blob: 89a77dd9d324aa80cd7cbc74db4568f693da9520 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_vector.h"
namespace blink {
class Element;
class CounterNode;
class StyleContainmentScope;
using CountersVector = HeapVector<Member<CounterNode>>;
// Represents the scope of counters, the first counter represents the root.
// Managed by CountersScopeTree.
class CORE_EXPORT CountersScope final : public GarbageCollected<CountersScope> {
void AttachCounter(CounterNode&);
void DetachCounter(CounterNode&);
void ClearCounters();
CounterNode& FirstCounter() const;
CountersVector& Counters() { return counters_; }
static wtf_size_t FindCounterIndexPrecedingCounter(
const CounterNode& search_counter,
const CountersVector& counters);
// is_dirty indicates that the values of counters should be updated.
// It is cleared after the UpdateCounters.
bool IsDirty() const { return is_dirty_; }
void SetIsDirty(bool is_dirty) { is_dirty_ = is_dirty; }
void UpdateCounters(const AtomicString& identifier, bool force_update = true);
enum class SearchScope { SelfSearch, SelfAndAncestorSearch, AncestorSearch };
// Finds the counter that precedes `counter`.
// The search can be scoped to only this counter scope,
// this + ancestors, only ancestors.
// Also the search can proceed to ancestor style scopes.
CounterNode* FindPreviousCounterFrom(CounterNode& counter,
SearchScope search_scope,
const AtomicString& identifier,
bool leave_style_scope = true);
void AppendChild(CountersScope&);
void RemoveChild(CountersScope&);
void ClearChildren();
HeapVector<Member<CountersScope>>& Children() { return children_; }
StyleContainmentScope* StyleScope() const { return scope_.Get(); }
void SetStyleScope(StyleContainmentScope* scope) {
scope_ = scope;
is_dirty_ = true;
CountersScope* Parent() const { return parent_.Get(); }
void SetParent(CountersScope* parent) {
parent_ = parent;
is_dirty_ = true;
Element& RootElement() const;
Element& RootNonPseudoElement() const;
void Trace(Visitor*) const;
bool UpdateOwnCounters(bool force_update, const AtomicString& identifier);
void UpdateChildCounters(const AtomicString& identifier, bool force_update);
CounterNode* FindPreviousCounterWithinStyleScope(CounterNode& counter,
SearchScope search_scope);
CounterNode* FindPreviousCounterInAncestorStyleScopes(
CounterNode& counter,
const AtomicString& identifier);
bool is_dirty_;
// Style containment scope.
Member<StyleContainmentScope> scope_;
// Parent counters scope.
Member<CountersScope> parent_;
// Vector of counters.
CountersVector counters_;
// Vector of children scope.
HeapVector<Member<CountersScope>> children_;
} // namespace blink