blob: ece1b5b9191f5401be5bfd3d9ddf0bc34fde6e62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module media.mojom;
import "media/mojo/interfaces/media_types.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
// Structure describing immutable properties for the current watch time report.
// If any of these properties change a new WatchTimeRecorder will be requested.
struct PlaybackProperties {
bool has_audio;
bool has_video;
bool is_background; // Is report for playback in the background?
bool is_muted; // Is report for muted playback?
bool is_mse;
bool is_eme;
bool is_embedded_media_experience; // Playback from 'Downloads' on Android.
// Structure describing mutable properties for the current watch time report.
// The WatchTimeRecorder will use changes of these properties only for UKM
// reporting and will not interrupt UMA reporting for changes.
struct SecondaryPlaybackProperties {
AudioCodec audio_codec; // Note: We may not know the codec during all
VideoCodec video_codec; // playbacks (HLS, remoting, etc).
string audio_decoder_name;
string video_decoder_name;
gfx.mojom.Size natural_size; // Size of video frame; (0, 0) if audio only.
// Interface by which the WatchTimeReporter reports watch time. This is used to
// cache the reported values in a process without fast shutdown since we would
// otherwise lose watch time data. See the WatchTimeReporter for more details on
// how and when watch time is reported.
// Values will be recorded to UMA and UKM upon requesting finalization or the
// destruction of the WatchTimeRecorder binding.
// Note: Not all values recorded by UKM are recorded by UMA. See implementations
// for more details; specifically WatchTimeRecorder::ShouldReportToUma().
// Note: There are some UMA values that the WatchTimeRecorder will generate
// based on the recorded keys and values. Such metrics will only be generated
// when finalizing everything via FinalizeWatchTime({}) or destruction.
// Note: UKM metrics are only reported upon destruction of the recorder.
interface WatchTimeRecorder {
// Reports |watch_time| for |key|. Note this should be an absolute value and
// not a delta since the last call. Any necessary relative processing should
// be handled prior to calling this method. As described in WatchTimeReporter,
// |watch_time| is the elapsed media (not wall clock) time for |key|.
RecordWatchTime(WatchTimeKey key, mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta watch_time);
// Request finalization (recording to UMA) for the given keys. If no keys are
// specified, all currently held keys will be finalized.
FinalizeWatchTime(array<WatchTimeKey> watch_time_keys);
// Called when a playback ends in error. The status is reported to UKM when
// finalizing UKM watch time.
OnError(PipelineStatus status);
// Updates properties that the recorder will create a new UKM BasicPlayback
// record for, but for which UMA will continue accruing.
UpdateSecondaryProperties(SecondaryPlaybackProperties secondary_properties);
// Lazily sets the autoplay status of the player. Must not be called multiple
// times with different values.
// Note: this is using a setter because the status is only known when playback
// starts but the reporter is created before.
SetAutoplayInitiated(bool value);
// Indicates that an underflow event has occurred while collecting watch time.
// Used to report mean values for rebuffering metrics. As with watch time,
// this is an absolute count and not relative since the last call.
UpdateUnderflowCount(int32 count);