blob: 5f695e092ebb11ef1f700ad7dd1781ea9b3b1e8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2005 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Eric Veach)
#ifndef S2_S2CELLID_H_
#define S2_S2CELLID_H_
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "s2/_fpcontractoff.h"
#include "s2/r2.h"
#include "s2/r2rect.h"
#include "s2/s1angle.h"
#include "s2/s2coords.h"
#include "s2/util/bits/bits.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4146) /* unary minus operator applied to unsigned \
type, result still unsigned */
class S2LatLng;
// An S2CellId is a 64-bit unsigned integer that uniquely identifies a
// cell in the S2 cell decomposition. It has the following format:
// id = [face][face_pos]
// face: a 3-bit number (range 0..5) encoding the cube face.
// face_pos: a 61-bit number encoding the position of the center of this
// cell along the Hilbert curve over this face (see the Wiki
// pages for details).
// Sequentially increasing cell ids follow a continuous space-filling curve
// over the entire sphere. They have the following properties:
// - The id of a cell at level k consists of a 3-bit face number followed
// by k bit pairs that recursively select one of the four children of
// each cell. The next bit is always 1, and all other bits are 0.
// Therefore, the level of a cell is determined by the position of its
// lowest-numbered bit that is turned on (for a cell at level k, this
// position is 2 * (kMaxLevel - k).)
// - The id of a parent cell is at the midpoint of the range of ids spanned
// by its children (or by its descendants at any level).
// Leaf cells are often used to represent points on the unit sphere, and
// this class provides methods for converting directly between these two
// representations. For cells that represent 2D regions rather than
// discrete point, it is better to use the S2Cell class.
// This class is intended to be copied by value as desired. It uses
// the default copy constructor and assignment operator.
class S2CellId {
// The extra position bit (61 rather than 60) let us encode each cell as its
// Hilbert curve position at the cell center (which is halfway along the
// portion of the Hilbert curve that fills that cell).
static int const kFaceBits = 3;
static int const kNumFaces = 6;
static int const kMaxLevel = S2::kMaxCellLevel; // Valid levels: 0..kMaxLevel
static int const kPosBits = 2 * kMaxLevel + 1;
static int const kMaxSize = 1 << kMaxLevel;
explicit constexpr S2CellId(uint64_t id) : id_(id) {}
// Construct a leaf cell containing the given point "p". Usually there is
// is exactly one such cell, but for points along the edge of a cell, any
// adjacent cell may be (deterministically) chosen. This is because
// S2CellIds are considered to be closed sets. The returned cell will
// always contain the given point, i.e.
// S2Cell(S2CellId(p)).Contains(p)
// is always true. The point "p" does not need to be normalized.
explicit S2CellId(S2Point const& p);
// Construct a leaf cell containing the given normalized S2LatLng.
explicit S2CellId(S2LatLng const& ll);
// The default constructor returns an invalid cell id.
constexpr S2CellId() : id_(0) {}
static constexpr S2CellId None() { return S2CellId(); }
// Returns an invalid cell id guaranteed to be larger than any
// valid cell id. Useful for creating indexes.
static constexpr S2CellId Sentinel() { return S2CellId(~uint64_t(0)); }
// Return the cell corresponding to a given S2 cube face.
static S2CellId FromFace(int face);
// Return a cell given its face (range 0..5), Hilbert curve position within
// that face (an unsigned integer with S2CellId::kPosBits bits), and level
// (range 0..kMaxLevel). The given position will be modified to correspond
// to the Hilbert curve position at the center of the returned cell. This
// is a static function rather than a constructor in order to indicate what
// the arguments represent.
static S2CellId FromFacePosLevel(int face, uint64_t pos, int level);
// Return the direction vector corresponding to the center of the given
// cell. The vector returned by ToPointRaw is not necessarily unit length.
// This method returns the same result as S2Cell::GetCenter().
// The maximum directional error in ToPoint() (compared to the exact
// mathematical result) is 1.5 * DBL_EPSILON radians, and the maximum length
// error is 2 * DBL_EPSILON (the same as Normalize).
S2Point ToPoint() const { return ToPointRaw().Normalize(); }
S2Point ToPointRaw() const;
// Return the center of the cell in (s,t) coordinates (see s2.h).
R2Point GetCenterST() const;
// Return the edge length of this cell in (s,t)-space.
double GetSizeST() const;
// Return the edge length in (s,t)-space of cells at the given level.
static double GetSizeST(int level);
// Return the bounds of this cell in (s,t)-space.
R2Rect GetBoundST() const;
// Return the center of the cell in (u,v) coordinates (see s2.h). Note that
// the center of the cell is defined as the point at which it is recursively
// subdivided into four children; in general, it is not at the midpoint of
// the (u,v) rectangle covered by the cell.
R2Point GetCenterUV() const;
// Return the bounds of this cell in (u,v)-space.
R2Rect GetBoundUV() const;
// Expand a rectangle in (u,v)-space so that it contains all points within
// the given distance of the boundary, and return the smallest such
// rectangle. If the distance is negative, then instead shrink this
// rectangle so that it excludes all points within the given absolute
// distance of the boundary.
// Distances are measured *on the sphere*, not in (u,v)-space. For example,
// you can use this method to expand the (u,v)-bound of an S2CellId so that
// it contains all points within 5km of the original cell. You can then
// test whether a point lies within the expanded bounds like this:
// R2Point uv;
// if (S2::FaceXYZtoUV(face, point, &uv) && bound.Contains(uv)) { ... }
// Limitations:
// - Because the rectangle is drawn on one of the six cube-face planes
// (i.e., {x,y,z} = +/-1), it can cover at most one hemisphere. This
// limits the maximum amount that a rectangle can be expanded. For
// example, S2CellId bounds can be expanded safely by at most 45 degrees
// (about 5000 km on the Earth's surface).
// - The implementation is not exact for negative distances. The resulting
// rectangle will exclude all points within the given distance of the
// boundary but may be slightly smaller than necessary.
static R2Rect ExpandedByDistanceUV(R2Rect const& uv, S1Angle distance);
// Return the (face, si, ti) coordinates of the center of the cell. Note
// that although (si,ti) coordinates span the range [0,2**31] in general,
// the cell center coordinates are always in the range [1,2**31-1] and
// therefore can be represented using a signed 32-bit integer.
int GetCenterSiTi(int* psi, int* pti) const;
// Return the S2LatLng corresponding to the center of the given cell.
S2LatLng ToLatLng() const;
// The 64-bit unique identifier for this cell.
uint64_t id() const { return id_; }
// Return true if id() represents a valid cell.
bool is_valid() const;
// Which cube face this cell belongs to, in the range 0..5.
int face() const;
// The position of the cell center along the Hilbert curve over this face,
// in the range 0..(2**kPosBits-1).
uint64_t pos() const;
// Return the subdivision level of the cell (range 0..kMaxLevel).
int level() const;
// Return the edge length of this cell in (i,j)-space.
int GetSizeIJ() const;
// Like the above, but return the size of cells at the given level.
static int GetSizeIJ(int level);
// Return true if this is a leaf cell (more efficient than checking
// whether level() == kMaxLevel).
bool is_leaf() const;
// Return true if this is a top-level face cell (more efficient than
// checking whether level() == 0).
bool is_face() const;
// Return the child position (0..3) of this cell within its parent.
// REQUIRES: level() >= 1.
int child_position() const;
// Return the child position (0..3) of this cell's ancestor at the given
// level within its parent. For example, child_position(1) returns the
// position of this cell's level-1 ancestor within its top-level face cell.
// REQUIRES: 1 <= level <= this->level().
int child_position(int level) const;
// These methods return the range of cell ids that are contained within this
// cell (including itself). The range is *inclusive* (i.e. test using >=
// and <=) and the return values of both methods are valid leaf cell ids.
// In other words, a.contains(b) if and only if
// (b >= a.range_min() && b <= a.range_max())
// If you want to iterate through all the descendants of this cell at a
// particular level, use child_begin(level) and child_end(level) instead.
// Also see maximum_tile(), which can be used to iterate through a range of
// cells using S2CellIds at different levels that are as large as possible.
// If you need to convert the range to a semi-open interval [min, limit)
// (e.g., in order to use a key-value store that only supports semi-open
// range queries), do not attempt to define "limit" as
// The problem is that leaf S2CellIds are 2 units apart, so the semi-open
// interval [min, limit) includes an additional value ( + 1)
// which is happens to be a valid S2CellId about one-third of the time and
// is *never* contained by this cell. (It always correpsonds to a cell that
// is larger than this one.) You can define "limit" as ( + 1)
// if necessary (which is not always a valid S2CellId but can still be used
// with FromToken/ToToken), or you can convert range_max() to the key space
// of your key-value store and define "limit" as Successor(key).
// Note that Sentinel().range_min() == Sentinel.range_max() == Sentinel().
S2CellId range_min() const;
S2CellId range_max() const;
// Return true if the given cell is contained within this one.
bool contains(S2CellId other) const;
// Return true if the given cell intersects this one.
bool intersects(S2CellId other) const;
// Return the cell at the previous level or at the given level (which must
// be less than or equal to the current level).
S2CellId parent() const;
S2CellId parent(int level) const;
// Return the immediate child of this cell at the given traversal order
// position (in the range 0 to 3). This cell must not be a leaf cell.
S2CellId child(int position) const;
// Iterator-style methods for traversing the immediate children of a cell or
// all of the children at a given level (greater than or equal to the current
// level). Note that the end value is exclusive, just like standard STL
// iterators, and may not even be a valid cell id. You should iterate using
// code like this:
// for(S2CellId c = id.child_begin(); c != id.child_end(); c =
// ...
// The convention for advancing the iterator is "c =" rather
// than "++c" to avoid possible confusion with incrementing the
// underlying 64-bit cell id.
S2CellId child_begin() const;
S2CellId child_begin(int level) const;
S2CellId child_end() const;
S2CellId child_end(int level) const;
// Return the next/previous cell at the same level along the Hilbert curve.
// Works correctly when advancing from one face to the next, but
// does *not* wrap around from the last face to the first or vice versa.
S2CellId next() const;
S2CellId prev() const;
// This method advances or retreats the indicated number of steps along the
// Hilbert curve at the current level, and returns the new position. The
// position is never advanced past End() or before Begin().
S2CellId advance(int64_t steps) const;
// Returns the number of steps that this cell is from Begin(level()). The
// return value is always non-negative.
int64_t distance_from_begin() const;
// Like next() and prev(), but these methods wrap around from the last face
// to the first and vice versa. They should *not* be used for iteration in
// conjunction with child_begin(), child_end(), Begin(), or End(). The
// input must be a valid cell id.
S2CellId next_wrap() const;
S2CellId prev_wrap() const;
// This method advances or retreats the indicated number of steps along the
// Hilbert curve at the current level, and returns the new position. The
// position wraps between the first and last faces as necessary. The input
// must be a valid cell id.
S2CellId advance_wrap(int64_t steps) const;
// Return the largest cell with the same range_min() and such that
// range_max() < limit.range_min(). Returns "limit" if no such cell exists.
// This method can be used to generate a small set of S2CellIds that covers
// a given range (a "tiling"). This example shows how to generate a tiling
// for a semi-open range of leaf cells [start, limit):
// for (S2CellId id = start.maximum_tile(limit);
// id != limit; id = { ... }
// Note that in general the cells in the tiling will be of different sizes;
// they gradually get larger (near the middle of the range) and then
// gradually get smaller (as "limit" is approached).
S2CellId maximum_tile(S2CellId limit) const;
// Return the level of the "lowest common ancestor" of this cell and
// "other". Note that because of the way that cell levels are numbered,
// this is actually the *highest* level of any shared ancestor. Return -1
// if the two cells do not have any common ancestor (i.e., they are from
// different faces).
int GetCommonAncestorLevel(S2CellId other) const;
// Iterator-style methods for traversing all the cells along the Hilbert
// curve at a given level (across all 6 faces of the cube). Note that the
// end value is exclusive (just like standard STL iterators), and is not a
// valid cell id.
static S2CellId Begin(int level);
static S2CellId End(int level);
// Methods to encode and decode cell ids to compact text strings suitable
// for display or indexing. Cells at lower levels (i.e. larger cells) are
// encoded into fewer characters. The maximum token length is 16.
// ToToken() returns a std::string by value for convenience; the compiler
// does this without intermediate copying in most cases.
// These methods guarantee that FromToken(ToToken(x)) == x even when
// "x" is an invalid cell id. All tokens are alphanumeric strings.
// FromToken() returns S2CellId::None() for malformed inputs.
std::string ToToken() const;
static S2CellId FromToken(const char* token, size_t length);
static S2CellId FromToken(std::string const& token);
// Creates a debug human readable std::string. Used for << and available for
// direct usage as well.
std::string ToString() const;
// Return the four cells that are adjacent across the cell's four edges.
// Neighbors are returned in the order defined by S2Cell::GetEdge. All
// neighbors are guaranteed to be distinct.
void GetEdgeNeighbors(S2CellId neighbors[4]) const;
// Return the neighbors of closest vertex to this cell at the given level,
// by appending them to "output". Normally there are four neighbors, but
// the closest vertex may only have three neighbors if it is one of the 8
// cube vertices.
// Requires: level < this->level(), so that we can determine which vertex is
// closest (in particular, level == kMaxLevel is not allowed).
void AppendVertexNeighbors(int level, std::vector<S2CellId>* output) const;
// Append all neighbors of this cell at the given level to "output". Two
// cells X and Y are neighbors if their boundaries intersect but their
// interiors do not. In particular, two cells that intersect at a single
// point are neighbors. Note that for cells adjacent to a face vertex, the
// same neighbor may be appended more than once.
// REQUIRES: nbr_level >= this->level().
void AppendAllNeighbors(int nbr_level, std::vector<S2CellId>* output) const;
// Low-level methods.
// Return a leaf cell given its cube face (range 0..5) and
// i- and j-coordinates (see s2.h).
static S2CellId FromFaceIJ(int face, int i, int j);
// Return the (face, i, j) coordinates for the leaf cell corresponding to
// this cell id. Since cells are represented by the Hilbert curve position
// at the center of the cell, the returned (i,j) for non-leaf cells will be
// a leaf cell adjacent to the cell center. If "orientation" is non-nullptr,
// also return the Hilbert curve orientation for the current cell.
int ToFaceIJOrientation(int* pi, int* pj, int* orientation) const;
// Return the lowest-numbered bit that is on for this cell id, which is
// equal to (uint64_t(1) << (2 * (kMaxLevel - level))). So for example,
// a.lsb() <= b.lsb() if and only if a.level() >= b.level(), but the
// first test is more efficient.
uint64_t lsb() const { return id_ & -id_; }
// Return the lowest-numbered bit that is on for cells at the given level.
static uint64_t lsb_for_level(int level) {
return uint64_t(1) << (2 * (kMaxLevel - level));
// Return the bound in (u,v)-space for the cell at the given level containing
// the leaf cell with the given (i,j)-coordinates.
static R2Rect IJLevelToBoundUV(int ij[2], int level);
// When S2CellId is used as a key in one of the btree container types
// (util/btree), indicate that linear rather than binary search should be
// used. This is much faster when the comparison function is cheap.
typedef std::true_type goog_btree_prefer_linear_node_search;
// This is the offset required to wrap around from the beginning of the
// Hilbert curve to the end or vice versa; see next_wrap() and prev_wrap().
static uint64_t const kWrapOffset = uint64_t(kNumFaces) << kPosBits;
// Given a face and a point (i,j) where either i or j is outside the valid
// range [0..kMaxSize-1], this function first determines which neighboring
// face "contains" (i,j), and then returns the leaf cell on that face which
// is adjacent to the given face and whose distance from (i,j) is minimal.
static S2CellId FromFaceIJWrap(int face, int i, int j);
// Inline helper function that calls FromFaceIJ if "same_face" is true,
// or FromFaceIJWrap if "same_face" is false.
static S2CellId FromFaceIJSame(int face, int i, int j, bool same_face);
uint64_t id_;
inline bool operator==(S2CellId x, S2CellId y) {
return ==;
inline bool operator!=(S2CellId x, S2CellId y) {
return !=;
inline bool operator<(S2CellId x, S2CellId y) {
return <;
inline bool operator>(S2CellId x, S2CellId y) {
return >;
inline bool operator<=(S2CellId x, S2CellId y) {
return <=;
inline bool operator>=(S2CellId x, S2CellId y) {
return >=;
inline S2CellId S2CellId::FromFace(int face) {
return S2CellId((static_cast<uint64_t>(face) << kPosBits) + lsb_for_level(0));
inline S2CellId S2CellId::FromFacePosLevel(int face, uint64_t pos, int level) {
S2CellId cell((static_cast<uint64_t>(face) << kPosBits) + (pos | 1));
return cell.parent(level);
inline int S2CellId::GetCenterSiTi(int* psi, int* pti) const {
// First we compute the discrete (i,j) coordinates of a leaf cell contained
// within the given cell. Given that cells are represented by the Hilbert
// curve position corresponding at their center, it turns out that the cell
// returned by ToFaceIJOrientation is always one of two leaf cells closest
// to the center of the cell (unless the given cell is a leaf cell itself,
// in which case there is only one possibility).
// Given a cell of size s >= 2 (i.e. not a leaf cell), and letting (imin,
// jmin) be the coordinates of its lower left-hand corner, the leaf cell
// returned by ToFaceIJOrientation() is either (imin + s/2, jmin + s/2)
// (imin + s/2 - 1, jmin + s/2 - 1). The first case is the one we want.
// We can distinguish these two cases by looking at the low bit of "i" or
// "j". In the second case the low bit is one, unless s == 2 (i.e. the
// level just above leaf cells) in which case the low bit is zero.
// In the code below, the expression ((i ^ (int(id_) >> 2)) & 1) is true
// if we are in the second case described above.
int i, j;
int face = ToFaceIJOrientation(&i, &j, nullptr);
int delta = is_leaf() ? 1 : ((i ^ (static_cast<int>(id_) >> 2)) & 1) ? 2 : 0;
// Note that (2 * {i,j} + delta) will never overflow a 32-bit integer.
*psi = 2 * i + delta;
*pti = 2 * j + delta;
return face;
inline bool S2CellId::is_valid() const {
return (face() < kNumFaces &&
(lsb() & static_cast<uint64_t>(0x1555555555555555)));
inline int S2CellId::face() const {
return id_ >> kPosBits;
inline uint64_t S2CellId::pos() const {
return id_ & (~uint64_t(0) >> kFaceBits);
inline int S2CellId::level() const {
// A special case for leaf cells is not worthwhile.
return kMaxLevel - (Bits::FindLSBSetNonZero64(id_) >> 1);
inline int S2CellId::GetSizeIJ() const {
return GetSizeIJ(level());
inline double S2CellId::GetSizeST() const {
return GetSizeST(level());
inline int S2CellId::GetSizeIJ(int level) {
return 1 << (kMaxLevel - level);
inline double S2CellId::GetSizeST(int level) {
return S2::IJtoSTMin(GetSizeIJ(level));
inline bool S2CellId::is_leaf() const {
return int(id_) & 1;
inline bool S2CellId::is_face() const {
return (id_ & (lsb_for_level(0) - 1)) == 0;
inline int S2CellId::child_position() const {
// No need for a special implementation; the compiler optimizes this well.
return child_position(level());
inline int S2CellId::child_position(int level) const {
DCHECK_GE(level, 1);
DCHECK_LE(level, this->level());
return static_cast<int>(id_ >> (2 * (kMaxLevel - level) + 1)) & 3;
inline S2CellId S2CellId::range_min() const {
return S2CellId(id_ - (lsb() - 1));
inline S2CellId S2CellId::range_max() const {
return S2CellId(id_ + (lsb() - 1));
inline bool S2CellId::contains(S2CellId other) const {
return other >= range_min() && other <= range_max();
inline bool S2CellId::intersects(S2CellId other) const {
return other.range_min() <= range_max() && other.range_max() >= range_min();
inline S2CellId S2CellId::parent(int level) const {
DCHECK_GE(level, 0);
DCHECK_LE(level, this->level());
uint64_t new_lsb = lsb_for_level(level);
return S2CellId((id_ & -new_lsb) | new_lsb);
inline S2CellId S2CellId::parent() const {
uint64_t new_lsb = lsb() << 2;
return S2CellId((id_ & -new_lsb) | new_lsb);
inline S2CellId S2CellId::child(int position) const {
// To change the level, we need to move the least-significant bit two
// positions downward. We do this by subtracting (4 * new_lsb) and adding
// new_lsb. Then to advance to the given child cell, we add
// (2 * position * new_lsb).
uint64_t new_lsb = lsb() >> 2;
return S2CellId(id_ + (2 * position + 1 - 4) * new_lsb);
inline S2CellId S2CellId::child_begin() const {
uint64_t old_lsb = lsb();
return S2CellId(id_ - old_lsb + (old_lsb >> 2));
inline S2CellId S2CellId::child_begin(int level) const {
DCHECK_GE(level, this->level());
DCHECK_LE(level, kMaxLevel);
return S2CellId(id_ - lsb() + lsb_for_level(level));
inline S2CellId S2CellId::child_end() const {
uint64_t old_lsb = lsb();
return S2CellId(id_ + old_lsb + (old_lsb >> 2));
inline S2CellId S2CellId::child_end(int level) const {
DCHECK_GE(level, this->level());
DCHECK_LE(level, kMaxLevel);
return S2CellId(id_ + lsb() + lsb_for_level(level));
inline S2CellId S2CellId::next() const {
return S2CellId(id_ + (lsb() << 1));
inline S2CellId S2CellId::prev() const {
return S2CellId(id_ - (lsb() << 1));
inline S2CellId S2CellId::next_wrap() const {
S2CellId n = next();
if (n.id_ < kWrapOffset)
return n;
return S2CellId(n.id_ - kWrapOffset);
inline S2CellId S2CellId::prev_wrap() const {
S2CellId p = prev();
if (p.id_ < kWrapOffset)
return p;
return S2CellId(p.id_ + kWrapOffset);
inline S2CellId S2CellId::Begin(int level) {
return FromFace(0).child_begin(level);
inline S2CellId S2CellId::End(int level) {
return FromFace(5).child_end(level);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, S2CellId id);
// Hasher for S2CellId.
// Example use: std::unordered_map<S2CellId, int, S2CellIdHash>.
struct S2CellIdHash {
size_t operator()(S2CellId id) const {
return std::hash<uint64_t>()(;
#endif // S2_S2CELLID_H_