blob: ed4e220f1aa058da8c2e006a5929a54f66a14f08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/vr/elements/shadow.h"
#include "base/numerics/ranges.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/ui_element_renderer.h"
#include "device/vr/vr_gl_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/tween.h"
namespace vr {
namespace {
// clang-format off
static constexpr char const* kVertexShader = SHADER(
precision mediump float;
uniform mat4 u_ModelViewProjMatrix;
attribute vec4 a_Position;
varying vec2 v_Position;
void main() {
v_Position = vec2(0.5 + a_Position.x, 0.5 - a_Position.y);
gl_Position = u_ModelViewProjMatrix * a_Position;
static constexpr char const* kFragmentShader = SHADER(
precision highp float;
uniform mediump float u_XPadding;
uniform mediump float u_YPadding;
uniform vec4 u_Color;
uniform mediump float u_Opacity;
uniform mediump float u_YOffset;
uniform mediump float u_XCornerRadius;
uniform mediump float u_YCornerRadius;
varying vec2 v_Position;
void main() {
// By using abs here, we can treat all four quadrants of the quad in the
// same way.
vec2 pos = vec2(0.5 - abs(v_Position.x - 0.5),
0.5 - abs(v_Position.y - 0.5 - u_YOffset));
float x_ramp = u_XPadding + u_XCornerRadius;
float y_ramp = u_YPadding + u_YCornerRadius;
// Compute distance from inner rect.
float x_pad_distance = (pos.x - x_ramp) / x_ramp;
float y_pad_distance = (pos.y - y_ramp) / y_ramp;
// These booleans drive some subsequent conditionals. Essentially, we need
// to determine which of the following situations applies:
// 1. We're in the corner (where the shadow is elliptical),
// 2. In a linear gradient off one of the sides of the rounded rect.
// 3. We're fully within the rounded rect.
bool inside_x_pad = x_pad_distance < 0.0;
bool inside_y_pad = y_pad_distance < 0.0;
// Computing this mask (i.e., the shadow gradient) is the point of this fn.
float mask = 1.0;
float x_offset = u_XCornerRadius / (u_XPadding + u_XCornerRadius);
float y_offset = u_YCornerRadius / (u_YPadding + u_YCornerRadius);
float x_clamped = 1.0 + x_pad_distance;
float y_clamped = 1.0 + y_pad_distance;
if (inside_x_pad && inside_y_pad) {
vec2 v = vec2(x_pad_distance, y_pad_distance);
vec2 n = normalize(v);
// Sadly, there is no M_PI_2 constant to use within glsl.
float t = acos(-n.x) / 1.57079632679489661923;
float offset = mix(x_offset, y_offset, t);
mask = clamp((1.0 - clamp(length(v), 0.0, 1.0)) / (1.0 - offset),
0.0, 1.0);
} else if (inside_x_pad) {
mask = clamp(x_clamped / (1.0 - x_offset), 0.0, 1.0);
} else if (inside_y_pad) {
mask = clamp(y_clamped / (1.0 - y_offset), 0.0, 1.0);
// This is an arbitrary function that takes mask (which was previously a
// linear ramp from the edge of the rrect), and causes it to fall off more
// rapidly.
mask = mask * mask * mask * mask;
vec4 color = u_Color;
color = vec4( * color.w, color.w);
// Add some noise to prevent banding artifacts in the gradient.
float n =
(fract(dot(v_Position.xy, vec2(12345.67, 456.7))) - 0.5) / 255.0;
gl_FragColor = (color + n) * mask * u_Opacity;
// clang-format on
// Beyond this depth, things start to look too blurry. This is a bit arbitrary.
static constexpr float kMaximumChildDepth = 0.15f;
static constexpr float kShadowOpacity = 0.4f;
// Adjusting these will change the min/max gradient sizes along the x/y axes. By
// adjusting these ranges independently, we can be blurrier in one direction
// than another, simulating different light shapes.
static constexpr float kXMinShadowGradientFactor = 0.01f;
static constexpr float kXMaxShadowGradientFactor = 0.3f;
static constexpr float kYMinShadowGradientFactor = 0.01f;
static constexpr float kYMaxShadowGradientFactor = 0.24f;
// This amount controls how much we increase the padding due to depth changes.
// I.e, this causes the shadow to encroach into the rounded rect which is
// crucial for softness. Increasing this number makes the shadows softer.
static constexpr float kPaddingScaleFactor = 0.2f;
// This value adjust how the shadow translates due to depth changes. Increasing
// this number effectively makes the faked light sounce appear higher (the
// shadow descends more quickly).
static constexpr float kYShadowOffset = 0.03f;
} // namespace
Shadow::Shadow() {
Shadow::~Shadow() {}
void Shadow::Render(UiElementRenderer* renderer,
const CameraModel& camera_model) const {
DCHECK_EQ(left_padding(), right_padding());
DCHECK_EQ(top_padding(), bottom_padding());
camera_model.view_proj_matrix * world_space_transform(), size(),
left_padding(), right_padding(),
gfx::Tween::FloatValueBetween(depth_, 0.0f, 1.0f), SK_ColorBLACK,
computed_opacity() * kShadowOpacity * intensity_, corner_radius());
void Shadow::LayOutContributingChildren() {
DCHECK(shadow_caster_ || !children().empty());
UiElement* shadow_caster =
shadow_caster_ ? shadow_caster_ : children().back().get();
gfx::Point3F p;
DCHECK_GE(kMaximumChildDepth, p.z());
depth_ = base::ClampToRange(p.z() / kMaximumChildDepth, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// This is an arbitrary function that quickly accelerates from 0 toward 1.
set_padding(gfx::Tween::FloatValueBetween(depth_, kXMinShadowGradientFactor,
gfx::Tween::FloatValueBetween(depth_, kYMinShadowGradientFactor,
if (shadow_caster_ || children().size() == 1u)
: BaseQuadRenderer(kVertexShader, kFragmentShader) {
model_view_proj_matrix_handle_ =
glGetUniformLocation(program_handle_, "u_ModelViewProjMatrix");
x_padding_handle_ = glGetUniformLocation(program_handle_, "u_XPadding");
y_padding_handle_ = glGetUniformLocation(program_handle_, "u_YPadding");
y_offset_handle_ = glGetUniformLocation(program_handle_, "u_YOffset");
color_handle_ = glGetUniformLocation(program_handle_, "u_Color");
opacity_handle_ = glGetUniformLocation(program_handle_, "u_Opacity");
x_corner_radius_handle_ =
glGetUniformLocation(program_handle_, "u_XCornerRadius");
y_corner_radius_handle_ =
glGetUniformLocation(program_handle_, "u_YCornerRadius");
Shadow::Renderer::~Renderer() = default;
void Shadow::Renderer::Draw(const gfx::Transform& model_view_proj_matrix,
const gfx::SizeF& element_size,
float x_padding,
float y_padding,
float y_offset,
SkColor color,
float opacity,
float corner_radius) {
PrepareToDraw(model_view_proj_matrix_handle_, model_view_proj_matrix);
float scale = 1.0 + (y_offset * kPaddingScaleFactor);
glUniform1f(x_padding_handle_, x_padding * scale / element_size.width());
glUniform1f(y_padding_handle_, y_padding * scale / element_size.height());
glUniform1f(y_offset_handle_, y_offset * kYShadowOffset);
glUniform1f(opacity_handle_, opacity);
glUniform1f(x_corner_radius_handle_, corner_radius / element_size.width());
glUniform1f(y_corner_radius_handle_, corner_radius / element_size.height());
SetColorUniform(color_handle_, color);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, index_buffer_);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, BaseQuadRenderer::NumQuadIndices(),
} // namespace vr