blob: feb800152cc55516b9a52c7f84621dedab43a271 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.text.TextUtils;
import org.chromium.blink_public.platform.WebDisplayMode;
import org.chromium.components.security_state.ConnectionSecurityLevel;
class WebappBrowserControlsDelegate extends TabStateBrowserControlsVisibilityDelegate {
private final WebappActivity mActivity;
public WebappBrowserControlsDelegate(WebappActivity activity, Tab tab) {
mActivity = activity;
public boolean canShowBrowserControls() {
if (!super.canShowBrowserControls()) return false;
return shouldShowBrowserControls(mActivity.scopePolicy(), mActivity.getWebappInfo(),
mTab.getUrl(), mTab.getSecurityLevel());
public boolean canAutoHideBrowserControls() {
return canAutoHideBrowserControls(mTab.getSecurityLevel());
static boolean canAutoHideBrowserControls(int securityLevel) {
// Allow auto-hiding browser controls unless they are shown because of low security level.
return !shouldShowBrowserControlsForSecurityLevel(securityLevel);
* Returns whether the browser controls should be shown when a webapp is navigated to
* {@code url} given the page's security level.
* @param info data of a Web App
* @param url The webapp's current URL
* @param securityLevel The security level for the webapp's current URL.
* @return Whether the browser controls should be shown for {@code url}.
static boolean shouldShowBrowserControls(@WebappScopePolicy.Type int scopePolicy,
WebappInfo info, String url, int securityLevel) {
// Do not show browser controls when URL is not ready yet.
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) return false;
return shouldShowBrowserControlsForUrl(scopePolicy, info, url)
|| shouldShowBrowserControlsForDisplayMode(info)
|| shouldShowBrowserControlsForSecurityLevel(securityLevel);
* Determines whether the close button should be shown in the PWA toolbar.
* This is called by {@link WebappActivity}, but contained here as it uses the same concepts
* that are used to determine visibility of the browser toolbar.
static boolean shouldShowToolbarCloseButton(WebappActivity activity) {
// Show if we're on the URL requiring browser controls, i.e. off-scope.
return shouldShowBrowserControlsForUrl(activity.scopePolicy(), activity.getWebappInfo(),
// Also keep shown if toolbar is not visible, so that during the in and off-scope
// transitions we avoid button flickering when toolbar is appearing/disappearing.
|| !shouldShowBrowserControls(activity.scopePolicy(), activity.getWebappInfo(),
* Returns whether the browser controls should be shown when a webapp is navigated to
* {@code url}.
private static boolean shouldShowBrowserControlsForUrl(
@WebappScopePolicy.Type int scopePolicy, WebappInfo webappInfo, String url) {
return !WebappScopePolicy.isUrlInScope(scopePolicy, webappInfo, url);
private static boolean shouldShowBrowserControlsForSecurityLevel(int securityLevel) {
return securityLevel == ConnectionSecurityLevel.DANGEROUS;
private static boolean shouldShowBrowserControlsForDisplayMode(WebappInfo info) {
return info.displayMode() != WebDisplayMode.STANDALONE
&& info.displayMode() != WebDisplayMode.FULLSCREEN;