blob: fb8b0bb401aae95c65670158eec29139486557e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.os.SystemClock;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.MainDex;
* Utilities to support startup metrics - Android version.
public class UmaUtils {
private static boolean sRunningApplicationStart;
// All these values originate from SystemClock.uptimeMillis().
private static long sApplicationStartTimeMs;
private static long sForegroundStartTimeMs;
private static long sBackgroundTimeMs;
* Record the time in the application lifecycle at which Chrome code first runs
* (Application.attachBaseContext()).
public static void recordMainEntryPointTime() {
// We can't simply pass this down through a JNI call, since the JNI for chrome
// isn't initialized until we start the native content browser component, and we
// then need the start time in the C++ side before we return to Java. As such we
// save it in a static that the C++ can fetch once it has initialized the JNI.
sApplicationStartTimeMs = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
* Record the time at which Chrome was brought to foreground.
public static void recordForegroundStartTime() {
// Since this can be called from multiple places (e.g. ChromeActivitySessionTracker
// and FirstRunActivity), only set the time if it hasn't been set previously or if
// Chrome has been sent to background since the last foreground time.
if (sForegroundStartTimeMs == 0 || sForegroundStartTimeMs < sBackgroundTimeMs) {
sForegroundStartTimeMs = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
* Record the time at which Chrome was sent to background.
public static void recordBackgroundTime() {
sBackgroundTimeMs = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
* Determines if Chrome was brought to foreground.
public static boolean hasComeToForeground() {
return sForegroundStartTimeMs != 0;
* Determines if Chrome was brought to background.
public static boolean hasComeToBackground() {
return sBackgroundTimeMs != 0;
* Determines if this client is eligible to send metrics and crashes based on sampling. If it
* is, and there was user consent, then metrics and crashes would be reported
public static boolean isClientInMetricsReportingSample() {
return nativeIsClientInMetricsReportingSample();
* Sets whether metrics reporting was opt-in or not. If it was opt-in, then the enable checkbox
* on first-run was default unchecked. If it was opt-out, then the checkbox was default checked.
* This should only be set once, and only during first-run.
public static void recordMetricsReportingDefaultOptIn(boolean optIn) {
public static long getMainEntryPointTicks() {
return sApplicationStartTimeMs;
public static long getForegroundStartTicks() {
assert sForegroundStartTimeMs != 0;
return sForegroundStartTimeMs;
private static void setUsageAndCrashReportingFromNative(boolean enabled) {
private static native boolean nativeIsClientInMetricsReportingSample();
private static native void nativeRecordMetricsReportingDefaultOptIn(boolean optIn);