blob: 204465a8297b4c564f2f30500c6c7af51e56a5ec [file] [log] [blame]
import json
import os
import sys
from io import open
import jsone
import mock
import pytest
import requests
import yaml
from jsonschema import validate
from six import PY3
from import decision
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, "..", "..", "..", ".."))
def data_path(filename):
return os.path.join(here, "..", "testdata", filename)
@pytest.mark.xfail(sys.platform == "win32" and PY3,
def test_verify_taskcluster_yml():
"""Verify that the json-e in the .taskcluster.yml is valid"""
with open(os.path.join(root, ".taskcluster.yml"), encoding="utf8") as f:
template = yaml.safe_load(f)
events = [("pr_event.json", "github-pull-request", "Pull Request"),
("master_push_event.json", "github-push", "Push to master")]
for filename, tasks_for, title in events:
with open(data_path(filename), encoding="utf8") as f:
event = json.load(f)
context = {"tasks_for": tasks_for,
"event": event,
"as_slugid": lambda x: x}
jsone.render(template, context)
def test_verify_payload():
"""Verify that the decision task produces tasks with a valid payload"""
from import decide
r = requests.get("")
create_task_schema = r.json()
r = requests.get("")
payload_schema = r.json()
jobs = ["lint",
for filename in ["pr_event.json", "master_push_event.json"]:
with open(data_path(filename), encoding="utf8") as f:
event = json.load(f)
with mock.patch("", return_value=(None, event["after"], None)):
with mock.patch("", return_value=set(jobs)):
task_id_map = decide(event)
for name, (task_id, task_data) in task_id_map.items():
validate(instance=task_data, schema=create_task_schema)
validate(instance=task_data["payload"], schema=payload_schema)
except Exception as e:
print("Validation failed for task '%s':\n%s" % (name, json.dumps(task_data, indent=2)))
raise e
@pytest.mark.parametrize("event_path,is_pr,files_changed,expected", [
("master_push_event.json", False, None,
("pr_event.json", True, {".taskcluster.yml",".travis.yml","tools/ci/"},
'tools/ unittests (Python 2)',
'tools/ unittests (Python 3.6)',
'tools/ unittests (Python 3.8)',
'tools/ integration tests (Python 2)',
'tools/ integration tests (Python 3.6)',
'tools/ integration tests (Python 3.8)',
'resources/ tests',
'infrastructure/ tests',
'infrastructure/ tests (Python 3)',
# More tests are affected in the actual PR but it shouldn't affect the scheduled tasks
("pr_event_tests_affected.json", True, {"layout-instability/clip-negative-bottom-margin.html",
("epochs_daily_push_event.json", False, None,
def test_schedule_tasks(event_path, is_pr, files_changed, expected):
with mock.patch("", return_value=(None, None, None)):
with mock.patch("tools.wpt.testfiles.repo_files_changed",
with open(data_path(event_path), encoding="utf8") as event_file:
event = json.load(event_file)
scheduled = decision.decide(event)
assert list(scheduled.keys()) == expected