blob: 4370a0e1dee5161e856db9874cc0500729d620b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A benchmark to verify style performance (and also hooks into layout,
// but not generally layout itself). This isolates style from paint etc.,
// for more stable benchmarking and profiling. Note that this test
// depends on external JSON files with stored web pages, which are
// not yet checked in. The tests will be skipped if you don't have the
// files available.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/resolver/style_resolver.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/style_recalc_change.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "testing/perf/perf_result_reporter.h"
#include "testing/perf/perf_test.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/container_query_data.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_tokenizer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/style_change_reason.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/style_engine.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/style_sheet_contents.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/dom_token_list.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/node_computed_style.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_body_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/loader/empty_clients.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/testing/no_network_url_loader.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/testing/page_test_base.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/process_heap.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/testing/unit_test_helpers.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/testing/url_test_helpers.h"
namespace blink {
// The HTML left by the dumper script will contain any <style> tags that were
// in the DOM, which will be interpreted by setInnerHTML() and converted to
// style sheets. However, we already have our own canonical list of sheets
// (from the JSON) that we want to use. Keeping both will make for duplicated
// rules, enabling rules and sheets that have since been deleted
// (occasionally even things like “display: none !important”) and so on.
// Thus, as a kludge, we strip all <style> tags from the HTML here before
// parsing.
static WTF::String StripStyleTags(const WTF::String& html) {
StringBuilder stripped_html;
wtf_size_t pos = 0;
for (;;) {
wtf_size_t style_start =
html.FindIgnoringCase("<style", pos); // Allow <style id=" etc.
if (style_start == kNotFound) {
// No more <style> tags, so append the rest of the string.
stripped_html.Append(html.Substring(pos, html.length() - pos));
// Bail out if it's not “<style>” or “<style ”; it's probably
// a false positive then.
if (style_start + 6 >= html.length() ||
(html[style_start + 6] != ' ' && html[style_start + 6] != '>')) {
stripped_html.Append(html.Substring(pos, style_start - pos));
pos = style_start + 6;
wtf_size_t style_end = html.FindIgnoringCase("</style>", style_start);
if (style_end == kNotFound) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Mismatched <style> tag";
stripped_html.Append(html.Substring(pos, style_start - pos));
pos = style_end + 8;
return stripped_html.ToString();
static std::unique_ptr<DummyPageHolder> LoadDumpedPage(
const base::Value::Dict& dict,
base::TimeDelta& parse_time,
perf_test::PerfResultReporter* reporter) {
const std::string parse_iterations_str =
int parse_iterations =
parse_iterations_str.empty() ? 1 : stoi(parse_iterations_str);
auto page = std::make_unique<DummyPageHolder>(
gfx::Size(800, 600), nullptr,
page->GetPage().SetDefaultPageScaleLimits(1, 4);
Document& document = page->GetDocument();
StyleEngine& engine = document.GetStyleEngine();
int num_sheets = 0;
int num_bytes = 0;
base::ElapsedTimer parse_timer;
for (const base::Value& sheet_json : *dict.FindList("stylesheets")) {
const base::Value::Dict& sheet_dict = sheet_json.GetDict();
auto* sheet = MakeGarbageCollected<StyleSheetContents>(
for (int i = 0; i < parse_iterations; ++i) {
if (*sheet_dict.FindString("type") == "user") {
engine.InjectSheet(g_empty_atom, sheet, WebCssOrigin::kUser);
} else {
engine.InjectSheet(g_empty_atom, sheet, WebCssOrigin::kAuthor);
num_bytes += sheet_dict.FindString("text")->size();
parse_time = parse_timer.Elapsed();
if (reporter) {
reporter->RegisterFyiMetric("NumSheets", "");
reporter->AddResult("NumSheets", static_cast<double>(num_sheets));
reporter->RegisterFyiMetric("SheetSize", "kB");
reporter->AddResult("SheetSize", static_cast<double>(num_bytes / 1024));
reporter->RegisterImportantMetric("ParseTime", "us");
reporter->AddResult("ParseTime", parse_time);
return page;
struct StylePerfResult {
bool skipped = false;
base::TimeDelta parse_time;
base::TimeDelta initial_style_time;
base::TimeDelta recalc_style_time;
int64_t gc_allocated_bytes;
int64_t partition_allocated_bytes; // May be negative due to bugs.
// Part of gc_allocated_bytes, but much more precise. Only enabled if
// --measure-computed-style-memory is set -- and if so, gc_allocated_bytes
// is going to be much higher due to the extra allocated objects used for
// diffing.
int64_t computed_style_used_bytes;
static StylePerfResult MeasureStyleForDumpedPage(
const char* filename,
bool parse_only,
perf_test::PerfResultReporter* reporter) {
StylePerfResult result;
// Running more than once is useful for profiling. (If this flag does not
// exist, it will return the empty string.)
const std::string recalc_iterations_str =
int recalc_iterations =
recalc_iterations_str.empty() ? 1 : stoi(recalc_iterations_str);
const bool measure_computed_style_memory =
// Do a forced GC run before we start loading anything, so that we have
// a more stable baseline. Note that even with this, the GC deltas tend to
// be different depending on what other tests that run before, so if you want
// the more consistent memory numbers, you'll need to run only a single test
// only (e.g. --gtest_filter=StyleCalcPerfTest.Video).
size_t orig_gc_allocated_bytes =
size_t orig_partition_allocated_bytes =
std::unique_ptr<DummyPageHolder> page;
scoped_refptr<SharedBuffer> serialized =
if (!serialized) {
// Some test data is very large and needs to be downloaded separately,
// so it may not always be present. Do not fail, but report the test as
// skipped.
result.skipped = true;
return result;
std::optional<base::Value> json = base::JSONReader::Read(
base::StringPiece(serialized->Data(), serialized->size()));
page = LoadDumpedPage(json->GetDict(), result.parse_time, reporter);
if (!parse_only) {
base::ElapsedTimer style_timer;
for (int i = 0; i < recalc_iterations; ++i) {
if (i != recalc_iterations - 1) {
result.initial_style_time = style_timer.Elapsed();
base::ElapsedTimer style_timer;
result.recalc_style_time = style_timer.Elapsed();
// Loading the document may have posted tasks, which can hold on to memory.
// Run them now, to make sure they don't leak or otherwise skew the
// statistics.
size_t gc_allocated_bytes = blink::ProcessHeap::TotalAllocatedObjectSize();
size_t partition_allocated_bytes =
result.gc_allocated_bytes = gc_allocated_bytes - orig_gc_allocated_bytes;
result.partition_allocated_bytes =
partition_allocated_bytes - orig_partition_allocated_bytes;
if (measure_computed_style_memory) {
result.computed_style_used_bytes = page->GetDocument()
return result;
static void MeasureAndPrintStyleForDumpedPage(const char* filename,
const char* label) {
auto reporter = perf_test::PerfResultReporter("BlinkStyle", label);
const bool parse_only =
StylePerfResult result =
MeasureStyleForDumpedPage(filename, parse_only, &reporter);
if (result.skipped) {
char msg[256];
snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Skipping %s test because %s could not be read",
label, filename);
if (!parse_only) {
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric("InitialCalcTime", "us");
reporter.AddResult("InitialCalcTime", result.initial_style_time);
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric("RecalcTime", "us");
reporter.AddResult("RecalcTime", result.recalc_style_time);
if (result.computed_style_used_bytes > 0) {
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric("ComputedStyleUsed", "kB");
static_cast<size_t>(result.computed_style_used_bytes) / 1024);
// Don't print GCAllocated if we measured ComputedStyle; it causes
// much more GC churn, which will skew the metrics.
} else {
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric("GCAllocated", "kB");
static_cast<size_t>(result.gc_allocated_bytes) / 1024);
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric("PartitionAllocated", "kB");
static_cast<size_t>(result.partition_allocated_bytes) / 1024);
TEST(StyleCalcPerfTest, Video) {
MeasureAndPrintStyleForDumpedPage("video.json", "Video");
TEST(StyleCalcPerfTest, Extension) {
MeasureAndPrintStyleForDumpedPage("extension.json", "Extension");
TEST(StyleCalcPerfTest, News) {
MeasureAndPrintStyleForDumpedPage("news.json", "News");
TEST(StyleCalcPerfTest, ECommerce) {
MeasureAndPrintStyleForDumpedPage("ecommerce.json", "ECommerce");
TEST(StyleCalcPerfTest, Social1) {
MeasureAndPrintStyleForDumpedPage("social1.json", "Social1");
TEST(StyleCalcPerfTest, Social2) {
MeasureAndPrintStyleForDumpedPage("social2.json", "Social2");
TEST(StyleCalcPerfTest, Encyclopedia) {
MeasureAndPrintStyleForDumpedPage("encyclopedia.json", "Encyclopedia");
TEST(StyleCalcPerfTest, Sports) {
MeasureAndPrintStyleForDumpedPage("sports.json", "Sports");
TEST(StyleCalcPerfTest, Search) {
MeasureAndPrintStyleForDumpedPage("search.json", "Search");
// The data set for this test is not checked in, so if you want to measure it,
// you will need to recreate it yourself. You can do so using the script in
// third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/scripts/style_perftest_snap_page
// And the URL set to use is the top 1k URLs from
// tools/perf/page_sets/alexa1-10000-urls.json
TEST(StyleCalcPerfTest, Alexa1000) {
std::vector<StylePerfResult> results;
const bool parse_only =
for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; ++i) {
char filename[256];
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "alexa%04d.json", i);
StylePerfResult result =
MeasureStyleForDumpedPage(filename, parse_only, /*reporter=*/nullptr);
if (!result.skipped) {
if (i % 100 == 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Benchmarked " << results.size() << " pages, skipped "
<< (i - results.size()) << "...";
if (i == 10 && results.empty()) {
LOG(INFO) << "The Alexa 1k test set has not been dumped "
<< "(tried the first 10), skipping it.";
auto reporter = perf_test::PerfResultReporter("BlinkStyle", "Alexa1000");
for (double percentile : {0.5, 0.9, 0.99}) {
char label[256];
size_t pos = std::min<size_t>(lrint(results.size() * percentile),
results.size() - 1);
std::nth_element(results.begin(), results.begin() + pos, results.end(),
[](const StylePerfResult& a, const StylePerfResult& b) {
return a.parse_time < b.parse_time;
snprintf(label, sizeof(label), "ParseTime%.0fthPercentile",
percentile * 100.0);
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(label, "us");
reporter.AddResult(label, results[pos].parse_time);
if (!parse_only) {
std::nth_element(results.begin(), results.begin() + pos, results.end(),
[](const StylePerfResult& a, const StylePerfResult& b) {
return a.initial_style_time < b.initial_style_time;
snprintf(label, sizeof(label), "InitialCalcTime%.0fthPercentile",
percentile * 100.0);
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(label, "us");
reporter.AddResult(label, results[pos].initial_style_time);
std::nth_element(results.begin(), results.begin() + pos, results.end(),
[](const StylePerfResult& a, const StylePerfResult& b) {
return a.recalc_style_time < b.recalc_style_time;
snprintf(label, sizeof(label), "RecalcTime%.0fthPercentile",
percentile * 100.0);
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(label, "us");
reporter.AddResult(label, results[pos].recalc_style_time);
std::nth_element(results.begin(), results.begin() + pos, results.end(),
[](const StylePerfResult& a, const StylePerfResult& b) {
return a.gc_allocated_bytes < b.gc_allocated_bytes;
snprintf(label, sizeof(label), "GCAllocated%.0fthPercentile",
percentile * 100.0);
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(label, "kB");
label, static_cast<size_t>(results[pos].gc_allocated_bytes) / 1024);
std::nth_element(results.begin(), results.begin() + pos, results.end(),
[](const StylePerfResult& a, const StylePerfResult& b) {
return a.partition_allocated_bytes <
snprintf(label, sizeof(label), "PartitionAllocated%.0fthPercentile",
percentile * 100.0);
reporter.RegisterImportantMetric(label, "kB");
static_cast<size_t>(results[pos].partition_allocated_bytes) / 1024);
} // namespace blink