blob: bb4cec880b223a4b4348cca830799770d351ac7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/isolation_opt_in_hints.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace network {
// The state of a returned origin policy.
enum class OriginPolicyState {
// The origin policy was successfully retrieved and its contents is available.
// There has been an error when attempting to retrieve the policy. For example
// this could mean the server has returned a 404 when attempting to retrieve
// the origin policy.
// There has been an error parsing the Origin-Policy header.
// There is no need to apply an origin policy. This could be (for example) if
// an exception has been added for the requested origin.
// kMaxValue needs to always be set to the last value of the enum.
kMaxValue = kNoPolicyApplies,
using OriginPolicyContentsPtr = std::unique_ptr<OriginPolicyContents>;
bool operator==(const OriginPolicyContentsPtr& a,
const OriginPolicyContentsPtr& b);
// Contains the parsed result of an origin policy file as a struct of the
// relevant fields.
struct COMPONENT_EXPORT(NETWORK_CPP_BASE) OriginPolicyContents {
const std::vector<std::string>& ids,
const base::Optional<std::string>& feature_policy,
const std::vector<std::string>& content_security_policies,
const std::vector<std::string>& content_security_policies_report_only,
const base::Optional<IsolationOptInHints>& isolation_optin_hints);
OriginPolicyContents(const OriginPolicyContents& other);
OriginPolicyContents& operator=(const OriginPolicyContents& other);
bool operator==(const OriginPolicyContents& other) const;
OriginPolicyContentsPtr ClonePtr();
// The origin policy's IDs, which are compared with the requested ID values
// from the Origin-Policy HTTP header to determine whether this origin policy
// can apply or not. For more information see:
// -
// -
// -
// -
// By the time it is stored in this structure, the vector is guaranteed to be
// non-empty and to contain only valid origin policy IDs.
std::vector<std::string> ids;
// The feature policy that is dictated by the origin policy, if any.
// This is stored as a raw string, so it is not guaranteed to be an actual
// feature policy; Blink will attempt to parse and apply it.
base::Optional<std::string> feature_policy;
// These two fields together represent the CSP that should be applied to the
// origin, based on the origin policy. They are stored as raw strings, so are
// not guaranteed to be actual CSPs; Blink will attempt to parse and apply
// them.
// The "enforced" portion of the CSP. This CSP is to be treated as having
// an "enforced" disposition.
std::vector<std::string> content_security_policies;
// The "report-only" portion of the CSP. This CSP is to be treated as having
// a "report" disposition.
std::vector<std::string> content_security_policies_report_only;
// This field, if present, indicates that the origin is opting in to
// origin-based isolation. The int contains zero or more flag bits indicating
// what the origin is hoping to achieve through isolation.
base::Optional<IsolationOptInHints> isolation_optin_hints;
// Native implementation of mojom::OriginPolicy. This is done so we can pass
// the OriginPolicy through IPC.
// Represents the result of retrieving an origin policy.
OriginPolicy(const OriginPolicy& other);
OriginPolicy& operator=(const OriginPolicy& other);
// The state of the origin policy. Possible values are explained in the
// OriginPolicyState struct comments.
OriginPolicyState state;
// The final URL from which the policy has been retrieved. If unsuccessful,
// it will be the URL from which the policy was attempted to be retrieved.
// This is useful (for example) for displaying this information to the user
// as part of an interstitial page.
GURL policy_url;
// The origin policy contents. If `state` is `kLoaded` this will be populated,
// otherwise it will be `null`.
OriginPolicyContentsPtr contents;
} // namespace network