blob: d2325aaf77058229a9dfe15c4639f83029684812 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_hash_set.h"
#include "v8/include/cppgc/garbage-collected.h"
namespace blink {
class RuleSet;
class StyleRule;
class StyleRuleBase;
// When mutating a stylesheet (inserting rules, deleting rules, modifying
// selectors, modifying contents of rules), RuleSetDiff stores a list of
// affected rules. This is so that when we invalidate style based on the
// selectors in the old and new rulesets, we can consider only the selectors
// that were actually changed, instead of every rule in the sheet. This reduces
// recalculation scope significantly in several common situations, such as
// inserting a single rule into a large stylesheet. The RuleSetDiff is
// essentially a mapping from (old ruleset, new ruleset) -> (changed rules),
// which can then be used to create a “diff ruleset” that contains fewer
// selectors to check during invalidation.
// For simplicity, we keep a list of StyleRules, even though we only actually
// care about the selectors; CSSSelector is not usually kept alive on its own,
// and comparing StyleRule is cheaper than trying to deduplicate selectors.
// We can have false positives (e.g., if someone changed a rule but then changed
// it back again) but never false negatives. If a stylesheet modifies something
// that is not a StyleRule (such as a @keyframe, or an @import statement),
// we give up and mark the entire diff as “unrepresentable”; this means that
// we will need to test all selectors in both the old and new rule sets.
// We do not diff entirely unrelated stylesheets (e.g. if someone changes
// an entire stylesheet with innerText); RuleSetDiff only gets populated
// where people use explicit CSSOM mutation (insertRule etc.).
class CORE_EXPORT RuleSetDiff : public GarbageCollected<RuleSetDiff> {
// Construct a diff for mutating a stylesheet whose existing rule set is
// <old_ruleset>. We don't really know the new ruleset until later,
// so it is given in NewRuleSetCreated().
explicit RuleSetDiff(RuleSet* old_ruleset) : old_ruleset_(old_ruleset) {}
// Mark that the given rule was part of a relevant change. If it's a
// @keyframe or @import or similar (anything that is not StyleRule),
// this is the same as calling MarkUnrepresentable(), since
// such changes can have very wide-ranging effects throughout the
// generated rule set.
// Note that the rule can have child rules (CSS nesting); RuleSetDiff
// takes this into account when running CreateDiffRuleset().
// In particular, when considering whether to include a style rule A,
// and AddDiff() has been called on B, and B is a parent (directly
// or indirectly) of A, A will be included.
void AddDiff(StyleRuleBase* rule);
void MarkUnrepresentable() {
unrepresentable_ = true;
// These are signals that a new ruleset was just created (or cleared)
// for the stylesheet that used to be represented by “old_ruleset”,
// completing the pair. Usually, NewRuleSetCreated() means that we are
// about to replace “old_ruleset” with “new_ruleset” and a diff ruleset
// is soon to be created. Once this happens, you cannot add new diffs
// (since they would not be represented in new_ruleset, which is fixed
// after reaction).
void NewRuleSetCreated(RuleSet* new_ruleset) {
new_ruleset_ = new_ruleset;
void NewRuleSetCleared() { new_ruleset_ = nullptr; }
bool HasNewRuleSet() const { return new_ruleset_ != nullptr; }
bool Matches(const RuleSet* old_ruleset, const RuleSet* new_ruleset) const {
return old_ruleset == old_ruleset_ && new_ruleset == new_ruleset_;
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const {
// Creates a RuleSet that contains only those rules in “old_ruleset_”
// and “new_ruleset_” that are covered by a change given to AddDiff().
// Will return nullptr on failure; in particular, if an unrepresentable
// change has been entered at any point. If this happens, the caller
// will need to check all selectors in both old_ruleset_ and new_ruleset_
// itself.
RuleSet* CreateDiffRuleset() const;
Member<RuleSet> old_ruleset_;
Member<RuleSet> new_ruleset_;
HeapHashSet<Member<StyleRule>> changed_rules_;
bool unrepresentable_ = false;
} // namespace blink