blob: 7368eab5fc02a9c11f136f2ad70bcb70edb505e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_save_manager.h"
namespace password_manager {
class PasswordGenerationManager;
enum class PendingCredentialsState {
class PasswordSaveManagerImpl : public PasswordSaveManager {
PasswordSaveManagerImpl(std::unique_ptr<FormSaver> form_saver);
~PasswordSaveManagerImpl() override;
// Returns a MultiStorePasswordSaveManager if the password account storage
// feature is enabled. Returns a PasswordSaveManagerImpl otherwise.
static std::unique_ptr<PasswordSaveManagerImpl> CreatePasswordSaveManagerImpl(
const PasswordManagerClient* client);
const PasswordForm& GetPendingCredentials() const override;
const base::string16& GetGeneratedPassword() const override;
FormSaver* GetFormSaver() const override;
// |metrics_recorder| and |votes_uploader| can both be nullptr.
void Init(PasswordManagerClient* client,
const FormFetcher* form_fetcher,
scoped_refptr<PasswordFormMetricsRecorder> metrics_recorder,
VotesUploader* votes_uploader) override;
// Create pending credentials from |parsed_submitted_form|, |observed_form|
// and |submitted_form|.
void CreatePendingCredentials(const PasswordForm& parsed_submitted_form,
const autofill::FormData* observed_form,
const autofill::FormData& submitted_form,
bool is_http_auth,
bool is_credential_api_save) override;
void ResetPendingCredentials() override;
void Save(const autofill::FormData* observed_form,
const PasswordForm& parsed_submitted_form) override;
void Update(const PasswordForm& credentials_to_update,
const autofill::FormData* observed_form,
const PasswordForm& parsed_submitted_form) override;
void PermanentlyBlacklist(
const PasswordStore::FormDigest& form_digest) override;
void Unblacklist(const PasswordStore::FormDigest& form_digest) override;
// Called when generated password is accepted or changed by user.
void PresaveGeneratedPassword(PasswordForm parsed_form) override;
// Called when user wants to start generation flow for |generated|.
void GeneratedPasswordAccepted(
PasswordForm parsed_form,
base::WeakPtr<PasswordManagerDriver> driver) override;
// Signals that the user cancels password generation.
void PasswordNoLongerGenerated() override;
void MoveCredentialsToAccountStore(
metrics_util::MoveToAccountStoreTrigger) override;
void BlockMovingToAccountStoreFor(
const autofill::GaiaIdHash& gaia_id_hash) override;
bool IsNewLogin() const override;
bool IsPasswordUpdate() const override;
bool HasGeneratedPassword() const override;
std::unique_ptr<PasswordSaveManager> Clone() override;
#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
FormSaver* GetFormSaver() { return form_saver_.get(); }
static PendingCredentialsState ComputePendingCredentialsState(
const PasswordForm& parsed_submitted_form,
const PasswordForm* similar_saved_form);
static PasswordForm BuildPendingCredentials(
PendingCredentialsState pending_credentials_state,
const PasswordForm& parsed_submitted_form,
const autofill::FormData* observed_form,
const autofill::FormData& submitted_form,
const base::Optional<base::string16>& generated_password,
bool is_http_auth,
bool is_credential_api_save,
const PasswordForm* similar_saved_form);
virtual std::pair<const PasswordForm*, PendingCredentialsState>
const PasswordForm& parsed_submitted_form) const;
// Returns the form_saver to be used for generated passwords. Subclasses will
// override this method to provide different logic for get the form saver.
virtual FormSaver* GetFormSaverForGeneration();
// Returns the forms in |matches| that should be taken into account for
// conflict resolution during generation. Will be overridden in subclasses.
virtual std::vector<const PasswordForm*> GetRelevantMatchesForGeneration(
const std::vector<const PasswordForm*>& matches);
virtual void SavePendingToStoreImpl(
const PasswordForm& parsed_submitted_form);
// Clones the current object into |clone|. |clone| must not be null.
void CloneInto(PasswordSaveManagerImpl* clone);
// FormSaver instance used by |this| to all tasks related to storing
// credentials.
const std::unique_ptr<FormSaver> form_saver_;
// The client which implements embedder-specific PasswordManager operations.
PasswordManagerClient* client_;
// Stores updated credentials when the form was submitted but success is still
// unknown. This variable contains credentials that are ready to be written
// (saved or updated) to a password store. It is calculated based on
// |submitted_form_| and |best_matches_|.
PasswordForm pending_credentials_;
PendingCredentialsState pending_credentials_state_ =
// FormFetcher instance which owns the login data from PasswordStore.
const FormFetcher* form_fetcher_;
base::string16 GetOldPassword(
const PasswordForm& parsed_submitted_form) const;
void SetVotesAndRecordMetricsForPendingCredentials(
const PasswordForm& parsed_submitted_form);
// Save/update |pending_credentials_| to the password store.
void SavePendingToStore(const autofill::FormData* observed_form,
const PasswordForm& parsed_submitted_form);
// This sends needed signals to the autofill server, and also triggers some
// UMA reporting.
void UploadVotesAndMetrics(const autofill::FormData* observed_form,
const PasswordForm& parsed_submitted_form);
// Handles the user flows related to the generation.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordGenerationManager> generation_manager_;
// Takes care of recording metrics and events for |*this|. Can be nullptr.
scoped_refptr<PasswordFormMetricsRecorder> metrics_recorder_;
// Can be nullptr.
VotesUploader* votes_uploader_;
} // namespace password_manager