blob: c0fd3f2b4988849499129dd597790e5a7352866e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/picture_layer_tiling.h"
#include "cc/test/fake_picture_layer_tiling_client.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size_conversions.h"
namespace cc {
namespace {
class PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest : public testing::Test {
PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest() {}
virtual ~PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest() {}
void Initialize(gfx::Size tile_size,
float contents_scale,
gfx::Size layer_bounds) {
tiling_ = PictureLayerTiling::Create(contents_scale);
void VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(
float rect_scale,
gfx::Rect request_rect,
gfx::Rect expect_rect) {
// Iterators are not valid if this ratio is too large (i.e. the
// tiling is too high-res for a low-res destination rect.) This is an
// artifact of snapping geometry to integer coordinates and then mapping
// back to floating point texture coordinates.
float dest_to_contents_scale = tiling_->contents_scale() / rect_scale;
ASSERT_LE(dest_to_contents_scale, 2.0);
Region remaining = expect_rect;
for (PictureLayerTiling::Iterator iter(tiling_.get(),
++iter) {
// Geometry cannot overlap previous geometry at all
gfx::Rect geometry = iter.geometry_rect();
// Sanity check that texture coords are within the texture rect.
gfx::RectF texture_rect = iter.texture_rect();
EXPECT_GE(texture_rect.x(), 0);
EXPECT_GE(texture_rect.y(), 0);
EXPECT_LE(texture_rect.right(), client_.TileSize().width());
EXPECT_LE(texture_rect.bottom(), client_.TileSize().height());
EXPECT_EQ(iter.texture_size(), client_.TileSize());
// The entire rect must be filled by geometry from the tiling.
void VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(float rect_scale, gfx::Rect rect) {
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(rect_scale, rect, rect);
void VerifyTilesCoverNonContainedRect(float rect_scale, gfx::Rect dest_rect) {
float dest_to_contents_scale = tiling_->contents_scale() / rect_scale;
gfx::Rect clamped_rect(gfx::ToEnclosingRect(gfx::ScaleRect(
tiling_->ContentRect(), 1 / dest_to_contents_scale)));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(rect_scale, dest_rect, clamped_rect);
FakePictureLayerTilingClient client_;
scoped_ptr<PictureLayerTiling> tiling_;
TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, IteratorCoversLayerBoundsNoScale) {
Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 100), 1, gfx::Size(1099, 801));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect());
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1099, 801));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(52, 83, 789, 412));
// With borders, a size of 3x3 = 1 pixel of content.
Initialize(gfx::Size(3, 3), 1, gfx::Size(10, 10));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 2, 2));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(1, 1, 2, 2));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(3, 2, 5, 2));
TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, IteratorCoversLayerBoundsTilingScale) {
Initialize(gfx::Size(200, 100), 2.0f, gfx::Size(1005, 2010));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect());
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1005, 2010));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(50, 112, 512, 381));
Initialize(gfx::Size(3, 3), 2.0f, gfx::Size(10, 10));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect());
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 2, 2));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(1, 1, 2, 2));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(3, 2, 5, 2));
Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 200), 0.5f, gfx::Size(1005, 2010));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1005, 2010));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(50, 112, 512, 381));
Initialize(gfx::Size(150, 250), 0.37f, gfx::Size(1005, 2010));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1005, 2010));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(50, 112, 512, 381));
Initialize(gfx::Size(312, 123), 0.01f, gfx::Size(1005, 2010));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1005, 2010));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1, gfx::Rect(50, 112, 512, 381));
TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, IteratorCoversLayerBoundsBothScale) {
Initialize(gfx::Size(50, 50), 4.0f, gfx::Size(800, 600));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(2.0f, gfx::Rect());
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(2.0f, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1600, 1200));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(2.0f, gfx::Rect(512, 365, 253, 182));
float scale = 6.7f;
gfx::Size bounds(800, 600);
gfx::Rect full_rect(gfx::ToCeiledSize(gfx::ScaleSize(bounds, scale)));
Initialize(gfx::Size(256, 512), 5.2f, bounds);
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(scale, full_rect);
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(scale, gfx::Rect(2014, 1579, 867, 1033));
TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, IteratorEmptyRect) {
Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 100), 1.0f, gfx::Size(800, 600));
gfx::Rect empty;
PictureLayerTiling::Iterator iter(tiling_.get(), 1.0f, empty,
TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, NonIntersectingRect) {
Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 100), 1.0f, gfx::Size(800, 600));
gfx::Rect non_intersecting(1000, 1000, 50, 50);
PictureLayerTiling::Iterator iter(tiling_.get(), 1, non_intersecting,
TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, LayerEdgeTextureCoordinates) {
Initialize(gfx::Size(300, 300), 1.0f, gfx::Size(256, 256));
// All of these sizes are 256x256, scaled and ceiled.
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1.0f, gfx::Rect(gfx::Size(256, 256)));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(0.8f, gfx::Rect(gfx::Size(205, 205)));
VerifyTilesExactlyCoverRect(1.2f, gfx::Rect(gfx::Size(308, 308)));
TEST_F(PictureLayerTilingIteratorTest, NonContainedDestRect) {
Initialize(gfx::Size(100, 100), 1.0f, gfx::Size(400, 400));
// Too large in all dimensions
VerifyTilesCoverNonContainedRect(1.0f, gfx::Rect(-1000, -1000, 2000, 2000));
VerifyTilesCoverNonContainedRect(1.5f, gfx::Rect(-1000, -1000, 2000, 2000));
VerifyTilesCoverNonContainedRect(0.5f, gfx::Rect(-1000, -1000, 2000, 2000));
// Partially covering content, but too large
VerifyTilesCoverNonContainedRect(1.0f, gfx::Rect(-1000, 100, 2000, 100));
VerifyTilesCoverNonContainedRect(1.5f, gfx::Rect(-1000, 100, 2000, 100));
VerifyTilesCoverNonContainedRect(0.5f, gfx::Rect(-1000, 100, 2000, 100));
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectEqual) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds(-1000, -1000, 10000, 10000);
int64 target_area = 100 * 200;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(in.ToString(), out.ToString());
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectSmaller) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds(-1000, -1000, 10000, 10000);
int64 target_area = 100 * 100;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(out.bottom() - in.bottom(), in.y() - out.y());
EXPECT_EQ(out.right() - in.right(), in.x() - out.x());
EXPECT_EQ(out.width() - in.width(), out.height() - in.height());
EXPECT_NEAR(100 * 100, out.width() * out.height(), 50);
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectUnbounded) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds(-1000, -1000, 10000, 10000);
int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(out.bottom() - in.bottom(), in.y() - out.y());
EXPECT_EQ(out.right() - in.right(), in.x() - out.x());
EXPECT_EQ(out.width() - in.width(), out.height() - in.height());
EXPECT_NEAR(200 * 200, out.width() * out.height(), 100);
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedSmaller) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds(50, 60, 40, 30);
int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(bounds.ToString(), out.ToString());
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedEqual) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds = in;
int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(bounds.ToString(), out.ToString());
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedSmallerStretchVertical) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds(45, 0, 90, 300);
int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(bounds.ToString(), out.ToString());
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedEqualStretchVertical) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds(40, 0, 100, 300);
int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(bounds.ToString(), out.ToString());
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedSmallerStretchHorizontal) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds(0, 55, 180, 190);
int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(bounds.ToString(), out.ToString());
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedEqualStretchHorizontal) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds(0, 50, 180, 200);
int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(bounds.ToString(), out.ToString());
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedLeft) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds(20, -1000, 10000, 10000);
int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(out.bottom() - in.bottom(), in.y() - out.y());
EXPECT_EQ(out.bottom() - in.bottom(), out.right() - in.right());
EXPECT_LE(out.width() * out.height(), target_area);
EXPECT_GT(out.width() * out.height(),
target_area - out.width() - out.height() * 2);
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedRight) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds(-1000, -1000, 1000+120, 10000);
int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(out.bottom() - in.bottom(), in.y() - out.y());
EXPECT_EQ(out.bottom() - in.bottom(), in.x() - out.x());
EXPECT_LE(out.width() * out.height(), target_area);
EXPECT_GT(out.width() * out.height(),
target_area - out.width() - out.height() * 2);
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedTop) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds(-1000, 30, 10000, 10000);
int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(out.right() - in.right(), in.x() - out.x());
EXPECT_EQ(out.right() - in.right(), out.bottom() - in.bottom());
EXPECT_LE(out.width() * out.height(), target_area);
EXPECT_GT(out.width() * out.height(),
target_area - out.width() * 2 - out.height());
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectBoundedBottom) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds(-1000, -1000, 10000, 1000 + 220);
int64 target_area = 200 * 200;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(out.right() - in.right(), in.x() - out.x());
EXPECT_EQ(out.right() - in.right(), in.y() - out.y());
EXPECT_LE(out.width() * out.height(), target_area);
EXPECT_GT(out.width() * out.height(),
target_area - out.width() * 2 - out.height());
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectSquishedHorizontally) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds(0, -4000, 100+40+20, 100000);
int64 target_area = 400 * 400;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(20, out.right() - in.right());
EXPECT_EQ(40, in.x() - out.x());
EXPECT_EQ(out.bottom() - in.bottom(), in.y() - out.y());
EXPECT_LE(out.width() * out.height(), target_area);
EXPECT_GT(out.width() * out.height(),
target_area - out.width() * 2);
TEST(PictureLayerTilingTest, ExpandRectSquishedVertically) {
gfx::Rect in(40, 50, 100, 200);
gfx::Rect bounds(-4000, 0, 100000, 200+50+30);
int64 target_area = 400 * 400;
gfx::Rect out = PictureLayerTiling::ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
in, target_area, bounds);
EXPECT_EQ(30, out.bottom() - in.bottom());
EXPECT_EQ(50, in.y() - out.y());
EXPECT_EQ(out.right() - in.right(), in.x() - out.x());
EXPECT_LE(out.width() * out.height(), target_area);
EXPECT_GT(out.width() * out.height(),
target_area - out.height() * 2);
} // namespace
} // namespace cc