blob: b5ae7086595cd155f829b058ed2931e9055ecba7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/task/common/checked_lock.h"
#include "base/task/common/intrusive_heap.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/task_source.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/task_source_sort_key.h"
namespace base {
namespace internal {
// A PriorityQueue holds TaskSources of Tasks. This class is not thread-safe
// (requires external synchronization).
class BASE_EXPORT PriorityQueue {
PriorityQueue& operator=(PriorityQueue&& other);
// Inserts |task_source| in the PriorityQueue with |task_source_sort_key|.
void Push(TransactionWithRegisteredTaskSource transaction_with_task_source);
// Returns a reference to the TaskSourceSortKey representing the priority of
// the highest pending task in this PriorityQueue. The reference becomes
// invalid the next time that this PriorityQueue is modified.
// Cannot be called on an empty PriorityQueue.
const TaskSourceSortKey& PeekSortKey() const;
// Returns a reference to the highest priority TaskSource in this
// PriorityQueue. Cannot be called on an empty PriorityQueue. The returned
// task source may be modified as long as its sort key isn't affected.
RegisteredTaskSource& PeekTaskSource() const;
// Removes and returns the highest priority TaskSource in this PriorityQueue.
// Cannot be called on an empty PriorityQueue.
RegisteredTaskSource PopTaskSource();
// Removes |task_source| from the PriorityQueue. Returns a
// RegisteredTaskSource which evaluates to true if successful, or false if
// |task_source| is not currently in the PriorityQueue or the PriorityQueue is
// empty.
RegisteredTaskSource RemoveTaskSource(const TaskSource& task_source);
// Updates the sort key of |task_source| to |sort_key|, reordering
// |task_source| in the queue if necessary. No-ops if the TaskSource is not in
// the PriorityQueue or the PriorityQueue is empty.
void UpdateSortKey(const TaskSource& task_source, TaskSourceSortKey sort_key);
// Returns true if the PriorityQueue is empty.
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Returns the number of TaskSources in the PriorityQueue.
size_t Size() const;
// Returns the number of TaskSources with |priority|.
size_t GetNumTaskSourcesWithPriority(TaskPriority priority) const {
return num_task_sources_per_priority_[static_cast<int>(priority)];
// Set the PriorityQueue to empty all its TaskSources of Tasks when it is
// destroyed; needed to prevent memory leaks caused by a reference cycle
// (TaskSource -> Task -> TaskRunner -> TaskSource...) during test teardown.
void EnableFlushTaskSourcesOnDestroyForTesting();
// A class combining a TaskSource and the TaskSourceSortKey that determines
// its position in a PriorityQueue.
class TaskSourceAndSortKey;
using ContainerType = IntrusiveHeap<TaskSourceAndSortKey>;
void DecrementNumTaskSourcesForPriority(TaskPriority priority);
void IncrementNumTaskSourcesForPriority(TaskPriority priority);
ContainerType container_;
std::array<size_t, static_cast<int>(TaskPriority::HIGHEST) + 1>
num_task_sources_per_priority_ = {};
// Should only be enabled by EnableFlushTaskSourcesOnDestroyForTesting().
bool is_flush_task_sources_on_destroy_enabled_ = false;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base