blob: 5e62b21f2105e9a7d0c1b54eeb0599010d3c211d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module media.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "services/media_session/public/mojom/media_session.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
// Implemented by HTMLMediaElement in the renderer process.
interface MediaPlayer {
// Sends |observer| to the renderer process so that it can be established a
// communication channel with the implementor of MediaPlayerObserver.
AddMediaPlayerObserver(pending_remote<MediaPlayerObserver> observer);
// Requests the media player to start or resume media playback.
// Requests the media player to pause media playback.
RequestPause(bool triggered_by_user);
// Requests the media player to move forward the media playback position.
RequestSeekForward(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta seek_time);
// Requests the media player to move backward the media playback position.
RequestSeekBackward(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta seek_time);
// Requests the media player to enter the Picture-in-Picture mode.
// Requests the media player to exit the Picture-in-Picture mode.
// Implemented by MediaWebContentsObserver::MediaPlayerObserverHostImpl in the
// browser process.
interface MediaPlayerObserver {
// Notifies that the muted status of the media player has changed.
OnMutedStatusChanged(bool muted);
// Notifies the browser process that the media playback position has changed,
// and reports the new current position via |media_position|.
OnMediaPositionStateChanged(media_session.mojom.MediaPosition media_position);
// Notifies that the size of the media player has changed.
OnMediaSizeChanged(gfx.mojom.Size size);
// Notifies the browser process of PictureinPicture playback's availability.
OnPictureInPictureAvailabilityChanged(bool available);
// Notifies the browser process that the ability to switch audio output
// devices for the associated media player has been disabled.
// Notifies that a buffer underflow event happened for the media player.
// Notifies that a playback seek event happened for the media player.
// Implemented by MediaWebContentsObserver::MediaPlayerHostImpl in the browser
// process.
interface MediaPlayerHost {
// Sends a message to the browser notifying the render frame associated to the
// document owning the HTMLMediaElement that a new MediaPlayer is available,
// passing a pending remote (i.e. |player_remote|) that will be used in the
// browser process to establish a channel with the HTMLMediaElement.
OnMediaPlayerAdded(pending_remote<MediaPlayer> player_remote,
int32 player_id);