blob: 2914ed6002a42cca5f002ff1c0048c88c49f6441 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_to_length_conversion_data.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/media_values_dynamic.h"
namespace blink {
class CORE_EXPORT CSSContainerValues : public MediaValuesDynamic {
explicit CSSContainerValues(Document& document,
Element& container,
std::optional<double> width,
std::optional<double> height,
ContainerStuckPhysical stuck_horizontal,
ContainerStuckPhysical stuck_vertical);
// Returns std::nullopt if queries on the relevant axis is not
// supported.
std::optional<double> Width() const override { return width_; }
std::optional<double> Height() const override { return height_; }
void Trace(Visitor*) const override;
float EmFontSize(float zoom) const override;
float RemFontSize(float zoom) const override;
float ExFontSize(float zoom) const override;
float RexFontSize(float zoom) const override;
float ChFontSize(float zoom) const override;
float RchFontSize(float zoom) const override;
float IcFontSize(float zoom) const override;
float RicFontSize(float zoom) const override;
float LineHeight(float zoom) const override;
float RootLineHeight(float zoom) const override;
float CapFontSize(float zoom) const override;
float RcapFontSize(float zoom) const override;
// Note that ContainerWidth/ContainerHeight are used to resolve
// container *units*. See `container_sizes_`.
Element* ContainerElement() const override { return element_.Get(); }
double ContainerWidth() const override;
double ContainerHeight() const override;
WritingMode GetWritingMode() const override {
return writing_direction_.GetWritingMode();
ContainerStuckPhysical StuckHorizontal() const override {
return stuck_horizontal_;
ContainerStuckPhysical StuckVertical() const override {
return stuck_vertical_;
ContainerStuckLogical StuckInline() const override;
ContainerStuckLogical StuckBlock() const override;
ContainerSnappedFlags SnappedFlags() const override { return snapped_; }
// The current computed style for the container.
Member<Element> element_;
// Container width in CSS pixels.
std::optional<double> width_;
// Container height in CSS pixels.
std::optional<double> height_;
// The writing-mode of the container.
WritingDirectionMode writing_direction_;
// Whether a sticky container is horizontally stuck and to which edge.
ContainerStuckPhysical stuck_horizontal_ = ContainerStuckPhysical::kNo;
// Whether a sticky container is vertically stuck and against which edge.
ContainerStuckPhysical stuck_vertical_ = ContainerStuckPhysical::kNo;
// Union of flags for whether a scroll-snapped container is snapped in block
// or inline directions.
// TODO( Need to update this from the scroll snapshot.
ContainerSnappedFlags snapped_ =
// Container font sizes for resolving relative lengths.
CSSToLengthConversionData::FontSizes font_sizes_;
// LineHeightSize of the container element.
CSSToLengthConversionData::LineHeightSize line_height_size_;
// Used to resolve container-relative units found in the @container prelude.
// Such units refer to container sizes of *ancestor* containers, and must
// not be confused with the size of the *current* container (which is stored
// in `width_` and `height_`).
CSSToLengthConversionData::ContainerSizes container_sizes_;
} // namespace blink