blob: 7875624fbc08e1a3441714277d428c97a1b1da33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
#include "base/shared_memory.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#ifdef __OBJC__
@class NSFont;
class NSFont;
struct FontDescriptor;
// Provides functionality to transmit fonts over IPC.
// Note about font formats: .dfont (datafork suitcase) fonts are currently not
// supported by this code since CGFontCreateWithDataProvider() can't handle them
// directly.
class FontLoader {
// This structure holds the result of LoadFont(). This structure is passed to
// LoadFont(), which should run on the file thread, then it is passed to a
// task which sends the result to the originating renderer.
struct Result {
uint32 font_data_size;
base::SharedMemory font_data;
uint32 font_id;
// Load a font specified by |font| into a shared memory buffer suitable for
// sending over IPC.
// On return:
// |result->font_data| - shared memory buffer containing the raw data for
// the font file. The buffer is only valid when both |result->font_data_size|
// and |result->font_id| are not zero.
// |result->font_data_size| - size of data contained in |result->font_data|.
// This value is zero on failure.
// |result->font_id| - unique identifier for the on-disk file we load for
// the font. This value is zero on failure.
static void LoadFont(const FontDescriptor& font, FontLoader::Result* result);
// Given a shared memory buffer containing the raw data for a font file, load
// the font and return a CGFontRef.
// |data| - A shared memory handle pointing to the raw data from a font file.
// |data_size| - Size of |data|.
// On return:
// returns true on success, false on failure.
// |out| - A CGFontRef corresponding to the designated font.
// The caller is responsible for releasing this value via CGFontRelease()
// when done.
static bool CGFontRefFromBuffer(base::SharedMemoryHandle font_data,
uint32 font_data_size,
CGFontRef* out);