blob: c7778ce8771227e013a56f7a84a7a1e6d6aa4e0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/views/animation/ink_drop_animation_ended_reason.h"
namespace views {
namespace test {
// Context tracking helper that can be used with test implementations of
// ink drop animation observers.
template <typename ContextType>
class TestInkDropAnimationObserverHelper {
: last_animation_started_ordinal_(-1),
last_animation_ended_reason_(InkDropAnimationEndedReason::SUCCESS) {}
virtual ~TestInkDropAnimationObserverHelper() {}
int last_animation_started_ordinal() const {
return last_animation_started_ordinal_;
ContextType last_animation_started_context() const {
return last_animation_started_context_;
int last_animation_ended_ordinal() const {
return last_animation_ended_ordinal_;
ContextType last_animation_ended_context() const {
return last_animation_ended_context_;
InkDropAnimationEndedReason last_animation_ended_reason() const {
return last_animation_ended_reason_;
void OnAnimationStarted(ContextType context) {
last_animation_started_context_ = context;
last_animation_started_ordinal_ = GetNextOrdinal();
void OnAnimationEnded(ContextType context,
InkDropAnimationEndedReason reason) {
last_animation_ended_context_ = context;
last_animation_ended_ordinal_ = GetNextOrdinal();
last_animation_ended_reason_ = reason;
// Collection of assertion predicates to be used with GTest test assertions.
// i.e. EXPECT_TRUE/EXPECT_FALSE and the ASSERT_ counterparts.
// Example:
// TestInkDropAnimationObserverHelper<int> observer;
// event_source.set_observer(observer);
// EXPECT_TRUE(observer.AnimationHasNotStarted());
// Passes *_TRUE assertions when an AnimationStarted() event has been
// observed.
testing::AssertionResult AnimationHasStarted() {
if (last_animation_started_ordinal() > 0) {
return testing::AssertionSuccess()
<< "Animations were started at ordinal="
<< last_animation_started_ordinal() << ".";
return testing::AssertionFailure() << "Animations have not started.";
// Passes *_TRUE assertions when an AnimationStarted() event has NOT been
// observed.
testing::AssertionResult AnimationHasNotStarted() {
if (last_animation_started_ordinal() < 0)
return testing::AssertionSuccess();
return testing::AssertionFailure() << "Animations were started at ordinal="
<< last_animation_started_ordinal()
<< ".";
// Passes *_TRUE assertions when an AnimationEnded() event has been observed.
testing::AssertionResult AnimationHasEnded() {
if (last_animation_ended_ordinal() > 0) {
return testing::AssertionSuccess() << "Animations were ended at ordinal="
<< last_animation_ended_ordinal()
<< ".";
return testing::AssertionFailure() << "Animations have not ended.";
// Passes *_TRUE assertions when an AnimationEnded() event has NOT been
// observed.
testing::AssertionResult AnimationHasNotEnded() {
if (last_animation_ended_ordinal() < 0)
return testing::AssertionSuccess();
return testing::AssertionFailure() << "Animations were ended at ordinal="
<< last_animation_ended_ordinal() << ".";
// Passes *_TRUE assertions when |animation_started_context_| is the same as
// |expected_contexts|.
testing::AssertionResult AnimationStartedContextsMatch(
const std::vector<ContextType>& expected_contexts) {
return ContextsMatch(expected_contexts, animation_started_contexts_);
// Passes *_TRUE assertions when |animation_ended_context_| is the same as
// |expected_contexts|.
testing::AssertionResult AnimationEndedContextsMatch(
const std::vector<ContextType>& expected_contexts) {
return ContextsMatch(expected_contexts, animation_ended_contexts_);
// Helper function that checks if |actual_contexts| is the same as
// |expected_contexts| returning appropriate AssertionResult.
testing::AssertionResult ContextsMatch(
const std::vector<ContextType>& expected_contexts,
const std::vector<ContextType>& actual_contexts) {
const bool match =
expected_contexts.size() == actual_contexts.size() &&
std::equal(expected_contexts.begin(), expected_contexts.end(),
testing::AssertionResult result =
match ? (testing::AssertionSuccess() << "Expected == Actual: {")
: (testing::AssertionFailure() << "Expected != Actual: {");
for (auto eit = expected_contexts.begin(), ait = actual_contexts.begin();
eit != expected_contexts.end() || ait != actual_contexts.end();) {
if (eit != expected_contexts.begin())
result << ", ";
const bool eexists = eit != expected_contexts.end();
const bool aexists = ait != actual_contexts.end();
const bool item_match = eexists && aexists && *eit == *ait;
result << (eexists ? ToString(*eit) : "<none>")
<< (item_match ? " == " : " != ")
<< (aexists ? ToString(*ait) : "<none>");
if (eexists)
if (aexists)
result << "}";
return result;
// Returns the next event ordinal. The first returned ordinal will be 1.
int GetNextOrdinal() const {
return std::max(1, std::max(last_animation_started_ordinal_,
last_animation_ended_ordinal_) +
// The ordinal time of the last AnimationStarted() call.
int last_animation_started_ordinal_;
// List of contexts for which animation is started.
std::vector<ContextType> animation_started_contexts_;
// The |context| passed to the last call to AnimationStarted().
ContextType last_animation_started_context_;
// The ordinal time of the last AnimationEnded() call.
int last_animation_ended_ordinal_;
// List of contexts for which animation is ended.
std::vector<ContextType> animation_ended_contexts_;
// The |context| passed to the last call to AnimationEnded().
ContextType last_animation_ended_context_;
InkDropAnimationEndedReason last_animation_ended_reason_;
} // namespace test
} // namespace views