blob: a66469077d7ad1d32fa983ace3ac2dc5a0a708a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights
* reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2011, Benjamin Poulain <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef WTF_LinkedHashSet_h
#define WTF_LinkedHashSet_h
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "platform/wtf/AddressSanitizer.h"
#include "platform/wtf/HashSet.h"
#include "platform/wtf/allocator/PartitionAllocator.h"
namespace WTF {
// LinkedHashSet provides a Set interface like HashSet, but also has a
// predictable iteration order. It has O(1) insertion, removal, and test for
// containership. It maintains a linked list through its contents such that
// iterating it yields values in the order in which they were inserted.
// LinkedHashSet iterators are invalidated by mutation of the set. This means,
// for example, that you cannot modify the container while iterating
// over it (this will DCHECK in debug). Instead, you should either copy the
// entries to a vector before iterating, or maintain a separate list of pending
// updates.
// Unlike ListHashSet, this container supports WeakMember<T>.
template <typename Value,
typename HashFunctions,
typename HashTraits,
typename Allocator>
class LinkedHashSet;
template <typename LinkedHashSet>
class LinkedHashSetIterator;
template <typename LinkedHashSet>
class LinkedHashSetConstIterator;
template <typename LinkedHashSet>
class LinkedHashSetReverseIterator;
template <typename LinkedHashSet>
class LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator;
template <typename Value, typename HashFunctions, typename Allocator>
struct LinkedHashSetTranslator;
template <typename Value, typename Allocator>
struct LinkedHashSetExtractor;
template <typename Value, typename ValueTraits, typename Allocator>
struct LinkedHashSetTraits;
class LinkedHashSetNodeBase {
LinkedHashSetNodeBase() : prev_(this), next_(this) {}
void Unlink() {
if (!next_)
DCHECK(next_->prev_ == this);
DCHECK(prev_->next_ == this);
next_->prev_ = prev_;
prev_->next_ = next_;
~LinkedHashSetNodeBase() { Unlink(); }
void InsertBefore(LinkedHashSetNodeBase& other) {
other.next_ = this;
other.prev_ = prev_;
prev_->next_ = &other;
prev_ = &other;
void InsertAfter(LinkedHashSetNodeBase& other) {
other.prev_ = this;
other.next_ = next_;
next_->prev_ = &other;
next_ = &other;
LinkedHashSetNodeBase(LinkedHashSetNodeBase* prev,
LinkedHashSetNodeBase* next)
: prev_(prev), next_(next) {
DCHECK((prev && next) || (!prev && !next));
LinkedHashSetNodeBase* prev_;
LinkedHashSetNodeBase* next_;
// If we take a copy of a node we can't copy the next and prev pointers,
// since they point to something that does not point at us. This is used
// inside the shouldExpand() "if" in HashTable::add.
LinkedHashSetNodeBase(const LinkedHashSetNodeBase& other)
: prev_(nullptr), next_(nullptr) {}
LinkedHashSetNodeBase(LinkedHashSetNodeBase&& other)
: prev_(other.prev_), next_(other.next_) {
other.prev_ = nullptr;
other.next_ = nullptr;
if (next_) {
prev_->next_ = this;
next_->prev_ = this;
// Should not be used.
LinkedHashSetNodeBase& operator=(const LinkedHashSetNodeBase& other);
template <typename ValueArg, typename Allocator>
class LinkedHashSetNode : public LinkedHashSetNodeBase {
LinkedHashSetNode(const ValueArg& value,
LinkedHashSetNodeBase* prev,
LinkedHashSetNodeBase* next)
: LinkedHashSetNodeBase(prev, next), value_(value) {}
LinkedHashSetNode(LinkedHashSetNode&& other)
: LinkedHashSetNodeBase(std::move(other)),
value_(std::move(other.value_)) {}
ValueArg value_;
template <typename ValueArg,
typename HashFunctions = typename DefaultHash<ValueArg>::Hash,
typename TraitsArg = HashTraits<ValueArg>,
typename Allocator = PartitionAllocator>
class LinkedHashSet {
USE_ALLOCATOR(LinkedHashSet, Allocator);
typedef ValueArg Value;
typedef TraitsArg Traits;
typedef LinkedHashSetNode<Value, Allocator> Node;
typedef LinkedHashSetNodeBase NodeBase;
typedef LinkedHashSetTranslator<Value, HashFunctions, Allocator>
typedef LinkedHashSetTraits<Value, Traits, Allocator> NodeHashTraits;
typedef HashTable<Node,
typedef LinkedHashSetIterator<LinkedHashSet> iterator;
friend class LinkedHashSetIterator<LinkedHashSet>;
typedef LinkedHashSetConstIterator<LinkedHashSet> const_iterator;
friend class LinkedHashSetConstIterator<LinkedHashSet>;
typedef LinkedHashSetReverseIterator<LinkedHashSet> reverse_iterator;
friend class LinkedHashSetReverseIterator<LinkedHashSet>;
typedef LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator<LinkedHashSet>
friend class LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator<LinkedHashSet>;
struct AddResult final {
AddResult(const typename ImplType::AddResult& hash_table_add_result)
: stored_value(&hash_table_add_result.stored_value->value_),
is_new_entry(hash_table_add_result.is_new_entry) {}
Value* stored_value;
bool is_new_entry;
typedef typename HashTraits<Value>::PeekInType ValuePeekInType;
LinkedHashSet(const LinkedHashSet&);
LinkedHashSet& operator=(const LinkedHashSet&);
LinkedHashSet& operator=(LinkedHashSet&&);
// Needs finalization. The anchor needs to unlink itself from the chain.
static void Finalize(void* pointer) {
void FinalizeGarbageCollectedObject() { Finalize(this); }
void Swap(LinkedHashSet&);
unsigned size() const { return impl_.size(); }
unsigned Capacity() const { return impl_.Capacity(); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return impl_.IsEmpty(); }
iterator begin() { return MakeIterator(FirstNode()); }
iterator end() { return MakeIterator(Anchor()); }
const_iterator begin() const { return MakeConstIterator(FirstNode()); }
const_iterator end() const { return MakeConstIterator(Anchor()); }
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return MakeReverseIterator(LastNode()); }
reverse_iterator rend() { return MakeReverseIterator(Anchor()); }
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
return MakeConstReverseIterator(LastNode());
const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
return MakeConstReverseIterator(Anchor());
Value& front();
const Value& front() const;
void RemoveFirst();
Value& back();
const Value& back() const;
void pop_back();
iterator find(ValuePeekInType);
const_iterator find(ValuePeekInType) const;
bool Contains(ValuePeekInType) const;
// An alternate version of find() that finds the object by hashing and
// comparing with some other type, to avoid the cost of type conversion.
// The HashTranslator interface is defined in HashSet.
template <typename HashTranslator, typename T>
iterator Find(const T&);
template <typename HashTranslator, typename T>
const_iterator Find(const T&) const;
template <typename HashTranslator, typename T>
bool Contains(const T&) const;
// The return value of insert is a pair of a pointer to the stored value,
// and a bool that is true if an new entry was added.
template <typename IncomingValueType>
AddResult insert(IncomingValueType&&);
// Same as insert() except that the return value is an
// iterator. Useful in cases where it's needed to have the
// same return value as find() and where it's not possible to
// use a pointer to the storedValue.
template <typename IncomingValueType>
iterator AddReturnIterator(IncomingValueType&&);
// Add the value to the end of the collection. If the value was already in
// the list, it is moved to the end.
template <typename IncomingValueType>
AddResult AppendOrMoveToLast(IncomingValueType&&);
// Add the value to the beginning of the collection. If the value was already
// in the list, it is moved to the beginning.
template <typename IncomingValueType>
AddResult PrependOrMoveToFirst(IncomingValueType&&);
template <typename IncomingValueType>
AddResult InsertBefore(ValuePeekInType before_value,
IncomingValueType&& new_value);
template <typename IncomingValueType>
AddResult InsertBefore(iterator it, IncomingValueType&& new_value) {
return impl_.template insert<NodeHashFunctions>(
std::forward<IncomingValueType>(new_value), it.GetNode());
void erase(ValuePeekInType);
void erase(iterator);
void clear() { impl_.clear(); }
template <typename Collection>
void RemoveAll(const Collection& other) {
WTF::RemoveAll(*this, other);
template <typename VisitorDispatcher>
void Trace(VisitorDispatcher visitor) {
// Should the underlying table be moved by GC, register a callback
// that fixes up the interior pointers that the (Heap)LinkedHashSet keeps.
if (impl_.table_) {
visitor, impl_.table_, MoveBackingCallback,
int64_t Modifications() const { return impl_.Modifications(); }
void CheckModifications(int64_t mods) const {
Node* Anchor() { return reinterpret_cast<Node*>(&anchor_); }
const Node* Anchor() const { return reinterpret_cast<const Node*>(&anchor_); }
Node* FirstNode() { return reinterpret_cast<Node*>(anchor_.next_); }
const Node* FirstNode() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const Node*>(anchor_.next_);
Node* LastNode() { return reinterpret_cast<Node*>(anchor_.prev_); }
const Node* LastNode() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const Node*>(anchor_.prev_);
iterator MakeIterator(const Node* position) {
return iterator(position, this);
const_iterator MakeConstIterator(const Node* position) const {
return const_iterator(position, this);
reverse_iterator MakeReverseIterator(const Node* position) {
return reverse_iterator(position, this);
const_reverse_iterator MakeConstReverseIterator(const Node* position) const {
return const_reverse_iterator(position, this);
static void MoveBackingCallback(void* anchor,
void* from,
void* to,
size_t size) {
// Note: the hash table move may have been overlapping; linearly scan the
// entire table and fixup interior pointers into the old region with
// correspondingly offset ones into the new.
size_t table_size = size / sizeof(Node);
Node* table = reinterpret_cast<Node*>(to);
NodeBase* from_start = reinterpret_cast<NodeBase*>(from);
NodeBase* from_end =
reinterpret_cast<NodeBase*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(from) + size);
for (Node* element = table + table_size - 1; element >= table; element--) {
Node& node = *element;
if (ImplType::IsEmptyOrDeletedBucket(node))
if (node.next_ >= from_start && node.next_ < from_end) {
size_t diff = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(node.next_) -
node.next_ =
reinterpret_cast<NodeBase*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(to) + diff);
if (node.prev_ >= from_start && node.prev_ < from_end) {
size_t diff = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(node.prev_) -
node.prev_ =
reinterpret_cast<NodeBase*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(to) + diff);
NodeBase* anchor_node = reinterpret_cast<NodeBase*>(anchor);
if (anchor_node->next_ >= from_start && anchor_node->next_ < from_end) {
size_t diff = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(anchor_node->next_) -
anchor_node->next_ =
reinterpret_cast<NodeBase*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(to) + diff);
if (anchor_node->prev_ >= from_start && anchor_node->prev_ < from_end) {
size_t diff = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(anchor_node->prev_) -
anchor_node->prev_ =
reinterpret_cast<NodeBase*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(to) + diff);
ImplType impl_;
NodeBase anchor_;
template <typename Value, typename HashFunctions, typename Allocator>
struct LinkedHashSetTranslator {
typedef LinkedHashSetNode<Value, Allocator> Node;
typedef LinkedHashSetNodeBase NodeBase;
typedef typename HashTraits<Value>::PeekInType ValuePeekInType;
static unsigned GetHash(const Node& node) {
return HashFunctions::GetHash(node.value_);
static unsigned GetHash(const ValuePeekInType& key) {
return HashFunctions::GetHash(key);
static bool Equal(const Node& a, const ValuePeekInType& b) {
return HashFunctions::Equal(a.value_, b);
static bool Equal(const Node& a, const Node& b) {
return HashFunctions::Equal(a.value_, b.value_);
template <typename IncomingValueType>
static void Translate(Node& location,
IncomingValueType&& key,
NodeBase* anchor) {
location.value_ = std::forward<IncomingValueType>(key);
// Empty (or deleted) slots have the next_ pointer set to null, but we
// don't do anything to the other fields, which may contain junk.
// Therefore you can't compare a newly constructed empty value with a
// slot and get the right answer.
static const bool safe_to_compare_to_empty_or_deleted = false;
template <typename Value, typename Allocator>
struct LinkedHashSetExtractor {
static const Value& Extract(const LinkedHashSetNode<Value, Allocator>& node) {
return node.value_;
template <typename Value, typename ValueTraitsArg, typename Allocator>
struct LinkedHashSetTraits
: public SimpleClassHashTraits<LinkedHashSetNode<Value, Allocator>> {
typedef LinkedHashSetNode<Value, Allocator> Node;
typedef ValueTraitsArg ValueTraits;
// The slot is empty when the next_ field is zero so it's safe to zero
// the backing.
static const bool kEmptyValueIsZero = true;
static const bool kHasIsEmptyValueFunction = true;
static bool IsEmptyValue(const Node& node) { return !node.next_; }
static const int kDeletedValue = -1;
static void ConstructDeletedValue(Node& slot, bool) {
slot.next_ = reinterpret_cast<Node*>(kDeletedValue);
static bool IsDeletedValue(const Node& slot) {
return slot.next_ == reinterpret_cast<Node*>(kDeletedValue);
// Whether we need to trace and do weak processing depends on the traits of
// the type inside the node.
template <typename U = void>
struct IsTraceableInCollection {
static const bool value =
ValueTraits::template IsTraceableInCollection<>::value;
static const WeakHandlingFlag kWeakHandlingFlag =
template <typename LinkedHashSetType>
class LinkedHashSetIterator {
typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Node Node;
typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Traits Traits;
typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Value& ReferenceType;
typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Value* PointerType;
typedef LinkedHashSetConstIterator<LinkedHashSetType> const_iterator;
Node* GetNode() { return const_cast<Node*>(iterator_.GetNode()); }
LinkedHashSetIterator(const Node* position, LinkedHashSetType* container)
: iterator_(position, container) {}
// Default copy, assignment and destructor are OK.
PointerType Get() const { return const_cast<PointerType>(iterator_.Get()); }
ReferenceType operator*() const { return *Get(); }
PointerType operator->() const { return Get(); }
LinkedHashSetIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
LinkedHashSetIterator& operator--() {
return *this;
// Postfix ++ and -- intentionally omitted.
// Comparison.
bool operator==(const LinkedHashSetIterator& other) const {
return iterator_ == other.iterator_;
bool operator!=(const LinkedHashSetIterator& other) const {
return iterator_ != other.iterator_;
operator const_iterator() const { return iterator_; }
const_iterator iterator_;
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
friend class LinkedHashSet;
template <typename LinkedHashSetType>
class LinkedHashSetConstIterator {
typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Node Node;
typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Traits Traits;
typedef const typename LinkedHashSetType::Value& ReferenceType;
typedef const typename LinkedHashSetType::Value* PointerType;
const Node* GetNode() const { return static_cast<const Node*>(position_); }
LinkedHashSetConstIterator(const LinkedHashSetNodeBase* position,
const LinkedHashSetType* container)
: position_(position)
PointerType Get() const {
return &static_cast<const Node*>(position_)->value_;
ReferenceType operator*() const { return *Get(); }
PointerType operator->() const { return Get(); }
LinkedHashSetConstIterator& operator++() {
position_ = position_->next_;
return *this;
LinkedHashSetConstIterator& operator--() {
position_ = position_->prev_;
return *this;
// Postfix ++ and -- intentionally omitted.
// Comparison.
bool operator==(const LinkedHashSetConstIterator& other) const {
return position_ == other.position_;
bool operator!=(const LinkedHashSetConstIterator& other) const {
return position_ != other.position_;
const LinkedHashSetNodeBase* position_;
void CheckModifications() const {
const LinkedHashSetType* container_;
int64_t container_modifications_;
void CheckModifications() const {}
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
friend class LinkedHashSet;
friend class LinkedHashSetIterator<LinkedHashSetType>;
template <typename LinkedHashSetType>
class LinkedHashSetReverseIterator
: public LinkedHashSetIterator<LinkedHashSetType> {
typedef LinkedHashSetReverseIterator<LinkedHashSetType> reverse_iterator;
typedef LinkedHashSetIterator<LinkedHashSetType> Superclass;
typedef LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator<LinkedHashSetType>
typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Node Node;
LinkedHashSetReverseIterator(const Node* position,
LinkedHashSetType* container)
: Superclass(position, container) {}
LinkedHashSetReverseIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
LinkedHashSetReverseIterator& operator--() {
return *this;
// Postfix ++ and -- intentionally omitted.
operator const_reverse_iterator() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const_reverse_iterator*>(
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
friend class LinkedHashSet;
template <typename LinkedHashSetType>
class LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator
: public LinkedHashSetConstIterator<LinkedHashSetType> {
typedef LinkedHashSetConstIterator<LinkedHashSetType> Superclass;
typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Node Node;
LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator(const Node* position,
const LinkedHashSetType* container)
: Superclass(position, container) {}
LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator& operator--() {
return *this;
// Postfix ++ and -- intentionally omitted.
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
friend class LinkedHashSet;
inline void SwapAnchor(LinkedHashSetNodeBase& a, LinkedHashSetNodeBase& b) {
swap(a.prev_, b.prev_);
swap(a.next_, b.next_);
if (b.next_ == &a) {
DCHECK_EQ(b.prev_, &a);
b.next_ = &b;
b.prev_ = &b;
} else {
b.next_->prev_ = &b;
b.prev_->next_ = &b;
if (a.next_ == &b) {
DCHECK_EQ(a.prev_, &b);
a.next_ = &a;
a.prev_ = &a;
} else {
a.next_->prev_ = &a;
a.prev_->next_ = &a;
inline void swap(LinkedHashSetNodeBase& a, LinkedHashSetNodeBase& b) {
DCHECK_NE(a.next_, &a);
DCHECK_NE(b.next_, &b);
swap(a.prev_, b.prev_);
swap(a.next_, b.next_);
if (b.next_) {
b.next_->prev_ = &b;
b.prev_->next_ = &b;
if (a.next_) {
a.next_->prev_ = &a;
a.prev_->next_ = &a;
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename Allocator>
inline LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, Allocator>::LinkedHashSet() {
Allocator::kIsGarbageCollected ||
"Cannot put raw pointers to garbage-collected classes into "
"an off-heap LinkedHashSet. Use HeapLinkedHashSet<Member<T>> instead.");
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::LinkedHashSet(const LinkedHashSet& other)
: anchor_() {
const_iterator end = other.end();
for (const_iterator it = other.begin(); it != end; ++it)
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::LinkedHashSet(LinkedHashSet&& other)
: anchor_() {
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>& LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::operator=(
const LinkedHashSet& other) {
LinkedHashSet tmp(other);
return *this;
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>& LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::operator=(
LinkedHashSet&& other) {
return *this;
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline void LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::Swap(LinkedHashSet& other) {
SwapAnchor(anchor_, other.anchor_);
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename Allocator>
inline LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, Allocator>::~LinkedHashSet() {
// The destructor of anchor_ will implicitly be called here, which will
// unlink the anchor from the collection.
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline T& LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::front() {
return FirstNode()->value_;
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline const T& LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::front() const {
return FirstNode()->value_;
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline void LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::RemoveFirst() {
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline T& LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::back() {
return LastNode()->value_;
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline const T& LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::back() const {
return LastNode()->value_;
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline void LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::pop_back() {
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline typename LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::iterator
LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::find(ValuePeekInType value) {
LinkedHashSet::Node* node =
impl_.template Lookup<LinkedHashSet::NodeHashFunctions, ValuePeekInType>(
if (!node)
return end();
return MakeIterator(node);
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline typename LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::const_iterator
LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::find(ValuePeekInType value) const {
const LinkedHashSet::Node* node =
impl_.template Lookup<LinkedHashSet::NodeHashFunctions, ValuePeekInType>(
if (!node)
return end();
return MakeConstIterator(node);
template <typename Translator>
struct LinkedHashSetTranslatorAdapter {
template <typename T>
static unsigned GetHash(const T& key) {
return Translator::GetHash(key);
template <typename T, typename U>
static bool Equal(const T& a, const U& b) {
return Translator::Equal(a.value_, b);
template <typename Value, typename U, typename V, typename W>
template <typename HashTranslator, typename T>
inline typename LinkedHashSet<Value, U, V, W>::iterator
LinkedHashSet<Value, U, V, W>::Find(const T& value) {
typedef LinkedHashSetTranslatorAdapter<HashTranslator> TranslatedFunctions;
const LinkedHashSet::Node* node =
impl_.template Lookup<TranslatedFunctions, const T&>(value);
if (!node)
return end();
return MakeIterator(node);
template <typename Value, typename U, typename V, typename W>
template <typename HashTranslator, typename T>
inline typename LinkedHashSet<Value, U, V, W>::const_iterator
LinkedHashSet<Value, U, V, W>::Find(const T& value) const {
typedef LinkedHashSetTranslatorAdapter<HashTranslator> TranslatedFunctions;
const LinkedHashSet::Node* node =
impl_.template Lookup<TranslatedFunctions, const T&>(value);
if (!node)
return end();
return MakeConstIterator(node);
template <typename Value, typename U, typename V, typename W>
template <typename HashTranslator, typename T>
inline bool LinkedHashSet<Value, U, V, W>::Contains(const T& value) const {
return impl_
.template Contains<LinkedHashSetTranslatorAdapter<HashTranslator>>(value);
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline bool LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::Contains(ValuePeekInType value) const {
return impl_.template Contains<NodeHashFunctions>(value);
template <typename Value,
typename HashFunctions,
typename Traits,
typename Allocator>
template <typename IncomingValueType>
typename LinkedHashSet<Value, HashFunctions, Traits, Allocator>::AddResult
LinkedHashSet<Value, HashFunctions, Traits, Allocator>::insert(
IncomingValueType&& value) {
return impl_.template insert<NodeHashFunctions>(
std::forward<IncomingValueType>(value), &anchor_);
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
template <typename IncomingValueType>
typename LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::iterator
LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::AddReturnIterator(IncomingValueType&& value) {
typename ImplType::AddResult result =
impl_.template insert<NodeHashFunctions>(
std::forward<IncomingValueType>(value), &anchor_);
return MakeIterator(result.stored_value);
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
template <typename IncomingValueType>
typename LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::AddResult
LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::AppendOrMoveToLast(IncomingValueType&& value) {
typename ImplType::AddResult result =
impl_.template insert<NodeHashFunctions>(
std::forward<IncomingValueType>(value), &anchor_);
Node* node = result.stored_value;
if (!result.is_new_entry) {
return result;
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
template <typename IncomingValueType>
typename LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::AddResult
LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::PrependOrMoveToFirst(IncomingValueType&& value) {
typename ImplType::AddResult result =
impl_.template insert<NodeHashFunctions>(
std::forward<IncomingValueType>(value), anchor_.next_);
Node* node = result.stored_value;
if (!result.is_new_entry) {
return result;
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
template <typename IncomingValueType>
typename LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::AddResult
LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::InsertBefore(ValuePeekInType before_value,
IncomingValueType&& new_value) {
return InsertBefore(find(before_value),
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline void LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::erase(iterator it) {
if (it == end())
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
inline void LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::erase(ValuePeekInType value) {
template <typename T, typename Allocator>
inline void swap(LinkedHashSetNode<T, Allocator>& a,
LinkedHashSetNode<T, Allocator>& b) {
typedef LinkedHashSetNodeBase Base;
// The key and value cannot be swapped atomically, and it would be
// wrong to have a GC when only one was swapped and the other still
// contained garbage (eg. from a previous use of the same slot).
// Therefore we forbid a GC until both the key and the value are
// swapped.
swap(static_cast<Base&>(a), static_cast<Base&>(b));
swap(a.value_, b.value_);
} // namespace WTF
using WTF::LinkedHashSet;
#endif /* WTF_LinkedHashSet_h */