blob: 4224ca1d770cc3b9f5803a462867ad5eef0bc11e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/block_flow_paint_invalidator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_block_flow.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_inline.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/box_paint_invalidator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_invalidator.h"
namespace blink {
void BlockFlowPaintInvalidator::InvalidatePaintForOverhangingFloatsInternal(
InvalidateDescendantMode invalidate_descendants) {
// Invalidate paint of any overhanging floats (if we know we're the one to
// paint them). Otherwise, bail out.
if (!block_flow_.HasOverhangingFloats())
for (const auto& floating_object : block_flow_.GetFloatingObjects()->Set()) {
// Only issue paint invalidations for the object if it is overhanging, is
// not in its own layer, and is our responsibility to paint (m_shouldPaint
// is set). When paintAllDescendants is true, the latter condition is
// replaced with being a descendant of us.
if (block_flow_.IsOverhangingFloat(*floating_object) &&
!floating_object->GetLayoutObject()->HasSelfPaintingLayer() &&
(floating_object->ShouldPaint() ||
(invalidate_descendants == kInvalidateDescendants &&
floating_object->GetLayoutObject()->IsDescendantOf(&block_flow_)))) {
LayoutBox* floating_box = floating_object->GetLayoutObject();
if (floating_box->IsLayoutBlockFlow())
void BlockFlowPaintInvalidator::InvalidateDisplayItemClients(
PaintInvalidationReason reason) {
ObjectPaintInvalidator object_paint_invalidator(block_flow_);
object_paint_invalidator.InvalidateDisplayItemClient(block_flow_, reason);
// PaintInvalidationRectangle happens when we invalidate the caret.
// The later conditions don't apply when we invalidate the caret or the
// selection.
if (reason == PaintInvalidationReason::kRectangle ||
reason == PaintInvalidationReason::kSelection)
RootInlineBox* line = block_flow_.FirstRootBox();
if (line && line->IsFirstLineStyle()) {
// It's the RootInlineBox that paints the ::first-line background. Note that
// since it may be expensive to figure out if the first line is affected by
// any ::first-line selectors at all, we just invalidate it unconditionally
// which is typically cheaper.
object_paint_invalidator.InvalidateDisplayItemClient(*line, reason);
if (block_flow_.MultiColumnFlowThread()) {
// Invalidate child LayoutMultiColumnSets which may need to repaint column
// rules after m_blockFlow's column rule style and/or layout changed.
for (LayoutObject* child = block_flow_.FirstChild(); child;
child = child->NextSibling()) {
if (child->IsLayoutMultiColumnSet() &&
object_paint_invalidator.InvalidateDisplayItemClient(*child, reason);
} // namespace blink