blob: 425e4ae9cb85c95b10044a7b7b166eb6fae470f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state_user_data.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
} // namespace base
namespace web {
class WebFrame;
class WebState;
} // namespace web
namespace autofill {
class JsSuggestionManager : public web::WebStateUserData<JsSuggestionManager> {
~JsSuggestionManager() override;
static JsSuggestionManager* GetOrCreateForWebState(web::WebState* web_state);
// Focuses the next focusable element in tab order inside the web frame with
// frame id |frame_ID|. No action if there is no such element.
void SelectNextElementInFrameWithID(const std::string& frame_ID);
// Focuses the next focusable element in tab order after the element specified
// by |form_name| and |field_name| in tab order inside the web frame with
// frame id |frame_ID|. No action if there is no such element.
void SelectNextElementInFrameWithID(const std::string& frame_ID,
const std::string& form_name,
const std::string& field_name);
// Focuses the previous focusable element in tab order inside the web frame
// with frame id |frame_ID|. No action if there is no such element.
void SelectPreviousElementInFrameWithID(const std::string& frame_ID);
// Focuses the previous focusable element in tab order from the element
// specified by |form_name| and |field_name| in tab order inside the web frame
// with frame id |frame_ID|. No action if there is no such element.
void SelectPreviousElementInFrameWithID(const std::string& frame_ID,
const std::string& form_name,
const std::string& field_name);
// Checks if the frame with frame id |frame_ID| contains a next and previous
// element. |completionHandler| is called with 2 bools, the first indicating
// if a previous element was found, and the second indicating if a next
// element was found. |completionHcompletion_handlerandler| cannot be nil.
void FetchPreviousAndNextElementsPresenceInFrameWithID(
const std::string& frame_ID,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool, bool)> completion_handler);
// Checks if the frame with frame id |frame_ID| contains a next and previous
// element starting from the field specified by |form_name| and |field_name|.
// |completionHandler| is called with 2 BOOLs, the first indicating if a
// previous element was found, and the second indicating if a next element was
// found. |completion_handler| cannot be nil.
void FetchPreviousAndNextElementsPresenceInFrameWithID(
const std::string& frame_ID,
const std::string& form_name,
const std::string& field_name,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool, bool)> completion_handler);
// Closes the keyboard and defocuses the active input element in the frame
// with frame id |frame_ID|.
void CloseKeyboardForFrameWithID(const std::string& frame_ID);
explicit JsSuggestionManager(web::WebState* web_state);
void PreviousAndNextElementsPresenceResult(
base::OnceCallback<void(bool, bool)> completion_handler,
const base::Value* res);
web::WebFrame* GetFrameWithFrameID(const std::string& frame_ID);
web::WebState* web_state_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<JsSuggestionManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
friend class web::WebStateUserData<JsSuggestionManager>;
} // namespace autofill