blob: 223dfa569ee7a3582309235be3995c6dc07e882b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_pump.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace base {
class SimpleTestTickClock;
namespace sequence_manager {
// MessagePump implementation that uses a SimpleTestTickClock to keep track of
// time and will advance it as needed to keep running tasks.
// This pump will actually check fail if it ever has to go to sleep as this
// would indicate that the unit test might block indefinitely.
// TODO(carlscab): In the future we could consider sleeping if there is no
// outstanding |delayed_work_time_|, because we could be woken up by concurrent
// ScheduleWork() calls.
class MockTimeMessagePump : public MessagePump {
explicit MockTimeMessagePump(SimpleTestTickClock* clock);
~MockTimeMessagePump() override;
// MessagePump implementation
void Run(Delegate* delegate) override;
void Quit() override;
void ScheduleWork() override;
void ScheduleDelayedWork(const TimeTicks& delayed_work_time) override;
// Returns the time at which the pump would have to wake up to be perform
// work.
TimeTicks next_wake_up_time() const { return next_wake_up_time_; }
// Quits after the first call to Delegate::DoSomeWork(). Useful
// for tests that want to make sure certain things happen during a DoSomeWork
// call.
void SetQuitAfterDoSomeWork(bool quit_after_do_some_work) {
quit_after_do_some_work_ = quit_after_do_some_work;
// Allows this instance to advance the SimpleTestTickClock up to but not over
// |advance_until| when idle (i.e. when a regular pump would go to sleep).
// The clock will allways be advanced to |advance_until|, even if there are no
// tasks requiring it (i.e. delayed tasks to be run after
// |advance_until|) except for a value of TimeTicks::Max() which will advance
// the clock as long as there is pending delayed work.
void SetAllowTimeToAutoAdvanceUntil(TimeTicks advance_until) {
allow_advance_until_ = advance_until;
// Quit when this pump's Delegate is out of work (i.e. when a regular pump
// would go to sleep) and we are not allowed to advance the clock anymore.
void SetStopWhenMessagePumpIsIdle(bool stop_when_message_pump_is_idle) {
stop_when_message_pump_is_idle_ = stop_when_message_pump_is_idle;
// Returns true if the clock was indeed advanced and thus we should attempt
// another iteration of the DoSomeWork-DoIdleWork-loop.
bool MaybeAdvanceTime(TimeTicks target_time);
SimpleTestTickClock* const clock_;
// This flag is set to false when Run should return.
bool keep_running_ = true;
bool stop_when_message_pump_is_idle_ = false;
bool quit_after_do_some_work_ = false;
TimeTicks next_wake_up_time_{TimeTicks::Max()};
TimeTicks allow_advance_until_ = TimeTicks::Min();
} // namespace sequence_manager
} // namespace base