blob: a456ce50c2730ed6e83acad365af625438de84af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "gpu/gpu_export.h"
// From gl2.h. We want to avoid including gl headers because client-side and
// service-side headers conflict.
#define GL_VERTEX_SHADER 0x8B31
#define GL_LOW_FLOAT 0x8DF0
#define GL_MEDIUM_FLOAT 0x8DF1
#define GL_HIGH_FLOAT 0x8DF2
#define GL_LOW_INT 0x8DF3
#define GL_MEDIUM_INT 0x8DF4
#define GL_HIGH_INT 0x8DF5
namespace gpu {
// NOTE: When adding members to this struct, also add corresponding
// entries in gpu/ipc/gpu_command_buffer_traits_multi.h.
struct GPU_EXPORT Capabilities {
struct ShaderPrecision {
ShaderPrecision() : min_range(0), max_range(0), precision(0) {}
int min_range;
int max_range;
int precision;
struct GPU_EXPORT PerStagePrecisions {
ShaderPrecision low_int;
ShaderPrecision medium_int;
ShaderPrecision high_int;
ShaderPrecision low_float;
ShaderPrecision medium_float;
ShaderPrecision high_float;
Capabilities(const Capabilities& other);
template <typename T>
void VisitStagePrecisions(unsigned stage,
PerStagePrecisions* precisions,
const T& visitor) {
visitor(stage, GL_LOW_INT, &precisions->low_int);
visitor(stage, GL_MEDIUM_INT, &precisions->medium_int);
visitor(stage, GL_HIGH_INT, &precisions->high_int);
visitor(stage, GL_LOW_FLOAT, &precisions->low_float);
visitor(stage, GL_MEDIUM_FLOAT, &precisions->medium_float);
visitor(stage, GL_HIGH_FLOAT, &precisions->high_float);
template <typename T>
void VisitPrecisions(const T& visitor) {
VisitStagePrecisions(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, &vertex_shader_precisions, visitor);
VisitStagePrecisions(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, &fragment_shader_precisions,
PerStagePrecisions vertex_shader_precisions;
PerStagePrecisions fragment_shader_precisions;
int max_combined_texture_image_units = 0;
int max_cube_map_texture_size = 0;
int max_fragment_uniform_vectors = 0;
int max_renderbuffer_size = 0;
int max_texture_image_units = 0;
int max_texture_size = 0;
int max_varying_vectors = 0;
int max_vertex_attribs = 0;
int max_vertex_texture_image_units = 0;
int max_vertex_uniform_vectors = 0;
int max_viewport_width = 0;
int max_viewport_height = 0;
int num_compressed_texture_formats = 0;
int num_shader_binary_formats = 0;
int num_stencil_bits = 0; // For the default framebuffer.
int bind_generates_resource_chromium = 0;
int max_3d_texture_size = 0;
int max_array_texture_layers = 0;
int max_color_attachments = 0;
int64_t max_combined_fragment_uniform_components = 0;
int max_combined_uniform_blocks = 0;
int64_t max_combined_vertex_uniform_components = 0;
int max_copy_texture_chromium_size = 0;
int max_draw_buffers = 0;
int64_t max_element_index = 0;
int max_elements_indices = 0;
int max_elements_vertices = 0;
int max_fragment_input_components = 0;
int max_fragment_uniform_blocks = 0;
int max_fragment_uniform_components = 0;
int max_program_texel_offset = 0;
int max_samples = 0;
int64_t max_server_wait_timeout = 0;
float max_texture_lod_bias = 0.f;
int max_transform_feedback_interleaved_components = 0;
int max_transform_feedback_separate_attribs = 0;
int max_transform_feedback_separate_components = 0;
int64_t max_uniform_block_size = 0;
int max_uniform_buffer_bindings = 0;
int max_varying_components = 0;
int max_vertex_output_components = 0;
int max_vertex_uniform_blocks = 0;
int max_vertex_uniform_components = 0;
int min_program_texel_offset = 0;
int num_extensions = 0;
int num_program_binary_formats = 0;
int uniform_buffer_offset_alignment = 1;
bool post_sub_buffer = false;
bool swap_buffers_with_bounds = false;
bool commit_overlay_planes = false;
bool egl_image_external = false;
bool texture_format_astc = false;
bool texture_format_atc = false;
bool texture_format_bgra8888 = false;
bool texture_format_dxt1 = false;
bool texture_format_dxt5 = false;
bool texture_format_etc1 = false;
bool texture_format_etc1_npot = false;
bool texture_rectangle = false;
bool iosurface = false;
bool texture_usage = false;
bool texture_storage = false;
bool discard_framebuffer = false;
bool sync_query = false;
bool future_sync_points = false;
bool blend_equation_advanced = false;
bool blend_equation_advanced_coherent = false;
bool texture_rg = false;
bool texture_half_float_linear = false;
bool color_buffer_float = false;
bool image_ycbcr_422 = false;
bool image_ycbcr_420v = false;
bool render_buffer_format_bgra8888 = false;
bool occlusion_query = false;
bool occlusion_query_boolean = false;
bool timer_queries = false;
bool surfaceless = false;
bool flips_vertically = false;
bool msaa_is_slow = false;
bool disable_one_component_textures = false;
bool disable_multisampling_color_mask_usage = false;
bool disable_webgl_rgb_multisampling_usage = false;
// When this parameter is true, a CHROMIUM image created with RGB format will
// actually have RGBA format. The client is responsible for handling most of
// the complexities associated with this. See
// gpu/GLES2/extensions/CHROMIUM/CHROMIUM_gpu_memory_buffer_image.txt for more
// details.
bool chromium_image_rgb_emulation = false;
// When true, RGB framebuffer formats are unsupported. Emulate with RGBA to
// work around this. See for an example.
bool emulate_rgb_buffer_with_rgba = false;
int major_version = 2;
int minor_version = 0;
} // namespace gpu