blob: f9e83127417b5c1c81edc96ec79a41011563906a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "base/base_switches.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
namespace switches {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Can't find the switch you are looking for? try looking in
// base/ instead.
// When commenting your switch, please use the same voice as surrounding
// comments. Imagine "This switch..." at the beginning of the phrase, and it'll
// all work out.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Allows third-party content included on a page to prompt for a HTTP basic
// auth username/password pair.
const char kAllowCrossOriginAuthPrompt[] = "allow-cross-origin-auth-prompt";
// On ChromeOS, file:// access is disabled except for certain whitelisted
// directories. This switch re-enables file:// for testing.
const char kAllowFileAccess[] = "allow-file-access";
// Allows non-https URL for background_page for hosted apps.
const char kAllowHTTPBackgroundPage[] = "allow-http-background-page";
// Allows the browser to load extensions that lack a modern manifest when that
// would otherwise be forbidden.
const char kAllowLegacyExtensionManifests[] =
// Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids to grant access to TCP/UDP
// socket APIs.
const char kAllowNaClSocketAPI[] = "allow-nacl-socket-api";
// Don't block outdated plugins.
const char kAllowOutdatedPlugins[] = "allow-outdated-plugins";
// By default, an https page cannot run JavaScript, CSS or plug-ins from http
// URLs. This provides an override to get the old insecure behavior.
const char kAllowRunningInsecureContent[] = "allow-running-insecure-content";
// Allows injecting extensions and user scripts on the extensions gallery
// site. Normally prevented for security reasons, but can be useful for
// automation testing of the gallery.
const char kAllowScriptingGallery[] = "allow-scripting-gallery";
// Prevents Chrome from requiring authorization to run certain widely installed
// but less commonly used plug-ins.
const char kAlwaysAuthorizePlugins[] = "always-authorize-plugins";
// Specifies that the extension-app with the specified id should be launched
// according to its configuration.
const char kAppId[] = "app-id";
// Specifies that the associated value should be launched in "application"
// mode.
const char kApp[] = "app";
// A URL for the server which assigns channel ids for server pushed app
// notifications.
const char kAppNotifyChannelServerURL[] = "app-notify-channel-server-url";
// Overrides the apps checkout URL, which is used to determine when to expose
// some private APIs.
const char kAppsCheckoutURL[] = "apps-checkout-url";
// The URL that the webstore APIs download extensions from.
// Note: the URL must contain one '%s' for the extension ID.
const char kAppsGalleryDownloadURL[] = "apps-gallery-download-url";
// A setting to cause extension/app installs from the webstore skip the normal
// confirmation dialog. A value of 'accept' means to always act as if the dialog
// was accepted, and 'cancel' means to always act as if the dialog was
// cancelled.
const char kAppsGalleryInstallAutoConfirmForTests[] =
// Allows the webstorePrivate APIs to return browser (aka sync) login tokens to
// be used for auto-login in the Web Store (normally they do not).
const char kAppsGalleryReturnTokens[] = "apps-gallery-return-tokens";
// The URL to use for the gallery link in the app launcher.
const char kAppsGalleryURL[] = "apps-gallery-url";
// The update url used by gallery/webstore extensions.
const char kAppsGalleryUpdateURL[] = "apps-gallery-update-url";
// Specifies the URL of an application manifest to retrieve. The user will be
// prompted for consent and the application retrieved/installed if consented.
const char kAppsInstallFromManifestURL[] = "apps-install-from-manifest-url";
// Whether to always use the new app install bubble when installing an app.
const char kAppsNewInstallBubble[] = "apps-new-install-bubble";
// Disable throbber for extension apps.
const char kAppsNoThrob[] = "apps-no-throb";
// Whitelist of servers that Negotiate will generate delegated Kerberos tickets
// for.
const char kAuthNegotiateDelegateWhitelist[] =
// HTTP authentication schemes to enable. This is a comma-separated list of
// authentication schemes (basic, digest, ntlm, and negotiate). By default all
// schemes are enabled. The primary use of this command line flag is to help
// triage authentication-related issues reported by end-users.
const char kAuthSchemes[] = "auth-schemes";
// Whitelist of servers which NTLM and Negotiate can automatically authenticate
// with using the default credentials of the currently logged in user.
const char kAuthServerWhitelist[] = "auth-server-whitelist";
// A flag that is used to tell Chrome that it was launched automatically at
// computer startup and not by some user action.
const char kAutoLaunchAtStartup[] = "auto-launch-at-startup";
// The value of this switch tells the app to listen for and broadcast
// automation-related messages on IPC channel with the given ID.
const char kAutomationClientChannelID[] = "automation-channel";
// Causes the automation provider to reinitialize its IPC channel instead of
// shutting down when a client disconnects.
const char kAutomationReinitializeOnChannelError[] =
// Use the (in-progress) refactor of desktop Panel windows which does not
// require a Browser. Flag will be removed after refactor is ready to replace
// existing BrowserWindow Panels.
const char kBrowserlessPanels[] = "browserless-panels";
// This enables automatic captive portal checking on certain network errors.
// If a captive portal is detected, a login tab will be opened.
const char kCaptivePortalDetection[] = "enable-captive-portal-detection";
// How often (in seconds) to check for updates. Should only be used for testing
// purposes.
const char kCheckForUpdateIntervalSec[] = "check-for-update-interval";
// Checks the cloud print connector policy, informing the service process if
// the policy is set to disallow the connector, then quits.
const char kCheckCloudPrintConnectorPolicy[] =
// Tells Chrome to delay shutdown (for a specified number of seconds) when a
// Chrome Frame automation channel is closed.
const char kChromeFrameShutdownDelay[] = "chrome-frame-shutdown-delay";
// Tells chrome to load the specified version of chrome.dll on Windows. If this
// version cannot be loaded, Chrome will exit.
const char kChromeVersion[] = "chrome-version";
// Comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites to disable.
const char kCipherSuiteBlacklist[] = "cipher-suite-blacklist";
// Clears the token service before using it. This allows simulating the
// expiration of credentials during testing.
const char kClearTokenService[] = "clear-token-service";
// Used with kCloudPrintFile. Tells Chrome to delete the file when finished
// displaying the print dialog.
const char kCloudPrintDeleteFile[] = "cloud-print-delete-file";
// Tells chrome to display the cloud print dialog and upload the specified file
// for printing.
const char kCloudPrintFile[] = "cloud-print-file";
// Specifies the mime type to be used when uploading data from the file
// referenced by cloud-print-file. Defaults to "application/pdf" if
// unspecified.
const char kCloudPrintFileType[] = "cloud-print-file-type";
// Used with kCloudPrintFile to specify a JSON print ticket for the resulting
// print job. Defaults to null if unspecified.
const char kCloudPrintPrintTicket[] = "cloud-print-print-ticket";
// Used with kCloudPrintFile to specify a title for the resulting print job.
const char kCloudPrintJobTitle[] = "cloud-print-job-title";
// The unique id to be used for this cloud print proxy instance.
const char kCloudPrintProxyId[] = "cloud-print-proxy-id";
// The URL of the cloud print service to use, overrides any value stored in
// preferences, and the default. Only used if the cloud print service has been
// enabled (see enable-cloud-print).
const char kCloudPrintServiceURL[] = "cloud-print-service";
// Comma-separated options to troubleshoot the component updater. Only valid
// for the browser process.
const char kComponentUpdaterDebug[] = "component-updater-debug";
// Causes the browser process to inspect loaded and registered DLLs for known
// conflicts and warn the user.
const char kConflictingModulesCheck[] = "conflicting-modules-check";
// The Country we should use. This is normally obtained from the operating
// system during first run and cached in the preferences afterwards. This is a
// string value, the 2 letter code from ISO 3166-1.
const char kCountry[] = "country";
// Causes the browser process to crash if browser threads are not responding
// for the given number of seconds.
const char kCrashOnHangSeconds[] = "crash-on-hang-seconds";
// Comma-separated list of BrowserThreads that cause browser process to crash
// if the given browser thread is not responsive. UI,IO,DB,FILE,CACHE are the
// list of BrowserThreads that are supported.
// For example:
// --crash-on-hang-threads=UI,IO --> Crash the browser if UI or IO thread
// is not responsive.
const char kCrashOnHangThreads[] = "crash-on-hang-threads";
// Causes the browser process to crash if the number of browser threads that
// are responding is equal to the given number.
// For example:
// --crash-on-live=1 --> Crash if only one thread is responsive and all
// other threads are not responsive.
const char kCrashOnLive[] = "crash-on-live";
// Path to the inspector files on disk (allows reloading of devtool files
// without having to restart the browser).
const char kDebugDevToolsFrontend[] = "debug-devtools-frontend";
// Enables a frame context menu item that toggles the frame in and out of glass
// mode (Windows Vista and up only).
const char kDebugEnableFrameToggle[] = "debug-enable-frame-toggle";
// Enables support to debug printing subsystem.
const char kDebugPrint[] = "debug-print";
// For the experimental identity API, do not grant scopes unless the user has
// explicitly approved them.
const char kDemandUserScopeApproval[] = "demand-user-scope-approval";
// Specifies the URL at which to fetch configuration policy from the device
// management backend. Specifying this switch turns on managed policy from the
// device management backend.
const char kDeviceManagementUrl[] = "device-management-url";
// Triggers a plethora of diagnostic modes.
const char kDiagnostics[] = "diagnostics";
// Replaces the audio IPC layer for <audio> and <video> with a mock audio
// device, useful when using remote desktop or machines without sound cards.
// This is temporary until we fix the underlying problem.
// Disables asynchronous spellchecking features for all time. Disabling this
// feature also disables unified spellchecking.
const char kDisableAsynchronousSpellChecking[] =
// Disables CNAME lookup of the host when generating the Kerberos SPN for a
// Negotiate challenge. See HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::CreateSPN for more
// background.
const char kDisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup[] =
// Disables background mode (background apps will not keep chrome running in
// the background).
const char kDisableBackgroundMode[] = "disable-background-mode";
// Disable several subsystems which run network requests in the background.
// This is for use when doing network performance testing to avoid noise in the
// measurements.
const char kDisableBackgroundNetworking[] = "disable-background-networking";
// Disables the bundled PPAPI version of Flash (if it's enabled by default).
const char kDisableBundledPpapiFlash[] = "disable-bundled-ppapi-flash";
// Disable the ClientOAuth signin flow for connecting a profile to a Google
// account. When disabled, Chrome will use the ClientLogin flow instead.
const char kDisableClientOAuthSignin[] = "disable-client-oauth-signin";
// Disables Chrome To Mobile.
const char kDisableChromeToMobile[] = "disable-chrome-to-mobile";
// Disables the client-side phishing detection feature. Note that even if
// client-side phishing detection is enabled, it will only be active if the
// user has opted in to UMA stats and SafeBrowsing is enabled in the
// preferences.
const char kDisableClientSidePhishingDetection[] =
const char kDisableComponentUpdate[] = "disable-component-update";
// Disables establishing a backup TCP connection if a specified timeout is
// exceeded.
const char kDisableConnectBackupJobs[] = "disable-connect-backup-jobs";
// Disables establishing certificate revocation information by downloading a
// set of CRLs rather than performing on-line checks.
const char kDisableCRLSets[] = "disable-crl-sets";
// Disables the custom JumpList on Windows 7.
const char kDisableCustomJumpList[] = "disable-custom-jumplist";
// Disables installation of default apps on first run. This is used during
// automated testing.
const char kDisableDefaultApps[] = "disable-default-apps";
// Disables retrieval of PAC URLs from DHCP as per the WPAD standard.
const char kDisableDhcpWpad[] = "disable-dhcp-wpad";
// Disable extensions.
const char kDisableExtensions[] = "disable-extensions";
// Disable checking for user opt-in for extensions that want to inject script
// into file URLs (ie, always allow it). This is used during automated testing.
const char kDisableExtensionsFileAccessCheck[] =
// Disable the net::URLRequestThrottlerManager functionality for
// requests originating from extensions.
const char kDisableExtensionsHttpThrottling[] =
// Disable mandatory enforcement of web_accessible_resources in extensions.
const char kDisableExtensionsResourceWhitelist[] =
// Disables the sandbox for the built-in flash player.
const char kDisableFlashSandbox[] = "disable-flash-sandbox";
// Disables improved SafeBrowsing download protection.
const char kDisableImprovedDownloadProtection[] =
// Disables the in-browser thumbnailing, which is more efficient than the
// in-renderer thumbnailing, as we can use more information to determine if we
// need to update thumbnails.
const char kDisableInBrowserThumbnailing[] = "disable-in-browser-thumbnailing";
// Disable the internal Flash Player.
const char kDisableInternalFlash[] = "disable-internal-flash";
// Don't resolve hostnames to IPv6 addresses. This can be used when debugging
// issues relating to IPv6, but shouldn't otherwise be needed. Be sure to file
// bugs if something isn't working properly in the presence of IPv6. This flag
// can be overidden by the "enable-ipv6" flag.
const char kDisableIPv6[] = "disable-ipv6";
// Disables IP Pooling within the networks stack (SPDY only). When a connection
// is needed for a domain which shares an IP with an existing connection,
// attempt to use the existing connection.
const char kDisableIPPooling[] = "disable-ip-pooling";
// Disables Mouse Lock being permitted when the browser is not currently
// in tab fullscreen.
const char kDisableNonFullscreenMouseLock[] =
// Avoid doing expensive animations upon login.
const char kDisableLoginAnimations[] = "disable-login-animations";
// Disables the menu on the NTP for accessing sessions from other devices.
const char kDisableNTPOtherSessionsMenu[] = "disable-ntp-other-sessions-menu";
// Disable pop-up blocking.
const char kDisablePopupBlocking[] = "disable-popup-blocking";
// Disable speculative TCP/IP preconnection.
const char kDisablePreconnect[] = "disable-preconnect";
// Normally when the user attempts to navigate to a page that was the result of
// a post we prompt to make sure they want to. This switch may be used to
// disable that check. This switch is used during automated testing.
const char kDisablePromptOnRepost[] = "disable-prompt-on-repost";
// Prevents the URLs of BackgroundContents from being remembered and
// re-launched when the browser restarts.
const char kDisableRestoreBackgroundContents[] =
// Disables restoring session state (cookies, session storage, etc.) when
// restoring the browsing session.
const char kDisableRestoreSessionState[] = "disable-restore-session-state";
// Disables syncing browser data to a Google Account.
const char kDisableSync[] = "disable-sync";
// Disables syncing of app settings.
const char kDisableSyncAppSettings[] = "disable-sync-app-settings";
// Disables syncing of apps.
const char kDisableSyncApps[] = "disable-sync-apps";
// Disable syncing app notifications.
const char kDisableSyncAppNotifications[] = "disable-sync-app-notifications";
// Disables syncing of autofill.
const char kDisableSyncAutofill[] = "disable-sync-autofill";
// Disables syncing of autofill Profile.
const char kDisableSyncAutofillProfile[] = "disable-sync-autofill-profile";
// Disables syncing of bookmarks.
const char kDisableSyncBookmarks[] = "disable-sync-bookmarks";
// Disables syncing extension settings.
const char kDisableSyncExtensionSettings[] = "disable-sync-extension-settings";
// Disables syncing of extensions.
const char kDisableSyncExtensions[] = "disable-sync-extensions";
// Disables syncing browser passwords.
const char kDisableSyncPasswords[] = "disable-sync-passwords";
// Disables syncing of preferences.
const char kDisableSyncPreferences[] = "disable-sync-preferences";
// Disable syncing custom search engines.
const char kDisableSyncSearchEngines[] = "disable-sync-search-engines";
// Disables syncing of themes.
const char kDisableSyncThemes[] = "disable-sync-themes";
// Disables syncing browser typed urls.
const char kDisableSyncTypedUrls[] = "disable-sync-typed-urls";
// Allows disabling of translate from the command line to assist with automated
// browser testing (e.g. Selenium/WebDriver). Normal browser users should
// disable translate with the preference.
const char kDisableTranslate[] = "disable-translate";
// Disables the backend service for web resources.
const char kDisableWebResources[] = "disable-web-resources";
// Some tests seem to require the application to close when the last
// browser window is closed. Thus, we need a switch to force this behavior
// for ChromeOS Aura, disable "zero window mode".
// TODO(pkotwicz): Investigate if this bug can be removed.
// (
extern const char kDisableZeroBrowsersOpenForTests[] =
// Use a specific disk cache location, rather than one derived from the
// UserDatadir.
const char kDiskCacheDir[] = "disk-cache-dir";
// Forces the maximum disk space to be used by the disk cache, in bytes.
const char kDiskCacheSize[] = "disk-cache-size";
const char kDnsLogDetails[] = "dns-log-details";
// Disables prefetching of DNS information.
const char kDnsPrefetchDisable[] = "dns-prefetch-disable";
// Dump any accumualted histograms to the log when browser terminates (requires
// logging to be enabled to really do anything). Used by developers and test
// scripts.
const char kDumpHistogramsOnExit[] = "dump-histograms-on-exit";
// Enables the Action Box toolbar UI.
const char kEnableActionBox[] = "enable-action-box";
// Enables the experimental asynchronous DNS client.
const char kEnableAsyncDns[] = "enable-async-dns";
// Enables the inclusion of non-standard ports when generating the Kerberos SPN
// in response to a Negotiate challenge. See
// HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::CreateSPN for more background.
const char kEnableAuthNegotiatePort[] = "enable-auth-negotiate-port";
// With this flag set, Chrome will occasionally prompt the user to volunteer
// Autofill usage data beyond what is collected by default. This is data that
// we expect to be helpful for debugging, but that we do not want to send up
// automatically due to privacy concerns.
const char kEnableAutofillFeedback[] = "enable-autofill-feedback";
// Enables the pre- and auto-login features. When a user signs in to sync, the
// browser's cookie jar is pre-filled with GAIA cookies. When the user visits a
// GAIA login page, an info bar can help the user login.
const char kEnableAutologin[] = "enable-autologin";
// Enables the benchmarking extensions.
const char kEnableBenchmarking[] = "enable-benchmarking";
// Enables the bundled PPAPI version of Flash.
const char kEnableBundledPpapiFlash[] = "enable-bundled-ppapi-flash";
// Enables Chrome To Mobile.
// This switch is not currently respected; use the disable switch instead.
const char kEnableChromeToMobile[] = "enable-chrome-to-mobile";
// Enables the new cloud policy stack.
const char kEnableCloudPolicyService[] = "enable-cloud-policy-service";
// This applies only when the process type is "service". Enables the Cloud
// Print Proxy component within the service process.
const char kEnableCloudPrintProxy[] = "enable-cloud-print-proxy";
// Enables establishing a backup TCP connection if a specified timeout is
// exceeded.
const char kEnableConnectBackupJobs[] = "enable-connect-backup-jobs";
// Enables web developers to create apps for Chrome without using crx packages.
const char kEnableCrxlessWebApps[] = "enable-crxless-web-apps";
// If true devtools experimental settings are enabled.
const char kEnableDevToolsExperiments[] = "enable-devtools-experiments";
// Enables experimental discovery slots in New Tab page.
const char kEnableDiscoveryInNewTabPage[] = "enable-discovery-ntp";
// Enables extensions to be easily installed from sites other than the web
// store. Without this flag, they can still be installed, but must be manually
// dragged onto chrome://extensions/.
const char kEnableEasyOffStoreExtensionInstall[] =
// Enables extension APIs that are in development.
const char kEnableExperimentalExtensionApis[] =
// Enables logging for extension activity.
const char kEnableExtensionActivityLogging[] =
// Enables the extension activity UI.
const char kEnableExtensionActivityUI[] = "enable-extension-activity-ui";
// Enables experimental timeline API.
const char kEnableExtensionTimelineApi[] = "enable-extension-timeline-api";
// Applies a new frameless window style to any dialog based on
// ConstrainedWindowViews.
const char kEnableFramelessConstrainedDialogs[] =
// By default, cookies are not allowed on file://. They are needed for testing,
// for example page cycler and layout tests. See bug 1157243.
const char kEnableFileCookies[] = "enable-file-cookies";
// Enable HTTP pipelining. Attempt to pipeline HTTP connections. Heuristics will
// try to figure out if pipelining can be used for a given host and request.
// Without this flag, pipelining will never be used.
const char kEnableHttpPipelining[] = "enable-http-pipelining";
// Enable Instant extended API.
const char kEnableInstantExtendedAPI[] = "enable-instant-extended-api";
// Enables IPv6 support, even if probes suggest that it may not be fully
// supported. Some probes may require internet connections, and this flag will
// allow support independent of application testing. This flag overrides
// "disable-ipv6" which appears elswhere in this file.
const char kEnableIPv6[] = "enable-ipv6";
/// Enables the IPC fuzzer for reliability testing
const char kEnableIPCFuzzing[] = "enable-ipc-fuzzing";
// Enables IP Pooling within the networks stack (SPDY only). When a connection
// is needed for a domain which shares an IP with an existing connection,
// attempt to use the existing connection.
const char kEnableIPPooling[] = "enable-ip-pooling";
// Enables media gallery UI elements and permission management.
const char kEnableMediaGalleryUI[] = "enable-media-gallery-ui";
// Allows reporting memory info (JS heap size) to page.
const char kEnableMemoryInfo[] = "enable-memory-info";
// Runs the Native Client inside the renderer process and enables GPU plugin
// (internally adds lEnableGpuPlugin to the command line).
const char kEnableNaCl[] = "enable-nacl";
// Enables debugging via RSP over a socket.
const char kEnableNaClDebug[] = "enable-nacl-debug";
// Enables the Chrome IPC-based Proxy for NaCl.
const char kEnableNaClIPCProxy[] = "enable-nacl-ipc-proxy";
// Enables hardware exception handling via debugger process.
const char kEnableNaClExceptionHandling[] = "enable-nacl-exception-handling";
// Enables NPN and SPDY. In case server supports SPDY, browser will use SPDY.
const char kEnableNpn[] = "enable-npn";
// Enables NPN with HTTP. It means NPN is enabled but SPDY won't be used.
// HTTP is still used for all requests.
const char kEnableNpnHttpOnly[] = "enable-npn-http";
// Enables TLS Channel ID extension. (The switch is still called
// "enable-origin-bound-certs" for backwards compatability.)
const char kEnableOriginBoundCerts[] = "enable-origin-bound-certs";
// Enables panels (always on-top docked pop-up windows).
const char kEnablePanels[] = "enable-panels";
// Enables password generation when we detect that the user is going through
// account creation.
const char kEnablePasswordGeneration[] = "enable-password-generation";
// Enables content settings based on host *and* plug-in in the user
// preferences.
const char kEnableResourceContentSettings[] =
// Enables the installation and usage of Portable Native Client.
const char kEnablePnacl[] = "enable-pnacl";
// Enables tracking of tasks in profiler for viewing via about:profiler.
// To predominantly disable tracking (profiling), use the command line switch:
// --enable-profiling=0
// Some tracking will still take place at startup, but it will be turned off
// during chrome_browser_main.
const char kEnableProfiling[] = "enable-profiling";
// Enables extension scripts badges in the location bar.
const char kEnableScriptBadges[] = "enable-script-badges";
// Controls the support for SDCH filtering (dictionary based expansion of
// content). By default SDCH filtering is enabled. To disable SDCH filtering,
// use "--enable-sdch=0" as command line argument. SDCH is currently only
// supported server-side for searches on
const char kEnableSdch[] = "enable-sdch";
// Enable SPDY/3. This is a temporary testing flag.
const char kEnableSpdy3[] = "enable-spdy3";
// Enables the stacked tabstrip.
const char kEnableStackedTabStrip[] = "enable-stacked-tab-strip";
// Enables experimental suggestions pane in New Tab page.
const char kEnableSuggestionsTabPage[] = "enable-suggestions-ntp";
// Disables syncing browser sessions. Will override kEnableSyncTabs.
const char kDisableSyncTabs[] = "disable-sync-tabs";
// Enables context menu for selecting groups of tabs.
const char kEnableTabGroupsContextMenu[] = "enable-tab-groups-context-menu";
// Spawns threads to watch for excessive delays in specified message loops.
// User should set breakpoints on Alarm() to examine problematic thread.
// Usage: -enable-watchdog=[ui][io]
// Order of the listed sub-arguments does not matter.
const char kEnableWatchdog[] = "enable-watchdog";
// Enable Website Settings. The Website Settings UI will replace the Page Info
// Bubble.
const char kEnableWebsiteSettings[] = "enable-website-settings";
// Uses WebSocket over SPDY.
const char kEnableWebSocketOverSpdy[] = "enable-websocket-over-spdy";
// Enables experimental features for Spellchecker. Right now, the first
// experimental feature is auto spell correct, which corrects words which are
// misspelled by typing the word with two consecutive letters swapped. The
// features that will be added next are:
// 1 - Allow multiple spellcheckers to work simultaneously.
// 2 - Allow automatic detection of spell check language.
// TODO(sidchat): Implement the above features to work under this flag.
const char kExperimentalSpellcheckerFeatures[] =
// Explicitly allows additional ports using a comma-separated list of port
// numbers.
const char kExplicitlyAllowedPorts[] = "explicitly-allowed-ports";
// The time in seconds that an extension event page can be idle before it
// is shut down.
const char kEventPageIdleTime[] = "event-page-idle-time";
// The time in seconds that an extension event page has between being notified
// of its impending unload and that unload happening.
const char kEventPageUnloadingTime[] = "event-page-unloading-time";
// Marks a renderer as extension process.
const char kExtensionProcess[] = "extension-process";
// Frequency in seconds for Extensions auto-update.
const char kExtensionsUpdateFrequency[] = "extensions-update-frequency";
// Should we use an external Autofill popup? Default is no.
const char kExternalAutofillPopup[] = "external-autofill-popup";
// These two flags are added around the switches about:flags adds to the
// command line. This is useful to see which switches were added by about:flags
// on about:version. They don't have any effect.
const char kFlagSwitchesBegin[] = "flag-switches-begin";
const char kFlagSwitchesEnd[] = "flag-switches-end";
// Alternative feedback server to use when submitting user feedback
const char kFeedbackServer[] = "feedback-server";
// The file descriptor limit is set to the value of this switch, subject to the
// OS hard limits. Useful for testing that file descriptor exhaustion is
// handled gracefully.
const char kFileDescriptorLimit[] = "file-descriptor-limit";
// Displays the First Run experience when the browser is started, regardless of
// whether or not it's actually the first run.
const char kFirstRun[] = "first-run";
// Forces the apps/webstore promo to be shown, independent of whether it has
// timed out, etc. Useful for testing.
const char kForceAppsPromoVisible[] = "force-apps-promo-visible";
// Specifies the backend server used for gaia authentications, like sync or
// policies for example. The https:// prefix and the trailing slash should be
// omitted. The default value is "".
const char kGaiaHost[] = "gaia-host";
// Specifies the backend server used for OAuth authentication requests.
// The https:// prefix and the trailing slash should be
// omitted. The default value is "".
const char kGaiaOAuthHost[] = "gaia-oauth-host";
// Specifies the path prefix for GAIA OAuth URLs. It should be used
// for testing in cases where authentication path prefix differs from the one
// used in production.
const char kGaiaOAuthUrlPath[] = "gaia-oauth-url-path";
// Specifies the path prefix for GAIA authentication URL. It should be used
// for testing in cases where authentication path prefix differs from the one
// used in production.
const char kGaiaUrlPath[] = "gaia-url-path";
// Enables using GAIA information to populate profile name and icon.
const char kGaiaProfileInfo[] = "gaia-profile-info";
// Specifies an alternate URL to use for retrieving the search domain for
// Google. Useful for testing.
const char kGoogleSearchDomainCheckURL[] = "google-search-domain-check-url";
// Specifies a custom name for the GSSAPI library to load.
const char kGSSAPILibraryName[] = "gssapi-library-name";
// These flags show the man page on Linux. They are equivalent to each
// other.
const char kHelp[] = "help";
const char kHelpShort[] = "h";
// Makes Windows happy by allowing it to show "Enable access to this program"
// checkbox in Add/Remove Programs->Set Program Access and Defaults. This only
// shows an error box because the only way to hide Chrome is by uninstalling
// it.
const char kHideIcons[] = "hide-icons";
// Specifies which page will be displayed in newly-opened tabs. We need this
// for testing purposes so that the UI tests don't depend on what comes up for
const char kHomePage[] = "homepage";
// Comma-separated list of rules that control how hostnames are mapped.
// For example:
// "MAP *" --> Forces all hostnames to be mapped to
// "MAP * proxy" --> Forces all subdomains to be
// resolved to "proxy".
// "MAP [::1]:77 --> Forces "" to resolve to IPv6 loopback.
// Will also force the port of the resulting
// socket address to be 77.
// "MAP * baz, EXCLUDE" --> Remaps everything to "baz",
// except for "".
// These mappings apply to the endpoint host in a net::URLRequest (the TCP
// connect and host resolver in a direct connection, and the CONNECT in an http
// proxy connection, and the endpoint host in a SOCKS proxy connection).
const char kHostRules[] = "host-rules";
// The maximum number of concurrent host resolve requests (i.e. DNS) to allow
// (not counting backup attempts which would also consume threads).
// --host-resolver-retry-attempts must be set to zero for this to be exact.
const char kHostResolverParallelism[] = "host-resolver-parallelism";
// The maximum number of retry attempts to resolve the host. Set this to zero
// to disable host resolver retry attempts.
const char kHostResolverRetryAttempts[] = "host-resolver-retry-attempts";
// These mappings only apply to the host resolver.
const char kHostResolverRules[] = "host-resolver-rules";
// Takes the JSON-formatted HSTS specification and loads it as if it were a
// preloaded HSTS entry. Takes precedence over both website-specified rules and
// built-in rules. The JSON format is the same as that persisted in
// <profile_dir>/Default/TransportSecurity
const char kHstsHosts[] = "hsts-hosts";
// Ignores GPU blacklist.
const char kIgnoreGpuBlacklist[] = "ignore-gpu-blacklist";
// Performs importing from another browser. The value associated with this
// setting encodes the target browser and what items to import.
const char kImport[] = "import";
// Performs bookmark importing from an HTML file. The value associated with
// this setting encodes the file path. It may be used jointly with kImport.
const char kImportFromFile[] = "import-from-file";
// Causes the browser to launch directly in incognito mode.
const char kIncognito[] = "incognito";
// URL to use for instant. If specified this overrides the url from the
// TemplateURL.
const char kInstantURL[] = "instant-url";
// Used for testing - keeps browser alive after last browser window closes.
const char kKeepAliveForTest[] = "keep-alive-for-test";
// Enable Kiosk mode.
const char kKioskMode[] = "kiosk";
// Print automatically in kiosk mode. |kKioskMode| must be set as well.
// See
const char kKioskModePrinting[] = "kiosk-printing";
// Comma-separated list of directories with component extensions to load.
const char kLoadComponentExtension[] = "load-component-extension";
// Loads an extension from the specified directory.
const char kLoadExtension[] = "load-extension";
// Loads the opencryptoki library into NSS at startup. This is only needed
// temporarily for developers who need to work on WiFi/VPN certificate code.
// TODO(gspencer): Remove this switch once cryptohomed work is finished:
// and
const char kLoadOpencryptoki[] = "load-opencryptoki";
// Enables displaying net log events on the command line, or writing the events
// to a separate file if a file name is given.
const char kLogNetLog[] = "log-net-log";
// Uninstalls an extension with the specified extension id.
const char kUninstallExtension[] = "uninstall-extension";
// Starts the browser in managed mode.
const char kManaged[] = "managed";
// Makes Chrome default browser
const char kMakeDefaultBrowser[] = "make-default-browser";
// Forces the maximum disk space to be used by the media cache, in bytes.
const char kMediaCacheSize[] = "media-cache-size";
// Enables dynamic loading of the Memory Profiler DLL, which will trace all
// memory allocations during the run.
const char kMemoryProfiling[] = "memory-profile";
// Enables histograming of tasks served by MessageLoop. See
// about:histograms/Loop for results, which show frequency of messages on each
// thread, including APC count, object signalling count, etc.
const char kMessageLoopHistogrammer[] = "message-loop-histogrammer";
// Enables the recording of metrics reports but disables reporting. In contrast
// to kDisableMetrics, this executes all the code that a normal client would
// use for reporting, except the report is dropped rather than sent to the
// server. This is useful for finding issues in the metrics code during UI and
// performance tests.
const char kMetricsRecordingOnly[] = "metrics-recording-only";
// Enables multiprofile Chrome.
const char kMultiProfiles[] = "multi-profiles";
// Native Client GDB debugger for loader. It needs switches calculated
// at run time in order to work correctly. That's why NaClLoadCmdPrefix
// flag can't be used.
const char kNaClGdb[] = "nacl-gdb";
// GDB script to pass to the nacl-gdb debugger at startup.
const char kNaClGdbScript[] = "nacl-gdb-script";
// On POSIX only: the contents of this flag are prepended to the nacl-loader
// command line. Useful values might be "valgrind" or "xterm -e gdb --args".
const char kNaClLoaderCmdPrefix[] = "nacl-loader-cmd-prefix";
// Sets the base logging level for the net log. Log 0 logs the most data.
// Intended primarily for use with --log-net-log.
const char kNetLogLevel[] = "net-log-level";
// Disables the default browser check. Useful for UI/browser tests where we
// want to avoid having the default browser info-bar displayed.
const char kNoDefaultBrowserCheck[] = "no-default-browser-check";
// By default, an https page can load images, fonts or frames from an http
// page. This switch overrides this to block this lesser mixed-content problem.
const char kNoDisplayingInsecureContent[] = "no-displaying-insecure-content";
// Don't record/playback events when using record & playback.
const char kNoEvents[] = "no-events";
// Disables all experiments set on about:flags. Does not disable about:flags
// itself. Useful if an experiment makes chrome crash at startup: One can start
// chrome with --no-experiments, disable the problematic lab at about:flags and
// then restart chrome without this switch again.
const char kNoExperiments[] = "no-experiments";
// Whether or not it's actually the first run. Overrides kFirstRun in case
// you're for some reason tempted to pass them both.
const char kNoFirstRun[] = "no-first-run";
// Support a separate switch that enables the v8 playback extension.
// The extension causes javascript calls to and Math.random()
// to return consistent values, such that subsequent loads of the same
// page will result in consistent js-generated data and XHR requests.
// Pages may still be able to generate inconsistent data from plugins.
const char kNoJsRandomness[] = "no-js-randomness";
// Starts the browser outside of managed mode.
const char kNoManaged[] = "no-managed";
// Whether or not the browser should warn if the profile is on a network share.
// This flag is only relevant for Windows currently.
const char kNoNetworkProfileWarning[] = "no-network-profile-warning";
// Don't send hyperlink auditing pings
const char kNoPings[] = "no-pings";
// Don't use a proxy server, always make direct connections. Overrides any
// other proxy server flags that are passed.
const char kNoProxyServer[] = "no-proxy-server";
// Disables the service process from adding itself as an autorun process. This
// does not delete existing autorun registrations, it just prevents the service
// from registering a new one.
const char kNoServiceAutorun[] = "no-service-autorun";
// Does not automatically open a browser window on startup (used when
// launching Chrome for the purpose of hosting background apps).
const char kNoStartupWindow[] = "no-startup-window";
// Shows a desktop notification that the cloud print token has expired and that
// user needs to re-authenticate.
const char kNotifyCloudPrintTokenExpired[] = "notify-cp-token-expired";
// Specifies the maximum number of threads to use for running the Proxy
// Autoconfig (PAC) script.
const char kNumPacThreads[] = "num-pac-threads";
// Controls whether to use the fancy new scoring (takes into account
// word breaks, does better balancing of topicality, recency, etc.) for
// HistoryQuickProvider.
const char kOmniboxHistoryQuickProviderNewScoring[] =
// The value the kOmniboxHistoryQuickProviderNewScoring switch may have,
// as in "--omnibox-history-quick-provider-new-scoring=1".
// 1 means use new scoring.
const char kOmniboxHistoryQuickProviderNewScoringEnabled[] = "1";
// 0 means use old scoring ( == current behavior as of 6/2012).
const char kOmniboxHistoryQuickProviderNewScoringDisabled[] = "0";
// Controls whether HistoryQuickProvider is allowed to reorder results
// according to inlineability in order to more aggressively assign/keep
// high relevance scores.
const char kOmniboxHistoryQuickProviderReorderForInlining[] =
// The value the kOmniboxHistoryQuickProviderReorderForInlining switch may
// have, as in "--omnibox-history-quick-provider-reorder-for-inlining=1".
// 1 means allow reordering results.
const char kOmniboxHistoryQuickProviderReorderForInliningEnabled[] = "1";
// 0 means don't allow reordering results ( == current behavior as of 6/2012).
const char kOmniboxHistoryQuickProviderReorderForInliningDisabled[] = "0";
// Controls whether the omnibox's HistoryQuickProvider is allowed to
// inline suggestions.
const char kOmniboxInlineHistoryQuickProvider[] =
// The values the kOmniboxInlineHistoryQuickProvider switch may have, as in
// "--omnibox-inline-history-quick-provider-allowed=1"
// allowed: if HistoryQuickProvider thinks it appropriate, it can inline
// ( == current behavior as of 2/2012).
const char kOmniboxInlineHistoryQuickProviderAllowed[] = "1";
// prohibited: never inline matches
const char kOmniboxInlineHistoryQuickProviderProhibited[] = "0";
// auto: any other value => the code and field trial does what it wants.
// When the option to block third-party cookies is enabled, only block
// third-party cookies from being set.
const char kOnlyBlockSettingThirdPartyCookies[] =
// Launches URL in new browser window.
const char kOpenInNewWindow[] = "new-window";
// Simulates an organic Chrome install.
const char kOrganicInstall[] = "organic";
// Packages an extension to a .crx installable file from a given directory.
const char kPackExtension[] = "pack-extension";
// Optional PEM private key to use in signing packaged .crx.
const char kPackExtensionKey[] = "pack-extension-key";
// Specifies the path to the user data folder for the parent profile.
const char kParentProfile[] = "parent-profile";
// Read previously recorded data from the cache. Only cached data is read.
// See kRecordMode.
const char kPlaybackMode[] = "playback-mode";
// Overrides the path to the location that PNaCl is installed.
const char kPnaclDir[] = "pnacl-dir";
// Controls the PPAPI Flash field trial. Valid values are defined below. If an
// unknown value is supplied on the command line, the switch is ignored.
// TODO(yzshen): Remove this flag when the field trial is over.
const char kPpapiFlashFieldTrial[] = "ppapi-flash-field-trial";
// Forces to disable PPAPI Flash when a new PPAPI Flash is downloaded.
const char kPpapiFlashFieldTrialDisableByDefault[] = "disable-by-default";
// Forces to enable PPAPI Flash when a new PPAPI Flash is downloaded.
const char kPpapiFlashFieldTrialEnableByDefault[] = "enable-by-default";
// Forces the PPAPI version of Flash (if it's being used) to run in the
// renderer process rather than in a separate plugin process.
const char kPpapiFlashInProcess[] = "ppapi-flash-in-process";
// Use the PPAPI (Pepper) Flash found at the given path.
const char kPpapiFlashPath[] = "ppapi-flash-path";
// Report the given version for the PPAPI (Pepper) Flash. The version should be
// numbers separated by '.'s (e.g., "12.3.456.78"). If not specified, it
// defaults to "10.2.999.999".
const char kPpapiFlashVersion[] = "ppapi-flash-version";
// Triggers prerendering of pages from suggestions in the omnibox. Only has an
// effect when Instant is either disabled or restricted to search, and when
// prerender is enabled.
const char kPrerenderFromOmnibox[] = "prerender-from-omnibox";
// These are the values the kPrerenderFromOmnibox switch may have, as in
// "--prerender-from-omnibox=auto". auto: Allow field trial selection.
const char kPrerenderFromOmniboxSwitchValueAuto[] = "auto";
// disabled: No prerendering.
const char kPrerenderFromOmniboxSwitchValueDisabled[] = "disabled";
// enabled: Guaranteed prerendering.
const char kPrerenderFromOmniboxSwitchValueEnabled[] = "enabled";
// Controls speculative prerendering of pages, and content prefetching. Both
// are dispatched from <link rel=prefetch href=...> elements.
const char kPrerenderMode[] = "prerender";
// These are the values the kPrerenderMode switch may have, as in
// "--prerender=auto".
// auto: Allow field trial selection in both prerender and prefetch.
const char kPrerenderModeSwitchValueAuto[] = "auto";
// disabled: No prerendering or prefetching.
const char kPrerenderModeSwitchValueDisabled[] = "disabled";
// enabled: Both prerendering and prefetching.
const char kPrerenderModeSwitchValueEnabled[] = "enabled";
// prefetch_only: No prerendering, but enables prefetching.
const char kPrerenderModeSwitchValuePrefetchOnly[] = "prefetch_only";
// Disable saving the printer and settings between sessions.
const char kPrintSettingsReset[] = "print-settings-reset";
// Outputs the product version information and quit. Used as an internal api to
// detect the installed version of Chrome on Linux.
const char kProductVersion[] = "product-version";
// Selects directory of profile to associate with the first browser launched.
const char kProfileDirectory[] = "profile-directory";
// Starts the sampling based profiler for the browser process at startup. This
// will only work if chrome has been built with the gyp variable profiling=1.
// The output will go to the value of kProfilingFile.
const char kProfilingAtStart[] = "profiling-at-start";
// Specifies a location for profiling output. This will only work if chrome has
// been built with the gyp variable profiling=1.
// {pid} if present will be replaced by the pid of the process.
// {count} if present will be incremented each time a profile is generated
// for this process.
// The default is chrome-profile-{pid}.
const char kProfilingFile[] = "profiling-file";
// Specifies a path for the output of task-level profiling which can be loaded
// and viewed in about:profiler.
const char kProfilingOutputFile[] = "profiling-output-file";
// Controls whether profile data is periodically flushed to a file. Normally
// the data gets written on exit but cases exist where chrome doesn't exit
// cleanly (especially when using single-process). A time in seconds can be
// specified.
const char kProfilingFlush[] = "profiling-flush";
// Specifies a custom URL for fetching NTP promo data.
const char kPromoServerURL[] = "promo-server-url";
// Enables the Protector feature.
const char kProtector[] = "protector";
// Forces proxy auto-detection.
const char kProxyAutoDetect[] = "proxy-auto-detect";
// Specifies a list of hosts for whom we bypass proxy settings and use direct
// connections. Ignored if --proxy-auto-detect or --no-proxy-server are also
// specified. This is a comma-separated list of bypass rules. See:
// "net/proxy/proxy_bypass_rules.h" for the format of these rules.
const char kProxyBypassList[] = "proxy-bypass-list";
// Uses the pac script at the given URL
const char kProxyPacUrl[] = "proxy-pac-url";
// Uses a specified proxy server, overrides system settings. This switch only
// affects HTTP and HTTPS requests.
const char kProxyServer[] = "proxy-server";
// Adds a "Purge memory" button to the Task Manager, which tries to dump as
// much memory as possible. This is mostly useful for testing how well the
// MemoryPurger functionality works.
// NOTE: This is only implemented for Views.
const char kPurgeMemoryButton[] = "purge-memory-button";
// Capture resource consumption information through page cycling and output the
// data to the specified file.
const char kRecordStats[] = "record-stats";
// Chrome supports a playback and record mode. Record mode saves *everything*
// to the cache. Playback mode reads data exclusively from the cache. This
// allows us to record a session into the cache and then replay it at will.
// See also kPlaybackMode.
const char kRecordMode[] = "record-mode";
// Reloads pages that have been killed when they are next focused by the user.
const char kReloadKilledTabs[] = "reload-killed-tabs";
// Uses custom front-end URL for the remote debugging.
const char kRemoteDebuggingFrontend[] = "remote-debugging-frontend";
// Enables print preview in the renderer. This flag is generated internally by
// Chrome and does nothing when directly passed to the browser.
const char kRendererPrintPreview[] = "renderer-print-preview";
// Forces a reset of the one-time-randomized FieldTrials on this client, also
// known as the Chrome Variations state.
const char kResetVariationState[] = "reset-variation-state";
// Indicates the last session should be restored on startup. This overrides the
// preferences value and is primarily intended for testing. The value of this
// switch is the number of tabs to wait until loaded before 'load completed' is
// sent to the ui_test.
const char kRestoreLastSession[] = "restore-last-session";
// Disable saving pages as HTML-only, disable saving pages as HTML Complete
// (with a directory of sub-resources). Enable only saving pages as MHTML.
// See for how to remove this switch.
const char kSavePageAsMHTML[] = "save-page-as-mhtml";
// URL prefix used by safebrowsing to fetch hash, download data and report
// malware.
const char kSbURLPrefix[] = "safebrowsing-url-prefix";
// If present, safebrowsing only performs update when
// SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::ForceScheduleNextUpdate() is explicitly called.
// This is used for testing only.
const char kSbDisableAutoUpdate[] = "safebrowsing-disable-auto-update";
// TODO(lzheng): Remove this flag once the feature works fine
// (
// Disables safebrowsing feature that checks download url and downloads
// content's hash to make sure the content are not malicious.
const char kSbDisableDownloadProtection[] =
// Enables the showing of an info-bar instructing user they can search directly
// from the omnibox.
const char kSearchInOmniboxHint[] = "search-in-omnibox-hint";
// The LSID of the account to use for the service process.
const char kServiceAccountLsid[] = "service-account-lsid";
// Sets a token in the token service, for testing.
const char kSetToken[] = "set-token";
// Annotates forms with Autofill field type predictions.
const char kShowAutofillTypePredictions[] = "show-autofill-type-predictions";
// Makes component extensions appear in chrome://settings/extensions.
const char kShowComponentExtensionOptions[] =
// See kHideIcons.
const char kShowIcons[] = "show-icons";
// If true the alignment of the launcher can be changed.
const char kShowLauncherAlignmentMenu[] = "show-launcher-alignment-menu";
// Changes the DCHECKS to dump memory and continue instead of displaying error
// dialog. This is valid only in Release mode when --enable-dcheck is
// specified.
const char kSilentDumpOnDCHECK[] = "silent-dump-on-dcheck";
// Simulates an update being available.
const char kSimulateUpgrade[] = "simulate-upgrade";
// Replaces the buffered data source for <audio> and <video> with a simplified
// resource loader that downloads the entire resource into memory.
// Socket reuse policy. The value should be of type enum
// ClientSocketReusePolicy.
const char kSocketReusePolicy[] = "socket-reuse-policy";
// Speculative resource prefetching.
const char kSpeculativeResourcePrefetching[] =
// Speculative resource prefetching is disabled.
const char kSpeculativeResourcePrefetchingDisabled[] = "disabled";
// Speculative resource prefetching will only learn about resources that need to
// be prefetched but will not prefetch them.
const char kSpeculativeResourcePrefetchingLearning[] = "learning";
// Specifies the maximum SSL/TLS version ("ssl3", "tls1", "tls1.1", or
// "tls1.2").
const char kSSLVersionMax[] = "ssl-version-max";
// Specifies the minimum SSL/TLS version ("ssl3", "tls1", "tls1.1", or
// "tls1.2").
const char kSSLVersionMin[] = "ssl-version-min";
// Starts the browser maximized, regardless of any previous settings.
const char kStartMaximized[] = "start-maximized";
// Controls the width of time-of-day filters on the 'suggested' ntp page, in
// minutes.
const char kSuggestionNtpFilterWidth[] = "suggestion-ntp-filter-width";
// Enables a normal distribution dropoff to the relevancy of visits with respect
// to the time of day.
const char kSuggestionNtpGaussianFilter[] = "suggestion-ntp-gaussian-filter";
// Enables a linear dropoff to the relevancy of visits with respect to the time
// of day.
const char kSuggestionNtpLinearFilter[] = "suggestion-ntp-linear-filter";
// Allows insecure XMPP connections for sync (for testing).
const char kSyncAllowInsecureXmppConnection[] =
// Invalidates any login info passed into sync's XMPP connection.
const char kSyncInvalidateXmppLogin[] = "sync-invalidate-xmpp-login";
// Overrides the default notification method for sync.
const char kSyncNotificationMethod[] = "sync-notification-method";
// Overrides the default host:port used for sync notifications.
const char kSyncNotificationHostPort[] = "sync-notification-host-port";
// Overrides the default server used for profile sync.
const char kSyncServiceURL[] = "sync-url";
// Enables syncing of favicons as part of tab sync.
const char kSyncTabFavicons[] = "sync-tab-favicons";
// Makes the sync code to throw an unrecoverable error after initialization.
// Useful for testing unrecoverable error scenarios.
const char kSyncThrowUnrecoverableError[] = "sync-throw-unrecoverable-error";
// Tries to connect to XMPP using SSLTCP first (for testing).
const char kSyncTrySsltcpFirstForXmpp[] = "sync-try-ssltcp-first-for-xmpp";
// Enables tab dragging to create a real browser.
const char kTabBrowserDragging[] = "enable-tab-browser-dragging";
// Passes the name of the current running automated test to Chrome.
const char kTestName[] = "test-name";
// Runs the security test for the NaCl loader sandbox.
const char kTestNaClSandbox[] = "test-nacl-sandbox";
// Type of the current test harness ("browser" or "ui").
const char kTestType[] = "test-type";
// Tells the app to listen for and broadcast testing-related messages on IPC
// channel with the given ID.
const char kTestingChannelID[] = "testing-channel";
// Allows for forcing socket connections to http/https to use fixed ports.
const char kTestingFixedHttpPort[] = "testing-fixed-http-port";
const char kTestingFixedHttpsPort[] = "testing-fixed-https-port";
// Disables same-origin check on HTTP resources pushed via a SPDY proxy.
// The value is the host:port of the trusted proxy.
const char kTrustedSpdyProxy[] = "trusted-spdy-proxy";
// Experimental. Shows a dialog asking the user to try chrome. This flag is to
// be used only by the upgrade process.
const char kTryChromeAgain[] = "try-chrome-again";
// Runs un-installation steps that were done by chrome first-run.
const char kUninstall[] = "uninstall";
// Uses Spdy for the transport protocol instead of HTTP. This is a temporary
// testing flag.
const char kUseSpdy[] = "use-spdy";
// Ignores certificate-related errors.
const char kIgnoreCertificateErrors[] = "ignore-certificate-errors";
// Sets the maximum SPDY sessions per domain.
const char kMaxSpdySessionsPerDomain[] = "max-spdy-sessions-per-domain";
// Sets the maximum concurrent streams over a SPDY session.
const char kMaxSpdyConcurrentStreams[] = "max-spdy-concurrent-streams";
// Specifies the user data directory, which is where the browser will look for
// all of its state.
const char kUserDataDir[] = "user-data-dir";
// Specifies a custom URL for the server which reports variation data to the
// client. See
const char kVariationsServerURL[] = "variations-server-url";
// Prints version information and quits.
const char kVersion[] = "version";
// Cycle through a series of URLs listed in the specified file.
const char kVisitURLs[] = "visit-urls";
// Adds the given extension ID to all the permission whitelists.
const char kWhitelistedExtensionID[] = "whitelisted-extension-id";
// Specify the initial window position: --window-position=x,y
const char kWindowPosition[] = "window-position";
// Specify the initial window size: --window-size=w,h
const char kWindowSize[] = "window-size";
// Uses WinHTTP to fetch and evaluate PAC scripts. Otherwise the default is to
// use Chromium's network stack to fetch, and V8 to evaluate.
const char kWinHttpProxyResolver[] = "winhttp-proxy-resolver";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Use the tablet specific UI components when available.
const char kTabletUI[] = "tablet-ui";
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Disables gdata content provider.
const char kDisableGData[] = "disable-gdata";
// Disables new WebRTC implementation of user image picker.
const char kDisableHtml5Camera[] = "disable-html5-camera";
// Disables new OOBE/sign in design.
const char kDisableNewOobe[] = "disable-new-oobe";
// Enables touchpad three-finger-click as middle button.
const char kEnableTouchpadThreeFingerClick[]
= "touchpad-enable-three-finger-click";
// Skips OAuth part of ChromeOS login process.
const char kSkipOAuthLogin[] = "skip-oauth-login";
// Enables device policy support on ChromeOS.
const char kEnableDevicePolicy[] = "enable-device-policy";
// Enables Drive v2 API instead of Google Documents List API.
const char kEnableDriveV2Api[] = "enable-drive-v2-api";
// Enables the redirection of viewable document requests to the Google Document
// Viewer.
const char kEnableGView[] = "enable-gview";
// Enable Kiosk mode for ChromeOS
const char kEnableKioskMode[] = "enable-kiosk-mode";
// Enables mobile setup in a dialog.
const char kEnableMobileSetupDialog[] = "enable-mobile-dialog";
// Enables support for policy-configured networks.
const char kEnableONCPolicy[] = "enable-onc-policy";
// Enables static ip configuration. This flag should be removed when it's on by
// default.
const char kEnableStaticIPConfig[] = "enable-static-ip-config";
// Enables discovery and interaction with Bluetooth devices that may not be
// supported by ChromeOS.
const char kEnableUnsupportedBluetoothDevices[] =
// Enables the experimental wallpaper picker UI.
const char kExperimentalWallpaperUI[] = "experimental-wallpaper-ui";
// Path for the screensaver used in Kiosk mode
const char kKioskModeScreensaverPath[] = "kiosk-mode-screensaver-path";
// Enables Chrome-as-a-login-manager behavior.
const char kLoginManager[] = "login-manager";
// Allows to override the first login screen. The value should be the name of
// the first login screen to show (see
// chrome/browser/chromeos/login/ for actual names).
// Ignored if kLoginManager is not specified. TODO(avayvod): Remove when the
// switch is no longer needed for testing.
const char kLoginScreen[] = "login-screen";
// Controls the initial login screen size. Pass width,height.
const char kLoginScreenSize[] = "login-screen-size";
// Specifies the profile to use once a chromeos user is logged in.
const char kLoginProfile[] = "login-profile";
// Specifies the user which is already logged in.
const char kLoginUser[] = "login-user";
// Specifies a password to be used to login (along with login-user).
const char kLoginPassword[] = "login-password";
// Disables tab discard in low memory conditions, a feature which silently
// closes inactive tabs to free memory and to attempt to avoid the kernel's
// out-of-memory process killer.
const char kNoDiscardTabs[] = "no-discard-tabs";
// Indicates that the browser is in "browse without sign-in" (Guest session)
// mode. Should completely disable extensions, sync and bookmarks.
const char kGuestSession[] = "bwsi";
// Enables overriding the path for the default echo component extension.
// Useful for testing.
const char kEchoExtensionPath[] = "echo-ext-path";
// Show volume controls in status bar on ChromeOS.
const char kShowVolumeStatus[] = "show-volume-status";
// Indicates that a stub implementation of CrosSettings that stores settings in
// memory without signing should be used, treating current user as the owner.
// This option is for testing the chromeos build of chrome on the desktop only.
const char kStubCrosSettings[] = "stub-cros-settings";
// Triggers ChromeOS system log compression during feedback submit.
const char kCompressSystemFeedback[] = "compress-sys-feedback";
// Enables overriding the path for the default authentication extension.
const char kAuthExtensionPath[] = "auth-ext-path";
// Power of the power-of-2 initial modulus that will be used by the
// auto-enrollment client. E.g. "4" means the modulus will be 2^4 = 16.
const char kEnterpriseEnrollmentInitialModulus[] =
// Power of the power-of-2 maximum modulus that will be used by the
// auto-enrollment client.
const char kEnterpriseEnrollmentModulusLimit[] =
// Enables overriding the Chrome OS board type when running on Linux.
const char kChromeOSReleaseBoard[] = "chromeos-release-board";
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Skips all other OOBE pages after user login.
const char kOobeSkipPostLogin[] = "oobe-skip-postlogin";
#endif // NDEBUG
#endif // OS_CHROMEOS
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
// A flag, generated internally by Chrome for renderer and other helper process
// command lines on Linux and Mac. It tells the helper process to enable crash
// dumping and reporting, because helpers cannot access the profile or other
// files needed to make this decision.
const char kEnableCrashReporter[] = "enable-crash-reporter";
#if !defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Specifies which password store to use (detect, default, gnome, kwallet).
const char kPasswordStore[] = "password-store";
#endif // OS_POSIX
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Enables the tabs expose feature ( ).
const char kEnableExposeForTabs[] = "enable-expose-for-tabs";
// Performs Keychain reauthorization from the command line on behalf of a
// special Keychain reauthorization stub executable. Used during auto-update.
const char kKeychainReauthorize[] = "keychain-reauthorize";
// A process type (switches::kProcessType) that relaunches the browser. See
// chrome/browser/mac/relauncher.h.
const char kRelauncherProcess[] = "relauncher";
// Uses mock keychain for testing purposes, which prevents blocking dialogs
// from causing timeouts.
const char kUseMockKeychain[] = "use-mock-keychain";
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Disables profile desktop shortcuts handling, preventing their creation,
// modification or removal.
const char kDisableDesktopShortcuts[] = "disable-desktop-shortcuts";
// Enable Website Settings. The Website Settings UI will replace the Page Info
// Bubble.
const char kDisableWebsiteSettings[] = "disable-website-settings";
#if defined(USE_AURA)
// Use NativeTabContentsViewAura instead of the default implementation.
const char kDisableTCVA[] = "disable-tcva";
// Opens an Ash window on startup.
extern const char kOpenAsh[] = "open-ash";
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Enables overriding the path of file manager extension.
const char kFileManagerExtensionPath[] = "filemgr-ext-path";
// Dumps dependency information about our profile services into a dot file in
// the profile directory.
const char kDumpProfileDependencyGraph[] = "dump-profile-graph";
#endif // NDEBUG
// Controls print preview in the browser process.
// Disables print preview (For testing, and for users who don't like us. :[ )
const char kDisablePrintPreview[] = "disable-print-preview";
// Enables print preview (Force enable on Chromium, which normally does not
// have the PDF viewer required for print preview.)
const char kEnablePrintPreview[] = "enable-print-preview";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// You were going to just dump your switches here, weren't you? Instead, please
// put them in alphabetical order above, or in order inside the appropriate
// ifdef at the bottom. The order should match the header.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // namespace switches