blob: 1462f2aff40a37902475980a21c160cbba893238 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/contextual_search/content/browser/contextual_search_js_api_handler.h"
#include "components/contextual_search/content/common/contextual_search_js_api_service.mojom.h"
namespace contextual_search {
// This is the receiving end of Contextual Search JavaScript API calls.
// TODO(donnd): Move this to java. See
class ContextualSearchJsApiServiceImpl
: public mojom::ContextualSearchJsApiService {
explicit ContextualSearchJsApiServiceImpl(
ContextualSearchJsApiHandler* contextual_search_js_api_handler);
~ContextualSearchJsApiServiceImpl() override;
// Mojo ContextualSearchApiService implementation.
// Determines if the JavaScript API should be enabled for the given |gurl|.
// The given |callback| will be notified with the answer.
void ShouldEnableJsApi(
const GURL& gurl,
mojom::ContextualSearchJsApiService::ShouldEnableJsApiCallback callback)
// Handles a JavaScript call to set the caption in the Bar to
// the given |message|.
void HandleSetCaption(const std::string& message, bool does_answer) override;
// Handles a JavaScript call to change the Overlay position.
// The panel cannot be changed to any opened position if it's not already
// opened.
void HandleChangeOverlayPosition(
mojom::OverlayPosition desired_position) override;
// The UI handler for calls through the JavaScript API.
ContextualSearchJsApiHandler* contextual_search_js_api_handler_;
// static
void CreateContextualSearchJsApiService(
ContextualSearchJsApiHandler* contextual_search_js_api_handler,
mojom::ContextualSearchJsApiServiceRequest request);
} // namespace contextual_search