blob: 191be654439881111ca822675a38f75a40b2ccfe [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'type': 'none',
'variables': {
'CLOSURE_DIR': '<(DEPTH)/third_party/closure_compiler',
'EXTERNS_GYP': '<(CLOSURE_DIR)/externs/compiled_resources.gyp',
'default_source_file': '<(_target_name).js',
'source_files%': ['<(default_source_file)'],
'includes': ['closure_args.gypi'],
'sources': ['<@(source_files)'],
'all_dependent_settings': {
'sources': ['<@(source_files)'],
'actions': [
'action_name': 'compile_js',
# This action optionally takes these arguments:
# - sources: a list of all of the source files to be compiled.
# If sources is undefined, a default of ['<(_target_name).js']
# is created (this probably suffices for many targets).
# - out_file: a file where the compiled output is written to. The default
# is gen/closure/<path to |target_name|>/|target_name|.js.
# - script_args: additional arguments to pass to
# - closure_args: additional arguments to pass to the Closure compiler.
# - disabled_closure_args: additional arguments dealing with the
# strictness of compilation; Non-strict
# defaults are provided that can be overriden.
'variables': {
'target_path': '<!(python <(CLOSURE_DIR)/build/ <(default_source_file))',
'out_file%': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/closure/<(target_path)',
# TODO(dbeam): add --custom_sources when 'source_files' is set?
'script_args%': [],
'disabled_closure_args%': '<(default_disabled_closure_args)',
'inputs': [
'outputs': ['<(out_file)'],
'action': [
'--out_file', '<(out_file)',
'--closure_args', '<@(closure_args)', '<@(disabled_closure_args)',
# '--verbose' # for make glorious log spam of Closure compiler.
'message': 'Compiling <(target_path)',