blob: 604c28620ec1cb9a7e783d6bc42b44ddb9051720 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/debug/crash_logging.h"
#include <map>
#include "base/debug/stack_trace.h"
#include "base/format_macros.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/stringprintf.h"
namespace base {
namespace debug {
namespace {
typedef std::map<base::StringPiece, CrashKey> CrashKeyMap;
CrashKeyMap* g_crash_keys_ = NULL;
size_t g_chunk_max_length_ = 0;
const char kChunkFormatString[] = "%s-%" PRIuS;
SetCrashKeyValueFuncT g_set_key_func_ = NULL;
ClearCrashKeyValueFuncT g_clear_key_func_ = NULL;
} // namespace
void SetCrashKeyValue(const base::StringPiece& key,
const base::StringPiece& value) {
if (!g_set_key_func_)
const CrashKey* crash_key = LookupCrashKey(key);
// TODO(rsesek): Do this:
//DCHECK(crash_key) << "All crash keys must be registered before use "
// << "(key = " << key << ")";
// Handle the un-chunked case.
if (!crash_key || crash_key->num_chunks == 1) {
g_set_key_func_(key, value);
// Unset the unused chunks.
std::vector<std::string> chunks =
ChunkCrashKeyValue(*crash_key, value, g_chunk_max_length_);
for (size_t i = chunks.size(); i < crash_key->num_chunks; ++i) {
g_clear_key_func_(base::StringPrintf(kChunkFormatString,, i+1));
// Set the chunked keys.
for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size(); ++i) {
g_set_key_func_(base::StringPrintf(kChunkFormatString,, i+1),
void ClearCrashKey(const base::StringPiece& key) {
if (!g_clear_key_func_)
const CrashKey* crash_key = LookupCrashKey(key);
// Handle the un-chunked case.
if (!crash_key || crash_key->num_chunks == 1) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < crash_key->num_chunks; ++i) {
g_clear_key_func_(base::StringPrintf(kChunkFormatString,, i+1));
void SetCrashKeyToStackTrace(const base::StringPiece& key,
const StackTrace& trace) {
size_t count = 0;
const void* const* addresses = trace.Addresses(&count);
SetCrashKeyFromAddresses(key, addresses, count);
void SetCrashKeyFromAddresses(const base::StringPiece& key,
const void* const* addresses,
size_t count) {
std::string value = "<null>";
if (addresses && count) {
const size_t kBreakpadValueMax = 255;
std::vector<std::string> hex_backtrace;
size_t length = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
std::string s = base::StringPrintf("%p", addresses[i]);
length += s.length() + 1;
if (length > kBreakpadValueMax)
value = JoinString(hex_backtrace, ' ');
// Warn if this exceeds the breakpad limits.
DCHECK_LE(value.length(), kBreakpadValueMax);
SetCrashKeyValue(key, value);
ScopedCrashKey::ScopedCrashKey(const base::StringPiece& key,
const base::StringPiece& value)
: key_(key.as_string()) {
SetCrashKeyValue(key, value);
ScopedCrashKey::~ScopedCrashKey() {
size_t InitCrashKeys(const CrashKey* const keys, size_t count,
size_t chunk_max_length) {
DCHECK(!g_crash_keys_) << "Crash logging may only be initialized once";
if (!keys) {
delete g_crash_keys_;
g_crash_keys_ = NULL;
return 0;
g_crash_keys_ = new CrashKeyMap;
g_chunk_max_length_ = chunk_max_length;
size_t total_keys = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
g_crash_keys_->insert(std::make_pair(keys[i].key_name, keys[i]));
total_keys += keys[i].num_chunks;
DCHECK_EQ(count, g_crash_keys_->size())
<< "Duplicate crash keys were registered";
return total_keys;
const CrashKey* LookupCrashKey(const base::StringPiece& key) {
CrashKeyMap::const_iterator it = g_crash_keys_->find(key.as_string());
if (it == g_crash_keys_->end())
return NULL;
return &(it->second);
void SetCrashKeyReportingFunctions(
SetCrashKeyValueFuncT set_key_func,
ClearCrashKeyValueFuncT clear_key_func) {
g_set_key_func_ = set_key_func;
g_clear_key_func_ = clear_key_func;
std::vector<std::string> ChunkCrashKeyValue(const CrashKey& crash_key,
const base::StringPiece& value,
size_t chunk_max_length) {
std::string value_string = value.as_string();
std::vector<std::string> chunks;
for (size_t i = 0, offset = 0;
i < crash_key.num_chunks && offset < value_string.length();
++i) {
std::string chunk = value_string.substr(offset, chunk_max_length);
offset += chunk.length();
return chunks;
void ResetCrashLoggingForTesting() {
delete g_crash_keys_;
g_crash_keys_ = NULL;
g_chunk_max_length_ = 0;
g_set_key_func_ = NULL;
g_clear_key_func_ = NULL;
} // namespace debug
} // namespace base