blob: 206d68aabba63815b6dcfbf7950f8e8b15a630bd [file] [log] [blame]
{% from 'macros.tmpl' import license %}
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "core/CSSValueKeywords.h"
#include "core/ComputedStyleBaseConstants.h"
{% for path in include_paths %}
#include "{{path}}"
{% endfor %}
namespace blink {
// TODO(shend): most enum values are stored contiguously so we just need
// a subtraction and static_cast. This is much faster than switches.
// Do not use these functions directly, use the non-generated versions
// in CSSValueMappings.h
namespace detail {
template <class T>
T cssValueIDToPlatformEnumGenerated(CSSValueID);
{% for enum_name, mapping in mappings.items() %}
template <>
inline {{enum_name}} cssValueIDToPlatformEnumGenerated(CSSValueID v) {
switch (v) {
{% for cs_value, css_value in mapping['mapping']: %}
case {{css_value}}:
return {{enum_name}}::{{cs_value}};
{% endfor %}
return {{enum_name}}::{{mapping['default_value']}};
inline CSSValueID platformEnumToCSSValueIDGenerated({{enum_name}} v) {
switch (v) {
{% for cs_value, css_value in mapping['mapping']: %}
case {{enum_name}}::{{cs_value}}:
return {{css_value}};
{% endfor %}
return CSSValueNone;
{% endfor %}
} // namespace detail
} // namespace blink