blob: b6bae4f29b996f705d6a4bd683f07f2c7a4bbe65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
namespace skia {
// When creating/receiving a ref-counted pointer from Skia, wrap that pointer in
// this class to avoid dealing with the ref-counting and prevent leaks/crashes
// due to ref-counting bugs.
// Example of creating a new SkShader* and setting it on a SkPaint:
// skia::RefPtr<SkShader> shader = skia::AdoptRef(SkGradientShader::Create());
// paint.setShader(shader.get());
// When passing around a ref-counted pointer to methods outside of Skia, always
// pass around the skia::RefPtr instead of the raw pointer. An example method
// that takes a SkShader* parameter and saves the SkShader* in the class.
// void AMethodThatSavesAShader(const skia::RefPtr<SkShader>& shader) {
// member_refptr_ = shader;
// }
// skia::RefPtr<SkShader> member_refptr_;
// When returning a ref-counted pointer, also return the skia::RefPtr instead.
// An example method that creates an SkShader* and returns it:
// skia::RefPtr<SkShader> MakeAShader() {
// return skia::AdoptRef(SkGradientShader::Create());
// }
// To take a scoped reference to an object whose references are all owned
// by other objects (i.e. does not have one that needs to be adopted) use the
// skia::SharePtr helper:
// skia::RefPtr<SkShader> shader = skia::SharePtr(paint.getShader());
// To pass a reference while clearing the pointer (without changing the ref
// count):
// skia::RefPtr<SkShader> shader = ...;
// UseThisShader(std::move(shader));
// Never call ref() or unref() on the underlying ref-counted pointer. If you
// AdoptRef() the raw pointer immediately into a skia::RefPtr and always work
// with skia::RefPtr instances instead, the ref-counting will be taken care of
// for you.
template<typename T>
class RefPtr {
RefPtr() : ptr_(nullptr) {}
RefPtr(std::nullptr_t) : ptr_(nullptr) {}
// Copy constructor.
RefPtr(const RefPtr& other)
: ptr_(other.get()) {
// Copy conversion constructor.
template<typename U>
RefPtr(const RefPtr<U>& other)
: ptr_(other.get()) {
// Move constructor. This is required in addition to the conversion
// constructor below in order for clang to warn about pessimizing moves.
RefPtr(RefPtr&& other) : ptr_(other.get()) { other.ptr_ = nullptr; }
// Move conversion constructor.
template <typename U>
RefPtr(RefPtr<U>&& other)
: ptr_(other.get()) {
other.ptr_ = nullptr;
~RefPtr() {
RefPtr& operator=(std::nullptr_t) {
return *this;
RefPtr& operator=(const RefPtr& other) {
SkRefCnt_SafeAssign(ptr_, other.get());
return *this;
template<typename U>
RefPtr& operator=(const RefPtr<U>& other) {
SkRefCnt_SafeAssign(ptr_, other.get());
return *this;
template <typename U>
RefPtr& operator=(RefPtr<U>&& other) {
RefPtr<T> temp(std::move(other));
std::swap(ptr_, temp.ptr_);
return *this;
void clear() {
T* to_unref = ptr_;
ptr_ = nullptr;
T* get() const { return ptr_; }
T& operator*() const { return *ptr_; }
T* operator->() const { return ptr_; }
typedef T* RefPtr::*unspecified_bool_type;
operator unspecified_bool_type() const {
return ptr_ ? &RefPtr::ptr_ : nullptr;
T* ptr_;
// This function cannot be public because Skia starts its ref-counted
// objects at refcnt=1. This makes it impossible to differentiate
// between a newly created object (that doesn't need to be ref'd) or an
// already existing object with one owner (that does need to be ref'd so that
// this RefPtr can also manage its lifetime).
explicit RefPtr(T* ptr) : ptr_(ptr) {}
template<typename U>
friend RefPtr<U> AdoptRef(U* ptr);
template<typename U>
friend RefPtr<U> SharePtr(U* ptr);
template <typename U>
friend class RefPtr;
// For objects that have an unowned reference (such as newly created objects).
template<typename T>
RefPtr<T> AdoptRef(T* ptr) { return RefPtr<T>(ptr); }
// For objects that are already owned. This doesn't take ownership of existing
// references and adds a new one.
template<typename T>
RefPtr<T> SharePtr(T* ptr) { return RefPtr<T>(SkSafeRef(ptr)); }
} // namespace skia
#endif // SKIA_EXT_REFPTR_H_