blob: 170d3474fc48a6ae3fb5a27575e54569de475b4d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/substring_set_matcher/substring_set_matcher.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/cascade_layer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_keyframes_rule.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_position_try_rule.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/media_query_evaluator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/resolver/media_query_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/robin_hood_map.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/rule_feature_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/style_rule.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/style_rule_counter_style.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/style_rule_font_feature_values.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/style_rule_font_palette_values.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/style_rule_view_transition.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_hash_map.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_linked_stack.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/casting.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/size_assertions.h"
namespace blink {
class RuleSet;
using AddRuleFlags = unsigned;
enum AddRuleFlag {
kRuleHasNoSpecialState = 0,
kRuleIsVisitedDependent = 1 << 0,
kRuleIsStartingStyle = 1 << 1,
// Some CSS properties do not apply to certain pseudo-elements, and need to be
// ignored when resolving styles. Be aware that these values are used in a
// bitfield. Make sure that it's large enough to hold new values.
// See MatchedProperties::Data::valid_property_filter.
enum class ValidPropertyFilter : unsigned {
// All properties are valid. This is the common case.
// Defined in a ::cue pseudo-element scope. Only properties listed
// in are valid.
// Defined in a ::first-letter pseudo-element scope. Only properties listed in
// are valid.
// Defined in a ::first-line pseudo-element scope. Only properties listed in
// are valid.
// Defined in a ::marker pseudo-element scope. Only properties listed in
// are valid.
// Defined in a highlight pseudo-element scope like ::selection and
// ::target-text. Theoretically only properties listed in
// should be valid,
// but for highlight pseudos using originating inheritance instead of
// highlight inheritance we allow a different set of rules for
// compatibility reasons.
// Defined in a highlight pseudo-element scope like ::selection and
// ::target-text. Only properties listed in
// are valid.
// Defined in a @position-try rule. Only properties listed in
// are valid.
// Defined in an @page rule. Will only allow properties and descriptors that
// have an effect with PageMarginBoxes disabled (i.e. page size, margins and
// orientation).
// Defined in an @page rule.
// See
class CSSSelector;
class MediaQueryEvaluator;
class StyleSheetContents;
// This is a wrapper around a StyleRule, pointing to one of the N complex
// selectors in the StyleRule. This allows us to treat each selector
// independently but still tie them back to the original StyleRule. If multiple
// selectors from a single rule match the same element we can see that as one
// match for the rule. It computes some information about the wrapped selector
// and makes it accessible cheaply.
class CORE_EXPORT RuleData {
// NOTE: If you move the RuleData to a different RuleSet
// (and thus a different bloom_hash_backing from what you
// give to the constructor), you will need to call
// MovedToDifferentRuleSet() below. Otherwise,
// DescendantSelectorIdentifierHashes() will return a slice
// into a nonexistent backing (and GetPosition() will return
// a bogus value, which cannot be used for Seeker lookups).
unsigned selector_index,
unsigned position,
const StyleScope*,
Vector<unsigned>& bloom_hash_backing);
unsigned GetPosition() const { return position_; }
StyleRule* Rule() const { return rule_.Get(); }
const CSSSelector& Selector() const {
return rule_->SelectorAt(selector_index_);
CSSSelector& MutableSelector() {
return rule_->MutableSelectorAt(selector_index_);
unsigned SelectorIndex() const { return selector_index_; }
bool IsEntirelyCoveredByBucketing() const {
return is_entirely_covered_by_bucketing_;
void ComputeEntirelyCoveredByBucketing();
void ResetEntirelyCoveredByBucketing();
bool SelectorIsEasy() const { return is_easy_; }
bool IsStartingStyle() const { return is_starting_style_; }
bool ContainsUncommonAttributeSelector() const {
return contains_uncommon_attribute_selector_;
unsigned Specificity() const { return specificity_; }
unsigned LinkMatchType() const { return link_match_type_; }
ValidPropertyFilter GetValidPropertyFilter(
bool is_matching_ua_rules = false) const {
return is_matching_ua_rules
? ValidPropertyFilter::kNoFilter
: static_cast<ValidPropertyFilter>(valid_property_filter_);
// Member functions related to the descendant Bloom filter.
const base::span<const unsigned> DescendantSelectorIdentifierHashes(
const Vector<unsigned>& backing) const {
return { + bloom_hash_pos_, bloom_hash_size_};
void ComputeBloomFilterHashes(const StyleScope* style_scope,
Vector<unsigned>& backing);
void MovedToDifferentRuleSet(const Vector<unsigned>& old_backing,
Vector<unsigned>& new_backing,
unsigned new_position);
void Trace(Visitor*) const;
// This number is picked fairly arbitrary. If lowered, be aware that there
// might be sites and extensions using style rules with selector lists
// exceeding the number of simple selectors to fit in this bitfield.
// See and
static constexpr size_t kSelectorIndexBits = 13;
// This number was picked fairly arbitrarily. We can probably lower it if we
// need to. Some simple testing showed <100,000 RuleData's on large sites.
static constexpr size_t kPositionBits = 18;
Member<StyleRule> rule_;
unsigned selector_index_ : kSelectorIndexBits;
unsigned position_ : kPositionBits;
unsigned contains_uncommon_attribute_selector_ : 1;
// 32 bits above
unsigned specificity_ : 24;
unsigned link_match_type_ : 2;
unsigned valid_property_filter_ : 3;
unsigned is_entirely_covered_by_bucketing_ : 1;
unsigned is_easy_ : 1; // See EasySelectorChecker.
unsigned is_starting_style_ : 1; // Inside @starting-style {}.
// 32 bits above
// Reference into a slice of bloom_hash_backing_ in the parent RuleSet.
// We can probably steal a couple of bits here if needed, but if you do,
// remember to adjust the clamping in ComputeBloomFilterHashes() too.
unsigned bloom_hash_size_ : 8;
unsigned bloom_hash_pos_ : 24;
} // namespace blink
namespace blink {
struct SameSizeAsRuleData {
Member<void*> a;
unsigned b;
unsigned c;
unsigned d;
ASSERT_SIZE(RuleData, SameSizeAsRuleData);
// A memory-efficient and (fairly) cache-efficient mapping from bucket key
// (e.g. CSS class, tag name, attribute key, etc.) to a collection of rules
// (RuleData objects). It uses a vector as backing storage, and generally works
// in two phases:
// - During RuleSet setup (before compaction), we simply add rules to the
// back of the vector, ie., the elements will be in a random order.
// - Before rule matching, we need to _compact_ the rule map. This is done
// by grouping/sorting the vector by bucket, so that everything that belongs
// to the same vector lives together and can easily be picked out.
// The normal flow is that you first add all rules, call Compact(), then call
// Find() as many times as you need. (Compact() is a moderately expensive
// operation, which is why we don't want to be doing it too much.) However, in
// certain cases related to UA stylesheets, we may need to insert new rules
// on-the-fly (e.g., when seeing a <video> element for the first time, we
// insert additional rules related to it); if so, you need to call Uncompact()
// before adding them, then Compact() again.
class RuleMap {
// A collection of rules that are in the same bucket. Before compaction,
// they are scattered around in the bucket vector; after compaction,
// each bucket will be contiguous.
struct Extent {
Extent() : bucket_number(0) {}
union {
// [0..num_buckets). Valid before compaction.
unsigned bucket_number;
// Into the backing vector. Valid after compaction.
unsigned start_index;
// How many rules are in this bucket. Will naturally not change
// by compaction.
wtf_size_t length = 0;
// Returns false on failure (which should be very rare).
bool Add(const AtomicString& key, const RuleData& rule_data);
void AddFilteredRulesFromOtherSet(
const RuleMap& other,
const HeapHashSet<Member<StyleRule>>& only_include,
const RuleSet& old_rule_set,
RuleSet& new_rule_set);
base::span<const RuleData> Find(const AtomicString& key) const {
if (buckets.IsNull()) {
return {};
// Go through all the buckets and check for equality, brute force.
// Note that we don't check for IsNull() to get an early abort
// on empty buckets; the comparison of AtomicString is so cheap
// that it actually benchmarks negatively. This loop typically
// gets unrolled and inlined, resulting in a very tight lookup.
const RobinHoodMap<AtomicString, Extent>::Bucket* bucket =
if (bucket == nullptr) {
return {};
} else {
return {backing.begin() + bucket->value.start_index,
bool IsEmpty() const { return backing.empty(); }
bool IsCompacted() const { return compacted; }
void Compact();
void Uncompact();
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const { visitor->Trace(backing); }
struct ConstIterator {
RobinHoodMap<AtomicString, Extent>::const_iterator sub_it;
const RuleMap* rule_map;
WTF::KeyValuePair<AtomicString, base::span<const RuleData>> operator*()
const {
return {sub_it->key, rule_map->GetRulesFromExtent(sub_it->value)};
bool operator==(const ConstIterator& other) const {
DCHECK_EQ(rule_map, other.rule_map);
return sub_it == other.sub_it;
bool operator!=(const ConstIterator& other) const {
DCHECK_EQ(rule_map, other.rule_map);
return sub_it != other.sub_it;
ConstIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
ConstIterator begin() const { return {buckets.begin(), this}; }
ConstIterator end() const { return {buckets.end(), this}; }
base::span<RuleData> GetRulesFromExtent(Extent extent) {
return {backing.begin() + extent.start_index, extent.length};
base::span<const RuleData> GetRulesFromExtent(Extent extent) const {
return {backing.begin() + extent.start_index, extent.length};
base::span<unsigned> GetBucketNumberFromExtent(Extent extent) {
return {bucket_number_.begin() + extent.start_index, extent.length};
base::span<const unsigned> GetBucketNumberFromExtent(Extent extent) const {
return {bucket_number_.begin() + extent.start_index, extent.length};
RobinHoodMap<AtomicString, Extent> buckets;
// Contains all the rules from all the buckets; after compaction,
// they will be contiguous in memory and you can do easily lookups
// on them through Find(); before, they are identified
// by having the group number in bucket_data_.
// The inline size is, perhaps surprisingly, to reduce GC pressure
// for _large_ vectors. Setting an inline size (other than zero)
// causes Vector, and by extension HeapVector, to grow more
// aggressively on push_back(), leading to fewer memory allocations
// that need freeing. We call ShrinkToFit() on compaction, so the
// excess increase (which would normally be the downside of this
// strategy) is not a big problem for us.
// Of course, we also save a few allocations for the rule sets
// that are tiny. Most RuleMaps are either ~1–2 entries or in
// the hundreds/thousands.
HeapVector<RuleData, 4> backing;
// Used by RuleMap before compaction, to hold what bucket the corresponding
// RuleData (by index) is to be sorted into (this member is 1:1 with backing).
// After compaction, the vector is emptied to save memory.
Vector<unsigned> bucket_number_;
wtf_size_t num_buckets = 0;
bool compacted = false;
// Holds RuleData objects. It partitions them into various indexed groups,
// e.g. it stores separately rules that match against id, class, tag, shadow
// host, etc. It indexes these by some key where possible, e.g. rules that match
// against tag name are indexed by that tag. Rules that don't fall into a
// specific group are appended to the "universal" rules. The grouping is done to
// optimize finding what rules apply to an element under consideration by
// ElementRuleCollector::CollectMatchingRules.
class CORE_EXPORT RuleSet final : public GarbageCollected<RuleSet> {
RuleSet() = default;
RuleSet(const RuleSet&) = delete;
RuleSet& operator=(const RuleSet&) = delete;
void AddRulesFromSheet(StyleSheetContents*,
const MediaQueryEvaluator&,
CascadeLayer* = nullptr);
void AddStyleRule(StyleRule* style_rule,
const MediaQueryEvaluator& medium,
AddRuleFlags add_rule_flags,
const ContainerQuery* container_query = nullptr,
CascadeLayer* cascade_layer = nullptr,
const StyleScope* style_scope = nullptr);
// Adds RuleDatas (and only RuleDatas) from the other set, but only if they
// correspond to rules in “only_include”. This is used when creating diff
// rulesets for invalidation, and the resulting RuleSets are not usable
// for anything else. In particular, cascade layers are not copied
// and RuleData offsets are not adjusted (so CascadePriority would be wrong
// if merging RuleDatas from different RuleSets). This means that the only
// thing you can really do with this RuleSet afterwards is
// ElementRuleCollector's CheckIfAnyRuleMatches(); the regular
// Collect*Rules() functions are bound to give you trouble.
void AddFilteredRulesFromOtherSet(
const RuleSet& other,
const HeapHashSet<Member<StyleRule>>& only_include);
void AddFilteredRulesFromOtherBucket(
const RuleSet& other,
const HeapVector<RuleData>& src,
const HeapHashSet<Member<StyleRule>>& only_include,
HeapVector<RuleData>* dst);
const RuleFeatureSet& Features() const { return features_; }
base::span<const RuleData> IdRules(const AtomicString& key) const {
return id_rules_.Find(key);
base::span<const RuleData> ClassRules(const AtomicString& key) const {
return class_rules_.Find(key);
bool HasAnyAttrRules() const { return !attr_rules_.IsEmpty(); }
base::span<const RuleData> AttrRules(const AtomicString& key) const {
return attr_rules_.Find(key);
bool CanIgnoreEntireList(base::span<const RuleData> list,
const AtomicString& key,
const AtomicString& value) const;
base::span<const RuleData> TagRules(const AtomicString& key) const {
return tag_rules_.Find(key);
base::span<const RuleData> UAShadowPseudoElementRules(
const AtomicString& key) const {
return ua_shadow_pseudo_element_rules_.Find(key);
base::span<const RuleData> LinkPseudoClassRules() const {
return link_pseudo_class_rules_;
base::span<const RuleData> CuePseudoRules() const {
return cue_pseudo_rules_;
base::span<const RuleData> FocusPseudoClassRules() const {
return focus_pseudo_class_rules_;
base::span<const RuleData> FocusVisiblePseudoClassRules() const {
return focus_visible_pseudo_class_rules_;
base::span<const RuleData> RootElementRules() const {
return root_element_rules_;
base::span<const RuleData> UniversalRules() const { return universal_rules_; }
base::span<const RuleData> ShadowHostRules() const {
return shadow_host_rules_;
base::span<const RuleData> PartPseudoRules() const {
return part_pseudo_rules_;
base::span<const RuleData> SelectorFragmentAnchorRules() const {
return selector_fragment_anchor_rules_;
const HeapVector<Member<StyleRulePage>>& PageRules() const {
return page_rules_;
const HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleFontFace>>& FontFaceRules() const {
return font_face_rules_;
const HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleKeyframes>>& KeyframesRules() const {
return keyframes_rules_;
const HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleProperty>>& PropertyRules() const {
return property_rules_;
const HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleCounterStyle>>& CounterStyleRules() const {
return counter_style_rules_;
const HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleFontPaletteValues>>& FontPaletteValuesRules()
const {
return font_palette_values_rules_;
const HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleFontFeatureValues>>& FontFeatureValuesRules()
const {
return font_feature_values_rules_;
const HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleViewTransition>>& ViewTransitionRules()
const {
return view_transition_rules_;
const HeapVector<Member<StyleRulePositionTry>>& PositionTryRules() const {
return position_try_rules_;
const HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleFunction>>& FunctionRules() const {
return function_rules_;
base::span<const RuleData> SlottedPseudoElementRules() const {
return slotted_pseudo_element_rules_;
bool HasCascadeLayers() const { return implicit_outer_layer_ != nullptr; }
const CascadeLayer& CascadeLayers() const {
return *implicit_outer_layer_;
unsigned RuleCount() const { return rule_count_; }
void CompactRulesIfNeeded() {
if (need_compaction_) {
bool HasSlottedRules() const {
return !slotted_pseudo_element_rules_.empty();
bool HasPartPseudoRules() const { return !part_pseudo_rules_.empty(); }
bool HasBucketForStyleAttribute() const { return has_bucket_for_style_attr_; }
bool MustCheckUniversalBucketForShadowHost() const {
return must_check_universal_bucket_for_shadow_host_;
bool HasUAShadowPseudoElementRules() const {
return !ua_shadow_pseudo_element_rules_.IsEmpty();
// If a single @scope rule covers all rules in this RuleSet,
// returns the corresponding StyleScope rule, or returns nullptr otherwise.
// This is useful for rejecting entire RuleSets early when implicit @scopes
// aren't in scope.
// See ElementRuleCollector::CanRejectScope.
const StyleScope* SingleScope() const {
if (scope_intervals_.size() == 1u) {
const Interval<StyleScope>& interval = scope_intervals_.front();
if (interval.start_position == 0) {
return interval.value.Get();
return nullptr;
bool DidMediaQueryResultsChange(const MediaQueryEvaluator& evaluator) const;
// We use a vector of Interval<T> to represent that rules with positions
// between start_position (inclusive) and the next Interval<T>'s
// start_position (exclusive) share some property:
// - If T = CascadeLayer, belong to the given layer.
// - If T = ContainerQuery, are predicated on the given container query.
// - If T = StyleScope, are declared in the given @style scope.
// We do this instead of putting the data directly onto the RuleData,
// because most rules don't need these fields and websites can have a large
// number of RuleData objects (30k+). Since neighboring rules tend to have the
// same values for these (often nullptr), we save memory and cache space at
// the cost of a some extra seeking through these lists when matching rules.
template <class T>
class Interval {
Interval(const T* passed_value, unsigned passed_position)
: value(passed_value), start_position(passed_position) {}
const Member<const T> value;
const unsigned start_position = 0;
void Trace(Visitor*) const;
const HeapVector<Interval<CascadeLayer>>& LayerIntervals() const {
return layer_intervals_;
const HeapVector<Interval<ContainerQuery>>& ContainerQueryIntervals() const {
return container_query_intervals_;
const HeapVector<Interval<StyleScope>>& ScopeIntervals() const {
return scope_intervals_;
const Vector<unsigned>& BloomHashBacking() const {
return bloom_hash_backing_;
void Show() const;
const HeapVector<RuleData>& AllRulesForTest() const { return all_rules_; }
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
void Trace(Visitor*) const;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RuleSetTest, RuleCountNotIncreasedByInvalidRuleData);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RuleSetTest, RuleDataPositionLimit);
friend class RuleSetCascadeLayerTest;
friend class RuleMap; // For scope_intervals_ and
// NewlyAddedFromDifferentRuleSet().
using SubstringMatcherMap =
HashMap<AtomicString, std::unique_ptr<base::SubstringSetMatcher>>;
void AddToRuleSet(const AtomicString& key, RuleMap&, const RuleData&);
void AddToRuleSet(HeapVector<RuleData>&, const RuleData&);
void AddPageRule(StyleRulePage*);
void AddFontFaceRule(StyleRuleFontFace*);
void AddKeyframesRule(StyleRuleKeyframes*);
void AddPropertyRule(StyleRuleProperty*);
void AddCounterStyleRule(StyleRuleCounterStyle*);
void AddFontPaletteValuesRule(StyleRuleFontPaletteValues*);
void AddFontFeatureValuesRule(StyleRuleFontFeatureValues*);
void AddPositionTryRule(StyleRulePositionTry*);
void AddFunctionRule(StyleRuleFunction*);
void AddViewTransitionRule(StyleRuleViewTransition*);
bool MatchMediaForAddRules(const MediaQueryEvaluator& evaluator,
const MediaQuerySet* media_queries);
void AddChildRules(const HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleBase>>&,
const MediaQueryEvaluator& medium,
const ContainerQuery*,
const StyleScope*);
// Determines whether or not CSSSelector::is_covered_by_bucketing_ should
// be computed during calls to FindBestRuleSetAndAdd.
enum class BucketCoverage {
template <BucketCoverage bucket_coverage>
void FindBestRuleSetAndAdd(CSSSelector&, const RuleData&);
void AddRule(StyleRule*,
unsigned selector_index,
const ContainerQuery*,
const CascadeLayer*,
const StyleScope*);
// Must be called when a RuleData has been added to this RuleSet
// through some form that does not go through AddRule();
// used during creation of diff rulesets (AddFilteredRulesFromOtherSet()).
// In particular, it will adjust the position of new_rule_data,
// add it to the necessary intervals for diff rulesets, and adjust
// rule_count_.
// Used only by RuleSet itself, and RuleMap (through a friend declaration).
void NewlyAddedFromDifferentRuleSet(const RuleData& old_rule_data,
const StyleScope* style_scope,
const RuleSet& old_rule_set,
RuleData& new_rule_data);
void SortKeyframesRulesIfNeeded();
void CompactRules();
static void CreateSubstringMatchers(
RuleMap& attr_map,
SubstringMatcherMap& substring_matcher_map);
void AssertRuleListsSorted() const;
CascadeLayer* EnsureImplicitOuterLayer() {
if (!implicit_outer_layer_) {
implicit_outer_layer_ = MakeGarbageCollected<CascadeLayer>();
return implicit_outer_layer_.Get();
CascadeLayer* GetOrAddSubLayer(CascadeLayer*,
const StyleRuleBase::LayerName&);
void AddRuleToLayerIntervals(const CascadeLayer*, unsigned position);
// May return nullptr for the implicit outer layer.
const CascadeLayer* GetLayerForTest(const RuleData&) const;
RuleMap id_rules_;
RuleMap class_rules_;
RuleMap attr_rules_;
// A structure for quickly rejecting an entire attribute rule set
// (from attr_rules_). If we have many rules in the same bucket,
// we build up a case-insensitive substring-matching structure of all
// the values we can match on (all attribute selectors are either substring,
// or something stricter than substring). We can then use that structure
// to see in linear time (of the length of the attribute value in the DOM)
// whether we can have any matches at all.
// If we find any matches, we need to recheck each rule, because the rule in
// question may actually be case-sensitive, or we might want e.g. a prefix
// match instead of a substring match. (We could solve prefix/suffix by
// means of inserting special start-of-string and end-of-string tokens,
// but we keep it simple for now.) Also, the way we use the
// SubstringSetMatcher, we don't actually get back which rules matched.
// This element does not exist, if there are few enough rules that we don't
// deem this step worth it, or if the build of the tree failed. (In
// particular, if there is only a single rule in this bucket, it's
// pointless to run the entire Aho-Corasick algorithm instead of just
// doing a simple match.) Check GetMinimumRulesetSizeForSubstringMatcher()
// before looking up for a cheaper test.
SubstringMatcherMap attr_substring_matchers_;
RuleMap tag_rules_;
RuleMap ua_shadow_pseudo_element_rules_;
HeapVector<RuleData> link_pseudo_class_rules_;
HeapVector<RuleData> cue_pseudo_rules_;
HeapVector<RuleData> focus_pseudo_class_rules_;
HeapVector<RuleData> focus_visible_pseudo_class_rules_;
HeapVector<RuleData> universal_rules_;
HeapVector<RuleData> shadow_host_rules_;
HeapVector<RuleData> part_pseudo_rules_;
HeapVector<RuleData> slotted_pseudo_element_rules_;
HeapVector<RuleData> selector_fragment_anchor_rules_;
HeapVector<RuleData> root_element_rules_;
RuleFeatureSet features_;
HeapVector<Member<StyleRulePage>> page_rules_;
HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleFontFace>> font_face_rules_;
HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleFontPaletteValues>> font_palette_values_rules_;
HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleFontFeatureValues>> font_feature_values_rules_;
HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleViewTransition>> view_transition_rules_;
HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleKeyframes>> keyframes_rules_;
HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleProperty>> property_rules_;
HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleCounterStyle>> counter_style_rules_;
HeapVector<Member<StyleRulePositionTry>> position_try_rules_;
HeapVector<MediaQuerySetResult> media_query_set_results_;
HeapVector<Member<StyleRuleFunction>> function_rules_;
// Whether there is a ruleset bucket for rules with a selector on
// the style attribute (which is rare, but allowed). If so, the caller
// may need to take extra steps to synchronize the style attribute on
// an element before looking for appropriate buckets.
bool has_bucket_for_style_attr_ = false;
// Whether we need to check the universal bucket for rules when calculating
// style for the shadow host. There are two reasons why this may need to
// be checked:
// 1. Since the :scope pseudo-class can match a shadow host when that host
// is the scoping root,
// ElementRuleCollector::CollectMatchingShadowHostRules also needs to
// collect rules from the universal bucket, but this is only required when
// :scope is actually present.
// 2. Combination rules such as :is(:host, .foo) will be bucketed into the
// universal bucket and not into the bucket for :host. If this happens,
// we will need to check the universal bucket, too.
// Nothing else in the universal bucket can match the host from inside
// the shadow tree.
bool must_check_universal_bucket_for_shadow_host_ = false;
unsigned rule_count_ = 0;
bool need_compaction_ = false;
// nullptr if the stylesheet doesn't explicitly declare any layer.
Member<CascadeLayer> implicit_outer_layer_;
// Empty vector if the stylesheet doesn't explicitly declare any layer.
HeapVector<Interval<CascadeLayer>> layer_intervals_;
// Empty vector if the stylesheet doesn't use any container queries.
HeapVector<Interval<ContainerQuery>> container_query_intervals_;
// Empty vector if the stylesheet doesn't use any @scopes.
HeapVector<Interval<StyleScope>> scope_intervals_;
// Backing store for the Bloom filter hashes for each RuleData.
// It is stored here so that we can have a variable number of them
// (without the overhead of a Vector in each RuleData).
// Note that we only really use the bottom 24 bits of each hash,
// so we could in theory save some more bytes here by storing 3-byte
// instead of 4-byte ints. However, even for sites using a fair bit
// of descendant selectors, we typically see <50 kB potential savings
// here, so we haven't gone down that route yet. (Perhaps it could
// in theory help with cache efficiency.)
Vector<unsigned> bloom_hash_backing_;
HeapVector<RuleData> all_rules_;
// If true, we don't DCHECK that these are unsorted, since they
// came from merged+filtered rulesets, which only happens when
// making diff rulesets for invalidation. Those do not care
// about the ordering, since they do not use the CascadeLayerSeeker.
bool allow_unsorted_ = false;
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
} // namespace blink