blob: 4795d2c3415a11dc6ea1599de439eb1c1e0863ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/autofill_suggestion_controller.h"
namespace autofill {
// The interface implemented by Desktop implementations of the
// `AutofillSuggestionController` - that is, the methods found below are
// specific to Desktop.
class AutofillPopupController : public AutofillSuggestionController {
// The suggestion filter is implemented as a string directly reflecting user
// input. It could be refactored into a more complex data structure to enable
// advanced search functionality.
using SuggestionFilter =
base::StrongAlias<struct SuggestionFilterTag, std::u16string>;
// Suggestions consist of multiple parts (e.g., main text, labels). The filter
// match structure reveals how a suggestion was found, enabling
// the highlighting of these parts.
struct SuggestionFilterMatch {
// Shows the filter match location within the 'Suggestion::main_text'.
gfx::Range main_text_match;
bool operator==(const SuggestionFilterMatch& other) const = default;
// Selects the suggestion with `index`. For fillable items, this will trigger
// preview. For other items, it does not do anything.
virtual void SelectSuggestion(int index) = 0;
// Unselect currently selected suggestion, noop if nothing is selected.
virtual void UnselectSuggestion() = 0;
// Creates and shows a sub-popup adjacent to `anchor_bounds`. The sub-popup
// represents another level of `suggestions` which must be semantically
// connected to a parent level suggestion, e.g. an address suggestion
// break down providing more granular fillings.
// The popup created via this method and this popup instance are linked
// as child-parent. The child's lifetime depends on its parent, i.e. when
// the parent dies the child dies also.
virtual base::WeakPtr<AutofillSuggestionController> OpenSubPopup(
const gfx::RectF& anchor_bounds,
std::vector<Suggestion> suggestions,
AutoselectFirstSuggestion autoselect_first_suggestion) = 0;
// Hides open by `OpenSubPopup()` popup, noop if there is no open sub-popup.
virtual void HideSubPopup() = 0;
// Returns whether the popup should ignore the check that the mouse was
// observed out of bounds - see `PopupRowView` for more detail.
virtual bool ShouldIgnoreMouseObservedOutsideItemBoundsCheck() const = 0;
// Executes the action associated with the button that is displayed in the
// suggestion at `index`. Button actions depend on the type of the suggestion.
virtual void PerformButtonActionForSuggestion(int index) = 0;
// If the filter is set, returns the same number of items as returned by
// `AutofillSuggestionController::GetSuggestions()`, indicating how each
// suggestion meets the filter criteria. Otherwise, if the filter is
// `std::nullopt` (its default value), returns an empty vector.
// `SetFilter()` calls invalidate previously returned data.
virtual const std::vector<SuggestionFilterMatch>& GetSuggestionFilterMatches()
const = 0;
// Sets the suggestion filter or removes it with `std::nullopt`. The filter
// determines which suggestions are returned by GetSuggestions() and other
// related methods (like `GetLineCount()`). When the filter changes, previous
// suggestion indices (used in many `AutofillSuggestionController` methods,
// e.g. `RemoveSuggestion()`) become invalid.
virtual void SetFilter(std::optional<SuggestionFilter> filter) = 0;
virtual base::WeakPtr<AutofillPopupController> GetWeakPtr() = 0;
virtual void SetViewForTesting(base::WeakPtr<AutofillPopupView> view) = 0;
} // namespace autofill