blob: d61bbae6efc5513be5ae7a0d96eb0b4b83cf8dee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Sync protocol datatype extension for nigori keys.
// If you change or add any fields in this file, update proto_visitors.h and
// potentially proto_enum_conversions.{h, cc}.
syntax = "proto2";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.sync.protocol";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package sync_pb;
import "components/sync/protocol/encryption.proto";
message NigoriKey {
// Note that M78 and before rely on the name being populated, at least for
// the main encrypted keybag within NigoriSpecifics.
optional string deprecated_name = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional bytes deprecated_user_key = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional bytes encryption_key = 3;
optional bytes mac_key = 4;
message CrossUserSharingPrivateKey {
// The key version, used for key rotation.
optional int32 version = 1;
// Private key on Curve25519 (32 bytes).
optional bytes x25519_private_key = 2;
message CrossUserSharingPublicKey {
// The key version, used for key rotation and consensus.
optional int32 version = 1;
// Public key on Curve25519 (32 bytes).
optional bytes x25519_public_key = 2;
message EncryptionKeys {
// Used for encrypting data in the user's account.
repeated NigoriKey key = 2;
// Used for encrypting/authenticating using Public-private cryptography
// primarily across user accounts, e.g. sharing invitations.
repeated CrossUserSharingPrivateKey cross_user_sharing_private_key = 3;
// Deprecated: use EncryptionKeys instead.
message NigoriKeyBag {
option deprecated = true;
// Used for encrypting data in the user's account.
repeated NigoriKey key = 2;
// Properties of nigori sync object.
message NigoriSpecifics {
// Encrypted proto of type EncryptionKeys.
optional EncryptedData encryption_keybag = 1;
// Once keystore migration is performed, we have to freeze the keybag so that
// older clients (that don't support keystore encryption) do not attempt to
// update the keybag.
// Previously |using_explicit_passphrase|.
optional bool keybag_is_frozen = 2;
// Obsolete encryption fields. These were deprecated due to legacy versions
// that understand their usage but did not perform encryption properly.
reserved 3;
reserved "deprecated_encrypt_bookmarks";
reserved 4;
reserved "deprecated_encrypt_preferences";
reserved 5;
reserved "deprecated_encrypt_autofill_profile";
reserved 6;
reserved "deprecated_encrypt_autofill";
reserved 7;
reserved "deprecated_encrypt_themes";
reserved 8;
reserved "deprecated_encrypt_typed_urls";
reserved 9;
reserved "deprecated_encrypt_extensions";
reserved 10;
reserved "deprecated_encrypt_sessions";
reserved 11;
reserved "deprecated_encrypt_apps";
reserved 12;
reserved "deprecated_encrypt_search_engines";
reserved 13;
reserved "encrypt_bookmarks";
reserved 14;
reserved "encrypt_preferences";
reserved 15;
reserved "encrypt_autofill_profile";
reserved 16;
reserved "encrypt_autofill";
reserved 17;
reserved "encrypt_themes";
reserved 18;
reserved "encrypt_typed_urls";
reserved 19;
reserved "encrypt_extensions";
reserved 20;
reserved "encrypt_sessions";
reserved 21;
reserved "encrypt_apps";
reserved 22;
reserved "encrypt_search_engines";
// Deprecated on clients where tab sync is enabled by default.
reserved 23;
reserved "sync_tabs";
// If true, all current and future datatypes will be encrypted.
optional bool encrypt_everything = 24;
// Obsolete encryption fields.
reserved 25;
reserved "encrypt_extension_settings";
reserved 26;
reserved "encrypt_app_notifications";
reserved 27;
reserved "encrypt_app_settings";
// User device information. Contains information about each device that has a
// sync-enabled Chrome browser connected to the user account.
// This has been moved to the DeviceInfo message.
reserved 28;
reserved "deprecated_device_information";
// Enable syncing favicons as part of tab sync.
optional bool sync_tab_favicons = 29;
// The state of the passphrase required to decrypt |encryption_keybag|.
enum PassphraseType {
// Proto enums should begin with an 'unknown' value for switch statements,
// unknown fields, etc.
// Gaia-based encryption passphrase. Legacy.
// Keystore key encryption passphrase. Uses |keystore_bootstrap| to
// decrypt |encryption_keybag|.
// Previous Gaia-based passphrase frozen and treated as a custom passphrase.
// User provided custom passphrase.
// Encryption key provided by a trusted vault.
// An |int| field is used instead of enum PassphraseType so we can better
// handle unknown values coming from later versions. Prior to M77, this was an
// enum so old clients will assume IMPLICIT_PASSPHRASE for values greater than
// 4.
optional int32 passphrase_type = 30 [default = 1];
// The keystore decryptor token blob. Encrypted with the keystore key, and
// contains the encryption key used to decrypt |encryption_keybag|.
// Only set if passphrase_state == KEYSTORE_PASSPHRASE.
optional EncryptedData keystore_decryptor_token = 31;
// The time (in milliseconds since Unix epoch) at which the keystore migration
// was performed.
optional int64 keystore_migration_time = 32;
// The time (in milliseconds since Unix epoch) at which a custom passphrase
// was set. Note: this field may not be set if the custom passphrase was
// applied before this field was introduced.
optional int64 custom_passphrase_time = 33;
// Obsolete encryption fields.
reserved 34;
reserved "encrypt_dictionary";
reserved 35;
reserved 36;
reserved 37;
reserved "encrypt_articles";
reserved 38;
reserved "encrypt_app_list";
reserved 39;
reserved "encrypt_autofill_wallet_metadata";
// Boolean indicating whether this node was originally missing a
// |keystore_migration_time| field value, and was fixed on the server by
// giving the field a value.
optional bool server_only_was_missing_keystore_migration_time = 40;
// Obsolete encryption fields.
reserved 41;
reserved "encrypt_arc_package";
reserved 42;
reserved "encrypt_printers";
reserved 43;
reserved "encrypt_reading_list";
reserved 44;
reserved "encrypt_mountain_shares";
enum KeyDerivationMethod {
// This comes from a <= M69 client, who does not know about the field
// (but implicitly uses PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1_1003).
// PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 with 1003 iterations and constant hardcoded salt. Was
// implicitly used in <= M69.
PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1_1003 = 1;
// scrypt with N = 2^13, r = 8, p = 11 and random salt. Was added in M70.
SCRYPT_8192_8_11 = 2;
// ID of the method used to derive the encryption key from a custom
// passphrase. Should be set only when |passphrase_type| is CUSTOM_PASSPHRASE
// and only based on CustomPassphraseKeyDerivationMethod. This field has been
// added in M70. All previous versions just ignore it, attempt to use
// PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1_1003 and, thus, reject any passphrase if a different
// method has been used. The default corresponds to UNSPECIFIED. An |int|
// field is used so we can detect unknown values coming from later versions.
optional int32 custom_passphrase_key_derivation_method = 45 [default = 0];
// Base64-encoded salt used for the derivation of the key from the custom
// passphrase. Valid only if custom_passphrase_key_derivation_method ==
// SCRYPT_8192_8_11, ignored in other cases.
optional string custom_passphrase_key_derivation_salt = 46;
// Obsolete encryption fields.
reserved 47;
reserved "encrypt_send_tab_to_self";
reserved 48;
reserved "encrypt_web_apps";
reserved 49;
reserved "encrypt_os_preferences";
// Information useful for auto-upgrade to trusted vault.
message AutoUpgradeDebugInfo {
enum AutoUpgradeExperimentGroup {
// Experiment group of an account after it was processed by
// auto-upgrade.
optional AutoUpgradeExperimentGroup auto_upgrade_experiment_group = 1;
// Each cohort can be ramped in different stages (e.g. 1%, 10%, 100%).
// Every ramp stage is differentiated with its own entry in the enum.
enum AutoUpgradeCohort {
// ID of cohort account belongs to. Only use IDs defined within
// AutoUpgradeCohort enum.
optional int32 auto_upgrade_cohort_id = 2;
// Some debug-only fields for passphrase type TRUSTED_VAULT_PASSPHRASE.
message TrustedVaultDebugInfo {
// The time (in milliseconds since Unix epoch) at which the trusted vault
// migration was performed.
optional int64 migration_time = 1;
// The version (aka key epoch) corresponding to the Nigori keybag.
optional int32 key_version = 2;
// DebugInfo written by a process that auto-upgrades to trusted vault.
optional AutoUpgradeDebugInfo auto_upgrade_debug_info = 3;
// The time (in milliseconds since Unix epoch) last update of the auto
// upgrade debug info was made.
optional int64
auto_upgrade_debug_info_modification_time_unix_epoch_millis = 4;
optional TrustedVaultDebugInfo trusted_vault_debug_info = 50;
// Obsolete encryption fields.
reserved 51;
reserved "encrypt_workspace_desk";
reserved 52;
reserved "encrypt_printers_authorization_servers";
// Current cross user sharing Public-key to expose in server registry
// for sharing offers outside account boundary.
optional CrossUserSharingPublicKey cross_user_sharing_public_key = 53;