blob: 7dcb323609fcf9474e5db8d87aec5b0fa4aac830 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
namespace ash {
// The color provider for system UI. It provides colors for Shield layer, Base
// layer and +1 layer. Shield layer is a combination of color, opacity and blur
// which may change depending on the context, it is usually a fullscreen layer.
// e.g, PowerButtoneMenuScreenView for power button menu. Base layer is the
// bottom layer of any UI displayed on top of all other UIs. e.g, the ShelfView
// that contains all the shelf items. Controls layer is where components such as
// icons and inkdrops lay on, it may also indicate the state of an interactive
// element (active/inactive states). The color of an element in system UI will
// be the combination of the colors of the three layers.
class ASH_EXPORT AshColorProvider {
// The color mode of system UI. Switch "--ash-color-mode" can only set
// |color_mode_| to |kLight| or |kDark|, |color_mode_| will be |kDefault| if
// the flag is not set.
enum class AshColorMode {
// This is the color mode of current system UI, which is a combination of
// dark and light mode. e.g, shelf and system tray are dark while many other
// elements like notification are light.
kDefault = 0,
// The text is black while the background is white or light.
// The text is light color while the background is black or dark grey.
// Types of Shield layer.
enum class ShieldLayerType {
kAlpha20, // opacity of the layer is 20%
kAlpha40, // opacity of the layer is 40%
kAlpha60, // opacity of the layer is 60%
// Types of Base layer.
enum class BaseLayerType {
// Base layer is transparent with blur.
kTransparentWithBlur = 0,
// Base layer is transparent without blur.
// Base layer is opaque.
// Types of Controls layer.
enum class ControlsLayerType {
enum class ContentLayerType {
// Attributes of ripple, includes the base color, opacity of inkdrop and
// highlight.
struct RippleAttributes {
RippleAttributes(SkColor color,
float opacity_of_inkdrop,
float opacity_of_highlight)
: base_color(color),
highlight_opacity(opacity_of_highlight) {}
const SkColor base_color;
const float inkdrop_opacity;
const float highlight_opacity;
static AshColorProvider* Get();
// Gets color of Shield layer. See details at the corresponding function of
// Base layer.
SkColor DeprecatedGetShieldLayerColor(ShieldLayerType type,
SkColor default_color) const;
SkColor GetShieldLayerColor(ShieldLayerType type,
AshColorMode given_color_mode) const;
// Used by UI elements that need to support |kDefault| mode to get the color
// of base layer. |default_color| is provided while |color_mode_| is not set.
// Otherwise, gets the base layer color on |type| and |color_mode_|. Note,
// this function will be removed after launch dark/light mode.
SkColor DeprecatedGetBaseLayerColor(BaseLayerType type,
SkColor default_color) const;
// Used by new specs to get the color of base layer. |given_color_mode| is
// provided since the colors of new specs will always follow |kLight| or
// |kDark| mode. But |color_mode_| should have higher priority, gets the color
// on |color_mode_| instead if it is set.
SkColor GetBaseLayerColor(BaseLayerType type,
AshColorMode given_color_mode) const;
// Gets color of Controls layer. See details at the corresponding function of
// Base layer.
SkColor DeprecatedGetControlsLayerColor(ControlsLayerType type,
SkColor default_color) const;
SkColor GetControlsLayerColor(ControlsLayerType type,
AshColorMode given_color_mode) const;
// Gets color of Content layer. See details at the corresponding function of
// Base layer.
SkColor DeprecatedGetContentLayerColor(ContentLayerType type,
SkColor default_color) const;
SkColor GetContentLayerColor(ContentLayerType type,
AshColorMode given_color_mode) const;
// Gets the attributes of ripple on |bg_color|. |bg_color| is the background
// color of the UI element that wants to show inkdrop.
RippleAttributes GetRippleAttributes(SkColor bg_color) const;
// Gets the disabled color on |enabled_color|. It can be disabled background,
// an disabled icon, etc.
SkColor GetDisabledColor(SkColor enabled_color) const;
AshColorMode color_mode() const { return color_mode_; }
// Gets Shield layer color on |type| and |color_mode|. This function will be
// merged into GetShieldLayerColor after DeprecatedGetShieldLayerColor got be
// removed.
SkColor GetShieldLayerColorImpl(ShieldLayerType type,
AshColorMode color_mode) const;
// Gets Base layer color on |type| and |color_mode|. This function will be
// merged into GetBaseLayerColor after DeprecatedGetBaseLayerColor got be
// removed.
SkColor GetBaseLayerColorImpl(BaseLayerType type,
AshColorMode color_mode) const;
// Gets Controls layer color on |type| and |color_mode|. This function will be
// merged into GetControlsLayerColor after DeprecatedGetControlsLayerColor got
// be removed.
SkColor GetControlsLayerColorImpl(ControlsLayerType type,
AshColorMode color_mode) const;
// Gets Content layer color on |type| and |color_mode|. This function will be
// merged into GetContentLayerColor after DeprecatedGetContentLayerColor got
// be removed.
SkColor GetContentLayerColorImpl(ContentLayerType type,
AshColorMode color_mode) const;
// Current color mode of system UI.
AshColorMode color_mode_ = AshColorMode::kDefault;
} // namespace ash