blob: b87c6e6d9cbbd0304037a69f7b3626c048b1eb1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/picture_image_layer.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"
namespace cc {
scoped_refptr<PictureImageLayer> PictureImageLayer::create()
return make_scoped_refptr(new PictureImageLayer());
: PictureLayer(this)
void PictureImageLayer::setBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap)
// setBitmap() currently gets called whenever there is any
// style change that affects the layer even if that change doesn't
// affect the actual contents of the image (e.g. a CSS animation).
// With this check in place we avoid unecessary texture uploads.
if (bitmap.pixelRef() && bitmap.pixelRef() == bitmap_.pixelRef())
bitmap_ = bitmap;
void PictureImageLayer::update(
ResourceUpdateQueue& queue,
const OcclusionTracker* tracker,
RenderingStats& stats) {
if (bounds() != bounds_) {
// Pictures are recorded in layer space, so if the layer size changes,
// then the picture needs to be re-scaled, as a directly composited image
// always fills its entire layer bounds. This could be improved by
// recording pictures of images at their actual resolution somehow.
bounds_ = bounds();
PictureLayer::update(queue, tracker, stats);
void PictureImageLayer::paintContents(
SkCanvas* canvas,
const gfx::Rect& clip,
gfx::RectF& opaque) {
if (!bitmap_.width() || !bitmap_.height())
SkScalar content_to_layer_scale_x = SkFloatToScalar(
static_cast<float>(bounds().width()) / bitmap_.width());
SkScalar content_to_layer_scale_y = SkFloatToScalar(
static_cast<float>(bounds().height()) / bitmap_.height());
canvas->scale(content_to_layer_scale_x, content_to_layer_scale_y);
canvas->drawBitmap(bitmap_, 0, 0);
} // namespace cc