blob: fed064a9b1232569e3c5d2a0ed5e2c3a80951e9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <bit>
#include <cstring>
#include <initializer_list>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_property_names.h"
namespace blink {
// A bitset designed for CSSPropertyIDs.
// It's different from std::bitset, in that it provides optimized traversal
// for situations where only a few bits are set (which is the common case for
// e.g. CSS declarations which apply to an element).
// The bitset can store a configurable amount of bits for testing purposes,
// (though not more than kNumCSSPropertyIDs).
template <size_t kBits>
class CORE_EXPORT CSSBitsetBase {
kBits <= kNumCSSPropertyIDs,
"Bit count must not exceed kNumCSSPropertyIDs, as each bit position must "
"be representable as a CSSPropertyID");
static_assert(kBits > 0, "Iterator assumes at least one chunk.");
static const size_t kChunks = (kBits + 63) / 64;
CSSBitsetBase() : chunks_() {}
CSSBitsetBase(const CSSBitsetBase<kBits>& o) { *this = o; }
// This slightly weird construction helps Clang make an actual
// compile-time static value, until we have constinit.
template <int N>
explicit constexpr CSSBitsetBase(const CSSPropertyID (&list)[N])
: chunks_(CreateChunks(list)) {}
CSSBitsetBase& operator=(const CSSBitsetBase& o) = default;
bool operator==(const CSSBitsetBase& o) const { return chunks_ == o.chunks_; }
bool operator!=(const CSSBitsetBase& o) const { return !(*this == o); }
inline uint64_t HighPriorityBits() const {
return[0] & HighPriorityBitMask();
inline void Set(CSSPropertyID id) {
size_t bit = static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<unsigned>(id));
DCHECK_LT(bit, kBits);[bit / 64] |= (1ull << (bit % 64));
inline void Or(CSSPropertyID id, bool v) {
size_t bit = static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<unsigned>(id));
DCHECK_LT(bit, kBits);[bit / 64] |= (static_cast<uint64_t>(v) << (bit % 64));
inline bool Has(CSSPropertyID id) const {
size_t bit = static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<unsigned>(id));
DCHECK_LT(bit, kBits);
return[bit / 64] & (1ull << (bit % 64));
inline bool HasAny() const {
for (uint64_t chunk : chunks_) {
if (chunk) {
return true;
return false;
inline void Reset() { std::memset(, 0, sizeof(chunks_)); }
// Yields the CSSPropertyIDs which are set.
class Iterator {
// Only meant for internal use (from begin() or end()).
Iterator(const uint64_t* chunks, size_t chunk_index, size_t index)
: chunks_(chunks),
chunk_(chunks_[0]) {
DCHECK(index == 0 || index == kBits);
if (index < kBits) {
++*this; // Go to the first set bit.
// See BeginAfterHighPriority().
struct FirstNonHighPriorityTag {};
Iterator(const uint64_t* chunks, FirstNonHighPriorityTag)
: chunks_(chunks), chunk_(chunks_[0] & ~HighPriorityBitMask()) {
++*this; // Go to the first set bit.
inline void operator++() {
// If there are no more bits set in this chunk,
// skip to the next nonzero chunk (if any exists).
while (!chunk_) {
if (++chunk_index_ >= kChunks) {
index_ = kBits;
chunk_ = chunks_[chunk_index_];
index_ = chunk_index_ * 64 + std::countr_zero(chunk_);
chunk_ &= chunk_ - 1; // Clear the lowest bit.
inline CSSPropertyID operator*() const {
DCHECK_LE(index_, static_cast<size_t>(kLastCSSProperty));
return static_cast<CSSPropertyID>(index_);
inline bool operator==(const Iterator& o) const {
return index_ == o.index_;
inline bool operator!=(const Iterator& o) const {
return index_ != o.index_;
const uint64_t* chunks_;
// The current bit index this Iterator is pointing to. Note that this is
// the "global" index, i.e. it has the range [0, kBits]. (It is not a local
// index with range [0, 64]).
// Never exceeds kBits.
size_t index_ = 0;
// The current chunk index this Iterator is pointing to.
// Points to kChunks if we are done.
size_t chunk_index_ = 0;
// The iterator works by "pre-fetching" the current chunk (corresponding
// (to the current index), and removing its bits one by one.
// This is not used (contains junk) for the end() iterator.
uint64_t chunk_ = 0;
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(, 0, 0); }
Iterator end() const { return Iterator(, kChunks, kBits); }
// Like begin(), except that it skips all high-priority properties
// (so starts at the first set bit after kLastHighPriorityCSSProperty).
Iterator BeginAfterHighPriority() const {
return Iterator(,
typename Iterator::FirstNonHighPriorityTag());
std::array<uint64_t, kChunks> chunks_;
template <int N>
static constexpr std::array<uint64_t, kChunks> CreateChunks(
const CSSPropertyID (&list)[N]) {
std::array<uint64_t, kChunks> chunks{};
for (CSSPropertyID id : list) {
unsigned bit = static_cast<unsigned>(id);
chunks[bit / 64] |= uint64_t{1} << (bit % 64);
return chunks;
static constexpr uint64_t HighPriorityBitMask() {
constexpr int from = static_cast<int>(kFirstHighPriorityCSSProperty);
constexpr int to_exclusive =
static_cast<int>(kLastHighPriorityCSSProperty) + 1;
from >= 0,
"This function assumes all high-priority properties fit in 64 bits");
to_exclusive < 64,
"This function assumes all high-priority properties fit in 64 bits");
// NOTE: We need to_exclusive < 64 to have defined shifts.
return ((uint64_t{1} << to_exclusive) - 1) & ~((uint64_t{1} << from) - 1);
using CSSBitset = CSSBitsetBase<kNumCSSPropertyIDs>;
} // namespace blink