blob: afcf07ba45c8785341f68b41d75cd3aa9fa37416 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/geo/phone_number_i18n.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/autofill_profile.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/libphonenumber/phonenumber_api.h"
using base::ASCIIToUTF16;
using base::UTF8ToUTF16;
namespace autofill {
using i18n::ConstructPhoneNumber;
using i18n::NormalizePhoneNumber;
using i18n::ParsePhoneNumber;
using i18n::PhoneNumbersMatch;
TEST(PhoneNumberI18NTest, NormalizePhoneNumber) {
// "Large" digits.
base::string16 phone1(
EXPECT_EQ(NormalizePhoneNumber(phone1, "US"), ASCIIToUTF16("16507498323"));
// Devanagari script digits.
base::string16 phone2(
EXPECT_EQ(NormalizePhoneNumber(phone2, "US"), ASCIIToUTF16("16508323749"));
base::string16 phone3(UTF8ToUTF16("16503334\xef\xbc\x92\x35\xd9\xa5"));
EXPECT_EQ(NormalizePhoneNumber(phone3, "US"), ASCIIToUTF16("16503334255"));
base::string16 phone4(UTF8ToUTF16("+1(650)2346789"));
EXPECT_EQ(NormalizePhoneNumber(phone4, "US"), ASCIIToUTF16("16502346789"));
base::string16 phone5(UTF8ToUTF16("6502346789"));
EXPECT_EQ(NormalizePhoneNumber(phone5, "US"), ASCIIToUTF16("6502346789"));
struct ParseNumberTestCase {
// Expected parsing result.
bool isPossibleNumber;
// Inputs.
std::string input;
std::string assumed_region;
// Further expectations.
std::string number;
std::string city_code;
std::string country_code;
std::string deduced_region;
namespace {
// Returns a string which is too long to be considered a phone number.
std::string GenerateTooLongString() {
return std::string(i18n::kMaxPhoneNumberSize + 1, '7');
} // namespace
class ParseNumberTest : public testing::TestWithParam<ParseNumberTestCase> {};
TEST_P(ParseNumberTest, ParsePhoneNumber) {
auto test_case = GetParam();
SCOPED_TRACE("Testing phone number " + test_case.input);
base::string16 country_code, city_code, number;
std::string deduced_region;
::i18n::phonenumbers::PhoneNumber unused_i18n_number;
ParsePhoneNumber(UTF8ToUTF16(test_case.input), test_case.assumed_region,
&country_code, &city_code, &number, &deduced_region,
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(test_case.number), number);
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(test_case.city_code), city_code);
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(test_case.country_code), country_code);
EXPECT_EQ(test_case.deduced_region, deduced_region);
// Test for empty string. Should give back empty strings.
ParseNumberTestCase{false, "", "US"},
// Test for string with less than 7 digits. Should give back empty
// strings.
ParseNumberTestCase{false, "1234", "US"},
// Too long strings should not be parsed.
ParseNumberTestCase{false, GenerateTooLongString(), "US"},
// Test for string with exactly 7 digits.
// Still a possible number with unknown("ZZ") deduced region.
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "17134567", "US", "7134567", "", "1", "ZZ"},
// Does not have area code, but still a possible number with
// unknown("ZZ") deduced region.
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "7134567", "US", "7134567", "", "", "ZZ"},
// Valid Canadian toll-free number.
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "3101234", "US", "3101234", "", "", "CA"},
// Test for string with greater than 7 digits but less than 10 digits.
// Should fail parsing in US.
ParseNumberTestCase{false, "123456789", "US"},
// Test for string with greater than 7 digits but less than 10 digits
// and
// separators.
// Should fail parsing in US.
ParseNumberTestCase{false, "12.345-6789", "US"},
// Non-printable ASCII.
ParseNumberTestCase{false, "123\x11", "US"},
// Unicode noncharacters.
// Invalid UTF8.
ParseNumberTestCase{false, "1\xC0", "US"},
// Test for string with exactly 10 digits.
// Should give back phone number and city code.
// This one going to fail because of the incorrect area code.
ParseNumberTestCase{false, "1234567890", "US"},
// This is actually not a valid number because the first number after
// area code is 1. But it's still a possible number, just with deduced
// country set to unknown("ZZ").
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "6501567890", "US", "1567890", "650", "",
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "6504567890", "US", "4567890", "650", "",
// Test for string with exactly 10 digits and separators.
// Should give back phone number and city code.
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "(650) 456-7890", "US", "4567890", "650", "",
// Tests for string with over 10 digits.
// 01 is incorrect prefix in the USA, we interpret 011 as prefix, and
// rest is parsed as a Singapore number(country code "SG").
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "0116504567890", "US", "04567890", "", "65",
// 011 is a correct "dial out" prefix in the USA - the parsing should
// succeed.
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "01116504567890", "US", "4567890", "650", "1",
// 011 is a correct "dial out" prefix in the USA but the rest of the
// number
// can't parse as a US number.
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "01178124567890", "US", "4567890", "812", "7",
// Test for string with over 10 digits with separator characters.
// Should give back phone number, city code, and country code. "011" is
// US "dial out" code, which is discarded.
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "(0111) 650-456.7890", "US", "4567890", "650",
"1", "US"},
// Now try phone from Czech republic - it has 00 dial out code, 420
// country
// code and variable length area codes.
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "+420 27-89.10.112", "US", "910112", "278",
"420", "CZ"},
ParseNumberTestCase{false, "27-89.10.112", "US"},
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "27-89.10.112", "CZ", "910112", "278", "",
ParseNumberTestCase{false, "420 57-89.10.112", "US"},
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "420 57-89.10.112", "CZ", "910112", "578",
"420", "CZ"},
// Parses vanity numbers.
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "1-650-FLOWERS", "US", "3569377", "650", "1",
// 800 is not an area code, but the destination code. In our library
// these
// codes should be treated the same as area codes.
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "1-800-FLOWERS", "US", "3569377", "800", "1",
// Don't add a country code where there was none.
ParseNumberTestCase{true, "(08) 450 777 7777", "DE", "7777777", "8450",
"", "DE"}));
TEST(PhoneNumberI18NTest, ConstructPhoneNumber) {
base::string16 number;
EXPECT_TRUE(ConstructPhoneNumber(ASCIIToUTF16("1"), ASCIIToUTF16("650"),
ASCIIToUTF16("2345678"), "US", &number));
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("1 650-234-5678"), number);
EXPECT_TRUE(ConstructPhoneNumber(base::string16(), ASCIIToUTF16("650"),
ASCIIToUTF16("2345678"), "US", &number));
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("(650) 234-5678"), number);
EXPECT_TRUE(ConstructPhoneNumber(ASCIIToUTF16("1"), base::string16(),
ASCIIToUTF16("6502345678"), "US", &number));
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("1 650-234-5678"), number);
EXPECT_TRUE(ConstructPhoneNumber(base::string16(), base::string16(),
ASCIIToUTF16("6502345678"), "US", &number));
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("(650) 234-5678"), number);
EXPECT_FALSE(ConstructPhoneNumber(base::string16(), ASCIIToUTF16("650"),
ASCIIToUTF16("234567890"), "US", &number));
EXPECT_EQ(base::string16(), number);
// Italian number
EXPECT_TRUE(ConstructPhoneNumber(ASCIIToUTF16("39"), ASCIIToUTF16("347"),
ASCIIToUTF16("2345678"), "IT", &number));
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("+39 347 234 5678"), number);
EXPECT_TRUE(ConstructPhoneNumber(base::string16(), ASCIIToUTF16("347"),
ASCIIToUTF16("2345678"), "IT", &number));
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("347 234 5678"), number);
// German number.
EXPECT_TRUE(ConstructPhoneNumber(ASCIIToUTF16("49"), ASCIIToUTF16("024"),
ASCIIToUTF16("2345678901"), "DE", &number));
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("+49 2423 45678901"), number);
EXPECT_TRUE(ConstructPhoneNumber(base::string16(), ASCIIToUTF16("024"),
ASCIIToUTF16("2345678901"), "DE", &number));
EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("02423 45678901"), number);
TEST(PhoneNumberI18NTest, PhoneNumbersMatch) {
// Same numbers, defined country code.
ASCIIToUTF16("4158889999"), "US", "en-US"));
// Same numbers, undefined country code.
ASCIIToUTF16("4158889999"), std::string(),
// Numbers differ by country code only.
ASCIIToUTF16("4158889999"), "US", "en-US"));
// Same numbers, different formats.
ASCIIToUTF16("415-888-9999"), "US", "en-US"));
ASCIIToUTF16("(415)888-9999"), "US", "en-US"));
ASCIIToUTF16("415 888 9999"), "US", "en-US"));
ASCIIToUTF16("415 TUV WXYZ"), "US", "en-US"));
ASCIIToUTF16("+14158889999"), "US", "en-US"));
// Partial matches don't count.
ASCIIToUTF16("8889999"), "US", "en-US"));
// Different numbers don't match.
ASCIIToUTF16("1415888"), "US", "en-US"));
// Two empty numbers match.
PhoneNumbersMatch(base::string16(), base::string16(), "US", "en-US"));
// An empty and a non-empty number do not match.
EXPECT_FALSE(PhoneNumbersMatch(base::string16(), ASCIIToUTF16("5088585123"),
"US", "en-US"));
// Tests that the phone numbers are correctly formatted for the Payment
// Response.
TEST(PhoneNumberUtilTest, FormatPhoneForResponse) {
i18n::FormatPhoneForResponse("(515) 223-1234", "US"));
i18n::FormatPhoneForResponse("(1) 515-223-1234", "US"));
i18n::FormatPhoneForResponse("1 42 68 53 00", "FR"));
// Invalid numbers are not formatted.
EXPECT_EQ("(515) 123-1234",
i18n::FormatPhoneForResponse("(515) 123-1234", "US"));
EXPECT_EQ("(1) 515-123-1234",
i18n::FormatPhoneForResponse("(1) 515-123-1234", "US"));
// Tests that phone numbers are correctly formatted in a national format.
TEST(PhoneNumberUtilTest, FormatPhoneNationallyForDisplay) {
// Invalid US and Brazilian numbers are not formatted.
i18n::FormatPhoneNationallyForDisplay("1234567890", "US"));
EXPECT_EQ("(11) 13333-4444",
i18n::FormatPhoneNationallyForDisplay("(11) 13333-4444", "BR"));
EXPECT_EQ("(11) 13333-4444",
i18n::FormatPhoneNationallyForDisplay("(11) 13333-4444", "IN"));
// Valid US, Canadian, UK, and Brazilian numbers are nationally formatted.
EXPECT_EQ("(202) 444-0000",
i18n::FormatPhoneNationallyForDisplay("2024440000", "US"));
EXPECT_EQ("(202) 444-0000",
i18n::FormatPhoneNationallyForDisplay("+1(202)4440000", "US"));
EXPECT_EQ("(202) 444-0000",
i18n::FormatPhoneNationallyForDisplay("12024440000", "US"));
EXPECT_EQ("(202) 444-0000",
i18n::FormatPhoneNationallyForDisplay("(202)4440000", "US"));
EXPECT_EQ("(202) 444-0000",
i18n::FormatPhoneNationallyForDisplay("202-444-0000", "US"));
EXPECT_EQ("(819) 555-9999",
i18n::FormatPhoneNationallyForDisplay("+1(819)555 9999", "CA"));
EXPECT_EQ("(819) 555-9999",
i18n::FormatPhoneNationallyForDisplay("18195559999", "CA"));
EXPECT_EQ("020 7601 4444",
i18n::FormatPhoneNationallyForDisplay("+4402076014444", "UK"));
EXPECT_EQ("(21) 3883-5600",
i18n::FormatPhoneNationallyForDisplay("2138835600", "BR"));
// Tests that the phone numbers are correctly formatted to display to the user.
TEST(PhoneNumberUtilTest, FormatPhoneForDisplay) {
// Invalid number is not formatted.
EXPECT_EQ("5151231234", i18n::FormatPhoneForDisplay("5151231234", "US"));
// Valid number is formatted.
EXPECT_EQ("+1 515-223-1234", i18n::FormatPhoneForDisplay("5152231234", "US"));
EXPECT_EQ("+33 1 42 68 53 00",
i18n::FormatPhoneForDisplay("142685300", "FR"));
// Test for the GetFormattedPhoneNumberForDisplay method.
struct PhoneNumberFormatCase {
PhoneNumberFormatCase(const char* phone,
const char* country,
const char* expected_format,
const char* locale = "")
: phone(phone),
locale(locale) {}
const char* phone;
const char* country;
const char* expected_format;
const char* locale;
class GetFormattedPhoneNumberForDisplayTest
: public testing::TestWithParam<PhoneNumberFormatCase> {};
GetFormattedPhoneNumberForDisplay) {
AutofillProfile profile;
profile, GetParam().locale)));
// US phone in US.
// Formatted phone numbers.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("+1 415-555-5555", "US", "+1 415-555-5555"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("1 415-555-5555", "US", "+1 415-555-5555"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("415-555-5555", "US", "+1 415-555-5555"),
// Raw phone numbers.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("+14155555555", "US", "+1 415-555-5555"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("14155555555", "US", "+1 415-555-5555"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("4155555555", "US", "+1 415-555-5555"),
// US phone in CA.
// Formatted phone numbers.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("+1 415-555-5555", "CA", "+1 415-555-5555"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("1 415-555-5555", "CA", "+1 415-555-5555"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("415-555-5555", "CA", "+1 415-555-5555"),
// Raw phone numbers.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("+14155555555", "CA", "+1 415-555-5555"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("14155555555", "CA", "+1 415-555-5555"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("4155555555", "CA", "+1 415-555-5555"),
// US phone in AU.
// A US phone with the country code is correctly formatted as an US
// number.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("+1 415-555-5555", "AU", "+1 415-555-5555"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("1 415-555-5555", "AU", "+1 415-555-5555"),
// Without a country code, the phone is formatted for the profile's
// country, if it's valid.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("2 9374 4000", "AU", "+61 2 9374 4000"),
// Without a country code, formatting returns the number as entered by
// user, if it's invalid.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("415-555-5555", "AU", "4155555555"),
// US phone in MX.
// A US phone with the country code is correctly formatted as an US
// number.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("+1 415-555-5555", "MX", "+1 415-555-5555"),
// "+52 1 415 555 5555" is a valid number for Mexico,
PhoneNumberFormatCase("1 415-555-5555", "MX", "+52 1 415 555 5555"),
// Without a country code, the phone is formatted for the profile's
// country.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("415-555-5555", "MX", "+52 415 555 5555"),
// AU phone in AU.
// Formatted phone numbers.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("+61 2 9374 4000", "AU", "+61 2 9374 4000"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("61 2 9374 4000", "AU", "+61 2 9374 4000"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("02 9374 4000", "AU", "+61 2 9374 4000"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("2 9374 4000", "AU", "+61 2 9374 4000"),
// Raw phone numbers.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("+61293744000", "AU", "+61 2 9374 4000"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("61293744000", "AU", "+61 2 9374 4000"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("0293744000", "AU", "+61 2 9374 4000"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("293744000", "AU", "+61 2 9374 4000"),
// AU phone in US.
// An AU phone with the country code is correctly formatted as an AU
// number.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("+61 2 9374 4000", "US", "+61 2 9374 4000"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("61 2 9374 4000", "US", "+61 2 9374 4000"),
// Without a country code, the phone is formatted for the profile's
// country.
// This local AU number is associated with US profile, the number is
// not a valid US number, therefore formatting will just return what
// user entered.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("02 9374 4000", "US", "0293744000"),
// This local GR(Greece) number is formatted as an US number, if it's
// valid US number.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("22 6800 0090", "US", "+1 226-800-0090"),
// MX phone in MX.
// Formatted phone numbers.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("+52 55 5342 8400", "MX", "+52 55 5342 8400"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("52 55 5342 8400", "MX", "+52 55 5342 8400"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("55 5342 8400", "MX", "+52 55 5342 8400"),
// Raw phone numbers.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("+525553428400", "MX", "+52 55 5342 8400"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("525553428400", "MX", "+52 55 5342 8400"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("5553428400", "MX", "+52 55 5342 8400"),
// MX phone in US.
// A MX phone with the country code is correctly formatted as a MX
// number.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("+52 55 5342 8400", "US", "+52 55 5342 8400"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("52 55 5342 8400", "US", "+52 55 5342 8400"),
// This number is not a valid US number, we won't try to format.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("55 5342 8400", "US", "5553428400")));
// No country.
// Fallback to locale if no country is set.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("52 55 5342 8400",
"+52 55 5342 8400",
PhoneNumberFormatCase("55 5342 8400", "", "+52 55 5342 8400", "es_MX"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("61 2 9374 4000", "", "+61 2 9374 4000", "en_AU"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("02 9374 4000", "", "+61 2 9374 4000", "en_AU"),
// Numbers in local format yet are invalid with user locale, user might
// be trying to enter a foreign number, calling formatting will just
// return what the user entered.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("55 5342 8400", "", "5553428400", "en_US"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("55 5342 8400", "", "5553428400"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("226 123 1234", "", "2261231234", "en_US"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("293744000", "", "293744000"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("02 9374 4000", "", "0293744000"),
// No country or locale.
// Format according to the country code.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("61 2 9374 4000", "", "+61 2 9374 4000"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("52 55 5342 8400", "", "+52 55 5342 8400"),
PhoneNumberFormatCase("1 415 555 5555", "", "+1 415-555-5555"),
// If no country code is found, formats for US.
PhoneNumberFormatCase("415-555-5555", "", "+1 415-555-5555")));
} // namespace autofill