blob: de88c807c43ef8d6b47c1d09fd6ac0fffc29c002 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
namespace syncer::prefs {
// Enabled the local sync backend implemented by the LoopbackServer.
inline constexpr char kEnableLocalSyncBackend[] =
// Specifies the local sync backend directory. The name is chosen to mimic
// user-data-dir etc. This flag only matters if the enable-local-sync-backend
// flag is present.
inline constexpr char kLocalSyncBackendDir[] = "sync.local_sync_backend_dir";
// NOTE: All the "internal" prefs should not be used directly by non-sync code,
// but should rather always be accessed via SyncUserSettings.
// TODO( Clean up/replace any existing references to these
// prefs from outside components/sync/.
namespace internal {
// Boolean specifying whether the user finished setting up sync at least once.
// On ChromeOS-Ash, the concept of initial-sync-setup doesn't exist.
inline constexpr char kSyncInitialSyncFeatureSetupComplete[] =
// Boolean specifying whether to automatically sync all data types (including
// future ones, as they're added). If this is true, the following preferences
// (kSyncBookmarks, kSyncPasswords, etc.) can all be ignored.
inline constexpr char kSyncKeepEverythingSynced[] =
// Boolean specifying whether the user has opted in account storage for
// bookmarks and reading list or not. This pref and the following preferences
// (kSyncBookmarks, kSyncReadingList) should be both true to enable bookmarks
// and reading lists for signed-in, non-syncing users only.
// TODO( remove the pref when the remaining reference to it,
// MaybeMigratePrefsForSyncToSigninPart1, is removed.
inline constexpr char kBookmarksAndReadingListAccountStorageOptIn[] =
// Dict specifying the selected types per account for signed-in, non-syncing
// users only.
inline constexpr char kSelectedTypesPerAccount[] =
// Boolean specifying whether sync was disabled due to a dashboard reset event.
inline constexpr char kSyncDisabledViaDashboard[] =
// Boolean specifying whether to automatically sync all Chrome OS specific data
// types (including future ones). This includes types like printers, OS-only
// settings, etc. If set, the individual type preferences can be ignored.
inline constexpr char kSyncAllOsTypes[] = "sync.all_os_types";
// Booleans specifying whether the user has selected to sync the following
// OS user selectable types.
inline constexpr char kSyncOsApps[] = "sync.os_apps";
inline constexpr char kSyncOsPreferences[] = "sync.os_preferences";
inline constexpr char kSyncWifiConfigurations[] = "sync.wifi_configurations";
// On Lacros, apps sync for primary profile is controlled by the OS. This
// preference caches the last known value.
inline constexpr char kSyncAppsEnabledByOs[] = "sync.apps_enabled_by_os";
// Booleans specifying whether the user has selected to sync the following
// user selectable types. Which are also used as keys within
// "sync.selected_types_per_account".
inline constexpr char kSyncApps[] = "sync.apps";
inline constexpr char kSyncAutofill[] = "sync.autofill";
inline constexpr char kSyncBookmarks[] = "sync.bookmarks";
inline constexpr char kSyncCompare[] = "";
inline constexpr char kSyncCookies[] = "sync.cookies";
inline constexpr char kSyncExtensions[] = "sync.extensions";
// Note: The pref for history is called "typed_urls" for historic reasons - not
// worth the hassle of renaming.
inline constexpr char kSyncHistory[] = "sync.typed_urls";
inline constexpr char kSyncPasswords[] = "sync.passwords";
inline constexpr char kSyncPayments[] = "sync.payments";
inline constexpr char kSyncPreferences[] = "sync.preferences";
inline constexpr char kSyncReadingList[] = "sync.reading_list";
inline constexpr char kSyncSavedTabGroups[] = "sync.saved_tab_groups";
inline constexpr char kSyncSharedTabGroupData[] = "sync.shared_tab_group_data";
inline constexpr char kSyncTabs[] = "sync.tabs";
inline constexpr char kSyncThemes[] = "sync.themes";
// Boolean used by enterprise configuration management in order to lock down
// sync.
inline constexpr char kSyncManaged[] = "sync.managed";
// The type of encryption passphrase used. Determined and set the first time the
// engine is successfully initialized.
// Note that the actual values correspond to the proto version of
// PassphraseType, see ProtoPassphraseInt32ToEnum() etc.
inline constexpr char kSyncCachedPassphraseType[] =
// A string that can be used to restore sync encryption infrastructure on
// startup so that the user doesn't need to provide credentials on each start.
inline constexpr char kSyncEncryptionBootstrapToken[] =
// A dict that can be used to restore per-account the sync encryption
// infrastructure on startup so that the user doesn't need to provide
// credentials on each start.
inline constexpr char kSyncEncryptionBootstrapTokenPerAccount[] =
// Stores whether a platform specific passphrase error prompt has been muted by
// the user (e.g. an Android system notification). Specifically, it stores which
// major product version was used to mute this error.
inline constexpr char kSyncPassphrasePromptMutedProductVersion[] =
// Overall status of Sync-the-feature for the Sync-to-Signin migration,
// expressed as SyncFeatureStatusForSyncToSigninMigration.
inline constexpr char kSyncFeatureStatusForSyncToSigninMigration[] =
// Prefix for boolean per-data-type statuses, to be suffixed with "." plus
// GetModelTypeLowerCaseRootTag().
inline constexpr char kSyncDataTypeStatusForSyncToSigninMigrationPrefix[] =
inline constexpr char kMigrateReadingListFromLocalToAccount[] =
} // namespace internal
} // namespace syncer::prefs