blob: f03704f41df199dad11a9c0b70ed18b319dc428f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// Handles navigation in a form.
@protocol FormInputNavigator <NSObject>
// Called when the close button is pressed by the user.
- (void)closeKeyboardWithButtonPress;
// Called to close the keyboard when the user did not press the close button
// directly.
- (void)closeKeyboardWithoutButtonPress;
// Called when the previous button is pressed by the user.
- (void)selectPreviousElementWithButtonPress;
// Called to select the previous element when the user did not press the
// previous button directly.
- (void)selectPreviousElementWithoutButtonPress;
// Called when the next button is pressed by the user.
- (void)selectNextElementWithButtonPress;
// Called to select the next element when the user did not press the next button
// directly.
- (void)selectNextElementWithoutButtonPress;
// Called when updating the keyboard view. Checks if the page contains a next
// and a previous element.
// |completionHandler| is called with 2 bools, the first indicating if a
// previous element was found, and the second indicating if a next element was
// found. |completionHandler| cannot be nil.
- (void)fetchPreviousAndNextElementsPresenceWithCompletionHandler:
(void (^)(bool, bool))completionHandler;