blob: 03f89e2698f9c98e718571b40ed871680f27b042 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/texture_draw_quad.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "ui/gfx/vector2d_f.h"
namespace cc {
: resource_id(0),
flipped(false) {
this->vertex_opacity[0] = 0.f;
this->vertex_opacity[1] = 0.f;
this->vertex_opacity[2] = 0.f;
this->vertex_opacity[3] = 0.f;
scoped_ptr<TextureDrawQuad> TextureDrawQuad::Create() {
return make_scoped_ptr(new TextureDrawQuad);
void TextureDrawQuad::SetNew(const SharedQuadState* shared_quad_state,
gfx::Rect rect, gfx::Rect opaque_rect,
unsigned resource_id, bool premultiplied_alpha,
gfx::PointF uv_top_left,
gfx::PointF uv_bottom_right,
const float vertex_opacity[4], bool flipped) {
gfx::Rect visible_rect = rect;
bool needs_blending = vertex_opacity[0] != 1.0f || vertex_opacity[1] != 1.0f
|| vertex_opacity[2] != 1.0f || vertex_opacity[3] != 1.0f;
DrawQuad::SetAll(shared_quad_state, DrawQuad::TEXTURE_CONTENT, rect,
opaque_rect, visible_rect, needs_blending);
this->resource_id = resource_id;
this->premultiplied_alpha = premultiplied_alpha;
this->uv_top_left = uv_top_left;
this->uv_bottom_right = uv_bottom_right;
this->vertex_opacity[0] = vertex_opacity[0];
this->vertex_opacity[1] = vertex_opacity[1];
this->vertex_opacity[2] = vertex_opacity[2];
this->vertex_opacity[3] = vertex_opacity[3];
this->flipped = flipped;
void TextureDrawQuad::SetAll(const SharedQuadState* shared_quad_state,
gfx::Rect rect, gfx::Rect opaque_rect,
gfx::Rect visible_rect, bool needs_blending,
unsigned resource_id, bool premultiplied_alpha,
gfx::PointF uv_top_left,
gfx::PointF uv_bottom_right,
const float vertex_opacity[4], bool flipped) {
DrawQuad::SetAll(shared_quad_state, DrawQuad::TEXTURE_CONTENT, rect,
opaque_rect, visible_rect, needs_blending);
this->resource_id = resource_id;
this->premultiplied_alpha = premultiplied_alpha;
this->uv_top_left = uv_top_left;
this->uv_bottom_right = uv_bottom_right;
this->vertex_opacity[0] = vertex_opacity[0];
this->vertex_opacity[1] = vertex_opacity[1];
this->vertex_opacity[2] = vertex_opacity[2];
this->vertex_opacity[3] = vertex_opacity[3];
this->flipped = flipped;
void TextureDrawQuad::IterateResources(
const ResourceIteratorCallback& callback) {
resource_id = callback.Run(resource_id);
const TextureDrawQuad* TextureDrawQuad::MaterialCast(const DrawQuad* quad) {
DCHECK(quad->material == DrawQuad::TEXTURE_CONTENT);
return static_cast<const TextureDrawQuad*>(quad);
bool TextureDrawQuad::PerformClipping() {
// This only occurs if the rect is only scaled and translated (and thus still
// axis aligned).
if (!quadTransform().IsPositiveScaleOrTranslation())
return false;
// Grab our scale and make sure it's positive.
float x_scale = static_cast<float>(quadTransform().matrix().getDouble(0, 0));
float y_scale = static_cast<float>(quadTransform().matrix().getDouble(1, 1));
// Grab our offset.
gfx::Vector2dF offset(
static_cast<float>(quadTransform().matrix().getDouble(0, 3)),
static_cast<float>(quadTransform().matrix().getDouble(1, 3)));
// Transform the rect by the scale and offset.
gfx::RectF rectF = rect;
rectF.Scale(x_scale, y_scale);
rectF += offset;
// Perform clipping and check to see if the result is empty.
gfx::RectF clippedRect = IntersectRects(rectF, clipRect());
if (clippedRect.IsEmpty()) {
rect = gfx::Rect();
uv_top_left = gfx::PointF();
uv_bottom_right = gfx::PointF();
return true;
// Create a new uv-rect by clipping the old one to the new bounds.
gfx::Vector2dF uv_scale(uv_bottom_right - uv_top_left);
uv_scale.Scale(1.f / rectF.width(), 1.f / rectF.height());
uv_bottom_right = uv_top_left +
clippedRect.bottom_right() - rectF.origin(),
uv_top_left = uv_top_left +
clippedRect.origin() - rectF.origin(),
// Indexing according to the quad vertex generation:
// 1--2
// | |
// 0--3
if (vertex_opacity[0] != vertex_opacity[1]
|| vertex_opacity[0] != vertex_opacity[2]
|| vertex_opacity[0] != vertex_opacity[3]) {
const float x1 = (clippedRect.x() - rectF.x()) / rectF.width();
const float y1 = (clippedRect.y() - rectF.y()) / rectF.height();
const float x3 = (clippedRect.right() - rectF.x()) / rectF.width();
const float y3 = (clippedRect.bottom() - rectF.y()) / rectF.height();
const float x1y1 = x1 * vertex_opacity[2] + (1.0f - x1) * vertex_opacity[1];
const float x1y3 = x1 * vertex_opacity[3] + (1.0f - x1) * vertex_opacity[0];
const float x3y1 = x3 * vertex_opacity[2] + (1.0f - x3) * vertex_opacity[1];
const float x3y3 = x3 * vertex_opacity[3] + (1.0f - x3) * vertex_opacity[0];
vertex_opacity[0] = y3 * x1y3 + (1.0f - y3) * x1y1;
vertex_opacity[1] = y1 * x1y3 + (1.0f - y1) * x1y1;
vertex_opacity[2] = y1 * x3y3 + (1.0f - y1) * x3y1;
vertex_opacity[3] = y3 * x3y3 + (1.0f - y3) * x3y1;
// Move the clipped rectangle back into its space.
clippedRect -= offset;
clippedRect.Scale(1.0f / x_scale, 1.0f / y_scale);
rect = gfx::Rect(static_cast<int>(clippedRect.x() + 0.5f),
static_cast<int>(clippedRect.y() + 0.5f),
static_cast<int>(clippedRect.width() + 0.5f),
static_cast<int>(clippedRect.height() + 0.5f));
return true;
} // namespace cc