blob: cc4f2ebe17ba6881c108eaa5c955ffd8771cd556 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/webstore_startup_installer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media/media_capture_devices_dispatcher.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/webstore_install_result.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_registry.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_registry_observer.h"
class ExtensionService;
class HotwordAudioHistoryHandler;
class HotwordClient;
class Profile;
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
} // namespace extensions
namespace hotword_internal {
// String passed to indicate the training state has changed.
extern const char kHotwordTrainingEnabled[];
} // namespace hotword_internal
// Provides an interface for the Hotword component that does voice triggered
// search.
class HotwordService : public MediaCaptureDevicesDispatcher::Observer,
public extensions::ExtensionRegistryObserver,
public KeyedService {
// A simple subclass to allow for aborting an install during shutdown.
// HotwordWebstoreInstaller class is public for testing.
class HotwordWebstoreInstaller : public extensions::WebstoreStartupInstaller {
HotwordWebstoreInstaller(const std::string& webstore_item_id,
Profile* profile,
const Callback& callback)
: extensions::WebstoreStartupInstaller(webstore_item_id,
callback) {}
void Shutdown();
~HotwordWebstoreInstaller() override {}
// Returns true if the hotword supports the current system language.
static bool DoesHotwordSupportLanguage(Profile* profile);
// Returns true if hotwording hardware is available.
static bool IsHotwordHardwareAvailable();
explicit HotwordService(Profile* profile);
~HotwordService() override;
// Overridden from ExtensionRegisterObserver:
void OnExtensionInstalled(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const extensions::Extension* extension,
bool is_update) override;
void OnExtensionUninstalled(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const extensions::Extension* extension,
extensions::UninstallReason reason) override;
// Overriden from KeyedService
void Shutdown() override;
// Checks for whether all the necessary files have downloaded to allow for
// using the extension.
virtual bool IsServiceAvailable();
// Determine if hotwording is allowed in this profile based on field trials
// and language.
virtual bool IsHotwordAllowed();
// Checks if the user has opted into audio logging. Returns true if the user
// is opted in, false otherwise..
bool IsOptedIntoAudioLogging();
// Returns whether always-on hotwording is enabled.
bool IsAlwaysOnEnabled();
// Returns whether hotwording is enabled.
bool IsSometimesOnEnabled();
// Handles enabling/disabling the hotword notification when the user
// changes the always on search settings.
void OnHotwordAlwaysOnSearchEnabledChanged(const std::string& pref_name);
// Called to handle the hotword session from |client|.
void RequestHotwordSession(HotwordClient* client);
void StopHotwordSession(HotwordClient* client);
HotwordClient* client() { return client_; }
// Checks if the current version of the hotword extension should be
// uninstalled in order to update to a different language version.
// Returns true if the extension was uninstalled.
bool MaybeReinstallHotwordExtension();
// Checks based on locale if the current version should be uninstalled so that
// a version with a different language can be installed.
bool ShouldReinstallHotwordExtension();
// Helper functions pulled out for testing purposes.
// UninstallHotwordExtension returns true if the extension was uninstalled.
virtual bool UninstallHotwordExtension(ExtensionService* extension_service);
virtual void InstallHotwordExtensionFromWebstore(int num_tries);
// Sets the pref value of the previous language.
void SetPreviousLanguagePref();
// Returns the current error message id. A value of 0 indicates
// no error.
int error_message() { return error_message_; }
bool microphone_available() { return microphone_available_; }
// These methods are for launching, and getting and setting the launch mode of
// the Hotword Audio Verification App.
// OptIntoHotwording first determines if the app needs to be launched, and if
// so, launches the app (if Audio History is on and a speaker model exists,
// then we don't need to launch the app).
// LaunchHotwordAudioVerificationApp launches the app without the above
// check in the specified |launch_mode|.
enum LaunchMode {
void OptIntoHotwording(const LaunchMode& launch_mode);
void LaunchHotwordAudioVerificationApp(const LaunchMode& launch_mode);
virtual LaunchMode GetHotwordAudioVerificationLaunchMode();
// Called when the SpeakerModelExists request is complete. Either
// sets the always-on hotword pref to true, or launches the Hotword
// Audio Verification App, depending on the value of |exists|.
void SpeakerModelExistsComplete(bool exists);
// These methods control the speaker training communication between
// the Hotword Audio Verification App and the Hotword Extension that
// contains the NaCl module.
void StartTraining();
void FinalizeSpeakerModel();
void StopTraining();
void NotifyHotwordTriggered();
// Returns true if speaker training is currently in progress.
bool IsTraining();
// Indicate that the currently active user has changed.
void ActiveUserChanged();
// Return true if this profile corresponds to the currently active user.
bool UserIsActive();
// Returns a pointer to the audio history handler.
HotwordAudioHistoryHandler* GetAudioHistoryHandler();
// Sets the audio history handler. Used for tests.
void SetAudioHistoryHandler(HotwordAudioHistoryHandler* handler);
// Turn off the currently enabled version of hotwording if one exists.
void DisableHotwordPreferences();
// Overridden from MediaCaptureDevicesDispatcher::Observer
void OnUpdateAudioDevices(
const content::MediaStreamDevices& devices) override;
// Used in test subclasses.
scoped_refptr<HotwordWebstoreInstaller> installer_;
class HotwordUserSessionStateObserver;
// Must be called from the UI thread since the instance of
// MediaCaptureDevicesDispatcher can only be accessed on the UI thread.
void InitializeMicrophoneObserver();
// Callback for webstore extension installer.
void InstalledFromWebstoreCallback(
int num_tries,
bool success,
const std::string& error,
extensions::webstore_install::Result result);
// Returns the ID of the extension that may need to be reinstalled.
std::string ReinstalledExtensionId();
// Creates a notification for always-on hotwording.
void ShowHotwordNotification();
Profile* profile_;
PrefChangeRegistrar pref_registrar_;
content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
// For observing the ExtensionRegistry.
std::unique_ptr<HotwordAudioHistoryHandler> audio_history_handler_;
bool microphone_available_;
// Indicates if the check for audio devices has been run such that it can be
// included in the error checking. Audio checking is not done immediately
// upon start up because of the negative impact on performance.
bool audio_device_state_updated_;
HotwordClient* client_;
int error_message_;
bool reinstall_pending_;
// Whether we are currently in the process of training the speaker model.
bool training_;
std::unique_ptr<HotwordUserSessionStateObserver> session_observer_;
// Stores the launch mode for the Hotword Audio Verification App.
LaunchMode hotword_audio_verification_launch_mode_;
// The WeakPtrFactory should be the last member, so the weak pointer
// gets invalidated before the destructors for other members run,
// to avoid callbacks into a half-destroyed object.
base::WeakPtrFactory<HotwordService> weak_factory_;