blob: 9b224b83000dbcf3773b99c038b3c0408c482b33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_client.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_progress_dialog_type.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/autofill_profile.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/credit_card.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/form_types.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/metrics/form_events/form_events.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/metrics/log_event.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/ui/suggestion_hiding_reason.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/dense_set.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/mojom/autofill_types.mojom-forward.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/signatures.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/unique_ids.h"
#include "components/security_state/core/security_state.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_recorder.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/variant.h"
class GURL;
namespace ukm::builders {
class Autofill_CreditCardFill;
namespace autofill {
class AutofillField;
class CreditCard;
namespace autofill_metrics {
class FormEventLoggerBase;
} // namespace autofill_metrics
// A given maximum is enforced to minimize the number of buckets generated.
extern const int kMaxBucketsCount;
class AutofillMetrics {
enum DeveloperEngagementMetric {
// Parsed a form that is potentially autofillable and does not contain any
// web developer-specified field type hint.
// Parsed a form that is potentially autofillable and contains at least one
// web developer-specified field type hint, a la
enum InfoBarMetric {
INFOBAR_SHOWN = 0, // We showed an infobar, e.g. prompting to save credit
// card info.
INFOBAR_ACCEPTED, // The user explicitly accepted the infobar.
INFOBAR_DENIED, // The user explicitly denied the infobar.
INFOBAR_IGNORED, // The user completely ignored the infobar (logged on
// tab close).
INFOBAR_NOT_SHOWN_INVALID_LEGAL_MESSAGE, // We didn't show the infobar
// because the provided legal
// message was invalid.
// Autocomplete Events.
// These events are not based on forms nor submissions, but depend on the
// the usage of the Autocomplete feature.
enum AutocompleteEvent {
// A dropdown with Autocomplete suggestions was shown.
// An Autocomplete suggestion was selected.
// An Autocomplete suggestion was deleted. Added in M113.
// The user action that triggered the deletion of a suggestion entry.
// These values are used in enums.xml; do not reorder or renumber entries!
enum class SingleEntryRemovalMethod {
// The user pressed shift delete while an Autofill popup menu entry was
// selected.
kKeyboardShiftDeletePressed = 0,
// The user clicked the delete button in the Autofill popup menu.
kDeleteButtonClicked = 1,
// The user confirmed the entry deletion via the dialog shown by the
// keyboard accessory.
kKeyboardAccessory = 2,
kMaxValue = kKeyboardAccessory
// Represents card submitted state.
enum SubmittedCardStateMetric {
// Submitted card has valid card number and expiration date.
// Submitted card has a valid card number but an invalid or missing
// expiration date.
// Submitted card has a valid expiration date but an invalid or missing card
// number.
// Metric to measure if a submitted card's expiration date matches the same
// server card's expiration date (unmasked or not). Cards are considered to
// be the same if they have the same card number (if unmasked) or if they have
// the same last four digits (if masked).
enum SubmittedServerCardExpirationStatusMetric {
// The submitted card and the unmasked server card had the same expiration
// date.
// The submitted card and the unmasked server card had different expiration
// dates.
// The submitted card and the masked server card had the same expiration
// date.
// The submitted card and the masked server card had different expiration
// dates.
// Metric to distinguish between local and server saves for credit cards or
// IBANs.
enum class SaveTypeMetric {
LOCAL = 0,
kMaxValue = SERVER,
// Metric to measure if a card for which upload was offered is already stored
// as a local card on the device or if it has not yet been seen.
enum UploadOfferedCardOriginMetric {
// Credit card upload was offered for a local card already on the device.
// Credit card upload was offered for a newly-seen credit card.
// Metric to measure if a card for which upload was accepted is already stored
// as a local card on the device or if it has not yet been seen.
enum UploadAcceptedCardOriginMetric {
// The user accepted upload of a local card already on the device.
// The user accepted upload of a newly-seen credit card.
// Metrics to track events in CardUnmaskAuthenticationSelectionDialog.
enum class CardUnmaskAuthenticationSelectionDialogResultMetric {
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// Default value, should never be used.
kUnknown = 0,
// User canceled the dialog before selecting a challenge option.
kCanceledByUserBeforeSelection = 1,
// User canceled the dialog after selecting a challenge option, while the
// dialog was in a pending state.
kCanceledByUserAfterSelection = 2,
// Server success after user chose a challenge option. For instance, in the
// SMS OTP case, a server success indicates that the server successfully
// requested the issuer to send an OTP, and we can move on to the next step
// in this flow.
kDismissedByServerRequestSuccess = 3,
// Server failure after user chose a challenge option. For instance, in the
// SMS OTP case, a server failure indicates that the server unsuccessfully
// requested the issuer to send an OTP, and we can not move on to the next
// step in this flow.
kDismissedByServerRequestFailure = 4,
// User accepted a challenge option in the
// CardUnmaskAuthenticationSelectionDialog that does not require a server
// call to get to the next step in this flow. For instance, in the CVC case,
// we can go directly to the CVC input dialog after the user selects the
// challenge option.
kDismissedByUserAcceptanceNoServerRequestNeeded = 5,
kMaxValue = kDismissedByUserAcceptanceNoServerRequestNeeded,
// Metrics measuring how well we predict field types. These metric values are
// logged for each field in a submitted form for:
// - the heuristic prediction
// - the crowd-sourced (server) prediction
// - for the overall prediction
// For each of these prediction types, these metrics are also logged by
// actual and predicted field type.
enum FieldTypeQualityMetric {
// The field was found to be of type T, which matches the predicted type.
// i.e. actual_type == predicted type == T
// This is captured as a type-specific log entry for T. Is is also captured
// as an aggregate (non-type-specific) log entry.
// The field type is AMBIGUOUS and autofill made no prediction.
// i.e. actual_type == AMBIGUOUS,predicted type == UNKNOWN|NO_SERVER_DATA.
// This is captured as an aggregate (non-type-specific) log entry. It is
// NOT captured by type-specific logging.
// The field type is UNKNOWN and autofill made no prediction.
// i.e. actual_type == UNKNOWN and predicted type == UNKNOWN|NO_SERVER_DATA.
// This is captured as an aggregate (non-type-specific) log entry. It is
// NOT captured by type-specific logging.
// The field type is EMPTY and autofill predicted UNKNOWN
// i.e. actual_type == EMPTY and predicted type == UNKNOWN|NO_SERVER_DATA.
// This is captured as an aggregate (non-type-specific) log entry. It is
// NOT captured by type-specific logging.
// Autofill predicted type T, but the field actually had a different type.
// i.e., actual_type == T, predicted_type = U, T != U,
// UNKNOWN not in (T,U).
// This is captured as a type-specific log entry for U. It is NOT captured
// as an aggregate (non-type-specific) entry as this would double count with
// FALSE_NEGATIVE_MISMATCH logging captured for T.
// Autofill predicted type T, but the field actually matched multiple
// pieces of autofill data, none of which are T.
// i.e., predicted_type == T, actual_type = {U, V, ...),
// T not in {U, V, ...}.
// This is captured as a type-specific log entry for T. It is also captured
// as an aggregate (non-type-specific) log entry.
// The field type is UNKNOWN, but autofill predicted it to be of type T.
// i.e., actual_type == UNKNOWN, predicted_type = T, T != UNKNOWN
// This is captured as a type-specific log entry for T. Is is also captured
// as an aggregate (non-type-specific) log entry.
// The field type is EMPTY, but autofill predicted it to be of type T.
// i.e., actual_type == EMPTY, predicted_type = T, T != UNKNOWN
// This is captured as a type-specific log entry for T. Is is also captured
// as an aggregate (non-type-specific) log entry.
// The field is of type T, but autofill did not make a type prediction.
// i.e., actual_type == T, predicted_type = UNKNOWN, T != UNKNOWN.
// This is captured as a type-specific log entry for T. Is is also captured
// as an aggregate (non-type-specific) log entry.
// The field is of type T, but autofill predicted it to be of type U.
// i.e., actual_type == T, predicted_type = U, T != U,
// UNKNOWN not in (T,U).
// This is captured as a type-specific log entry for T. Is is also captured
// as an aggregate (non-type-specific) log entry.
// This must be last.
// Defines email prediction confusion matrix enums used by UMA records.
// Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
// Please update "EmailPredictionConfusionMatrix" in
// `tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml` when new enums are added.
enum class EmailPredictionConfusionMatrix {
kTruePositive = 0,
kFalsePositive = 1,
kTrueNegative = 2,
kFalseNegative = 3,
// Required by UMA histogram macro.
kMaxValue = kFalseNegative
// Metrics measuring how well rationalization has performed given user's
// actual input.
enum RationalizationQualityMetric {
// Rationalization did make it better for the user. Most commonly, user
// have left it empty as rationalization predicted.
// Rationalization did not make it better or worse. Meaning user have
// input some value that would not be filled correctly automatically.
// Rationalization did make it worse, user has to fill
// in a value that would have been automatically filled
// if there was no rationalization at all.
// This must be last.
enum QualityMetricPredictionSource {
PREDICTION_SOURCE_UNKNOWN, // Not used. The prediction source is unknown.
PREDICTION_SOURCE_HEURISTIC, // Local heuristic field-type prediction.
PREDICTION_SOURCE_SERVER, // Crowd-sourced server field type prediction.
PREDICTION_SOURCE_OVERALL, // Overall field-type prediction seen by user.
enum QualityMetricType {
TYPE_SUBMISSION = 0, // Logged based on user's submitted data.
TYPE_NO_SUBMISSION, // Logged based on user's entered data.
TYPE_AUTOCOMPLETE_BASED, // Logged based on the value of autocomplete attr.
// Each of these is logged at most once per query to the server, which in turn
// occurs at most once per page load.
enum ServerQueryMetric {
QUERY_SENT = 0, // Sent a query to the server.
QUERY_RESPONSE_RECEIVED, // Received a response.
QUERY_RESPONSE_PARSED, // Successfully parsed the server response.
// The response was parseable, but provided no improvements relative to our
// heuristics.
// Our heuristics detected at least one auto-fillable field, and the server
// response overrode the type of at least one field.
// Our heuristics did not detect any auto-fillable fields, but the server
// response did detect at least one.
// Logs usage of "Scan card" control item.
enum ScanCreditCardPromptMetric {
// "Scan card" was presented to the user.
// "Scan card" was selected by the user.
// The user selected something in the dropdown besides "scan card".
// Cardholder name fix flow prompt metrics.
enum CardholderNameFixFlowPromptEvent {
// The prompt was shown.
// The prompt was accepted by user.
// The prompt was dismissed by user.
// The prompt was closed without user interaction.
// Expiration date fix flow prompt metrics.
enum class ExpirationDateFixFlowPromptEvent {
// The prompt was accepted by user.
// The prompt was dismissed by user.
// The prompt was closed without user interaction.
// Events related to the Unmask Credit Card Prompt.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum UnmaskPromptEvent {
// The prompt was shown.
// The prompt was closed without attempting to unmask the card.
// The prompt was closed without unmasking the card, but with at least
// one attempt. The last failure was retriable.
// The prompt was closed without unmasking the card, but with at least
// one attempt. The last failure was non retriable.
// Successfully unmasked the card in the first attempt.
// Successfully unmasked the card after retriable failures.
// Saved the card locally (masked card was upgraded to a full card).
// Deprecated.
// User chose to opt in (checked the checkbox when it was empty).
// Only logged if there was an attempt to unmask.
// Deprecated.
// User did not opt in when they had the chance (left the checkbox
// unchecked). Only logged if there was an attempt to unmask.
// Deprecated.
// User chose to opt out (unchecked the checkbox when it was check).
// Only logged if there was an attempt to unmask.
// Deprecated.
// User did not opt out when they had a chance (left the checkbox checked).
// Only logged if there was an attempt to unmask.
// Deprecated.
// The prompt was closed while chrome was unmasking the card (user pressed
// verify and we were waiting for the server response).
// Possible results of Payments RPCs.
enum PaymentsRpcResult {
// Request succeeded.
// Request failed; try again.
// Request failed; don't try again.
// Unable to connect to Payments servers.
// Request failed in virtual card information retrieval; try again.
// Request failed in virtual card information retrieval; don't try again.
// For measuring the network request time of various Wallet API calls. See
// WalletClient::RequestType.
enum WalletApiCallMetric {
UNKNOWN_API_CALL, // Catch all. Should never be used.
// For measuring the frequency of errors while communicating with the Wallet
// server.
enum WalletErrorMetric {
// Baseline metric: Issued a request to the Wallet server.
// A fatal error occurred while communicating with the Wallet server. This
// value has been deprecated.
// Received a malformed response from the Wallet server.
// A network error occurred while communicating with the Wallet server.
// The request was malformed.
// Risk deny, unsupported country, or account closed.
// Unknown server side error.
// API call had missing or invalid parameters.
// Online Wallet is down.
// User needs make a cheaper transaction or not use Online Wallet.
// The server API version of the request is no longer supported.
// Catch all error type.
// The merchant has been blocked for Online Wallet due to some manner of
// compliance violation.
// Buyer Legal Address has a country which is unsupported by Wallet.
// Wallet's Know Your Customer(KYC) action is pending/failed for this user.
// Chrome version is unsupported or provided API key not allowed.
// For measuring the frequency of "required actions" returned by the Wallet
// server. This is similar to the wallet::RequiredAction enum; but unlike
// that enum, the values in this one must remain constant over time, so that
// the metrics can be consistently interpreted on the server-side.
enum WalletRequiredActionMetric {
// Baseline metric: Issued a request to the Wallet server.
// Values from the wallet::RequiredAction enum:
// To record whether the upload event was sent.
enum class UploadEventStatus { kNotSent, kSent, kMaxValue = kSent };
// To record if the value in an autofilled field was edited by the user.
enum class AutofilledFieldUserEditingStatusMetric {
// The filling status of an autofilled field.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class FieldFillingStatus {
// The field was filled and accepted.
kAccepted = 0,
// The field was filled and corrected to a value of the same type.
kCorrectedToSameType = 1,
// The field was filled and corrected to a value of a different type.
kCorrectedToDifferentType = 2,
// The field was filled and corrected to a value of an unknown type.
kCorrectedToUnknownType = 3,
// The field was filled and the value was cleared afterwards.
kCorrectedToEmpty = 4,
// The field was manually filled to a value of the same type as the
// field was predicted to.
kManuallyFilledToSameType = 5,
// The field was manually filled to a value of a different type as the field
// was predicted to.
kManuallyFilledToDifferentType = 6,
// The field was manually filled to a value of an unknown type.
kManuallyFilledToUnknownType = 7,
// The field was left empty.
kLeftEmpty = 8,
kMaxValue = kLeftEmpty
enum class AutocompleteState {
kNone = 0,
kValid = 1,
kGarbage = 2,
kOff = 3,
kPassword = 4,
kMaxValue = kPassword
// The autofill statuses of a field that are recorded into UKM to help us
// understand the autofill performance and user behaviors.
enum class AutofillStatus {
kIsFocusable = 0,
kWasFocused = 1,
kWasAutofillTriggered = 2,
// Note that this is set before checking the iframe security policy.
// This value is true even when the filling was prevented because of the
// cross iframe autofill security policy.
kWasAutofilledBeforeSecurityPolicy = 3,
kWasRefill = 4,
// The below suggestion statuses are set only when kWasFocused is set.
kSuggestionWasAvailable = 5,
kSuggestionWasShown = 6,
kSuggestionWasAccepted = 7,
kUserTypedIntoField = 8,
kFilledValueWasModified = 9,
kHadValueBeforeFilling = 10,
kHadTypedOrFilledValueAtSubmission = 11,
kIsInSubFrame = 12,
kFillingPreventedByIframeSecurityPolicy = 13,
// The field was sent to the renderer for autofilling. Note that this is
// still true if the user later edited the autofilled value.
kWasAutofilledAfterSecurityPolicy = 14,
kMaxValue = kWasAutofilledAfterSecurityPolicy
struct FormEventSetTraits {
static constexpr autofill_metrics::FormEvent kMinValue =
static constexpr autofill_metrics::FormEvent kMaxValue =
static constexpr bool kPacked = false;
using FormEventSet =
DenseSet<autofill_metrics::FormEvent, FormEventSetTraits>;
// Utility class for determining the seamlessness of a credit card fill.
class CreditCardSeamlessness {
// A qualitative representation of a fill seamlessness.
// The different meaning of the categories is as follows:
enum class Metric { // | Name | Number | Exp Date | CVC |
kFullFill = 0, // | X | X | X | X |
kOptionalNameMissing = 1, // | | X | X | X |
kOptionalCvcMissing = 2, // | X | X | X | |
kOptionalNameAndCvcMissing = 3, // | | X | X | |
kFullFillButExpDateMissing = 4, // | X | X | | X |
kPartialFill = 5, // | otherwise |
kMaxValue = kPartialFill,
explicit CreditCardSeamlessness(const FieldTypeSet& filled_types);
explicit operator bool() const { return is_valid(); }
bool is_valid() const { return name_ || number_ || exp_ || cvc_; }
Metric QualitativeMetric() const;
uint64_t QualitativeMetricAsInt() const {
return static_cast<uint64_t>(QualitativeMetric());
// TODO( Remove once the new UKM metric has gained
// traction.
autofill_metrics::FormEvent QualitativeFillableFormEvent() const;
autofill_metrics::FormEvent QualitativeFillFormEvent() const;
// Returns a four-bit bitmask.
uint8_t BitmaskMetric() const;
static uint8_t BitmaskExclusiveMax() { return true << 4; }
bool name_ = false;
bool number_ = false;
bool exp_ = false;
bool cvc_ = false;
// Utility to log URL keyed form interaction events.
class FormInteractionsUkmLogger {
FormInteractionsUkmLogger(AutofillClient* autofill_client,
ukm::UkmRecorder* ukm_recorder);
bool has_pinned_timestamp() const { return !pinned_timestamp_.is_null(); }
void set_pinned_timestamp(base::TimeTicks t) { pinned_timestamp_ = t; }
ukm::builders::Autofill_CreditCardFill CreateCreditCardFillBuilder();
void Record(ukm::builders::Autofill_CreditCardFill&& builder);
// Initializes this logger with a source_id. Unless forms is parsed no
// autofill UKM is recorded. However due to autofill_manager resets,
// it is possible to have the UKM being recorded after the forms were
// parsed. So, rely on autofill_client to pass correct source_id
// However during some cases there is a race for setting AutofillClient
// and generation of new source_id (by UKM) as they are both observing tab
// navigation. Ideally we need to refactor ownership of this logger
// so as not to rely on OnFormsParsed to record the metrics correctly.
// TODO(nikunjb): Refactor the logger to be owned by AutofillClient.
void OnFormsParsed(const ukm::SourceId source_id);
void LogInteractedWithForm(bool is_for_credit_card,
size_t local_record_type_count,
size_t server_record_type_count,
FormSignature form_signature);
void LogSuggestionsShown(const FormStructure& form,
const AutofillField& field,
const base::TimeTicks& form_parsed_timestamp,
bool off_the_record);
// For address suggestions, the `record_type` is irrelevant.
void LogDidFillSuggestion(
const FormStructure& form,
const AutofillField& field,
std::optional<CreditCard::RecordType> record_type = std::nullopt);
void LogTextFieldDidChange(const FormStructure& form,
const AutofillField& field);
void LogEditedAutofilledFieldAtSubmission(const FormStructure& form,
const AutofillField& field);
void LogFieldFillStatus(const FormStructure& form,
const AutofillField& field,
QualityMetricType metric_type);
void LogFieldType(const base::TimeTicks& form_parsed_timestamp,
FormSignature form_signature,
FieldSignature field_signature,
QualityMetricPredictionSource prediction_source,
QualityMetricType metric_type,
FieldType predicted_type,
FieldType actual_type);
void LogAutofillFieldInfoAtFormRemove(
const FormStructure& form,
const AutofillField& field,
AutofillMetrics::AutocompleteState autocomplete_state);
void LogAutofillFormSummaryAtFormRemove(
const FormStructure& form_structure,
FormEventSet form_events,
const base::TimeTicks& initial_interaction_timestamp,
const base::TimeTicks& form_submitted_timestamp);
void LogKeyMetrics(const DenseSet<FormType>& form_types,
bool data_to_fill_available,
bool suggestions_shown,
bool edited_autofilled_field,
bool suggestion_filled,
const FormInteractionCounts& form_interaction_counts,
const FormInteractionsFlowId& flow_id,
std::optional<int64_t> fast_checkout_run_id);
void LogFormEvent(autofill_metrics::FormEvent form_event,
const DenseSet<FormType>& form_types,
const base::TimeTicks& form_parsed_timestamp);
// Log whether the autofill decided to skip or to fill each
// hidden/representational field.
void LogHiddenRepresentationalFieldSkipDecision(const FormStructure& form,
const AutofillField& field,
bool is_skipped);
// Log the fields for which the autofill decided to rationalize the server
// type predictions due to repetition of the type.
void LogRepeatedServerTypePredictionRationalized(
const FormSignature form_signature,
const AutofillField& field,
FieldType old_type);
// Logs a hash of the `sectioning_signature` for a specific
// `form_signature`. This is useful for detecting sites where different
// sectioning algorithms yield different results. Emitted every time
// sectioning is performed and only when
// `AutofillUseParameterizedSectioning` is enabled.
void LogSectioningHash(FormSignature form_signature,
uint32_t sectioning_signature);
bool CanLog() const;
int64_t MillisecondsSinceFormParsed(
const base::TimeTicks& form_parsed_timestamp) const;
ukm::SourceId GetSourceId();
// These objects outlive.
raw_ptr<AutofillClient> autofill_client_;
raw_ptr<ukm::UkmRecorder> ukm_recorder_;
std::optional<ukm::SourceId> source_id_;
base::TimeTicks pinned_timestamp_;
// Utility class to pin the timestamp used by the FormInteractionsUkmLogger
// while an instance of this class is in scope. Pinned timestamps cannot be
// nested.
class UkmTimestampPin {
UkmTimestampPin() = delete;
explicit UkmTimestampPin(FormInteractionsUkmLogger* logger);
UkmTimestampPin(const UkmTimestampPin&) = delete;
UkmTimestampPin& operator=(const UkmTimestampPin&) = delete;
const raw_ptr<FormInteractionsUkmLogger> logger_;
enum class PredictionState {
kNone = 0,
kServer = 1,
kHeuristics = 2,
kBoth = 3,
kMaxValue = kBoth
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class PaymentsSigninState {
// The user is not signed in to Chromium.
kSignedOut = 0,
// The user is signed in to Chromium.
kSignedIn = 1,
// The user is signed in to Chromium and sync transport is active for Wallet
// data.
kSignedInAndWalletSyncTransportEnabled = 2,
// The user is signed in, has enabled the sync feature and has not disabled
// Wallet sync.
kSignedInAndSyncFeatureEnabled = 3,
// The user has enabled the sync feature, but has then signed out, so sync
// is paused.
kSyncPaused = 4,
kUnknown = 5,
kMaxValue = kUnknown
AutofillMetrics() = delete;
AutofillMetrics(const AutofillMetrics&) = delete;
AutofillMetrics& operator=(const AutofillMetrics&) = delete;
static void LogSubmittedCardStateMetric(SubmittedCardStateMetric metric);
// If a credit card that matches a server card (unmasked or not) was submitted
// on a form, logs whether the submitted card's expiration date matched the
// server card's known expiration date.
static void LogSubmittedServerCardExpirationStatusMetric(
SubmittedServerCardExpirationStatusMetric metric);
// When credit card upload is offered, logs whether the card being offered is
// already a local card on the device or not.
static void LogUploadOfferedCardOriginMetric(
UploadOfferedCardOriginMetric metric);
// When credit card upload is accepted, logs whether the card being accepted
// is already a local card on the device or not.
static void LogUploadAcceptedCardOriginMetric(
UploadAcceptedCardOriginMetric metric);
// When the Card Unmask Authentication Selection Dialog is shown, logs the
// result of what the user did with the dialog.
static void LogCardUnmaskAuthenticationSelectionDialogResultMetric(
CardUnmaskAuthenticationSelectionDialogResultMetric metric);
// Logs the number of challenge options shown every time the Card Unmask
// Authentication Selection Dialog is shown.
static void LogCardUnmaskAuthenticationSelectionDialogShown(
size_t number_of_challenge_options);
static void LogCreditCardInfoBarMetric(
InfoBarMetric metric,
bool is_uploading,
AutofillClient::SaveCreditCardOptions options);
static void LogCreditCardFillingInfoBarMetric(InfoBarMetric metric);
static void LogScanCreditCardPromptMetric(ScanCreditCardPromptMetric metric);
static void LogProgressDialogResultMetric(
bool is_canceled_by_user,
AutofillProgressDialogType autofill_progress_dialog_type);
static void LogProgressDialogShown(
AutofillProgressDialogType autofill_progress_dialog_type);
// Returns a string representation of the given AutofillProgressDialogType for
// constructing subhistogram paths.
static std::string_view GetDialogTypeStringForLogging(
AutofillProgressDialogType autofill_progress_dialog_type);
// Should be called when credit card scan is finished. |duration| should be
// the time elapsed between launching the credit card scanner and getting back
// the result. |completed| should be true if a credit card was scanned, false
// if the scan was cancelled.
static void LogScanCreditCardCompleted(const base::TimeDelta& duration,
bool completed);
static void LogDeveloperEngagementMetric(DeveloperEngagementMetric metric);
static void LogHeuristicPredictionQualityMetrics(
FormInteractionsUkmLogger* form_interactions_ukm_logger,
const FormStructure& form,
const AutofillField& field,
QualityMetricType metric_type);
static void LogServerPredictionQualityMetrics(
FormInteractionsUkmLogger* form_interactions_ukm_logger,
const FormStructure& form,
const AutofillField& field,
QualityMetricType metric_type);
static void LogOverallPredictionQualityMetrics(
FormInteractionsUkmLogger* form_interactions_ukm_logger,
const FormStructure& form,
const AutofillField& field,
QualityMetricType metric_type);
static void LogEmailFieldPredictionMetrics(const AutofillField& field);
static void LogServerQueryMetric(ServerQueryMetric metric);
// Logs |event| to the unmask prompt events histogram.
static void LogUnmaskPromptEvent(UnmaskPromptEvent event,
bool has_valid_nickname,
CreditCard::RecordType card_type);
// Logs |event| to cardholder name fix flow prompt events histogram.
static void LogCardholderNameFixFlowPromptEvent(
CardholderNameFixFlowPromptEvent event);
// Logs |event| to expiration date fix flow prompt events histogram.
static void LogExpirationDateFixFlowPromptEvent(
ExpirationDateFixFlowPromptEvent event);
// Logs the count of expiration date fix flow prompts shown histogram.
static void LogExpirationDateFixFlowPromptShown();
// Logs the time elapsed between the unmask prompt being shown and it
// being closed.
static void LogUnmaskPromptEventDuration(const base::TimeDelta& duration,
UnmaskPromptEvent close_event,
bool has_valid_nickname);
// Logs the time elapsed between the user clicking Verify and
// hitting cancel when abandoning a pending unmasking operation
// (aka GetRealPan).
static void LogTimeBeforeAbandonUnmasking(const base::TimeDelta& duration,
bool has_valid_nickname);
// Logs |result| to the get real pan result histogram. |card_type| indicates
// the type of the credit card that the request fetched.
static void LogRealPanResult(AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcResult result,
AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcCardType card_type);
// Logs |result| to duration of the GetRealPan RPC. |card_type| indicates the
// type of the credit card that the request fetched.
static void LogRealPanDuration(const base::TimeDelta& duration,
AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcResult result,
AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcCardType card_type);
// Logs |result| to the get real pan result histogram. |card_type| indicates
// the type of the credit card that the request fetched.
static void LogUnmaskingDuration(
const base::TimeDelta& duration,
AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcResult result,
AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcCardType card_type);
// This should be called when a form that has been Autofilled is submitted.
// |duration| should be the time elapsed between form load and submission.
static void LogFormFillDurationFromLoadWithAutofill(
const base::TimeDelta& duration);
// This should be called when a fillable form that has not been Autofilled is
// submitted. |duration| should be the time elapsed between form load and
// submission.
static void LogFormFillDurationFromLoadWithoutAutofill(
const base::TimeDelta& duration);
// This should be called when a form with |autocomplete="one-time-code"| is
// submitted. |duration| should be the time elapsed between form load and
// submission.
static void LogFormFillDurationFromLoadForOneTimeCode(
const base::TimeDelta& duration);
// This should be called when a form is submitted. |duration| should be the
// time elapsed between the initial form interaction and submission. This
// metric is sliced by |form_type| and |used_autofill|.
static void LogFormFillDurationFromInteraction(
const DenseSet<FormType>& form_types,
bool used_autofill,
const base::TimeDelta& duration);
// This should be called when a form with |autocomplete="one-time-code"| is
// submitted. |duration| should be the time elapsed between the initial form
// interaction and submission.
static void LogFormFillDurationFromInteractionForOneTimeCode(
const base::TimeDelta& duration);
static void LogFormFillDuration(const std::string& metric,
const base::TimeDelta& duration);
// This should be called each time a page containing forms is loaded.
static void LogIsAutofillEnabledAtPageLoad(bool enabled,
PaymentsSigninState sync_state);
// This should be called each time a page containing forms is loaded.
static void LogIsAutofillProfileEnabledAtPageLoad(
bool enabled,
PaymentsSigninState sync_state);
// This should be called each time a page containing forms is loaded.
static void LogIsAutofillCreditCardEnabledAtPageLoad(
bool enabled,
PaymentsSigninState sync_state);
// This should be called each time a new chrome profile is launched.
static void LogIsAutofillEnabledAtStartup(bool enabled);
// This should be called each time a new chrome profile is launched.
static void LogIsAutofillProfileEnabledAtStartup(bool enabled);
// This should be called each time a new chrome profile is launched.
static void LogIsAutofillCreditCardEnabledAtStartup(bool enabled);
// Logs various metrics about the local and server cards associated with a
// profile. This should be called each time a new chrome profile is launched.
static void LogStoredCreditCardMetrics(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CreditCard>>& local_cards,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CreditCard>>& server_cards,
size_t server_card_count_with_card_art_image,
base::TimeDelta disused_data_threshold);
// Log the number of autofill credit card suggestions suppressed because they
// have not been used for a long time and are expired. Note that these cards
// are only suppressed when the user has not typed any data into the field
// from which autofill is triggered. Credit cards matching something the user
// has types are always offered, regardless of how recently they have been
// used.
static void LogNumberOfCreditCardsSuppressedForDisuse(size_t num_cards);
// Log the number of autofill credit card deleted during major version upgrade
// because they have not been used for a long time and are expired.
static void LogNumberOfCreditCardsDeletedForDisuse(size_t num_cards);
// Log the number of profiles available when an autofillable form is
// submitted.
static void LogNumberOfProfilesAtAutofillableFormSubmission(
size_t num_profiles);
// Log the number of autofill address suggestions suppressed because they have
// not been used for a long time. Note that these addresses are only
// suppressed when the user has not typed any data into the field from which
// autofill is triggered. Addresses matching something the user has types are
// always offered, regardless of how recently they have been used.
static void LogNumberOfAddressesSuppressedForDisuse(size_t num_profiles);
// Log the reason for which the Autofill popup disappeared.
static void LogAutofillSuggestionHidingReason(SuggestionHidingReason reason);
// Log the number of days since an Autocomplete suggestion was last used.
static void LogAutocompleteDaysSinceLastUse(size_t days);
// Log the fact that an autocomplete popup was shown.
static void OnAutocompleteSuggestionsShown();
// Log that an autocomplete suggestion was deleted directly from the popup
// menu.
static void OnAutocompleteSuggestionDeleted(
SingleEntryRemovalMethod removal_method);
// Logs the number of sections and the number of fields/section.
static void LogSectioningMetrics(
const base::flat_map<Section, size_t>& fields_per_section);
// This should be called each time a server response is parsed for a form.
static void LogServerResponseHasDataForForm(bool has_data);
// Logs if every non-empty field in a submitted form was filled by Autofill.
// If |is_address| an address was filled, otherwise it was a credit card.
static void LogAutofillPerfectFilling(bool is_address, bool perfect_filling);
struct LogCreditCardSeamlessnessParam {
const raw_ref<autofill_metrics::FormEventLoggerBase> event_logger;
const raw_ref<const FormStructure> form;
const raw_ref<const AutofillField> field;
const raw_ref<const base::flat_set<FieldGlobalId>> newly_filled_fields;
const raw_ref<const base::flat_set<FieldGlobalId>> safe_fields;
const raw_ref<ukm::builders::Autofill_CreditCardFill> builder;
// Logs several metrics about seamlessness. These are qualitative and bitmask
// UMA and UKM metrics as well as a UKM metric indicating whether
// "shared-autofill" did or would make a difference.
// The metrics are:
// - UMA metrics "Autofill.CreditCard.Seamless{Fillable,Fills}.AtFillTime
// {Before,After}SecurityPolicy[.Bitmask]".
// - UKM event "Autofill.CreditCardSeamlessness".
// - UKM event "Autofill.FormEvent" for FORM_EVENT_CREDIT_CARD_*.
static void LogCreditCardSeamlessnessAtFillTime(
const LogCreditCardSeamlessnessParam& p);
// Logs Autofill.CreditCard.SeamlessFills.AtSubmissionTime.
static void LogCreditCardSeamlessnessAtSubmissionTime(
const FieldTypeSet& autofilled_types);
// This should be called when parsing each form.
static void LogParseFormTiming(const base::TimeDelta& duration);
// Log whether the Autofill query on a credit card form is made in a secure
// context.
static void LogIsQueriedCreditCardFormSecure(bool is_secure);
// This should be called when the user selects the Form-Not-Secure warning
// suggestion to show an explanation of the warning.
static void LogShowedHttpNotSecureExplanation();
// Logs if there is any suggestions for an autocomplete query.
static void LogAutocompleteSuggestions(bool has_suggestions);
// Returns the UMA metric used to track whether or not an upload was sent
// after being triggered by |submission_source|. This is exposed for testing.
static const char* SubmissionSourceToUploadEventMetric(
mojom::SubmissionSource submission_source);
// Logs whether or not an upload |was_sent| after being triggered by a
// |submission_source| event.
static void LogUploadEvent(mojom::SubmissionSource submission_source,
bool was_sent);
// Logs the developer engagement ukm for the specified |url| and autofill
// fields in the form structure. |developer_engagement_metrics| is a bitmask
// of |AutofillMetrics::DeveloperEngagementMetric|. |is_for_credit_card| is
// true if the form is a credit card form. |form_types| is set of
// FormType recorded for the page. This will be stored as a bit vector
// in UKM.
static void LogDeveloperEngagementUkm(ukm::UkmRecorder* ukm_recorder,
ukm::SourceId source_id,
const GURL& url,
bool is_for_credit_card,
DenseSet<FormType> form_types,
int developer_engagement_metrics,
FormSignature form_signature);
// Converts form type to bit vector to store in UKM.
static int64_t FormTypesToBitVector(const DenseSet<FormType>& form_types);
// Records the fact that the server card link was clicked with information
// about the current sync state.
static void LogServerCardLinkClicked(PaymentsSigninState sync_state);
// Records if an autofilled field of a specific type was edited by the user.
static void LogEditedAutofilledFieldAtSubmission(
FormInteractionsUkmLogger* form_interactions_ukm_logger,
const FormStructure& form,
const AutofillField& field);
// Records if the page was translated upon form submission.
static void LogFieldParsingPageTranslationStatusMetric(bool metric);
// Records the visible page language upon form submission.
static void LogFieldParsingTranslatedFormLanguageMetric(std::string_view);
static const char* GetMetricsSyncStateSuffix(PaymentsSigninState sync_state);
// Records whether a document collected phone number, and/or used WebOTP,
// and/or used OneTimeCode (OTC) during its lifecycle.
static void LogWebOTPPhoneCollectionMetricStateUkm(
ukm::UkmRecorder* ukm_recorder,
ukm::SourceId source_id,
uint32_t phone_collection_metric_state);
// Logs when the virtual card metadata for one card have been updated.
static void LogVirtualCardMetadataSynced(bool existing_card);
// Logs the verification status of non-empty name-related profile tokens when
// a profile is used to fill a form.
static void LogVerificationStatusOfNameTokensOnProfileUsage(
const AutofillProfile& profile);
// Logs the verification status of non-empty address-related profile tokens
// when a profile is used to fill a form.
static void LogVerificationStatusOfAddressTokensOnProfileUsage(
const AutofillProfile& profile);
// Logs the image fetching result for one image in AutofillImageFetcher.
static void LogImageFetchResult(bool succeeded);
// Logs the roundtrip latency for fetching an image in AutofillImageFetcher.
static void LogImageFetcherRequestLatency(const base::TimeDelta& latency);
// Logs a field's (PredictionState, AutocompleteState) pair on form submit.
static void LogAutocompletePredictionCollisionState(
PredictionState prediction_state,
AutocompleteState autocomplete_state);
// Logs a field's server and heuristic type on form submit into a histogram
// corresponding to the field's `autocomplete_state`.
static void LogAutocompletePredictionCollisionTypes(
AutocompleteState autocomplete_state,
FieldType server_type,
FieldType heuristic_types);
// Logs whether a heuristic detection for an NUMERIC_QUANTITY collides with a
// server prediction.
static void LogNumericQuantityCollidesWithServerPrediction(bool collision);
// Logs if the filling of a field was accepted even though it had a
// NUMERIC_QUANTITY. This metric is only emitted if the feature to grant the
// heuristic precedence is disabled.
static void LogAcceptedFilledFieldWithNumericQuantityHeuristicPrediction(
bool accepted);
// Returns the histogram string for the passed in
// `AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcCardType` or `CreditCard::RecordType`, starting
// with a period.
static std::string GetHistogramStringForCardType(
absl::variant<AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcCardType, CreditCard::RecordType>
// Returns 64-bit hash of the string of form global id, which consists of
// |frame_token| and |renderer_id|.
static uint64_t FormGlobalIdToHash64Bit(const FormGlobalId& form_global_id);
// Returns 64-bit hash of the string of field global id, which consists of
// |frame_token| and |renderer_id|.
static uint64_t FieldGlobalIdToHash64Bit(
const FieldGlobalId& field_global_id);
// Log the Autofill2_FieldInfoAfterSubmission UKM event after the form is
// submitted and uploaded for votes to the crowdsourcing server.
static void LogAutofillFieldInfoAfterSubmission(
ukm::UkmRecorder* ukm_recorder,
ukm::SourceId source_id,
const FormStructure& form,
const base::TimeTicks& form_submitted_timestamp);
// This metric is recorded when an address is deleted from a first-level popup
// using shift+delete.
static void LogDeleteAddressProfileFromPopup();
// This metric is recorded when an address is deleted from the keyboard
// accessory.
static void LogDeleteAddressProfileFromKeyboardAccessory();
static void LogAutocompleteEvent(AutocompleteEvent event);
#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
int GetFieldTypeUserEditStatusMetric(
FieldType server_type,
AutofillMetrics::AutofilledFieldUserEditingStatusMetric metric);
std::string GetCreditCardTypeSuffix(
AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcCardType card_type);
const std::string PaymentsRpcResultToMetricsSuffix(
AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcResult result);
} // namespace autofill