blob: 9f85488335b2bd9f18b2f81f04093582450371d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/base/prediction/linear_predictor.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "ui/base/ui_base_features.h"
namespace ui {
LinearPredictor::LinearPredictor(EquationOrder order) {
equation_order_ = order;
LinearPredictor::~LinearPredictor() {}
const char* LinearPredictor::GetName() const {
return equation_order_ == EquationOrder::kFirstOrder
? features::kPredictorNameLinearFirst
: features::kPredictorNameLinearSecond;
void LinearPredictor::Reset() {
size_t LinearPredictor::NumberOfEventsNeeded() {
return static_cast<size_t>(equation_order_);
void LinearPredictor::Update(const InputData& new_input) {
// The last input received is at least kMaxDeltaTime away, we consider it
// is a new trajectory
if (!events_queue_.empty() &&
new_input.time_stamp - events_queue_.back().time_stamp > kMaxTimeDelta) {
// Queue the new event and keep only the number of last events needed
if (events_queue_.size() > static_cast<size_t>(equation_order_)) {
// Compute the current velocity
if (events_queue_.size() >= static_cast<size_t>(EquationOrder::kFirstOrder)) {
// Even if cur_velocity is empty the first time, last_velocity is only
// used when 3 events are in the queue, so it will be initialized
// We have at least 2 events to compute the current velocity
// Get delta time between the last 2 events
// Note: this delta time is also used to compute the acceleration term
events_dt_ = ( - 1).time_stamp - - 2).time_stamp)
// Get delta pos between the last 2 events
gfx::Vector2dF delta_pos = - 1).pos - - 2).pos;
// Get the velocity
if (events_dt_ > 0) {
cur_velocity_.set_x(ScaleVector2d(delta_pos, 1.0 / events_dt_).x());
cur_velocity_.set_y(ScaleVector2d(delta_pos, 1.0 / events_dt_).y());
} else {
bool LinearPredictor::HasPrediction() const {
// Even if the current equation is second order, we still can predict a
// first order
return events_queue_.size() >=
std::unique_ptr<InputPredictor::InputData> LinearPredictor::GeneratePrediction(
base::TimeTicks predict_time) const {
if (!HasPrediction())
return nullptr;
float pred_dt =
(predict_time - events_queue_.back().time_stamp).InMillisecondsF();
// Compute the prediction
// Note : a first order prediction is computed when only 2 events are
// available in the second order predictor
if (equation_order_ == EquationOrder::kSecondOrder && events_dt_ > 0 &&
events_queue_.size() ==
static_cast<size_t>(EquationOrder::kSecondOrder)) {
// Add the acceleration term to the current result
return std::make_unique<InputData>(GeneratePredictionSecondOrder(pred_dt),
return std::make_unique<InputData>(GeneratePredictionFirstOrder(pred_dt),
gfx::PointF LinearPredictor::GeneratePredictionFirstOrder(float pred_dt) const {
return events_queue_.back().pos + ScaleVector2d(cur_velocity_, pred_dt);
gfx::PointF LinearPredictor::GeneratePredictionSecondOrder(
float pred_dt) const {
DCHECK(equation_order_ == EquationOrder::kSecondOrder);
gfx::Vector2dF acceleration =
ScaleVector2d(cur_velocity_ - last_velocity_, 1.0 / events_dt_);
return events_queue_.back().pos + ScaleVector2d(cur_velocity_, pred_dt) +
ScaleVector2d(acceleration, 0.5 * pred_dt * pred_dt);
base::TimeDelta LinearPredictor::TimeInterval() const {
if (events_queue_.size() > 1) {
return std::max(kMinTimeInterval, (events_queue_.back().time_stamp -
events_queue_.front().time_stamp) /
(events_queue_.size() - 1));
return kTimeInterval;
} // namespace ui