blob: 1894b6caa4ff10ab4615bd852a9d7362cf299ff5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "components/gcm_driver/gcm_app_handler.h"
#include "components/gcm_driver/instance_id/instance_id.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
namespace gcm {
class GCMDriver;
namespace instance_id {
class InstanceIDDriver;
namespace syncer {
class FCMRegistrationTokenObserver;
class InvalidationsListener;
// This handler is used to register with FCM and to process incoming messages.
class FCMHandler : public gcm::GCMAppHandler {
FCMHandler(gcm::GCMDriver* gcm_driver,
instance_id::InstanceIDDriver* instance_id_driver,
const std::string& sender_id,
const std::string& app_id);
~FCMHandler() override;
FCMHandler(const FCMHandler&) = delete;
FCMHandler& operator=(const FCMHandler&) = delete;
// Used to start handling incoming invalidations from the server and to obtain
// an FCM token. This method gets called after sign-in, or during browser
// startup if the user is already signed in. Before StartListening() is called
// for the first time, the FCM registration token will be empty.
void StartListening();
// Stop handling incoming invalidations. It doesn't cleanup the FCM
// registration token and doesn't unsubscribe from FCM. All incoming
// invalidations will be dropped. This method gets called during browser
// shutdown.
void StopListening();
// Stop handling incoming invalidations and delete Instance ID. It clears the
// FCM registration token. This method gets called during sign-out.
void StopListeningPermanently();
// Returns if the handler is listening for incoming invalidations.
bool IsListening() const;
// Add or remove a new listener which will be notified on each new incoming
// invalidation. |listener| must not be nullptr.
void AddListener(InvalidationsListener* listener);
void RemoveListener(InvalidationsListener* listener);
// Add or remove an FCM token change observer. |observer| must not be nullptr.
void AddTokenObserver(FCMRegistrationTokenObserver* observer);
void RemoveTokenObserver(FCMRegistrationTokenObserver* observer);
// Used to get an obtained FCM token. Returns empty string if it hasn't
// been received yet, or if the handler has stopped listening permanently.
const std::string& GetFCMRegistrationToken() const;
// Returns true if an FCM registration token has never been retreived after
// the last StartListening() call.
bool IsWaitingForToken() const;
// GCMAppHandler overrides.
void ShutdownHandler() override;
void OnStoreReset() override;
void OnMessage(const std::string& app_id,
const gcm::IncomingMessage& message) override;
void OnMessagesDeleted(const std::string& app_id) override;
void OnSendError(const std::string& app_id,
const gcm::GCMClient::SendErrorDetails& details) override;
void OnSendAcknowledged(const std::string& app_id,
const std::string& message_id) override;
// Called when a subscription token is obtained from the GCM server.
void DidRetrieveToken(const std::string& subscription_token,
instance_id::InstanceID::Result result);
void ScheduleNextTokenValidation();
void StartTokenValidation();
void DidReceiveTokenForValidation(const std::string& new_token,
instance_id::InstanceID::Result result);
void StartTokenFetch(instance_id::InstanceID::GetTokenCallback callback);
gcm::GCMDriver* gcm_driver_ = nullptr;
instance_id::InstanceIDDriver* instance_id_driver_ = nullptr;
const std::string sender_id_;
const std::string app_id_;
// Contains an FCM registration token if not empty.
std::string fcm_registration_token_;
base::OneShotTimer token_validation_timer_;
bool waiting_for_token_ = false;
// Contains all listeners to notify about each incoming message in OnMessage
// method.
// Contains all FCM token observers to notify about each token change.
base::WeakPtrFactory<FCMHandler> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace syncer