blob: 6b28dccb469c550d4b6e651ece45c76b6f354565 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
namespace ash {
namespace switches {
// Note: If you add a switch, consider if it needs to be copied to a subsequent
// command line if the process executes a new copy of itself. (For example,
// see chromeos::LoginUtil::GetOffTheRecordCommandLine().)
// Please keep alphabetized.
// TODO(sky): fix order!
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshAnimateFromBootSplashScreen[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshCopyHostBackgroundAtBoot[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshDebugShortcuts[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshDeveloperShortcuts[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshDisableMaximizeModeWindowBackdrop[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshDisableScreenOrientationLock[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshDisableTouchExplorationMode[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshEnableMagnifierKeyScroller[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshEnablePaletteOnAllDisplays[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshEnableTouchView[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshEnableMirroredScreen[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshEnableSmoothScreenRotation[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshEstimatedPresentationDelay[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshForceEnablePalette[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshForceTabletMode[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshForceTabletModeAuto[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshForceTabletModeClamshell[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshForceTabletModeTouchView[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshHideNotificationsForFactory[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshShelfColor[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshShelfColorEnabled[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshShelfColorDisabled[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshShelfColorScheme[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshShelfColorSchemeLightMuted[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshShelfColorSchemeLightVibrant[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshShelfColorSchemeNormalMuted[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshShelfColorSchemeNormalVibrant[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshShelfColorSchemeDarkMuted[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshShelfColorSchemeDarkVibrant[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAshTouchHud[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAuraLegacyPowerButton[];
// True if the pointer (cursor) position should be kept inside root windows.
ASH_EXPORT bool ConstrainPointerToRoot();
} // namespace switches
} // namespace ash