blob: 3d62f184fbc8b30ac6aa0a948a7c7d81799a0df0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#define USE_CC_OUTPUT_SURFACE // TODO(danakj): Remove this.
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/Platform/chromium/public/WebCompositorOutputSurface.h"
namespace WebKit {
class WebGraphicsContext3D;
namespace cc {
class CompositorFrame;
class OutputSurfaceClient;
class SoftwareOutputDevice;
// Represents the output surface for a compositor. The compositor owns
// and manages its destruction. Its lifetime is:
// 1. Created on the main thread by the LayerTreeHost through its client.
// 2. Passed to the compositor thread and bound to a client via BindToClient.
// From here on, it will only be used on the compositor thread.
// 3. If the 3D context is lost, then the compositor will delete the output
// surface (on the compositor thread) and go back to step 1.
class CC_EXPORT OutputSurface : public WebKit::WebCompositorOutputSurface {
virtual ~OutputSurface() {}
// Called by the compositor on the compositor thread. This is a place where
// thread-specific data for the output surface can be initialized, since from
// this point on the output surface will only be used on the compositor
// thread.
virtual bool BindToClient(OutputSurfaceClient*) = 0;
struct Capabilities {
: has_parent_compositor(false) {}
bool has_parent_compositor;
virtual const Capabilities& Capabilities() const = 0;
// Obtain the 3d context or the software device associated with this output
// surface. Either of these may return a null pointer, but not both.
// In the event of a lost context, the entire output surface should be
// recreated.
virtual WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D* Context3D() const = 0;
virtual SoftwareOutputDevice* SoftwareDevice() const = 0;
// Sends frame data to the parent compositor. This should only be called when
// capabilities().has_parent_compositor.
virtual void SendFrameToParentCompositor(const CompositorFrame&) {}
} // namespace cc