and KeyUp events should also not be sent. Otherwise the renderer will
// see only the Char and KeyUp events and cause unexpected behavior. For
// example, pressing alt-2 may let the browser switch to the second tab, but
// the Char event generated by alt-2 may also activate a HTML element if its
// accesskey happens to be "2", then the user may get confused when switching
// back to the original tab, because the content may already have changed.
bool suppress_events_until_keydown_ = false;
bool pending_mouse_lock_request_ = false;
bool allow_privileged_mouse_lock_ = false;
bool mouse_lock_raw_movement_ = false;
// Stores the keyboard keys to lock while waiting for a pending lock request.
base::Optional<base::flat_set<ui::DomCode>> keyboard_keys_to_lock_;
bool keyboard_lock_requested_ = false;
bool keyboard_lock_allowed_ = false;
// Used when locking to indicate when a target application has voluntarily
// unlocked and desires to relock the mouse. If the mouse is unlocked due
// to ESC being pressed by the user, this will be false.
bool is_last_unlocked_by_target_ = false;
// Keeps track of whether the webpage has any touch event handler. If it does,
// then touch events are sent to the renderer. Otherwise, the touch events are
// not sent to the renderer.
bool has_touch_handler_ = false;
// TODO(wjmaclean) Remove the code for supporting resending gesture events
// when WebView transitions to OOPIF and BrowserPlugin is removed.
bool is_in_gesture_scroll_[static_cast<int>(
blink::WebGestureDevice::kMaxValue) +
1] = {false};
bool is_in_touchpad_gesture_fling_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<SyntheticGestureController> synthetic_gesture_controller_;
// Receives and handles all input events.
std::unique_ptr<InputRouter> input_router_;
base::OneShotTimer input_event_ack_timeout_;
base::TimeTicks input_event_ack_start_time_;
std::unique_ptr<TimeoutMonitor> new_content_rendering_timeout_;
RenderWidgetHostLatencyTracker latency_tracker_;
int next_browser_snapshot_id_ = 1;
using PendingSnapshotMap = std::map<int, GetSnapshotFromBrowserCallback>;
PendingSnapshotMap pending_browser_snapshots_;
PendingSnapshotMap pending_surface_browser_snapshots_;
// Indicates whether a RenderFramehost has ownership, in which case this
// object does not self destroy.
bool owned_by_render_frame_host_ = false;
// Indicates whether this RenderWidgetHost thinks is focused. This is trying
// to match what the renderer process knows. It is different from
// RenderWidgetHostView::HasFocus in that in that the focus request may fail,
// causing HasFocus to return false when is_focused_ is true.
bool is_focused_ = false;
// This value indicates how long to wait before we consider a renderer hung.
base::TimeDelta hung_renderer_delay_;
// This value indicates how long to wait for a new compositor frame from a
// renderer process before clearing any previously displayed content.
base::TimeDelta new_content_rendering_delay_;
// When true, the RenderWidget is regularly sending updates regarding
// composition info. It should only be true when there is a focused editable
// node.
bool monitoring_composition_info_ = false;
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
mojo::Remote<device::mojom::WakeLock> wake_lock_;
// Stash a request to create a CompositorFrameSink if it arrives before we
// have a view.
base::OnceCallback<void(const viz::FrameSinkId&)> create_frame_sink_callback_;
std::unique_ptr<FrameTokenMessageQueue> frame_token_message_queue_;
mojo::Remote<blink::mojom::WidgetInputHandler> widget_input_handler_;
mojo::Remote<viz::mojom::InputTargetClient> input_target_client_;
base::Optional<uint16_t> screen_orientation_angle_for_testing_;
bool force_enable_zoom_ = false;
RenderFrameMetadataProviderImpl render_frame_metadata_provider_;
bool surface_id_allocation_suppressed_ = false;
const viz::FrameSinkId frame_sink_id_;
std::unique_ptr<FlingSchedulerBase> fling_scheduler_;
bool sent_autoscroll_scroll_begin_ = false;
gfx::PointF autoscroll_start_position_;
// True when the cursor has entered the autoscroll mode. A GSB is not
// necessarily sent yet.
bool autoscroll_in_progress_ = false;
// Counter for possible-activation-triggering input event.
int pending_user_activation_counter_ = 0;
// This timer resets |pending_user_activation_counter_| after a short delay.
// See comments on Add/ClearPendingUserActivation().
base::OneShotTimer pending_user_activation_timer_;
std::unique_ptr<PeakGpuMemoryTracker> scroll_peak_gpu_mem_tracker_;
InputRouterImpl::RequestMouseLockCallback request_mouse_callback_;
// If this is initialized with a frame this member will be valid and
// can be used to send messages directly to blink.
mojo::AssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::FrameWidget> blink_frame_widget_;
mojo::AssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::Widget> blink_widget_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<RenderWidgetHostImpl> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace content