blob: bd23038f5bb8d31a3d43ad00658dd0c5508d52a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_token.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_token_range.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_tokenized_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/weborigin/kurl.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/text_encoding.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
namespace blink {
class CSSSyntaxDefinition;
enum class SecureContextMode;
class CORE_EXPORT CSSVariableData : public RefCounted<CSSVariableData> {
static scoped_refptr<CSSVariableData> Create() {
return base::AdoptRef(new CSSVariableData());
// This is the fastest (non-trivial) constructor if you've got the has_* data
// already, e.g. because you extracted them while tokenizing (see
// ExtractFeatures()) or got them from another CSSVariableData instance during
// substitution.
static scoped_refptr<CSSVariableData> Create(StringView original_text,
bool is_animation_tainted,
bool needs_variable_resolution,
bool has_font_units,
bool has_root_font_units,
bool has_line_height_units) {
if (original_text.length() > kMaxVariableBytes) {
// This should have been blocked off during variable substitution.
return nullptr;
wtf_size_t bytes_needed =
sizeof(CSSVariableData) + (original_text.Is8Bit()
? original_text.length()
: 2 * original_text.length());
void* buf = WTF::Partitions::FastMalloc(
bytes_needed, WTF::GetStringWithTypeName<CSSVariableData>());
return base::AdoptRef(new (buf) CSSVariableData(
original_text, is_animation_tainted, needs_variable_resolution,
has_font_units, has_root_font_units, has_line_height_units));
// Second-fastest; scans through all the tokens to determine the has_* data.
// (The tokens are not used apart from that; only the original string is
// stored.) The tokens must correspond to the given string.
static scoped_refptr<CSSVariableData> Create(CSSTokenizedValue value,
bool is_animation_tainted,
bool needs_variable_resolution);
// Like the previous, but also needs to tokenize the string.
static scoped_refptr<CSSVariableData> Create(const String& original_text,
bool is_animation_tainted,
bool needs_variable_resolution);
StringView OriginalText() const {
if (is_8bit_) {
return StringView(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(this + 1), length_);
} else {
return StringView(reinterpret_cast<const UChar*>(this + 1), length_);
String Serialize() const;
bool operator==(const CSSVariableData& other) const;
bool IsAnimationTainted() const { return is_animation_tainted_; }
bool NeedsVariableResolution() const { return needs_variable_resolution_; }
// True if the CSSVariableData has tokens with units that are relative to the
// font-size of the current element, e.g. 'em'.
bool HasFontUnits() const { return has_font_units_; }
// True if the CSSVariableData has tokens with units that are relative to the
// font-size of the root element, e.g. 'rem'.
bool HasRootFontUnits() const { return has_root_font_units_; }
// True if the CSSVariableData has tokens with 'lh' units which are relative
// to line-height property.
bool HasLineHeightUnits() const { return has_line_height_units_; }
const CSSValue* ParseForSyntax(const CSSSyntaxDefinition&,
SecureContextMode) const;
CSSVariableData(const CSSVariableData&) = delete;
CSSVariableData& operator=(const CSSVariableData&) = delete;
CSSVariableData(CSSVariableData&&) = delete;
CSSVariableData& operator=(const CSSVariableData&&) = delete;
// ORs the given flags with those of the given token.
static void ExtractFeatures(const CSSParserToken& token,
bool& has_font_units,
bool& has_root_font_units,
bool& has_line_height_units);
// The maximum number of bytes for a CSS variable (including text
// that comes from var() substitution). This matches Firefox.
// If you change this, length_ below may need updates.
static const size_t kMaxVariableBytes = 2097152;
: length_(0),
unused_(0) {}
bool is_animation_tainted,
bool needs_variable_resolution,
bool has_font_units,
bool has_root_font_units,
bool has_line_height_units);
// 32 bits refcount before this.
// We'd like to use bool for the booleans, but this causes the struct to
// balloon in size on Windows:
// Enough for storing up to 2MB (and then some), cf. kMaxSubstitutionBytes.
// The remaining 4 bits are kept in reserve for future use.
const unsigned length_ : 22;
const unsigned is_animation_tainted_ : 1; // bool.
const unsigned needs_variable_resolution_ : 1; // bool.
const unsigned is_8bit_ : 1; // bool.
unsigned has_font_units_ : 1; // bool.
unsigned has_root_font_units_ : 1; // bool.
unsigned has_line_height_units_ : 1; // bool.
const unsigned unused_ : 4;
// The actual character data is stored after this.
static_assert(sizeof(CSSVariableData) <= 8,
"CSSVariableData must not grow without thinking");
} // namespace blink