blob: 587cafe306aa1fc865be8caf3c8c3dd2e525af65 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the theme implementation for form controls in WebCore.
* Copyright (C) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Google, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef LayoutThemeMac_h
#define LayoutThemeMac_h
#import "core/layout/LayoutTheme.h"
#import "core/paint/ThemePainterMac.h"
#import "wtf/HashMap.h"
#import "wtf/RetainPtr.h"
OBJC_CLASS BlinkLayoutThemeNotificationObserver;
namespace blink {
class LayoutThemeMac final : public LayoutTheme {
static PassRefPtr<LayoutTheme> create();
void addVisualOverflow(const LayoutObject&, IntRect& borderBox) override;
bool isControlStyled(const ComputedStyle&) const override;
Color platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const override;
Color platformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const override;
Color platformActiveSelectionForegroundColor() const override;
Color platformActiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const override;
Color platformActiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const override;
Color platformInactiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const override;
Color platformInactiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const override;
Color platformFocusRingColor() const override;
ScrollbarControlSize scrollbarControlSizeForPart(ControlPart part) override {
return part == ListboxPart ? SmallScrollbar : RegularScrollbar;
void platformColorsDidChange() override;
// System fonts.
void systemFont(CSSValueID systemFontID,
float& fontSize,
AtomicString& fontFamily) const override;
bool needsHackForTextControlWithFontFamily(
const AtomicString& family) const override;
int minimumMenuListSize(const ComputedStyle&) const override;
void adjustSliderThumbSize(ComputedStyle&) const override;
IntSize sliderTickSize() const override;
int sliderTickOffsetFromTrackCenter() const override;
int popupInternalPaddingStart(const ComputedStyle&) const override;
int popupInternalPaddingEnd(const HostWindow*,
const ComputedStyle&) const override;
int popupInternalPaddingTop(const ComputedStyle&) const override;
int popupInternalPaddingBottom(const ComputedStyle&) const override;
bool popsMenuByArrowKeys() const override { return true; }
bool popsMenuBySpaceKey() const final { return true; }
// Returns the repeat interval of the animation for the progress bar.
double animationRepeatIntervalForProgressBar() const override;
// Returns the duration of the animation for the progress bar.
double animationDurationForProgressBar() const override;
Color systemColor(CSSValueID) const override;
bool supportsSelectionForegroundColors() const override { return false; }
virtual bool isModalColorChooser() const { return false; }
~LayoutThemeMac() override;
void adjustMenuListStyle(ComputedStyle&, Element*) const override;
void adjustMenuListButtonStyle(ComputedStyle&, Element*) const override;
void adjustSearchFieldStyle(ComputedStyle&) const override;
void adjustSearchFieldCancelButtonStyle(ComputedStyle&) const override;
// Constants and methods shared with ThemePainterMac
// Get the control size based off the font. Used by some of the controls (like
// buttons).
NSControlSize controlSizeForFont(const ComputedStyle&) const;
NSControlSize controlSizeForSystemFont(const ComputedStyle&) const;
void setControlSize(NSCell*,
const IntSize* sizes,
const IntSize& minSize,
float zoomLevel = 1.0f);
void setSizeFromFont(ComputedStyle&, const IntSize* sizes) const;
IntSize sizeForFont(const ComputedStyle&, const IntSize* sizes) const;
IntSize sizeForSystemFont(const ComputedStyle&, const IntSize* sizes) const;
void setFontFromControlSize(ComputedStyle&, NSControlSize) const;
void updateCheckedState(NSCell*, const LayoutObject&);
void updateEnabledState(NSCell*, const LayoutObject&);
void updateFocusedState(NSCell*, const LayoutObject&);
void updatePressedState(NSCell*, const LayoutObject&);
// Helpers for adjusting appearance and for painting
void setPopupButtonCellState(const LayoutObject&, const IntRect&);
const IntSize* popupButtonSizes() const;
const int* popupButtonMargins() const;
const int* popupButtonPadding(NSControlSize) const;
const IntSize* menuListSizes() const;
const IntSize* searchFieldSizes() const;
const IntSize* cancelButtonSizes() const;
void setSearchCellState(const LayoutObject&, const IntRect&);
void setSearchFieldSize(ComputedStyle&) const;
NSPopUpButtonCell* popupButton() const;
NSSearchFieldCell* search() const;
NSTextFieldCell* textField() const;
// A view associated to the contained document. Subclasses may not have such a
// view and return a fake.
NSView* documentViewFor(const LayoutObject&) const;
void updateActiveState(NSCell*, const LayoutObject&);
// We estimate the animation rate of a Mac OS X progress bar is 33 fps.
// Hard code the value here because we haven't found API for it.
static constexpr double progressAnimationFrameRate = 0.033;
// Mac OS X progress bar animation seems to have 256 frames.
static constexpr double progressAnimationNumFrames = 256;
static constexpr float baseFontSize = 11.0f;
static constexpr float menuListBaseArrowHeight = 4.0f;
static constexpr float menuListBaseArrowWidth = 5.0f;
static constexpr float menuListBaseSpaceBetweenArrows = 2.0f;
static const int menuListArrowPaddingStart = 4;
static const int menuListArrowPaddingEnd = 4;
static const int sliderThumbWidth = 15;
static const int sliderThumbHeight = 15;
static const int sliderThumbShadowBlur = 1;
static const int sliderThumbBorderWidth = 1;
static const int sliderTrackWidth = 5;
static const int sliderTrackBorderWidth = 1;
void adjustMediaSliderThumbSize(ComputedStyle&) const;
String extraFullscreenStyleSheet() override;
// Controls color values returned from platformFocusRingColor(). systemColor()
// will be used when false.
bool usesTestModeFocusRingColor() const;
bool shouldUseFallbackTheme(const ComputedStyle&) const override;
void adjustProgressBarBounds(ComputedStyle&) const override;
const int* progressBarHeights() const;
const int* progressBarMargins(NSControlSize) const;
String fileListNameForWidth(Locale&,
const FileList*,
const Font&,
int width) const override;
String extraDefaultStyleSheet() override;
bool themeDrawsFocusRing(const ComputedStyle&) const override;
ThemePainter& painter() override { return m_painter; }
mutable RetainPtr<NSPopUpButtonCell> m_popupButton;
mutable RetainPtr<NSSearchFieldCell> m_search;
mutable RetainPtr<NSMenu> m_searchMenuTemplate;
mutable RetainPtr<NSLevelIndicatorCell> m_levelIndicator;
mutable RetainPtr<NSTextFieldCell> m_textField;
mutable HashMap<int, RGBA32> m_systemColorCache;
RetainPtr<BlinkLayoutThemeNotificationObserver> m_notificationObserver;
ThemePainterMac m_painter;
} // namespace blink
#endif // LayoutThemeMac_h