blob: 85500b06bd3c0c8918deb11e6d1e27548390bbbe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/containers/mru_cache.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/task/post_task.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/nacl/browser/nacl_browser_delegate.h"
#include "components/nacl/browser/nacl_validation_cache.h"
namespace base {
class FileProxy;
namespace nacl {
static const int kGdbDebugStubPortUnknown = -1;
static const int kGdbDebugStubPortUnused = 0;
// Open an immutable executable file that can be mmapped (or a read-only file).
// This function should only be called on a thread that can perform file IO.
base::File OpenNaClReadExecImpl(const base::FilePath& file_path,
bool is_executable);
// Represents shared state for all NaClProcessHost objects in the browser.
class NaClBrowser {
static NaClBrowser* GetInstance();
// Will it be possible to launch a NaCl process, eventually?
bool IsOk() const;
// Are we ready to launch a NaCl process now? Implies IsOk().
bool IsReady() const;
// Attempt to asynchronously acquire all resources needed to start a process.
// This method is idempotent - it is safe to call multiple times.
void EnsureAllResourcesAvailable();
// Enqueues reply() in the message loop when all the resources needed to start
// a process have been acquired.
void WaitForResources(base::OnceClosure reply);
// Asynchronously attempt to get the IRT open.
// This is entailed by EnsureInitialized. This method is exposed as part of
// the public interface, however, so the IRT can be explicitly opened as
// early as possible to prevent autoupdate issues.
void EnsureIrtAvailable();
// Path to IRT. Available even before IRT is loaded.
const base::FilePath& GetIrtFilePath();
// IRT file handle, only available when IsReady().
const base::File& IrtFile() const;
// Methods for tracking the GDB debug stub port associated with each NaCl
// process.
void SetProcessGdbDebugStubPort(int process_id, int port);
int GetProcessGdbDebugStubPort(int process_id);
// While a test has a GDB debug port callback set, Chrome will allocate a
// currently-unused TCP port to the debug stub server, instead of a fixed
// one.
static void SetGdbDebugStubPortListenerForTest(
base::Callback<void(int)> listener);
static void ClearGdbDebugStubPortListenerForTest();
enum ValidationCacheStatus {
bool ValidationCacheIsEnabled() const {
return validation_cache_is_enabled_;
const std::string& GetValidationCacheKey() const {
return validation_cache_.GetValidationCacheKey();
// The instance keeps information about NaCl executable files opened via
// PPAPI. This allows the NaCl process to get trusted information about the
// file directly from the browser process. In theory, a compromised renderer
// could provide a writable file handle or lie about the file's path. If we
// trusted the handle was read only but it was not, an mmapped file could be
// modified after validation, allowing an escape from the NaCl sandbox.
// Similarly, if we trusted the file path corresponded to the file handle but
// it did not, the validation cache could be tricked into bypassing validation
// for bad code.
// Instead of allowing these attacks, the NaCl process only trusts information
// it gets directly from the browser process. Because the information is
// stored in a cache of bounded size, it is not guaranteed the browser process
// will be able to provide the requested information. In these cases, the
// NaCl process must make conservative assumptions about the origin of the
// file.
// In theory, a compromised renderer could guess file tokens in an attempt to
// read files it normally doesn't have access to. This would not compromise
// the NaCl sandbox, however, and only has a 1 in ~2**120 chance of success
// per guess.
// TODO(ncbray): move the cache onto NaClProcessHost so that we don't need to
// rely on tokens being unguessable by another process.
void PutFilePath(const base::FilePath& path,
uint64_t* file_token_lo,
uint64_t* file_token_hi);
bool GetFilePath(uint64_t file_token_lo,
uint64_t file_token_hi,
base::FilePath* path);
bool QueryKnownToValidate(const std::string& signature, bool off_the_record);
void SetKnownToValidate(const std::string& signature, bool off_the_record);
void ClearValidationCache(base::OnceClosure callback);
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Get path to NaCl loader on the filesystem if possible.
// |exe_path| does not change if the method fails.
bool GetNaCl64ExePath(base::FilePath* exe_path);
void EarlyStartup();
// Set/get the NaClBrowserDelegate. The |delegate| must be set at startup,
// from the Browser's UI thread. It will be leaked at browser teardown.
static void SetDelegate(std::unique_ptr<NaClBrowserDelegate> delegate);
static NaClBrowserDelegate* GetDelegate();
static void ClearAndDeleteDelegateForTest();
// Called whenever a NaCl process exits.
void OnProcessEnd(int process_id);
// Called whenever a NaCl process crashes, before OnProcessEnd().
void OnProcessCrashed();
// If "too many" crashes occur within a given time period, NaCl is throttled
// until the rate again drops below the threshold.
bool IsThrottled();
enum NaClResourceState {
static NaClBrowser* GetInstanceInternal();
void InitIrtFilePath();
void OpenIrtLibraryFile();
void OnIrtOpened(std::unique_ptr<base::FileProxy> file_proxy,
base::File::Error error_code);
void InitValidationCacheFilePath();
void EnsureValidationCacheAvailable();
void OnValidationCacheLoaded(const std::string* data);
void RunWithoutValidationCache();
// Dispatch waiting tasks if we are ready, or if we know we'll never be ready.
void CheckWaiting();
// Indicate that it is impossible to launch a NaCl process.
void MarkAsFailed();
void MarkValidationCacheAsModified();
void PersistValidationCache();
base::File irt_file_;
base::FilePath irt_filepath_;
NaClResourceState irt_state_;
NaClValidationCache validation_cache_;
NaClValidationCache off_the_record_validation_cache_;
base::FilePath validation_cache_file_path_;
bool validation_cache_is_enabled_;
bool validation_cache_is_modified_;
NaClResourceState validation_cache_state_;
base::Callback<void(int)> debug_stub_port_listener_;
// Map from process id to debug stub port if any.
typedef std::map<int, int> GdbDebugStubPortMap;
GdbDebugStubPortMap gdb_debug_stub_port_map_;
typedef base::HashingMRUCache<std::string, base::FilePath> PathCacheType;
PathCacheType path_cache_;
// True if it is no longer possible to launch NaCl processes.
bool has_failed_;
// A list of pending tasks to start NaCl processes.
std::vector<base::OnceClosure> waiting_;
base::circular_deque<base::Time> crash_times_;
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> file_task_runner_ =
{base::MayBlock(), base::TaskPriority::USER_VISIBLE});
} // namespace nacl