blob: e847b802edd93a263409183c5ec6a2296546b0f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.signin;
import android.accounts.Account;
import android.accounts.AccountManager;
import android.content.Intent;
import androidx.annotation.AnyThread;
import androidx.annotation.MainThread;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Interface for {@link AccountManagerFacadeImpl}.
public interface AccountManagerFacade {
* Listener for {@link ChildAccountStatus.Status}.
interface ChildAccountStatusListener {
* The method is called when child account status is ready.
void onStatusReady(@ChildAccountStatus.Status int status);
* Adds an observer to receive accounts change notifications.
* @param observer the observer to add.
void addObserver(AccountsChangeObserver observer);
* Removes an observer that was previously added using {@link #addObserver}.
* @param observer the observer to remove.
void removeObserver(AccountsChangeObserver observer);
* Runs a callback after the account list cache is populated. In the callback
* {@link #getGoogleAccounts()} and similar methods are guaranteed to return instantly
* (without blocking and waiting for the cache to be populated). If the cache has already
* been populated, the callback will be posted on UI thread.
* @param runnable The callback to call after cache is populated. Invoked on the main
* thread.
void runAfterCacheIsPopulated(Runnable runnable);
* Returns whether the account cache has already been populated. {@link #getGoogleAccounts()}
* and similar methods will return instantly if the cache has been populated, otherwise these
* methods may block waiting for the cache to be populated.
boolean isCachePopulated();
* Gets Google account names asynchronously.
* Retrieves all Google accounts on the device.
* @throws AccountManagerDelegateException if Google Play Services are out of date,
* Chrome lacks necessary permissions, etc.
List<Account> getGoogleAccounts() throws AccountManagerDelegateException;
* Asynchronous version of {@link #getGoogleAccounts()}.
void getGoogleAccounts(Callback<AccountManagerResult<List<Account>>> callback);
* Retrieves all Google accounts on the device.
* Returns an empty array if an error occurs while getting account list.
default List<Account> tryGetGoogleAccounts() {
try {
return getGoogleAccounts();
} catch (AccountManagerDelegateException e) {
return Collections.emptyList();
* Asynchronous version of {@link #tryGetGoogleAccounts()}.
default void tryGetGoogleAccounts(final Callback<List<Account>> callback) {
runAfterCacheIsPopulated(() -> callback.onResult(tryGetGoogleAccounts()));
* @return Whether or not there is an account authenticator for Google accounts.
boolean hasGoogleAccountAuthenticator();
* Synchronously gets an OAuth2 access token. May return a cached version, use
* {@link #invalidateAccessToken} to invalidate a token in the cache.
* @param account The {@link Account} for which the token is requested.
* @param scope OAuth2 scope for which the requested token should be valid.
* @return The OAuth2 access token as an AccessTokenData with a string and an expiration time.
AccessTokenData getAccessToken(Account account, String scope) throws AuthException;
* Synchronously clears an OAuth2 access token from the cache. Use {@link #getAccessToken}
* to issue a new token after invalidating the old one.
* @param accessToken The access token to invalidate.
void invalidateAccessToken(String accessToken) throws AuthException;
* Checks the child account status of the given account.
* @param account The account to check the child account status.
* @param listener The listener is called when the {@link ChildAccountStatus.Status} is ready.
void checkChildAccountStatus(Account account, ChildAccountStatusListener listener);
* Creates an intent that will ask the user to add a new account to the device. See
* {@link AccountManager#addAccount} for details.
* @param callback The callback to get the created intent. Will be invoked on the main
* thread. If there is an issue while creating the intent, callback will receive
* null.
void createAddAccountIntent(Callback<Intent> callback);
* Asks the user to enter a new password for an account, updating the saved credentials for
* the account.
void updateCredentials(
Account account, Activity activity, @Nullable Callback<Boolean> callback);
* Gets profile data source.
* @return {@link ProfileDataSource} if it is supported by implementation, null otherwise.
ProfileDataSource getProfileDataSource();
* Executes the callback after all pending account list updates finish. If there are no
* pending account list updates, executes the callback right away.
* @param callback the callback to be executed
void waitForPendingUpdates(Runnable callback);
* Returns the Gaia id for the account associated with the given email address.
* If an account with the given email address is not installed on the device
* then null is returned.
* This method will throw IllegalStateException if called on the main thread.
* @param accountEmail The email address of a Google account.
String getAccountGaiaId(String accountEmail);
* Checks whether Google Play services is available.
boolean isGooglePlayServicesAvailable();